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<strong>1846</strong><br />
The Galloway Advertiser and<br />
Wigtownshire Free Press<br />
Birth, Marriage and Death Records<br />
Transcribed by Diana Henry<br />
1 st January <strong>1846</strong> (Week 1)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Wigtown, on the 19th ult., the wife of Mr William Thomson, tailor, of a daughter.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 22d ult., the wife of Mr Gordon Fraser, of a son.<br />
At Broomholm, Dumfrieshire, on the 24th ult., the lady of George Maxwell, Esq., of a son and heir.<br />
At Townhead, Girthon, on the 26th ult., Mrs James Rain, of a son.<br />
At Cathcart Street, Ayr, on the 29th ult., Mrs Montgomery, of a son.<br />
At North Quay, Ayr, on the 25th ult., Mrs H. M'Call, of a daughter.<br />
At Enterkine, on the 25th ult., the lady of John Bell, Esq., of a daughter.<br />
At Bath Street, Glasgow, on the 25 th ult., by the Rev. Mr Underwood of Kirkcudbright, the Rev. Peter<br />
Napier, of the College Church, to Margaret Scales, relict of the (late) George Glen, Esq.<br />
At Regent Terrace, Glasgow, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. Dr King, Arthur Lang, Esq., of the Ayr Academy, to<br />
Eliza, eldest daughter of Mr A. M'D. Houston.<br />
On the 23d ult., by the Rev. Alex. Gibson, Balmaghie, Mr John Fergusson, Kirkpatrick Village, to Jean,<br />
youngest daughter of the late W. Brown, Coat of Livingstone.<br />
At Bridekirk, on the 23d ult., William, second son of Wm. Paisley, Esq., of Great Broughton, to Anne, only<br />
daughter of the late Captain Dodgson, of Ribton Hall.<br />
DEATHS<br />
In Castle Street, here, on the 27th ult., suddenly, Mr William M'Kie, aged 78 years.<br />
At Glengyre, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 21 st ult., in the 83d year of his age, Mr John Kerr, long the<br />
respectable tenant of that farm.<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 26th ult., Mary Creily, advanced in years.<br />
At Dailly, on the 24th ult., after a lingering illness, which he bore with patience and resignation, Mr James<br />
MacBlain, aged 48 years, son of Mr Thomas MacBlain, late farmer in Millox.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 24th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Adam sen., watchmaker.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 20th ult., Dr H. Lidderdale, aged 74.<br />
At Toxteth Park, Liverpool, on the 19 th ult., after a lingering illness, Mrs M'Whae, eldest daughter of the<br />
late Provost S. M'Millan, Gatehouse of Fleet.<br />
At Aberdeen, on the 17th ult., aged 22 years, J. D. M'Queen, serjeant of the 87th Royal Irish Fusileers, and<br />
son of Alexander M'Queen, Appleby, Whithorn.<br />
On the 24th ult., the Rev. Joseph Saul, incumbent of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Warrington, and for<br />
many years chaplain and classical tutor in Greenrow academy.<br />
At Greenock, on the 24th ult., the Rev. Angus M'Bean, minister of the Free Gaelic Church.<br />
At Main Street, Newton, Ayr, on the 29th ult., Grace M'William, wife of Mr Andrew Carson, jeweller.<br />
At Dunduff, on the 14th ult., Hannah, fourth daughter of Mr Alexander Ralston.<br />
At Drybridge, parish of Dundonald, on the 24th ult., Christina Baird, relict of Mr W. Cameron, aged 102<br />
years.<br />
8 th January <strong>1846</strong> (Week 2)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Cairnside, parish of Kirkcolm, at the close of last year, Mrs James Osborne, of a son.<br />
At NewtonStewart, on the 3d inst., the wife of the Rev. Wm Reid, of a son.<br />
At Dunrod Mill, Kirkcudbright, on the 20th ult., Mrs S. Cunningham, of a daughter.<br />
At Liverpool, on the 1st inst., the lady of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> MacMaster, merchant, of a son.<br />
In Portland Place, London, on the 27th ult. the Countess of March, of a son and heir.<br />
At Bath Hotel, Glasgow, on the 3d inst., Mrs Patric Park, of a daughter.<br />
At Newton Stewart, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. John Walker, Mr James Carson, Grange of Cree, to<br />
Annabella, second daughter of the late James Glover, Esq., merchant, Newton Stewart.<br />
At Creetown, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. John Walker, Mr Maxwell Hornell, to Margaret, third daughter of<br />
the late Mr John Halliday, Creetown.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. Archibald Nisbet, John Balfour Pringle, Esq., artist, Edinburgh, to<br />
Grace, youngest daughter of the late Mr Thomas Haswell, Ballantrae.<br />
On Thursday last, by the Rev. Levi M'Graves, Mr John Kerr, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Mr Chas.<br />
Cumpstey, all of Alleghany township, Armstrong county. - Armstrong County Democratic Press of 20th<br />
Nov. 1845. [Mr Kerr is tenth son of Mr Stair Kerr, formerly farmer in Kirminnoch, parish of Kirkcolm,<br />
Wigtownshire.]<br />
At Palmerston, Maxwelltown, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. Mr Vallance, Mr John Gowanlock, coach builder,<br />
Birmingham, to Isabella, second daughter of Mr Corson, guard of the Portpatrick mail.<br />
At Balusky, parish of Colmonell, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr Blair, Mr Thomas Forsyth, to Jane, third<br />
daughter of the late Mr John Milroy, farmer, Balusky.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at Foulford, on the 4th inst., Elizabeth M'Bryde, aged 81 years.<br />
At Bridgebank, parish of Inch, on the 25th ult., Mrs Lamb, advanced in years.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 1st inst., Peter M'Gill, in the 98th year of his age. He was born in the parish of<br />
Stoneykirk, and was a ploughman in Balgreggan 80 years ago. For a great part of his life he was a very<br />
infirm man. It is more than 30 years since he was able to do anything for his support; but to the lasting<br />
honour of his son, who is also now an old man, and only a customer weaver, his aged parent was kept<br />
comfortable, and never asked or received parochial support. He lived respected and died regretted.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 2inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Cowan, advanced in years - for some time miller of Drumore Mill.<br />
At Newton Stewart, suddently, on the 1st inst., Jane Smith, wife of William M'Harg, mason, aged 43 years.<br />
At Gelston, on the 22nd ult., aged 85. Mr Robt. Brown, the last of the original feuars in Gelston.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 22d ult., Mr Alexander Murray, at the advanced age of 94 years. The deceased was<br />
related to the late Alex. Murray, Esq., of Broughton; and it is a melancholy truth that there is now not one<br />
left of that ancient and honourable line bearing the name.<br />
At St. John's Wood, London, on the 2d inst., William Fergusson, Esq., M.D. Inspector General of Army<br />
Hospitals, in the 73d year of his age.<br />
At Lyne Manse, suddenly, on the 21st ult., the Rev. Alex. Affleck, minister of the united parishes of Lyne<br />
and Meggat, Presbytery and county of Peebles.<br />
15 th January <strong>1846</strong> (Week 3)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At North Cairn, Kirkcolm, on the 11th inst., Mrs R. Cochrane, of a daughter.<br />
At Myroch, parish of Portpatrick, on the 8th inst., Mrs Thomas Kerr, of a daughter.<br />
At Alleysbank, Rutherglen, on the 12th inst., Mrs Beckett, of a daughter.<br />
At Cook Street, Tradeston, Glasgow, on the 8th ult., Mrs James Murray, of a son.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 10th inst., the lady of William Stewart, Esq., of Shambelly, of a daughter - still born.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 1st inst., the lady of W. Miller, Esq., yr. of Glenlee, of a son and heir.<br />
At Kinnaird, on the 7th inst., the wife of the Rev. Jas. Rankin, of a daughter.<br />
At Barwinnock, Twynholm, on the 24th ult., Mrs T. M'Cartney, of a son.<br />
At Portwilliam, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr William Kerr, to Eliza Colvin.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 31st ult., by the Rev. Principal M'Farlane, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Moffat, compositor, to Miss<br />
Christison Mackay, of Glasgow.<br />
At Hillside, parish of Parton, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Mr Willis of Kirkpatrick Durham, Mr John Munro,<br />
gardener, Colney House, Hertfordshire, to Catherine Cowan, youngest daughter of Mr John Cowan, farmer,<br />
Hillside.<br />
At Gretna Green, on Tuesday week, Mr John Senhouse Jackson, of Whitehaven, spirit merchant, to<br />
Georgiana, eldest daughter of Rowland Pennington, Esq., of the same place.<br />
At Irvine, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Andrew Brown, William Kay, Esq., surgeon, Sanquhar, to Jessie, sixth<br />
daughter of the late J. Samson Esq., Shewalton Colliery.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at St. John Street, on the 12th inst., Mrs Peter M'Dowall, aged 60 years.<br />
At Bridge of Aird, near Stranraer, last week, Mrs M'Dowall, aged 85 years, late of Rephad.<br />
In London, on the 30th ult., James M'Dowall, Esq., a Commander in the Royal Navy. He was a native of<br />
Stoneykirk, in this county; was impress'd into the King's service about 50 years ago, and, without family<br />
