50 Years Building His Kingdom - Far Eastern Bible College

50 Years Building His Kingdom - Far Eastern Bible College

50 Years Building His Kingdom - Far Eastern Bible College


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The Mercies Of The Lord<br />

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy,” says the Lord.<br />

“The quality of mercy is not strained,<br />

It droppeth from heaven as the gentle rain,”<br />

So asserts the Sage.<br />

But sadly, in these last days, wars and rumours of wars, nation fighting against nation,<br />

The strong oppressing the weak, the rich intimidating the poor,<br />

Adam’s stock depraved, behaving like animals:<br />

To conquer and aggrandize, power-mad and merciless,<br />

Is the order of the day!<br />

Dark images linger of the gas chambers at Auschwitz,<br />

Of massacres at Nanking, Rwanda et al.<br />

Shades of the “killing fields” of Cambodia;<br />

“Ethnic-cleansing” in Kosovo and Bosnia;<br />

Inter-religious, inter-tribal and racial rioting and killings smoulder on, totally unrelenting!<br />

Hearts are fearful, what with nuclear proliferation and missile-testing adding to the gloom!<br />

We know Thy coming is soon, but “O Lord, how long”<br />

“Hush!” — Know ye not that the Lord is Father of mercies and the God of all comfort”<br />

The Lord indeed is most merciful and gracious, healing the sick, raising the dead;<br />

Forgiving the repentant Samaritan woman at the well;<br />

Mercifully receiving the remorseful Zacchaeus, abiding at his house as an honoured guest;<br />

Giving hope to the hopeless, telling the believing thief,<br />

“Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise.”<br />

For <strong>His</strong> mercy is from everlasting to everlasting!<br />

The Lord’s soon coming is the blessed hope of all believers.<br />

But after the “Rapture” the Lord will return to establish <strong>His</strong> millennial rule on earth.<br />

Man will not fight man, and the animal kingdom will also enjoy peace:<br />

“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid;<br />

the calf, the young lion, and the fatling together;<br />

And a little child shall lead them” (Isa 11:6).<br />

True peace, harmony and mercy will then prevail.<br />

“Even so, come Lord Jesus!”<br />

—Elder Dato Tow Siang Yeow<br />

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