50 Years Building His Kingdom - Far Eastern Bible College

50 Years Building His Kingdom - Far Eastern Bible College

50 Years Building His Kingdom - Far Eastern Bible College


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in-law of Naomi, had gleaned after they<br />

returned from Moab to the field of Boaz in<br />

Bethlehem. The corners of the field and<br />

the droppings of sheaves of grain in the<br />

field are the portion of the poor and needy.<br />

The rich landlords are responsible for the<br />

poor of the nation.<br />

When the poor pass through the land,<br />

say an orchard of figs, they can pluck the<br />

figs from the trees to eat, but they cannot<br />

carry out anything extra (Deut 23:24,25).<br />

Then there is a law which blesses the<br />

Levites, the poor and strangers, “At the end<br />

of three years thou shalt bring forth all the<br />

tithe of thine increase the same year, and<br />

shalt lay it up within thy gates: And the<br />

Levite, (because he hath no part nor inheritance<br />

with thee) and the stranger, and the<br />

fatherless, and the widow, which are within<br />

thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be<br />

satisfied; that the LORD thy God may bless<br />

thee in all the work of thine hand which<br />

thou doest” (Deut 14:28,29). Thus, even<br />

among the Muslims, they have a practice<br />

of feeding the poor on Hari Raya Haji. In<br />

Malaysia, in a certain village, seven rich<br />

people will buy a cow costing between<br />

$1,600 and $1,800 and have it slaughtered<br />

and distribute the meat to the poor. In Singapore<br />

130 sheep will be imported from<br />

Australia and the meat given to thousands.<br />

Truly the poor are not forgotten in the face<br />

of the Lord.<br />

In the NT we read of the Apostle’s<br />

decree to the Church to remember the poor.<br />

In our work in Cambodia, we have hordes<br />

of poor people who come under our ministry.<br />

To relieve them, Life Church has in<br />

the last two years sent 10 containers of surplus<br />

clothes, sardines, biscuits and baked<br />

beans. In turn Lifers are blessed.<br />

Every year we apportion our Christmas<br />

offerings to needy (especially sick)<br />

members, missionaries and missions. And<br />

when we celebrate our Church anniversary,<br />

we invite all FEBC students and boarders<br />

of Beulah House to dinner. This is in obedience<br />

to our Lord’s command, “But when<br />

thou makest a feast, call the poor. . . And<br />

thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense<br />

thee: for thou shalt be recompensed<br />

at the resurrection of the just” (Luke<br />

14:13,14).<br />

When we do works of charity we are<br />

blessed of the Lord. Suffice it to quote three<br />

verses. “Blessed is he that considereth the<br />

poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of<br />

trouble” (Ps 41:1). “He that giveth unto the<br />

poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his<br />

eyes shall have many a curse” (Prov 28:27).<br />

There is a Chinese proverb akin to this.<br />

Lastly, “He that hath pity upon the poor<br />

lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he<br />

hath given will he pay him again” (Prov<br />

19:17). This blessing is experienced by<br />

those who gave or loaned to Beulah House.<br />

They have not become poorer but richer.<br />

There are several cases of those who loaned<br />

to the Lord; but converted their loans into<br />

gifts, for they were thankful for the abundant<br />

blessings that had come upon them<br />

during the interval.<br />

To take care of one’s aged parents is<br />

all the more incumbent on us (Mark 7:10-<br />

13). But in Jesus’ time there were the<br />

unfilial children who tried to defraud by<br />

declaring “Corban” on their dues to parents,<br />

that the portion owing them is given<br />

to God. Thus, they claim exemption. Now<br />

the dutifulness of children to parents is very<br />

much a part of Chinese ethics. The Jews<br />

and the Chinese have this law in common.<br />

When children are grown up and<br />

well-established they should take care of<br />

their parents. Even when their parents are<br />

well-to-do and do not need their funds, it<br />

is good to show their love to them by taking<br />

them out to dinner once in a while. It is<br />

good as children to bring something nice<br />

to dad and mum, in their remembrance.<br />

By so honouring them, they inherit<br />

long life. Filial children are so blessed, and<br />

so are the rich who exercise responsibility<br />

for their poor brethren.<br />

Are the haves responsible for the<br />

have-nots The rich responsible for the<br />

poor The world has no time to answer this<br />

question, but the Word of God has given<br />

us many lessons that we must learn.<br />

Amen.<br />

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