influence or connections, raised himself by his professional skill and zeal, and by his gentlemanly conduct,<br />
to the rank in the service of which he died an ornament.<br />
At East Kirkbridge, Kirkcolm on the 9th inst., in the 84th year of her age, Elizabeth Kennedy, relict of the<br />
late Thomas Allison, farmer there.<br />
At 3, St. Enoch's Square, Glasgow, on the 6th instant, Mrs William Sloan, aged 31 years.<br />
At Watcarrick, on the 10th inst., Mr Bell.<br />
At Hanley, in Staffordshire, on the 8th instant, of consumption, James Crosbie, aged 28, third son of Mr<br />
<strong>Robert</strong> Crosbie, Dumfries.<br />
At Perth, a few days ago, Mr David Houston, writer there, son of the late Mr John Ross, Castlesod, near<br />
Kirkcudbright, who was highly respected, and is much regretted by his family and numerous friends.<br />
At the Manse of Athelstaneford, on the 3d instant, the Rev. Wm Ritchie, in the 76th year of his age, and<br />
41st of his ministry.<br />
At Ayton, on the 31st ult., the Rev. David Ure, aged 73 years.<br />
At the Manse of Kirkoswald, on the 5th inst., in the 85th year of her age, Mrs Louisa Inglis, youngest<br />
daughter of the late Rev. Matthew Biggar, minister of that parish, and the last surviving grandchld of the<br />
Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Wodrow, the celebrated author of the "History of the sufferings of the church in Scotland".<br />
22 nd January <strong>1846</strong> (Week 4)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At 5, Upper King Street, Bloomsbury Square, London, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr P. Maclure, of a<br />
daughter.<br />
At Leffan, on the 17th inst., Mrs Alexander Shaw, of a daughter.<br />
At the Black Bull, Inn, Dalmellington, on the 6th inst., Mrs James Wight, of a daughter.<br />
At Tinwald Manse, on the 6th inst., Mrs Lorraine, of a daughter.<br />
At Thornhill, on the 14th inst., Mrs Wm. Davidson, of a daughter, which lived only two hours.<br />
At Auchincruive, on the 14th inst., Lady Louisa Oswald, of a daughter.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 17th inst., the lady of Thomas Anderson, Esq., of Glendrissaig, advocate, of a<br />
daughter.<br />
On the 15th inst., at Casterton Church, by the Rev. Edward Carus Wilson, Vicar of Crosby Ravensworth,<br />
the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Cooper Black B.A. Oxon, Chaplain, High Legh, to Elizabeth Anne, fourth daughter of the<br />
Rev. W. Carus Wilson, of Casterton Hall, county of Westmorland.<br />
On the 20th inst., bv the Rev. John Lamb, of the Free Church, Kirkmaiden, Mr John Ferguson, mariner, to<br />
Anne, only daughter of Mr Wm. Maxwell, shoemaker, Drumore.<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 16th inst., Mr James Logie, to Miss Agnes Gibson.<br />
At Portmullin, on the 18th inst., Mr William Kerr, to Miss Mary M'Intyre.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Mr Pullar, Mr Peter M'Clure, to Miss Helen M'Micken.<br />
At Kilfillan, Old Luce, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Mr McDowall Mr Peter M'Namie, to Miss Jane M'Lellan.<br />
At Twynham Village, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. Mr Gordon, Mr Edward M'Coull, to Miss Nicholas Black.<br />
At Lowbanks, near Kirkcudbright, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr Underwood, Mr Joseph Grierson,<br />
Breoch, in parish of Buittle, to Jane, ony daughter of Mr J. Muir.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. D. Bayne, Mr James M'Dowall, farmer, Auchinabby, Rerwick, to<br />
Jane, eldest daughter of Mr Kerr.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Alleysbank, Rutherglen, on the 17th instant, Jane M'Dowall, wife of the Rev. William Beckett.<br />
At 16, Cockrane Terrace, St. John's Wood, London, on the 28th ult., <strong>Robert</strong> M'Geoch, of Little Lochans, near<br />
Stranraer.<br />
At Cairngarroch, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 15th inst., Agnes M'Gaw, relict of the late David Wallace,<br />
there aged 80 years.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 9th inst., Mrs John M'Millan, after long and severe trouble.<br />
At Claycrop, Kirkinner, on the 9th inst., Elizabeth Bell, wife of Mr Andrew Wallace, farmer.<br />
At Slack, near Gatehouse, on the 11th inst., Mr Hugh Carter, farmer there, aged 86 years.<br />
At Boggs, East Lothian, on the 11th inst., Mr Charles Howden, farmer there.<br />
At Causeywayhead, Dumfries House, on the 13th inst., Adam Crrichton, Esq., in the 73rd year of his age.<br />
He was factor for the Marquis of Bute upwards of 30 years.<br />
At Aberdalgie Manse, Perthshire, on the 11th instant, after a brief illness, the Rev. Maitland Thomson,<br />
minister of that parish. He was brother to the Rev. Jas. Thomson of Rerwick, was highly esteemed by his<br />
parishioners, and his removal is deeply regretted by a widow, his relatives, and by a number of warmly<br />
attached friends.<br />
At his lodgings, the Plum and Feather, Wigan, on Friday morning last, awfully sudden, being found doad in<br />
bed, aged 62 years, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Maxwell, a native of Balmaclellan, and for 30 years a draper, tea dealer, and<br />
discounter of bills - a man universally known in the commercial world.<br />
At Blackburn, near Annan, last week, Mr W. Chalmers, sen., farmer and pork curer there, aged 76 years.<br />
At the Manse of Craigie, on the 13th inst., the Rev. Dr Stirling, for 40 years minister of Craigie.<br />
At Troqueer Manse, on the 14th inst., Georgina Mackenzie, youngest daughter of the Rev. Wm. Thorburn.<br />
At The Crichton Institution, Dumfries, on the 12th inst., William Alexander Francis Browne, the eldest son<br />
of Dr. Browne.<br />
At Blandford Square, London, on the 31st ult., Elizabeth, relict of Dr. H. Lidderdale, whom she survived<br />
only 11 days.<br />
At Renfrew Street, Glasgow, on the 11th instant, Jane, relict of James Graham, Esq., manufacturer,<br />
Glasgow, and daughter of the late Provost Little, Annan.<br />
29 th January <strong>1846</strong> (Week 5)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
In George Street, here, on the 27th inst., the wife of Mr Wallace, farmer, of a son.<br />
Here, on the 28th inst., the wife of Mr N. Crawford, mariner, of a son.<br />
Here, on the 28th inst., the wife of Mr John Agnew, shoemaker, of a daughter.<br />
At Ardwell, on the 20th inst., Mrs James Melvin, of a son.<br />
At the Manse of West Kilbride, on the 22nd inst., Mrs King, of a son.<br />
At the Manse of Cramond, on the 23d inst., Mrs Colvin, of a daughter.<br />
At Renshaw Street, Liverpool, on the 19th inst., Mrs S.K. Thorburn, of a son and heir.<br />
At Blair, Stoneykirk, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Neil, Free Church, Mr Peter Neil, farmer, to Miss<br />
Ewin, of Blair.<br />
At Awhirk, Stoneykirk, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. R. M'Neil of the Free Church, Mr Peter M'Culloch,<br />
Clachanmore, to Miss Susan Gibson, Awhirk.<br />
At Garliestown, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. E.K. Sloan, Mr Samuel Rennie, to Miss Isabella Morrison, both<br />
of the parish of Sorbie.<br />
At Burnfoot, on the 23d inst., by the Rev. Geo. Smith, of the Tolbooth Church, Edinburgh, Benjamin Rigby<br />
Davis, son of George Murray, Esq., of Ancoats Hall, Manchester, to Jane Tinnan, daughter of the late George<br />
Whigham, Esq., of Hallidayhill.<br />
At Warmington, on the 12th inst., - Marshall to Sarah Garn, of Tansor. The parties had not been married<br />
many hours before an old sweetheart made his appearance; the wife, on seeing him, immediately pulled<br />
off her ring and threw it at her husband, told him she had quite enough of him, did not intend to have any<br />
more to do with him and immediately left the house with her old beau. (Stamford Mercury)<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Glasgow, on the 22d instant, Alex. John Hannay, Esq., M.D.<br />
Here, on the 23d instant, John, second son of Mr John Nibloe, cabinetmaker, aged 18. He was a promising<br />
young man, steady in his conduct, modest and obliging in his disposition, and much beloved and regretted<br />
by all who knew him.<br />
Here, on the 24th inst., James, infant son of Mr Wm. Cowan, tailor.<br />
At Drumore, on the 17th instant, William Aitchison, Esq., of Drumore.<br />
At Culquhassan, Glenluce, on the 7th inst., in her 93d year, Jane Hannah, relict of the late Mr John Murray,<br />
farmer Moormains, Portwilliam.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 22d inst., Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr Adamson, flesher.<br />
At Portwilliam, Edwin, son of Mr Thomas Leigh, aged 2 ½ years; same place, on the 13th inst., Mr Goudie,<br />
aged 41; and, same day, Richard, son of Mr John Beckets, aged 18.<br />
At Newton, Ayr, on the 24th inst., Janet M'Ewan, relict of Mr David Caldwell, formerly of Newton-Stewart.<br />
At Doonpark, Girvan, on the 20th instant, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Alexander.<br />
At Crocketford, on the 19th inst., in the 75th year of his age, Andrew Innes, the last of the Buchanites.<br />
At Barndennoch, on the 10th inst., Mr William Irving, farmer, there, in his 88th year.<br />
At Aikie Slack, near Dalbeattie, on the 13th inst., Mr Peter Christie, aged 38 years.<br />
