Rules FAQ - Hero Games Company

Rules FAQ - Hero Games Company

Rules FAQ - Hero Games Company


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A: If a power fits the “Simulating Mental Powers” guidelines on 6E1 326 and the GM declares<br />

that it’s treated as a “Mental Power,” then you should use the character’s EGO, not his DEX, to<br />

determine when his Phase occurs in a Segment. Otherwise, use his DEX as usual.<br />

Page 321 — Area Of Effect (including Damage Shield)<br />

Q: If a character has both Growth (or is defined as being permanently large) and a Damage<br />

Shield, does he need to buy up the Area Of Effect (Surface) to match his size, or can he just stick<br />

with the usual +¼ for ordinary human size?<br />

A: If a character is larger than normal, or can become larger than normal by using Growth, and<br />

he wants to have a Damage Shield that covers his entire body, he needs to buy the Area Of Effect<br />

(Surface) to cover his entire size; otherwise the Damage Shield only covers part of his body.<br />

Page 325 — AVAD<br />

Q: If a power takes AVAD as a Limitation (such as a Drain that works against PD), is Does<br />

BODY (+1) still required to make the attack do BODY damage?<br />

A: Yes.<br />

Q: If a character buys a Damage Over Time ability that has the AVAD Advantage, does he have<br />

to pay for the “defense only applies once” modifier to Damage Over Time’s value?<br />

A: Yes.<br />

Page 327 — Autofire<br />

Q: If a character has a naked Autofire Advantage, when he uses the Advantage with a power<br />

does he pay END for the Advantage just once, or does he have to pay the END once per shot<br />

fired (like he would if the Advantage were not naked)?<br />

A: When a naked Autofire Advantage is used, the character using it pays END for the naked<br />

Advantage once per shot fired.<br />

So, for example, suppose a character fires three shots of a 30 Active Point power with a naked<br />

Autofire (+½) Advantage, the character pays ((3 x 3) + (3 x 1) =) 12 END.<br />

Page 328 — Cumulative

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