50 Years Building His Kingdom - Far Eastern Bible College

50 Years Building His Kingdom - Far Eastern Bible College

50 Years Building His Kingdom - Far Eastern Bible College


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conceits; that blindness in part is happened<br />

to Israel, until the fullness of Gentiles be<br />

come in. And so all Israel shall be saved:<br />

as it is written, There shall come out of Sion<br />

the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness<br />

from Jacob: For this is my covenant<br />

unto them, when I shall take away their<br />

sins” (Rom 11:25-27). “Hath God cast<br />

away his people God forbid” (Rom 11:1).<br />

The anti-Israel<br />

millennialists say “Israel”<br />

refers to spiritual Israel,<br />

namely, the Church. A<br />

careful study of Romans 11<br />

shows that there is a clear<br />

distinction between Israel<br />

and the Church. The<br />

Church in Rome was predominantly<br />

Gentile. Now<br />

that the Church is blessed<br />

by God with salvation, Paul<br />

warned the believers not to<br />

misunderstand that God has<br />

replaced Israel with the Church—“God<br />

hath not cast away his people (i.e. Israel)<br />

which he foreknew” (Rom 11:2). Paul went<br />

on to explain that the Church is not meant<br />

to replace Israel but to provoke her to jealousy<br />

(Rom 11:11). This blindness of Israel<br />

will finally be lifted when the last<br />

elected Gentile is saved (Rom 11:25). So<br />

non-Jewish Christians ought not to despise<br />

unbelieving Israel. Israel is of the natural<br />

olive tree, while we Gentiles are wild olive<br />

branches grafted into the natural olive<br />

tree (Rom 11:17). Although God has broken<br />

them off, He is able in good time to<br />

graft them in again (Rom 11:23-24). Paul<br />

evidently saw a distinction between Israel<br />

and the Church in his analogy of the olive<br />

trees.<br />

In keeping to the Davidic covenant<br />

(2 Sam 7:12-23), Christ the Son of David<br />

will rule over the whole earth in a future<br />

millennium (Zech 14:9, Rev 5:10, 20:6).<br />

The Davidic covenant of a worldwide government<br />

of God was surely not fulfilled by<br />

Solomon, nor by the kings that followed.<br />

Only Christ can literally fulfil the Davidic<br />

covenant (Luke 1:31-33, Acts 1:6). Christ<br />

will sit upon the throne of David and rule<br />

“ In doctrine, we<br />

are Reformed and<br />

premillennial; in<br />

practice, we are<br />

separatistic and<br />

evangelistic. ”<br />

over the whole world from Jerusalem for a<br />

thousand years (Isa 24:23 cf. 2:1-5, Jer<br />

3:17, Mic 4:2).<br />

This premillennial view of Israel was<br />

the view held by the <strong>Bible</strong>-Presbyterian<br />

denomination since the day it started. It was<br />

the view of Drs Carl McIntire, J O Buswell,<br />

and Allan A MacRae (see Buswell’s A Systematic<br />

Theology of the Christian Religion,<br />

2:324-553, and MacRae’s<br />

The Prophecies of Daniel).<br />

Our founding pastor, having<br />

studied under McIntire,<br />

Buswell and MacRae at<br />

Faith Theological Seminary,<br />

returned with the<br />

same premillennial position<br />

(see his various books:<br />

Coming World Events Unveiled:<br />

A Study of the Book<br />

of Revelation; The Gospel<br />

Prophets: An Applied Commentary<br />

on Isaiah and<br />

Micah; In Times Like These: A Study of the<br />

Book of Jeremiah; Prophescope on Israel;<br />

The Story of My <strong>Bible</strong>-Presbyterian Faith;<br />

The Truth Shall Make You See; and Visions<br />

of the Princely Prophet: A Study of the<br />

Book of Daniel). We believe that this view<br />

of Israel and of the end-times is most consistent<br />

with Reformed theology. The unity<br />

of the covenant of grace is founded on a<br />

gracious covenant-keeping God. God is<br />

gracious not only to <strong>His</strong> Church, but also<br />

to Israel. He will keep <strong>His</strong> Word.<br />

Conclusion<br />

What are the distinctives of the B-P<br />

Church In terms of doctrine, we are Reformed<br />

and premillennial; in the area of<br />

practice, we are separatistic and evangelistic.<br />

May we on this the <strong>50</strong> th anniversary<br />

of the B-P Church appreciate our rich historical,<br />

biblical, and theological heritage.<br />

“Remember them which have the rule over<br />

you, who have spoken unto you the word<br />

of God: whose faith follow, considering the<br />

end of their conversation. Jesus Christ the<br />

same yesterday, and to day, and for ever”<br />

(Heb 13:7-8).<br />

Rev. Dr Jeffrey Khoo<br />

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