At St. David Street, Dumfries, on the 24th instant, Mrs Hammond, sen., aged 85.<br />
At Ladyfield, Dumfries, on the 13th inst., Mary, second daughter of W. Forsyth, Esq.<br />
At Crichton Royal Institution, Dumfries, on the 23d inst., Mr George Douglas Syme, preacher in connection<br />
with the United Secession Church.<br />
At Langholm, on the 22d inst., Mr James Bowman, manufacturer, aged 73 years.<br />
At Dunfermline, on the 18th inst., Miss Stenhouse, Grange.<br />
At Mount Alyn, in the county of Denbigh, on the 15th inst., Hugh Maxwell Goodwin, Esq., aged 83 years.<br />
At Naples, on the 18th December, Dr John Clark, K.H. of Speddoch, and Deputy Inspector General of Army<br />
Hospitals.<br />
5 th February <strong>1846</strong> (Week 6)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Glenluce, on the 2d instant, Mrs Hugh Murray, saddler, of a daughter.<br />
At the Manse of Kirkmabreck, on the 26th ult., Mrs Muir of a son.<br />
At 14, Regent Street, Greenock, on the 1st instant, the wife of Hugh Lamont, Esq., of Holmscroft Brewery,<br />
of a son.<br />
At Langholm, on the 24th ult., Mrs R. Rome, of a son.<br />
At Seacroft Grange, Yorkshire, on the 27th ult., the lady of Frs. Wilmer Watkins, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., of a son .<br />
At the Commercial Hotel, Dumfries, on the 26th ult. by the Rev. Dr Wallace, W. Clark, Esq., to Miss Hunter.<br />
At Chapelton Village, Borgue, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. S. Smith, of the Free Church, Mr Wm Anderson, to<br />
Miss Jean Dickson.<br />
At the Parish, Snenton, Nottingham, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. Mr <strong>Robert</strong>s, Mr William M'Knight, draper,<br />
Snenton, eldest son of Mr John M'Knight, Creetown, to Miss Mary Smedley, of Southwell, in the county of<br />
Nottingham.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Glenluce, on the 26th ult., Rachel Douglas, aged 66.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 1st instant, Miss Janet M'Lelland, much regretted.<br />
At High Drumore, Kirkmaiden, on the 1st inst., Miss Jamieson, aged 86 years.<br />
At Barr, Mochrum, on the 23d ult., Janet, daughter of Mr John Biggaur, farmer there; and on the 27th Wm.,<br />
her twin brother, aged 14 months.<br />
At Drumdoo, Mochrum, on the 28th ult., Mrs Hartly, aged 77 years.<br />
At Maybole, on the 27th ult., Mr Alex. Fergusson, teacher - greatly lamented.<br />
At Lochdougan, Kelton, on the 27th ult., at an advanced age, Mr Hugh Roy, farmer there - much respected<br />
and deeply regretted.<br />
At Monkton Manse, on the 31st ult., aged 8 years, Harriet Dalmahoy, third daughter of the Rev. Dr. Lawrie,<br />
minister of Monkton.<br />
At Annan, on the 4th ult., Mrs Ann Irving or Halliday, at the advanced age of 101 years.<br />
At Lochmaben, on the 26th ult., Bailie James Craig, merchant, one of the Magistrates there, aged 40 years.<br />
On the 22d ult., Janet, wife of Mr Kirkpatrick, draper, Newark, and daughter of Mr M'Taggart, Forest<br />
House, Castle-Douglas.<br />
At Crossmichael, on the 22d ult., Miss Margaret Corson, advanced in years.<br />
At Penang, on the 2d of December, William Anderson, Esq., fourth son of the late <strong>Robert</strong> Anderson, Esq., of<br />
Stroquhan.<br />
At Kingholm Quay, near Dumfries, on the 22d ult., Mr John Gillespie.<br />
12 th February <strong>1846</strong> (Week 7)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at Quay Head, on the 10th inst., the wife of Capt. William Cumming of the steamer "Scotia", of a son.<br />
At Mahaar, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 4th inst., Mrs John Niven, of a daughter.<br />
At Port-Logan, on the 11th instant, Mrs Murray, innkeeper, of a son.<br />
At Whithorn, on the 2d inst., the Lady of Dunbar Whitie, Esq., M.D., of a son.<br />
At the Free Church Manse, Dailly, on the 31st ultimo, the lady of the Rev. Alex. Russell, of a son.<br />
At Croft head, Dalmellington, on the 3d current, Mrs Hannah, of a daughter.<br />
At East Altercannoch, parish of Colmonell, on the 31st ult., Mrs James Harvey, of a daughter.<br />
On the 12th ult., the anniversary of her royal husband's birth-day, the Queen of Naples of a son.<br />
At Burnfoot, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Shaw, Ewes, John Pringle, Esq., Stanishwater, to Miss M.<br />
Scott, daughter of Mr James Scott, Burnfoot<br />
At Trinity Church, Marylebone, London, on the 3d instant, by the Rev. Richard Vevers, M.A., rector of<br />
Cubley, the Rev. John George Beresford, youngest son of the late Admiral Sir John Poo Beresford, Baronet,<br />
to the Hon. Caroline Amelia, youngest daughter of the Right Hon. Lord Denman.<br />
At Tarleton, on Tuesday week, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Moss, to Mrs Mary Rowlinson, a sprightly dame in the 83d year<br />
of her age, this being her fourth husband, her third having died in November last.<br />
DEATHS<br />
William Fergusson, Esq., Governor of Sierra Leone, died at sea on the 19th ult.<br />
At Mersey Street, Liverpool on the 8th inst., aged 13 months, Ann, daughter of Mr Alex. Murray, ship<br />
broker.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 2d inst., Janet M'Lelland, aged 25 years - deeply regretted.<br />
Very suddenly at Broadwigg, parish of Whithorn, on the 2d inst., Mr Alex. Hannah, farmer, aged 61 years.<br />
At Garliestown, on the 7th instant, Jane Biggam, aged 33 years.<br />
At Portwilliam, on the 1st instant, Jane M'Court, aged three years; same place, same day Mary Bride, aged<br />
three years, youngest daughter of Captain William Glen.<br />
At Rainton, near Gatehouse, on the 3d inst., after a lingering illness, Miss Margaret Sproat, aged 32,<br />
youngest daughter of the late Mr Hugh Sproat - sincerely regretted.<br />
At Haugh of Urr, on the 3d inst., aged 22 years, Wm. Montgomery, teacher, son of John Montgomery,<br />
mason, there.<br />
At Palmerston, near Dumfries, on the 5th inst., James, eldest son of Mr William Primrose, tanner,<br />
Palmerston.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 23d ult., Sarah Crawford, wife of Mr James Johnston, cabinet-maker.<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 26th ult., Eleanora, youngest daughter of the late John M'Ghie, Esq., surgeon,<br />
Royal Navy.<br />
At No.2.Thistle Court, Edinburgh, on the 30th ult., Peter Spence, Esq., Solicitor Supreme Court.<br />
19 th February <strong>1846</strong> (Week 8)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Twomark, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 11th inst., Mrs Gibson, of a son.<br />
At Corwar Cottage, parish of Colmonell, on the 7th inst., Mrs Wardrop, of a son.<br />
At Barbuchany, parish of Penninghame, on the 8th inst., Mrs Fulton, of a son.<br />
At Wallace Hall, on the 14th inst., Mrs Ramage, of a son.<br />
At Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, on the 15th Nov. last, Mrs John Reid, of a daughter.<br />
At Twomark, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 3d instant, by the Rev. Mr Campbell, Mr Robt. Wither, to<br />
Elizabeth, daughter of Mr Hugh Blain, mason.<br />
At Millisle Dairy, near Garliestown, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. S. Blair, Mr George Paton, joiner, to Jane,<br />
third daughter of Mr James Taylor, of same place.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Robson, the Rev. James Falconer of the Free Church,<br />
Wigtown, to Jessie, only daughter of George Gaul, Esq., Port Eglinton.<br />
At Glentriploch, Mochrum, on the 12th inst., Mr Wm. M'Kie, to Miss Jane Milhench.<br />
At Low Barjarg, Colmonell, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr Blair, Mr William M'Blain, to Janet, eldest<br />
daughter of Mr Gilbert M'Broom, farmer, there.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Geo. Brown, of the Free Church, Mr William Burnside,<br />
cabinet-maker and upholsterer, to Ann, fifth daughter of Mr Johh Bailieff, hat-manfacturer.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land, on the 20th September last, James, eldest son of Mr James Hunter,<br />
late merchant, Stranraer, aged 32 years.<br />
At Cairngarroch, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 13th inst., Mary Wallace, aged 53 years.<br />
At Glenduskhill, on the 10th inst., Joseph, eldest son of Mr James M'Blain, aged 10 years.<br />
At Poundland, on the 16th inst., James, third son of Mr James M'Meeking, late of Hallowchaple.<br />
At Portwilliam, on the 9th instant, at an advanced age, Grace Stewart, relict of the late Mr M'Geoch,<br />
farmer, Burnside.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 14th inst., Mrs Lithgow.<br />
At Creebridge, Minnigaff, on the 12th instant, Grace, daughter of Mr Samuel Ersken, black-smith there.<br />
On the 9th instant, in the Strand, after a short illness, during his temporary stay in London, <strong>Robert</strong><br />
Armour, Esq., of Brighton, Sussex, formerly of Crown Court, Old 'Change, merchant, aged 62. The deceased<br />
was brother to the respected relict of the greatest of Scotland's poets - <strong>Robert</strong> Burns.<br />
At Gort, county Galway, on Wednesday, the 4th inst., Louisa Mary, infant daughter of Mr Andrew Wallace.<br />
At Cumlongan Castle, on the 12th inst., after a brief illness, the Rev. Henry Duncan, D.D., minister of the<br />
Free Church, Ruthwell.<br />
26 th February <strong>1846</strong> (Week 9)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Sandhead, on the 15th inst., Mrs Robb, of a son.<br />
