TGQR 2010Q2 Report.pdf - Teragridforum.org

TGQR 2010Q2 Report.pdf - Teragridforum.org

TGQR 2010Q2 Report.pdf - Teragridforum.org


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2008 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2008, IEEE Press, pp. 1{15.<br />

Gordon Bell Prize _nalist.<br />

424. C. Burstedde, O. Ghattas, J. Martin, and L. C. Wilcox, Uncertainty quanti_cation in inverse problems<br />

with stochastic Newton MCMC. In preparation, 2010.<br />

425. C. Burstedde, O. Ghattas, G. Stadler, T. Tu, and L. C. Wilcox, Towards adaptive mesh PDE<br />

simulations on petascale computers, in Proceedings of Teragrid '08, 2008. Winner, NSF TeraGrid<br />

Capability Computing Challenge.<br />

426. ALPS: A framework for parallel adaptive PDE solution, 2009. Best poster at IEEE/ACM SC'09.<br />

427. C. Burstedde, O. Ghattas, G. Stadler, T. Tu, and L. C. Wilcox, Parallel scalable adjoint-based adaptive<br />

solution for variable-viscosity Stokes ows, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,<br />

198 (2009), pp. 1691{1700.<br />

428. C. Burstedde, L. C. Wilcox, and O. Ghattas, p4est: Scalable algorithms for parallel adaptive mesh<br />

re_nement on forests of octrees. Submitted to SIAM Journal on Scienti_c Computing.<br />

http://ccgo.ices.utexas.edu/publications/BursteddeWilcoxGhattas10.<strong>pdf</strong>, 2010.<br />

429. T. Isaac, C. Burstedde, L. C. Wilcox, and O. Ghattas, Fast recursive algorithms on a parallel adaptive<br />

forest of octrees. In preparation, 2010.<br />

430. G. Stadler, C. Burstedde, O. Ghattas, T. Tu, and L. C. Wilcox, Towards highly parallel mesh adaptation<br />

for large-scale PDE applications, in Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of PDE, K. Kunisch, G.<br />

Leugering, J. Sprekels, and F. Troltzsch, eds., vol. 13/2008 of Oberwolfach <strong>Report</strong>, Mathematisches<br />

Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008, pp. 645{655.<br />

431. G. Stadler, M. Gurnis, C. Burstedde, L. C. Wilcox, L. Alisic, and O. Ghattas, The dynamics of plate<br />

tectonics and mantle ow: From local to global scales. Submitted to Science,<br />

http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~gurnis/Share/Rhea_papers/Stadler_etal_2010_with_Figures.<strong>pdf</strong>, 2010.<br />

432. L. C. Wilcox, G. Stadler, C. Burstedde, and O. Ghattas, A high-order discontinuous Galerkin method for<br />

wave propagation through coupled elastic-acoustic media, Journal of Computational Physics, (2010).<br />

Submitted, http://ccgo.ices.utexas.edu/publications/WilcoxStadlerBursteddeEtAl10.<strong>pdf</strong>.<br />

433. S. Zhong, A. McNamara, E. Tan, L. Moresi, and M. Gurnis, A benchmark study on mantle convection in<br />

a 3-D spherical shell using CitcomS, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9 (2008), pp. 10017{+.<br />

MCA08X018<br />

434. Kollat, J.B. and P. Reed, Visualizing the Time-Evolving Consequences and Tradeoffs for Investments in<br />

Environmental Data. Expected Submission September 2010, In-Preparation.<br />

435. Hadka, D. and P.M. Reed, Diagnostic Assessment of Search Controls and Failure Modes in Many-<br />

Objective Evolutionary Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, In-Review.<br />

436. Kollat, J.B., P.M. Reed, and R.M. Maxwell, Many-Objective Groundwater Monitoring Network Design<br />

using Bias-Aware Ensemble Kalman Filtering, Evolutionary Optimization, and Visual Analytics. Water<br />

Resources Research, In-Review.<br />

Electrical and Communications Systems<br />

MCA08X012<br />

437. G. Klimeck, M. Luisier, H. Ryu, S. Lee, R. Rahman, L. Hollenberg, B. Weber and M. Simmons,<br />

“Atomistic Electronic Structure and Transport Modeling of Realistically Extended Nanoelectronics<br />

Devices,” Invited to International Conference On Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN), Sydney,<br />

Feb. 2010.<br />

438. G. Klimeck, “Conceptual Challenges for Simulation in Nanotechnology,” Invited to NSF Nanoscale<br />

Science and Engineering Grantees Conference, Arlington, Dec. 2009.<br />

439. B. Weber, S. Mahapatra, H. Ryu, S. Lee, G. Klimeck and M. Simmons, “Atomistic-scale Si:P dopant<br />

wires,” presented to International Conference On Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN), Sydney,<br />

Feb. 2010.<br />

440. W. Pok, G. Scappucci, W. Lee, W. Thompson, H. Buech, B. Weber, S. Mahapatra, L. Hollenberg, M.<br />

Simmons, H. Ryu, S. Lee, G. Klimeck, M. Friesen and M. A. Eriksson, “Precision control of tunneling in<br />

STM-patterned Si:P devices,” Silicon Qubit Workshop, University of California at Berkeley, Aug. 2009.<br />

441. H. Ryu, G. Klimeck, S. Lee, R. Rahman, B. Haley, S. H. Park, N. Kharche, Z. Jiang, T Boykin, C.<br />

Wellard, J. Cole, L. Hollenberg, G. Lansbergen, S. Rogge, B. Weber and M. Simmons, “Nanoelectronic<br />

Modeling (NEMO) for High Fidelity Simulation of Solid- State Quantum Computing Gates”, Silicon Qubit<br />

Workshop, University of California at Berkeley, Aug. 2009.<br />


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