50 Years Building His Kingdom - Far Eastern Bible College

50 Years Building His Kingdom - Far Eastern Bible College

50 Years Building His Kingdom - Far Eastern Bible College


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Life<br />

<strong>Bible</strong>-Presbyterian<br />

Church<br />

ist is fraught with sorrows and tears. This<br />

has proven true time and time again. I had<br />

a young lady worshipping at our Chinese<br />

service. She was engaged to a Chinese-educated<br />

fellow saved from drugs. But some<br />

time before the wedding day he fell back<br />

into drugs again. I advised the young lady<br />

not to marry him, but being pressurised on<br />

all sides, she gave in. A few months after<br />

the wedding, she met me sheepishly. She<br />

was then divorced. She said to me, “Pastor,<br />

you are right.”<br />

Though your case may not be as bad<br />

as this, oil and water do not mix. An American<br />

pastor-friend of mine had a son who<br />

was in love with an R.C. girl. <strong>His</strong> father<br />

warned him not to marry her, but he persisted.<br />

He and his wife were divorced in<br />

six months. Should you be stuck in such a<br />

situation, Wang Ming Tao advises that you<br />

should get out of it. To break now before<br />

marriage is ten times better than after you<br />

are married.<br />

As another year piles up on you, look<br />

up and trust the Lord, your Heavenly Father,<br />

who knows best. Seek ye first the<br />

<strong>Kingdom</strong> of God and <strong>His</strong> righteousness,<br />

and He will work things out for you. There<br />

are later marriages that work out even more<br />

wonderfully as in the case of Boaz and<br />

Ruth. To those who have decided to live a<br />

single life, why not dedicate it to serve the<br />

Lord full-time<br />

This is my message to you, Young<br />

Lifers and YAFers, as we cross into 1998.<br />

In the light of Scriptures, we are living in<br />

the last days and perilous times shall come.<br />

This currency crisis will bring in a foreseeable<br />

greater crisis in exactly two years<br />

when trillions will have to be spent to combat<br />

the Millennium Bomb or Computer<br />

meltdown. And we are living in the Computer<br />

Age. This one item alone will bring<br />

great upheaval to our livelihood. But the<br />

Scriptures predict also an overturning in<br />

the physical world. There will be famines<br />

and pestilences, earthquakes and wars. In<br />

the spiritual realm the Church will be dominated<br />

by false Christs and false prophets.<br />

These warnings go unheeded, “For<br />

man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes<br />

that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds<br />

that are caught in the snare; so are the sons<br />

of men snared in an evil time, when it<br />

falleth suddenly upon them” (Eccl 9:12).<br />

“But the end of all things is at hand:<br />

be ye therefore sober, and watch unto<br />

prayer. And above all things have fervent<br />

charity among yourselves: for charity shall<br />

cover the multitude of sins. Use hospitality<br />

one to another without grudging. As<br />

every man hath received the gift, even so<br />

minister the same one to another, as good<br />

stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1<br />

Pet 4:7-10). Like the Vietnamese boat people,<br />

let us pull our oars together, helping<br />

one another, through hard times ahead. As<br />

the Chinese saying goes, “Striving together<br />

in the same boat.”<br />

Leading a godly life together through<br />

hard times ahead will be worth it all when<br />

He comes again to save us from a world<br />

that will soon be destroyed.<br />

Page 216<br />

The Higher Will of God Over Our Lives<br />

(Message delivered at the 10.30 a.m. Service, 5 December 1999)<br />

Text: Man’s goings are of the Lord: how<br />

can a man then understand his own way<br />

(Prov 20:24)<br />

THE TEXT may be restated to read,<br />

“There is the Higher Will of God<br />

over our lives.” It may be focused<br />

more sharply, “There is the Higher Will of<br />

God over our travels.”<br />

Travel is very much a part of modern<br />

living. In my young days, Singaporeans<br />

were all confined to our island State. Rarely<br />

would any Singaporean venture out to<br />

Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital. Today<br />

almost every Singaporean travels out<br />

of town, and many go to distant countries,<br />

bringing their family and children with<br />

them. Singaporeans travel for business, for<br />

study abroad, or for vacation. Oftentimes,<br />

their schedules are altered by unforeseen<br />

circumstances. For, we cannot see beyond<br />

a day into the future. “Go to now, ye that

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