At Clachanmore, on the 18th inst., Mrs W. Hamilton, of a son.<br />
At Scarhead, by Barrhill, on the 18th inst., the wife of William Jackson, of a son.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 21st inst., the wife of Mr Thomas Campbell, grocer there, of a daughter.<br />
At Dressertland House, on the 16th inst., Mrs Little, of a daughter.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 14th inst., the lady of Jas. Seton Wightman, of Courance, of a son.<br />
Here, at Bridge Street, on the 23d inst., by the Rev. J. M'Gregor, Mr William Warcroffe Hair, of<br />
Northamptonshire, to Jessie only daughter of Mr John Nibloe, cabinet-maker here.<br />
At Palnackie, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. W. Ross, minister of Kintore, Capt. George Wilson of Auchenhill,<br />
Colvend, to Agnes Neilson Ross, youngest daughter of the late Alexander Ross, Society Hall.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. J. Paul, of St. Cuthbert's, the Rev. John Hope, of Dunscore, to<br />
Helen, youngest daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Morton, Esq.,<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Portpatrick, on the 24th inst., Mr William Gordon, of the Downshire Arms Inn, at an advanced age -<br />
much and justly regretted.<br />
At Glenduskhill, on the 20th inst., William, third son of Mr James M'Blain.<br />
At Portwilliam, on the 13th inst., Mrs R. Johnstone.<br />
At Low Milton, Mochrum, on the 14th inst., suddenly, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Dowall, farmer there, aged 70 years.<br />
At Muncraig, Borgue, on the 16th inst., after a brief illness, Agnes Walker, aged 2 years and 10 months,<br />
daughter of Mr James Walker, farmer, Auchenhay.<br />
At Chapelton Borgue, on the 14th inst., after a tedious illness, Mrs Jane Barry, wife of Mr Mathew Gordon -<br />
deeply regretted.<br />
At Manchester, on the 7th inst., aged 65 years, Mr Geo Bryce, who had resided there since 1802 - a native<br />
of Gatehouse - much respected.<br />
5 th March <strong>1846</strong> (Week 10)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at Hillhead, on the 28th ult., Mrs John Murray, of a son.<br />
Here, at Harbour Street, on the 26th ult., Mrs John M'Credie, of a son.<br />
At Twynholm Manse, Kirkcudbright, on the 19th ult., Mrs Gordon, of a daughter.<br />
At Gateside, Renfrew-road, Paisley, on the 29th ult., the wife of Mr J. Hannay, of a daughter.<br />
At Inch, on the 3d instant, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Donald, Stranraer, Mr James Thompson, tailor, to Miss Sarah<br />
Drynan.<br />
At 16, Cumberland Place, Glasgow, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. A. M'Dougall, of the Free Church, Kirkfield,<br />
Mr Thomas Wightman, Newbigging, Wamphray, to Miss M'Master, Cairnryan, eldest daughter of the late<br />
Mr Jas. M'Master, Glasgow.<br />
At 31, Lower Chatham Street, Manchester, on the 3d inst., Mr James Wallace, architect, to Margaret,<br />
second daughter of Mr James Cumming, Barledziew, Sorbie, Wigtownshire.<br />
At Trinity Church, Gray's Inn Road, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. Arthur Johnson, M.A., James Grieve, Esq.,<br />
M.D., of Dumfries, to Charlotte Silvester, eldest daughter of the late William Train, Esq., surgeon, Hon.<br />
E.I.C.S., Madras Establishment.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at Clayhole, on the 2d instant, Mr Hugh Aitken, mariner, aged 42.<br />
Here, at Fisher Street, on the 4th inst., Mr David M'Kelvie, saddler.<br />
Here, at Sun Street, on the 28th ult., after a long and serious illness, Janet, aged 26 years, eldest daughter<br />
of the late Mr Daniel M'Kenzie.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 26th ult., Andrew M'Adam, Esq., late farmer, Auchland.<br />
At Hamilton Street, Girvan, on the 23d ult., Mr John M'Ilwraith, shoemaker, who was born, September,<br />
1752, and who, till within a few years of his death, was able to follow after his daily occupation.<br />
At Palgown, parish of Minnygaff, on the 23d ult., Elizabeth Kennedy, aged 68, relict of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Millan,<br />
farmer there - much and deservedly regretted.<br />
At Chapelton Village, Borgue on the 20th ultimo, Mrs Margaret Johnston, aged 86, widow of Mr Archd.<br />
Manson.<br />
12 th March <strong>1846</strong> (Week 11)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Wigtown, on the 4th inst., the lady of Geo. Agnew, Esq., Sheriff Clerk, of a daughter.<br />
At Kirkpatrick Durham, on the 4th inst, the wife of the Rev. Jamieson Willis, Free Church, of a son.<br />
At Government House, St. Vincent, on the 27th Jan., the lady of his Excellency Sir John Capbell, Bart.,<br />
Ardnamurchan, of a son.<br />
At Birdhope Craig Manse, on the 6th inst., Mrs M'Clymont, of a son.<br />
At Glendusk, parish of Colmonell, on the 3d inst., the lady of William M'Culloch, Esq., of a son.<br />
At Lochend, parish of Colmonell, on the 25th ult., Mrs Calpin, of a son.<br />
At Crawick Mill, near Sanquhar, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. John Inglis, Mr W. Elder, Union Bank of<br />
Scotland, Stranraer, to Isabella, second daughter of James M'Call, Esq., carpet manufacturer, Crawick Mill.<br />
At Whithorn, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Broderick Anderson, Mr David M'Kie, Callside, to Miss Jane<br />
Donnan, both of Whithorn parish.<br />
At Mainsriddle, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. J. Fraser of Colvend, Mr Hugh Kinstry draper, Merthyr Tydvil,<br />
Glamorganshire, to Miss Jane Muir, eldest daughter of Mr J. Shepherd, Mainsriddle.<br />
At Dunbar, on the 4th inst., Mr John Brown, of the firm of J. and R. Brown, Manchester, to Magdalene, 2d<br />
daughter of the Rev. Alexander Jack.<br />
At Dykehead, Lochmaben, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Mr Marjoribanks, Mr Samuel Boyd draper,<br />
Dumfries, to Jane, daughter of James Jardine, Esq., of Dykehead.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Neptune Street, here, on the 9th inst, Janet M'Tier, aged 84 years.<br />
At Drangour, parish of New Luce, on the 8th instant Mary, fourth daughter of Mr John M'Geoch, farmer<br />
there, aged 18 years, after a tedious illness, borne with Christian fortitude.<br />
At Dalreoch, parish of Colmonell, on the 8th inst., John, son of the late John M'Culloch, of Aird, by<br />
Stranraer, aged 20 years.<br />
At Ervie, Kirkcolm, on the 8th inst., Hugh Fraser, aged 91 years.<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 10th inst., Alexander Davidson, aged 92 years.<br />
At Galloway House Garden Cottage, on the 9th inst., Catherine, wife of Mr George Dodds, there, aged 30<br />
years.<br />
At Arries, Kirkcowan, on the 1st inst., Mrs M'Harg, far advanced in years.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 8th instant, John, youngest son of Mr William M'Cormick.<br />
At Dalskairth, on the 24th ult., Mary, wife of William Maxwell, yr. of Cardoness.<br />
At Drungans of Goldielea, on the 6th inst., Isabella, daughter of Mr William Connall, there, aged 28.<br />
19 th March <strong>1846</strong> (Week 12)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Mains of Penningham, on the 14th inst, Mrs M'Conchie, of a son.<br />
At Hamilton, on the 13th inst., Mrs Samuel Simpson, King's Grange, of a son.<br />
At Hull, on the 8th inst., the lady of James A. Jackson, Esq., solicitor, of a daughter.<br />
At Queensberry Street, Dumfries, Mrs James Watson, of a son.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. J. Falconer, Mr Samuel Brown, grocer, to Miss Margaret<br />
M'Queen.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. J. Towers, Mr Wm. Martin, shoemaker, to Miss Isabella Craigie.<br />
At Chapelcroft, parish of Girvan, on the 10 th inst., by the Rev. James M'Master, minister of Barr, Hugh, son<br />
of the late Mr Thomas Drynan, merchant, Girvan, to Janet, eldest daughter of Mr Henry Dodds, farmer.<br />
At Flerrick, near Gatehouse, on the 9 th inst., by the Rev. Mr Hanna of the Free church, Mr William Telfair,<br />
shoemaker, Gatehouse, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr Peter Carnochan, late farmer, Meikle Barlay.<br />
At Castle Douglas, on the 1st instant, by the Rev. Mr Brown of the Free Church, Mr W. M'Naught,<br />
bookseller, to Jane, second daughter of Mr Wm. Aughterson.<br />
At St. John's Episcopal Chapel, Annan, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. W. Davies, rector of Llangynidr,<br />
Breconshire, the Rev. Charles Irving, rector of Donaghmore county Donegal, eldest son of Captain M.<br />
Irving of Kirkby Stephen, Westmoreland, to Margaretta Æmelia only daughter of the Rev. John Irving of<br />
Bonshaw, Dumfriesshire, and vicar of Llantrisant, Monmouthshire.<br />
At Wallacetown, Ayr, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Jas. Stevenson of the Free church, Mr Daniel Wright,<br />
baker, to Mary, daughter of Alexander Donaldson, Craighall, parish of Balmaclellan.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. Dr Candlish, the Rev. Donald Fergusson of Liverpool, to<br />
Catherine youngest daughter of the late Lieut. Col. Wm. Balfour.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Queen Street, here, on the 7th instant, the infant daughter of Captain Haswell of the "Albion" steamer.<br />
