TGQR 2010Q2 Report.pdf - Teragridforum.org

TGQR 2010Q2 Report.pdf - Teragridforum.org

TGQR 2010Q2 Report.pdf - Teragridforum.org


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Figure 2-3. Illustration of the three main flap conformations of HIV-1 Protease, from left to right, closed, semi-open, wideopen.<br />

Western Europe. Subtype C is found in East and Southern Africa and throughout Eastern Asia.<br />

Subtype F is predominantly found in South America.<br />

The HIV protease has become an attractive target for drug design due to its role of cleaving the<br />

gag and gag-pol polyprotein precursors. Furthermore, inhibition of the protease’s natural<br />

biological function would prevent the maturation of the HIV, hence preventing the infection of<br />

neighboring cells. The flap domain is the most mobile of all domains, largely attributed to the<br />

number of Gly residues found in this region. Due to the importance of the flaps having to open<br />

and close in order for catalytic activity to occur, it has been suggested by previous works that the<br />

development of a new class of protease inhibitors that instead target the flap domain or other<br />

essential domains might be more effective than the original idea of developing a protease<br />

inhibitor that works through competitive inhibition. In this current study, Roitberg and his<br />

students investigate conformational dynamics of the flaps, and the size of active site in order to<br />

correlate how the different sequences of subtypes A, B, C and F allow for different conformations<br />

of the protease.<br />

The Molecular Dynamics simulations were performed on Kraken using a version of the AMBER<br />

software optimized specifically for this problem as part of a TeraGrid Advanced User Support<br />

project between Prof. Roitberg and<br />

SDSC. Each of the simulations was run<br />

for 220 ns in which between 204 and 256<br />

processors were used for each<br />

independent run.<br />

The results indicate that the different<br />

subtypes have different mobilities,<br />

particular in the protein flaps, which in<br />

term affect substrate and inhibitor access<br />

to the active site. Given these differences,<br />

one can rationalize for instance that<br />

certain inhibitors, designed to work<br />

against subtype B of HIV Protease (the<br />

subtype prevalent in Europe and North<br />

America) do not bind as well to subtype<br />

A and C (prevalent in Africa and<br />

responsible for 60% of the overall HIV<br />

infections). Using this information, we<br />

will work on designing inhibitors better<br />

tailored to the less studied subtypes.<br />

Figure 2-4. Snapshots from the simulation of subtype C<br />

superimposed, which illustrate the mobility of the flaps.<br />


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