Dynamic Hedging with Stochastic Differential Utility

Dynamic Hedging with Stochastic Differential Utility

Dynamic Hedging with Stochastic Differential Utility


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space L isthe(possiblyunbounded)linearoperatorA defined by:<br />

T t φ − φ<br />

Aφ = lim .<br />

t↓0 t<br />

The domain D(A) isthesubspaceofL for which this limit exists.<br />

If T t is a strongly continuous contraction semigroup, we can reconstruct T t<br />

using its infinitesimal generator A (see Ethier and Kurtz (1986), Proposition<br />

2.7 of Chapter 1). Thus the Markov process can be parameterized using A.<br />

The space C of continuous functions on a compact state space endowed<br />

<strong>with</strong> the sup-norm is a common domain for a semigroup. For instance, the<br />

generator A d of a multivariate diffusion process is an extension of the secondorder<br />

differential operator:<br />

A d φ (x) ≡ d dt E x [φ (X t )] |t=0+<br />

= µ · φ x + 1 2 tr [Σφ xx] ,<br />

where<br />

dx t = µ (x t ) dt + Λ (x t ) dB t ,<br />

tr is the trace operator, and<br />

Λ (x t ) Λ 0 (x t )=Σ (x t ) .<br />

For a formal proof see, for instance, Oksendal (1995). For more details, see<br />

Ait-Sahalia, Hansen and Scheinkman (2002), and Hansen and Scheinkman<br />


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