At High Ardwell, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 14th inst, Mr John Hamilton, sailmaker, aged 80 years.<br />
At Calcutta, on the 21st July, 1845, aged 29 years, William, only surviving son of the late Mr John M'<br />
Ewing, Portpatrick - much regretted.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 18th inst., Mrs Walker, widow of Mr Henry Walker, late of Garliestown.<br />
At Garliestown, on the 17th inst., Peter Conning, aged 77 years.<br />
At North Star, Girvan, on the 12 inst., John Currie, seaman, who in 1815 sailed to the Island of St. Helena<br />
with Napolean Bonaparte, on board the ship "Northumberland" commanded by Sir<br />
George Cockburn.<br />
At Myrton Cottage, Monreith, on the 9th instant, Jane, youngest daughter of Mr Samuel Neil, aged 3 years.<br />
At Eldrig Village, on the 9th instant, Margaret Campbell, aged 58.<br />
At Corse, Kirkpatrick, on the 4th instant, after a brief but severe illnesss, Mr James M'Naught, leaving a<br />
widow and nine children to lament his loss.<br />
At Enrick Mill, near Gatehouse, on the 9th inst., Janet B. Campbell, third daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Campbell,<br />
tenant there.<br />
At Drumskeog, Mochrum, on the 7th instant, Mr John Broadfoot, farmer there, aged 34 years - much and<br />
justly regretted.<br />
26 th March <strong>1846</strong> (Week 13)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Barrhill, parish of Colmonell, on the 12th inst., Mrs John M'Kie, of a son.<br />
At Barrhill, on the 18th inst., Mrs John Logan, of a daughter.<br />
At White Sands, Dumfries, on the 17th inst., Mrs Edw. Grierson, of a daughter.<br />
At Barjarg House, Dumfries-shire, on the 20th inst., Mrs A.C. Sanderson, of a daughter.<br />
At Geneva, on the 23d ult., the lady of Dr Merie D'Aubigne, of a son.<br />
At Great Bradfield, Essex, on the 21st ult., Mrs James Millbank, of a daughter; and, on the 25th, of another<br />
daughter.<br />
At Drumore, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Mr Williamson, Mr James Allison, to Miss M'Intyre.<br />
At Garchew, parish of Penningham, on the 25th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Richardson, Mr Alexander<br />
Wallace, farmer, Brigton, to Miss Margaret Wilson.<br />
At Ballantrae, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. James Porteous, of the Free Church, Mr William Walker, to<br />
Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr W. M'Kissock, farmer, Bridgend, Ballantrae.<br />
At St. James's Square, Edinburgh, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. George R. Davidson, Lady Glenorchy's Free<br />
Church, Mr R. Porteous, Haddington, to Jane Chalmers, daughter of the late Mr John Ramsay, writer,<br />
Dumfries.<br />
At the British Embassy, Paris, on the 16th inst., James Duff, Esq., M.P., son of General Sir Alexander Duff, to<br />
lady Agnes Georgina Hay, second daughter of the Earl and Countess of Errol.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Lewis Street, here, on the 25th inst, Thos. Taylor, Esq., many years magistrate in this town.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 15th inst., Anne, relict of Captain John Henryson, Royal Engineers.<br />
At Merksworth Cottage, by Paisley, on the 20th inst., William Ireland Syme, Esq., sometime distributor of<br />
Stamps for Dumfries-shire and Galloway.<br />
At Knockcoid, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 21st instant, Mary Kerr, wife of Mr John M'Neillie, farmer there,<br />
aged 59 years.<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 22d inst., Margaret Adair, aged 84 years.<br />
At Creetown, on the 4th instant, <strong>Robert</strong> M'Laurin, Esq., aged 75 years - much and justly regretted.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the morning of the 21st inst., Mr James M'Cartney, shipowner and merchant, aged<br />
36.<br />
At Kirkpatrick-Durham, on the 9th instant, the infant son of Rev. J. Wilis, aged 6 days.<br />
At Langholm, on the 14th inst., Mr Adam Beattie, weaver, aged 77 years.<br />
At Low Clauchan, Tongland, on the 18th inst., after a brief illness, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Wallace, farmer and grazier,<br />
who, in the sphere of his acquaintance, is universally regretted.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on the 16th inst., aged 71 years, Mary Wilson, relict of Mr Maxwell, architect there, deeply<br />
regretted by an extensive circle of friends and relations.<br />
At Summervile, near Cobourg, Newcastle district, Canada West, on the 14th February last, aged 71 years,<br />
Isabella Davidson, wife of J. Roddick, late of Meikle Kirkland, parish of Urr, Kirkcudbrightshire.<br />
At the house of Mr Kerr, farmer, Redcastle, Urr, Sarah, daughter of Mr John Templeton, Mattie's Thorn,<br />
Kelton, in her 20th year.<br />
At Queensberry Street, Dumfries, on the 15th instant, aged 66 years, Jane Young, spouse of the late Mr<br />
Thomas Ferguson, grain dealer, there.<br />
In English Street, Dumfries, on the 12th instant, in the 89th year of her age, Mrs Elizabeth Aitken, relict of<br />
Mr George Aitken.<br />
At High Street Dumfries, on the 17th inst, Christian Clark, relict of Christopher Armstrong, merchant.<br />
At Tinwald Mains, on the 3d instant, William Jardine, Esq., of Dryfeholm.<br />
2 nd April <strong>1846</strong> (Week 14)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At George Street, here, on the 28th ult., Mrs Walter Murray, of a daughter.<br />
At George Street, here, on the 30th ult., the wife of Mr Charles Kerr, gunmaker, of a son.<br />
At George Street, here, on the 31st ult., the wife of Mr John M'Dowall, cabinetmaker, of a son.<br />
At Clayhole, on the 1st instant, the wife of Captain Carnochan, of a son.<br />
At Bishopton, Twynholm, on the 23d ult., Mrs Grierson, of twin sons.<br />
At Portwilliam, on the 23d ult., Mr John Cockburn, to Miss Sarah M'Guffie. The bridegroom is nearly 70,<br />
and the bride only 23.<br />
At Rhonehouse, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. Samuel Cowan, Mr W.H. Glover, veterinary surgeon, Dumfries,<br />
to Miss Catherine Morrison.<br />
At Irstead Church, Norfolk, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. John Gunn, M.A., Oxon, Rector of Irstead and<br />
Barton, and uncle of the bride, the Rev. Walter Macgilvray, to Maria, eldest daughter of Sir Wm. J. Hooker,<br />
Director of the Royal Gardens, Kew.<br />
DEATHS<br />
In Paris, on Sunday, March 15, Jane Elizabeth Nora, second daughter of the late, and sister of the present,<br />
Sir William Maxwell, Bart. of Monreith.<br />
At Gateside Manse, Wamphray, on the 14th ult., Margaret Walker, wife of the Rev. Henry Paterson.<br />
At Kirkinner, on the 29th ult., Peter Walker, aged 21 years, eldest son of the late Henry Walker,<br />
Garliestown.<br />
At Monreith village, on the 19th ult., Mrs Irving, aged 85 years.<br />
At Portwilliam, aged 2 months, Mary, infant daughter of Mr Thomas M'Kerlie.<br />
At Whithorn, on the 19th ult., aged 72 years, Mrs Broadfoot, relict of Mr David Broadfoot, of Balsier.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 21st ult., aged 13 months, Elizabeth M. Gordon, daughter of Mr Dobie,<br />
ironmonger.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 21t ult., in the prime of life, Mr Adam Corson, baker.<br />
9 th April <strong>1846</strong> (Week 15)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at George Street, this morning, Mrs Thomas M'Caig, British Linen Company's Bank, of a daughter.<br />
At Kenview, New-Galloway, on the 3d instant, the wife of Mr John <strong>Robert</strong>son, Excise officer, of a daughter.<br />
At the Free Church Manse, Lockerby, on the 26th ult., Mrs Duncan, of a daughter.<br />
At Craigmudie, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr Smellie, Secession Church, here, Mr M'Culloch to Jane, only<br />
daughter of Mr Jas. Edgar, farmer, there.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 2d instant, by the Rev. Samuel Richardson, Mr Malcolm, Queen Street, Glasgow,<br />
to Jessie Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr Craik, Newton-Stewart.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 7th instant, by the Rev. Samuel Richardson, Captain Peter Douglas, of<br />
Liverpool, to Jeanie, youngest daughter of the late William Kevan, Esq., of Corsbie West.<br />
At Minto Cottage, Borgue, on the 3d curt., by the Rev. Wm. Reid, Mr Samuel Henry, to Miss Mary<br />
Dummican.<br />
At Blackstone, parish of Dalry, on the 6th instant, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Stevenson of Dalry, Mr William<br />
Hunter of Machribeg, Argyleshire, to Jeanie, only daughter of James Allan, Esq.,<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Paradise, Broompark, of Glenluce, on the 8th inst., Mr James Heron, aged 88. He lived respected, and<br />
died regretted.<br />
At Eldrig, parish of Penninghame, on the 4th instant, Elizabeth M'Naught, aged, 83.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 29th ult., Miss Margaret Forsyth, schoolmistress, aged 35 years; and, on the<br />
30th Mr Wm. Oliver, merchant, aged 68.<br />
At Port-William, on the 28th ult., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong>son, aged 27; and, same day, Agnes Maxwell, after a long<br />
illness; also, at an advanced age, Mrs Hughes.<br />
At Creetown, on the 28th ult., Mrs Margaret Campbell, aged 86, widow of Mr Bland - much respected.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 16th ult., in the prime of life, Mr Thomas Graham, teacher, son of Mr David<br />
Graham, Buransbrigg, Kirkmichael - deeply regretted.<br />
At Montgomerie Street, Girvan, on the 4th inst., Janet, aged 66, wife of Mr John Guthrie, farmer.<br />
At Netherwood, near Dumfries, on Saturday, the 28th ult., suddenly, in the prime of life, and much<br />
lamented, William M'Kune, formerly of Preston, Lancashire.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 27th ult., after a long illness, Mr John Sommers, pressman, "Herald Office".<br />
At his residence, in Blessington Street, Dublin, on the 28th ult., John Wm. Ardill, LL.D. in his 55th year.<br />
At Crawfordjohn Manse, on the 25th ult., Andrew Balfour, aged 16, son of the Rev. William Goldie.<br />
16 th April <strong>1846</strong> (Week 16)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Maybole Manse, on the 9th instant Mrs Menzies, of a daughter.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 4th instant, Mrs Spens of Craigsanquhar, of a daughter.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. Mr Murray of Girthon, Henry Spence, tailor, to Eliza,<br />
daughter of James Turner, blacksmith there.<br />
At Woodhouselea, parish of Durrisdear, on the 3d inst. by the Rev. R. Simpson, Sanquhar, Mr <strong>Robert</strong><br />
Forsyth, carpet-weaver, Crawick Mill, to Miss Mary Menzies, dressmaker, Woodhouselea.<br />
At Ayr, on the 7th instant, by the Rev. Thos. Montgomery, Mr Edward Whigham, merchant, Sanquhar, to<br />
Miss Jane Brown, straw-bonnet maker, Sanquhar.<br />
At St. Bride's Church, Liverpool, on the 7th instant, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Monies, tea-dealer, Cirencester,<br />
Gloucestershire, to Susan, eldest daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Robison, Esq., cattle salesman, Old Swan.<br />
At St. Luke's Church, Chelsea, London, on the 6th instant, Mr Wm. M'Kune, second son of Mr John M'Kune,<br />
Kellhead, to Miss Agnes Shannan, Berkhamstead.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At High Street, here, on the 12th instant, Mrs Alex. M'Whinnie, aged 72.<br />
At Lochans Mill, near Stranraer, on the 11th instant, Jane, eldest daughter of the late Mr John Ritchie,<br />
farmer and miller there - much and justly regretted.<br />
At Balfern, Kirkinner, by Wigtown, on the 8th inst, Christina M'Clelland, being the fifth and last daughter<br />
of <strong>Robert</strong> M'Clelland, Esq., who has died there in less than 18 months. Their average ages may be<br />
computed at 23 years.<br />
At Portwilliam, on the 5th instant, Mr Wm. M'Lellan, aged 72; and on the 6th instant, Mr James Goudie,<br />
late tenant of Killantrae, aged 87.<br />
At Monreith Village, on the 8th instant, after a short but severe illness, Agnes Donnan, wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong><br />
Callie, grocer - much and deservedly regretted.<br />
At Barwinnock, Glasserton, on the 5th instant, Mary Donnan, aged 6 years, daughter of Mr Alex. Donnan.<br />
At Newton, Twynholm, after a short illness, Mrs Margaret Carson, at an advanced age - much respected.<br />
At Lochend, parish of Colmonell, on the 3d instant, in the second year of his age, <strong>Robert</strong>, only son of Mr R.<br />
Kerr, farmer there.<br />
At Troqueer Manse, on the 3d instant, the Rev. Wm. Thorburn, minister of the parish of Troqueer, aged 80<br />
years. The deceased was one of the oldest clergymen of the Established Church of Scotland, having been<br />
54 years an ordained minister. He was father of the Synod of Dumfries.<br />
At Thornhill, on the 13th instant, Catherine, only surviving daughter of the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Crawfurd,<br />
Virginhall, in her thirteenth year.<br />
At the Manse of Eli, on the 6th instant, Mrs Milligan, sen.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 4th instant, the Rev. R. M'Larne, Chaplain of the Prisons in the Lower Ward of<br />
Lanarkshire.<br />
23 rd April <strong>1846</strong> (Week 17)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
On the 19th instant, the wife of Mr David Stalker, gardener, Corswall, Kirkcolm, of a daughter.<br />
At New York, on the 26th ult., the lady of Stuart C. Maitland, Esq., younger of Dundrennan, of a daughter.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr Scott, Mr Peter M'Gaw. eldest son of Mr Robt. M'Gaw, joiner,<br />
High Drumore, to Helen, fifth daughter of Mr Alexander M'Neillie, merchant, Drumore.<br />
At Clayslap, Glenluce, by the Rev. Mr M'Dowall, Mr Peter Clanachan, to Miss Eliza Rankin.<br />
At Glasserton, on the 14th instant, William Baillie, Esq., yr. of Polkemmet, M.P., to Mary, eldest daughter of<br />
Stair H. Stewart, Esq., of Physgill.<br />
At Langholm, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. W. Watson, Mr Henry Jackson, farmer, Woodhouse, to Miss<br />
Margaret Little, second daughter of the late Mr James Little, farmer, Tarrasfoot.<br />
At Newhouse, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Dr. John M'Farlane, Glasgow, the Rev. Andrew M'Farlane,<br />
Falkirk, to Elizabeth, daughter of John Marshall, Esq., of Newhouse.<br />
At St. Andrews, on the 15th instant, by the Very Rev. Principal Haldane, the Rev. Dr. Whitson of<br />
Crossmichael, to Agnes, youngest daughter of the late William Dick, Esq., Dundee.<br />
DEATHS<br />
On the 18th instant, Mrs Jamieson, Kilstay, Kirkmaiden, advanced in years.<br />
On the 17th instant, Agnes M'Gaw, spouse of James M'Gaw, Esq., Drumore, aged 51 years.<br />
At Pultadee, parish of New Luce, on the 19th instant, Mr Wm. M'Harg, farmer there, aged 80 years.<br />
At Balcraig, Glasserton, on the 14th instant, after a lingering illness, borne with Christian fortitude and<br />
patience, Janet M'Kie, wife of George Campbell, Esq., - highly respected and justly regretted.<br />
At Mochrum Village, Mochrum, on the 10th instant, Alexander, infant son of Mr George Conchie.<br />
At Elrig Village, Mochrum, on the 10th inst., James, aged 2 years, youngest son of Peter Montgomery.<br />
At Creebridge, on the 11th instant, Mrs Ebenezer Macharg, in her 77th year.<br />
At Dalmellington, on the 17th instant, Mary Wright, wife of Mr James Hewitson, aged 70.<br />
At Plumdon, near Annan, on the 15th inst., S. James Weir, Esq., formerly one of the magistrates of<br />
Greenock.<br />
At Thomas Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, on the 13th inst., Thomas, son of Mr Thomas M'Donald,<br />
compositor, "National Reformer" Office, aged 1 year and 11 months.<br />
30 th April <strong>1846</strong> (Week 18)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Whithorn, on the 21st inst., the Lady of the Rev. Thomas Macindoe, of a son.<br />
At Knockbrex, parish of Borgue, on the 24th inst., Mrs M'Culloch, of a daughter.<br />
At Murrayton, near Gatehouse, on the 20th inst., Mrs Gardiner, of a still-born daughter.<br />
At Chirmerie, parish of Colmonell, on the 21st inst., Mrs Carswell, of a daughter.<br />
At Eonans, parish of Colmonell, on the 17th inst., Mrs Jones, of a son.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. J. Falconer, Mr Alex. M'William, to Miss Mary Wilson.<br />
At Mullock, Rerwick, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. James Thomson, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Cartney, farmer,<br />
Drummore, to Miss Mary Carnochan, niece to John Halliday, Esq., of Mayfield.<br />
At Clarendon Place, Glasgow, on the 21st curt., by the Rev. Dr Wallace, (uncle of the bride), Edward<br />
Bickerton, only son of Alderman Edward Evans, of Worcester, to Margaret, youngest daughter of the late<br />
Peter Fleming, Esq., of Glasgow.<br />
At St Paul's, Edinburgh, on the 21st inst., by the Rev Thomas Brancker, Dean of Wadham College, Oxford,<br />
William Hill, son of Sir Thomas Brancker, to Helen Grant, daughter of Donald Stewart, Esq., of Luskintyre,<br />
Isle of Harris.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Drangouer, parish of New Luce, on the 25th inst., Mr John M'Geoch, farmer there, - much regretted.<br />
In London, on the 2d inst., Alexander M'Gaw, aged 46 years, eldest son of Alexander M'Gaw, Little<br />
Lochans.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 17th inst., Mr Alexander Morrison, surgeon, aged 31 years - deeply regretted.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 20th inst., Susan Milligan, aged 55.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 21st inst., Margt. Black, spinster.<br />
At Kirkinner Village, on the 22d inst., Jane Dalrymple, aged 40 years, wife of Mr Alex Parker, - much<br />
regretted.<br />
At Bogue House, near Newton Stewart, on the 11th inst., aged 33 years, Mr Alex. M'Adam, late of<br />
Manchester, after a lingering illness.<br />
At Murrayton, parish of Girthon, on the 20th instant, after a long illness, Mary Galloway, aged 39 years,<br />
the beloved wife of Mr John Gardiner, farmer there.<br />
At Bridgestone of Urr, on the 22d inst., Mary Milligan, daughter of the late John Milligan - much regretted.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 24th inst., Mr James Hornell, grocer - much respected.<br />
At the Globe Inn, Dumfries, on the 25th inst., Mr John Graham, landlord of the above establishment -<br />
immortalised as the quondam residence of Burns.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 15th inst., John Hannah, eldest son of the late John Bryden, Esq., wine merchant<br />
At Buccleuch Street, Dumfries, on the 18th inst., Miss Jane Young, daughter of Samuel Denholm Young,<br />
Esq.<br />
At his house, 122 George Street, Edinburgh, on the 24th inst., Miss Eliza Maitland, eldest daughter of<br />
Thomas Maitland, Esq., of Dundrennan, member of Parliament for the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright.<br />
DEATH OF THE EARL OF ERROL - The Earl of Errol, Hereditary Lord High Constable of Scotland, expired<br />
on the morning of the 19th instant, at the residenc of his son-in-law, Viscount Campden, in Portman<br />
Square London. His Lordship and family had returned from Paris, about a fortnight since, having gone<br />
thither about a year ago for the benefit of the Earl's health. The Countess of Erroll, Lord Kilmarnock,<br />
Viscount and Viscountess Campden, Lady Agnes Duff, Lady Mary Fox, and General and Lady Isabella<br />
Wemyss were present at the mournful event. The Royal Family sent during the day to make inquiry after<br />
the state of the Countess of Errol. His Lordship married in 1820, the lady Elizabeth Fitzclarence, daughter<br />
of his late Majesty King William 1V., and aunt to the Earl of Munster, by whom he has left three daughters<br />
and one son; by the last whom, Lord Kilmarnock, a lieutenant in the Rifle Brigade, he is succeeded in the<br />
family honours. The present Earl, who was born in 1823 has been in Canada with his corps for a<br />
considerable period.<br />
DEATH OF SIR JOHN SEBRIGHT, BART. - This venerable baronet expired on the 15th inst., at the advanced<br />
age of seventynine. He was deputy lieutenant for the county of Herts, which he represented from 1806 to<br />
1834, having previously sat for Bath. His eldest son and successor, Thomas George Saunders Sebright,<br />
was born in 1802.<br />
7 th May <strong>1846</strong> (Week 19)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At the Grange House, Edinburgh, on the 28th April, the lady of John Dick Lander, Esq., of Fountainhall, of a<br />
son.<br />
Here, at George Street, on the 30th ult. Mrs William Galbraith, of a son.<br />
Here at Strand Street, on the 3d inst., Mrs H. Mann, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Honover Street, on the 6th inst., Mrs William Gibson, of a son.<br />
At Dalmanoch, parish of Inch, on the 24th ult., Mrs Wm. Drynan, of a daughter.<br />
At Blairbuy, on the 10th ult, Mrs Gifford, of a daughter.<br />
At Barr, Penningham, on the 1st instant, Mrs M'Queen, of a son.<br />
At Culraven, Borgue, on the 26th ult., Mrs Gordon, of a daughter.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on Friday last, the wife of Mr Jonathan Edmond, excise-officer, of a son; being the<br />
fourth child born all on the same day and month - 1st May.<br />
At St. Mary's, Whitechapel, on the 23d ult., Mr Adam Brown, draper London, to Miss Janet, youngest<br />
daughter of the late Mr William M'Guffie, Lochhill, Crossmichael.<br />
At Whytbank, on the 21st ult., by the Rev. Mr Reid, minister of Borgue, Norman Macbeth, Esq., artist,<br />
Greenock, to Mary, second daughter of the late <strong>Robert</strong> Walker, Esq.,<br />
At Portwilliam, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr George Milligan, to Miss Jane M'Culloch, and on<br />
the 27th by the Rev. Wm. Dunlop, Mr Andrew Laverie, to Miss Campbell: also, on the 28th Mr J. M'Master,<br />
to Miss Agnes Goodwin.<br />
On the 30th ult., the Rev. Frederick Douglas, rector of Scrayingham, Yorkshire, and third son of Sir<br />
Howard Douglas, M.P. for LIverpool, to Christiana Fanshawe, eldest daughter of Sir R. Stopford, Bart.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, on the morning of the 1st instant, Mr John M'Clean, who for more than forty years discharged the<br />
duties of Pro-Collector of the customs at this port, with fidelity to the Crown, and with great satisfaction<br />
to the public. He was 73 years of age, and carried with him the affectionate regard of his brother officers,<br />
and the respect and esteem of all with whom he had intercourse.<br />
At Dublin, on the 29th ult., Capt. Thomas Eaglesome, of the brig "Caledonia", of Stranraer.<br />
At Dinduff, parish of Leswalt, on the 25th ult., Ellen, fourth daughter of Mr Wm Ross, farmer there, aged<br />
21 years.<br />
At Merslaught, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 25th ult., Grace Martin, wife of Mr M'Mickan, farmer there, aged<br />
50 years.<br />
At Culroy, parish of Old Luce, on the 3d inst., after a severe illness, borne with Christian fortitude and<br />
patience, Mr Thomas Murchie, in the 83rd year of his age. From the kindness and benevolence of his<br />
disposition to all around him, he has left a blank in the family circle which time alone can fill up.<br />
At Craigenholly, parish of Old Luce, on the 2d instant, Mr Fergus Williamson, farmer there, in the 86th<br />
year of his age - much and justly regretted.<br />
At Drumore Village, on the 9th instant, Agnes Kelly, wife of James Hannah, aged 41 years.<br />
At Portlogan, on the 25th ult., Lieut. James Allison, Royal Aberdeenshire Militia, aged 41 years.<br />
At Kirkchrist, Penningham, on the 5th instant, Mrs Gibson, at the advanced age of 92 years.<br />
At Balmaclellan, on the 30th April, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Patterson, aged 90 years, last surviving son of "Old<br />
Mortality."<br />
At Portwilliam, on the 27th ult., Mrs Goudie, relict of the late Mr Goudie, long tenant of Killantrae, aged 81.<br />
On the 21st ult., in the prime of life, Mr Thomas Walls, tenant of Little Barskeoch, Kells - much lamented.<br />
At Newton Stewart, on the 29th ult., Mary Russell, at the advanced age of 93 years.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 30th ult., Miss Elizabeth M'Caul, eldest daughter of the late Samuel M'Caul, Esq.,<br />
Kirkcudbright.<br />
At English St. Dumfries on the 29th ult., Margaret Bailiff, daughter of Mr C.D. Porteous aged 11 years.<br />
14 th May <strong>1846</strong> (Week 20)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Kilgrossan, parish of Colmonell, on the 1st instant, Mrs M'Millan, of a son.<br />
At Maryhill, by Glasgow, on the 6th inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Montgomery, of a son.<br />
At Irongray Manse, on the 8th inst., Mrs Wilson, of a son.<br />
At the Manse of Lowick, Northumberland, on the 7th inst, the wife of the Rev. Tho. D. Nicholson, of the<br />
Presbyterian Church, of a daughter.<br />
At the Independent Chapel, St. Helen's, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. John Edmonds, John Kerr, Esq., banker,<br />
Stranraer, to Miss Grundy, Duxbury, Chorley, Lancashire.<br />
At Culmalzie, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. J. Towers, Wigtown, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Wright, farmer, Downen,<br />
Ballantrae, to Miss Mary Davidson.<br />
At Eyes, parish of Inch, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr Watt, of Stranraer, Mr Wm. Murray, farmer, Creoch,<br />
to Jane second daughter of the late Mr John Murray, farmer, Doss.<br />
At St. George's Church, Hanover Square, London, on Wednesday, the 6th inst., by the Hon and Rev. George<br />
Neville Grenville, the Right Hon. James Stuart Wortley, Judge-Advocate General, and M.P. for Bute,<br />
youngest son of the late Lord Wharncliffe, to the Hon. Jane Lawley, only daughter of Lord and Lady<br />
Wenlock.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at St. Andrew Street, on the 9th inst., Mr Alex. Hannah, aged 67 years.<br />
At Clayhole, here, on the 8th inst., very suddenly Margaret Mitchell, aged 22 years - much regretted.<br />
At Boreland, parish of Glenluce, on the 10th inst, after a lengthened and painful illness, Mr Charles<br />
M'Graw.<br />
At Kiltersan, parish of Kirkowen, on the 1st inst., Mr John M'Gill, farmer there, aged 72 years.<br />
At Balnehoine, parish of Colmonell, on the 4th instant, George, son of William Greig, in the prime of life,<br />
after a lingering illness.<br />
At Palnackie, on the 29th ult., Agnes Wilson, wife of Captain George M'Knight, and youngest daughter of<br />
the late Captain Thomas Wilson, there.<br />
At Newport, South Wales, after a short illness, Mr Thomas Bland, much regretted. The deceased was a<br />
native of Borgue, near Kirkcudbright.<br />
At Risk of Borgue, on the 6th inst., after a brief illness, aged 63, Mrs Margaret Haining, widow of Mr John<br />
Edgar, much respected.<br />
At Glencairn Kirk, on the 4th inst., Jane Burnie, wife of Mr John Dalziel, after long affliction, borne with<br />
Christian resignation, aged 31 years.<br />
At Barskimming, Mauchline, on the 9th instant, the venerable Lord Glenlee, at the advanced age of 91.<br />
At Blacketlees, on the 5th inst., Wm. Pool, Esq. of Blacketlees, by Annan, aged 84.<br />
21 st May <strong>1846</strong> (Week 21)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Cairnbrock, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 15th inst., Mrs John Rennie, of twin daughters. The father, who is<br />
70 years of age, is a great-grandfather.<br />
At Newcastle Staffordshire, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr M'Lauchlan, draper and tea-dealer, of a<br />
daughter.<br />
At Misterton, on the 1st inst., Mrs Mary Marples, of her seventeenth child in thirteen years.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. N. M'Leod, D.D. the Rev. William Leitch of Monimail, to Euphenia,<br />
daughter of the late Geo, Paterson, Esq., of Cunnoqubie.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at Castle Stret, on the 17th instant, Mrs Helen M'Water or M'Intyre, in the 81st year of her age.<br />
At Portsmouth, on the 1st inst., of consumption, John Black, orderly room clerk in the 74th Highlanders,<br />
aged 34 years, eldest son of the late Mr William Black, Innermessan mills - deeply regretted by all grades.<br />
At Whithorn, on the 7th inst, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr John Rainey, aged nine years.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 16th inst., aged 75 years, Mr S. M'Taggart, tailor - much respected.<br />
At Glencaird, parish of Minnigaff, on the 13th instant, William Murray, aged 14 years.<br />
In December last, at St. Helena, of fever, Mr Alexander M'Conochie, ship carpenter, son of Mr Hugh<br />
M'Conochie, Barrhill, near Gatehouse - deeply regretted.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on the 12th inst., aged 60, Mr R. Hair, foreman in the Upper Saw Mill there.<br />
At Dalry, Kircudbrightshire, on the 8th inst., Mr W. M'Lellan, postmaster there.<br />
28 th May <strong>1846</strong> (Week 22)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at Quay Head, on the 20th inst., the wife of Mr Alex Wilson, innkeeper, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Church Street, on the 21st inst., Mrs Alex. Sinclair, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Sun Street, on the 26th inst., Mrs William Barr, of a daughter.<br />
At Low Ardwell, Stoneykirk, on the 21st inst., Mrs Peter M'Culloch, of a son.<br />
At Kirkmabrick, Stoneykirk, on the 21st inst., Mrs John Keand, of a son.<br />
At South Ardwell, Stoneykirk, on the 21st inst., Mrs Francis Kelly of a son.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 23rd instant, Mrs Cameron, wife of the Rev. James Cameron, of a son.<br />
At Crawickbridge, by Sanquhar, on the 18th instant, Catherin Person, wife of Wm. Halliday, carpetweaver,<br />
Crawick Mill, of three children - two daughters and a son; they, along with the mother, are all<br />
alive and doing well.<br />
At Newark, United States, on the 30th April last, by the Rev. Dr. Scott, Mr James Kelvie, of the firm of<br />
Nichols & Kelvie, Lansingburgh, New York, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr Joseph Robinson, late of<br />
Laurieston, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at Fisher Street, on the 25th instant, Jane Thompson, wife of John Gibson, carter.<br />
Here, at St. Andrew Street, on the 25th inst., John O'Connel, aged 78 years.<br />
At 2, Norfolk Court, Norfolk Street, Laurieston, Glasgow, on the 24th inst., Mrs Alexander Shennan,<br />
daughter of Mr William Buchanan, Stranraer.<br />
At Waulkmill Cottage, parish of Colmonell, on the 19th inst., Agnes, youngest daughter of Mr John Dick,<br />
aged one year and nine months.<br />
At Cossies, near Ballantrae, on the 22d inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Reed, in his 73d year. - Friends are respectfully<br />
requested to accept this intimation.<br />
On Sabbath morning, 10th inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Hill, Esq., writer, aged fifty-four, long known in Stirling as one of<br />
its most respectable inhabitants, and most extensively employed legal practitioners.<br />
4 th June <strong>1846</strong> (Week 23)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Stenhouse, parish of Sorbie, on the 23d ult., Mrs Cumming, of a son.<br />
At Garliestown, on the 30th ult., Mrs Robb, of a daughter.<br />
At Lochend, parish of Colmonell, on the 25th ult., <strong>Robert</strong> Kerr, of a son.<br />
At Newyards, Maybole, on the 30th ult., Mrs Matthews, of a son.<br />
At Castledykes, on the 24th ult., the lady of John B. Hepburn, Esq., of a son.<br />
At Stranraer, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. Mr Muir, Roman Catholic Priest, Mr Bernard Cogan, Kirlauchlin,<br />
to Miss Mary Muirhead, Portree.<br />
At Leswalt, on Tuesday last, the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr Bennet, Ann, second daughter of Mr James<br />
Blackstock, Cairnbie, Kirkcolm, to Mr Peter Maitland. The age of the bridegroom is exactly double that of<br />
the bride's.<br />
At Ringuinea, Stoneykirk, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. Campbell, Mr Drynan, Finnart, to Agnes, eldest<br />
daughter of Mr James M'Clellan, farmer, Ringuinea.<br />
At Newton Stewart, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Samuel Richardson, Mr Adam M'Morran, gardener,<br />
Glasserton, to Agnes, second daughter of the late Mr James Heuds, tanner.<br />
At Knowe Village, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr Goold, Newton Stewart, James, eldest son of Mr James<br />
Stroyan, Philbaines, to Grace, eldest dughter of Mr Jas. Ross, late of Shalloch of Tilt.<br />
At Barrhill, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. Mr Blair, Mr James Cumming, to Agnes M'Math.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at George Street, on the 22d ult., Jessie Douglas, eldest daughter of Mr John M'Dowall, cabinetmaker<br />
At Airdrie, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 30th ult., Mr Peter Shirry, aged 69 years.<br />
At Kildonnan, Stoneykirk, on the 27th ult., Mrs Wm. Drynan, farmer, advanced in years.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 26th ult., after a short illness, Mr Samuel M'Taggart, aged 68 years - a confidential<br />
operative in the factory there.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 24th ult., John Lang, Esq., Dean of the Faculty of Procurators.<br />
At Wigan, on Friday morning last, at one o'clock, after 12 hours illness, John Shaw, aged 80 years. He was<br />
a native of Minnigaff. And just 36 hours afterwards, after a long illness, his only child, Alexander Shaw,<br />
surgeon, aged 40 years. The aged mother and daughter in law are thus left widows. They all lived<br />
together, and they will be buried together in one grave in St. Paul's chapel.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 24th ult., after a long illness. John M'Monnies, aged 27 years, son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong><br />
M'Monnies, in Chaple, parish of Tongland.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 2d inst., Margaret Hutton, spouse of Mr Samuel Blaind, shipowner.<br />
11 th June <strong>1846</strong> (Week 24)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at Bridge Street, on the 9th last, Mrs James Irvine, of a daughter.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 27t ult., Mrs John Graham, of a daughter.<br />
At Irving Street, Dumfries, on the 3d inst., Mrs Wm. Broun, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Prince's Street, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. George Charles, Mr Moses M'Creadie, grocer, to Miss<br />
Elizabeth M'Clymont.<br />
At Lochans, by Stranraer, on the 9th inst. by the Rev. Mr Simpson, Mr Burnie, farmer, Philbae, parish of<br />
Kirkmabreck, to Miss Jane Douglas, Bladnoch Bridge.<br />
At Ballantrae, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. J. Porteous, of the Free Church, Ballantrae, Mr John M'Kelvie, in<br />
Ballamere, to Agnes Blain, daughter of the late James Blain, Colmonell.<br />
At Park, Stirlingshire, on the 4th instant, by the Rev. Gearge Almond, of St Mary's Episcopal Chapel,<br />
Glasgow, David Stewart, Esq., formerly of Linna, to Helen, daughter of the late <strong>Robert</strong> Govane, Esq., of Park<br />
of Drumquhassle.<br />
At Amisfield Place, Kilmarnock, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Dr Struthers, Glasgow, the Rev. William<br />
Ramage, minister of the Relief Church, Kilmarnock, to Catherine, eldest daughter of Hugh Craig, Esq.,<br />
At Ingliston of Borgue, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Smith, of the Free Church, Mr Alex. Gordon, to<br />
Miss Elizabeth Maxwell.<br />
At Langholm, by the Rev. Wm Watson, Mr Walter Howatson, shoemaker, to Miss Helen Murray, eldest<br />
daughter of Mr John Murray, hosier there.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At the Manse of Kirkpatrick Durham, on the 2d inst., Janet, second daughter of the Rev. George Greig -<br />
aged 12 years.<br />
At the United Secession Manse, Minnyhive, on the 4th curt, Elizabeth, second daughter of the late Mr<br />
James Muirhead there.<br />
At Burnbraes, Moffat, on the 2d inst., Mary Bushby, wife of Mr Henry Bowes.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on the 29th ult., Jessie Caven, aged 47 years, daughter of the late Mr J. Caven, farmer, Snade,<br />
parish of Glencairn, and wife of Mr Samuel Kirkpatrick, merchant, Dalbeattie.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 1st inst., Mrs Charteris, late of Amisfield - At Dumfries, on the 1st inst., Mrs Mary<br />
Fergusson, wife of Mr William Smith, perfumer, Town Treasurer.<br />
At New Langholm, on the 1st inst., Agnes Oliver, aged 20 years; and at Langholm, on the 8th inst,<br />
Catherine Calvert, spouse of Mr John Bell, merchant.<br />
18 th June <strong>1846</strong> (Week 25)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Blair House, Dalry, on the 11th inst., the lady of Captain Blair, R.N., of Blair, of a daughter.<br />
At Craigton, on the 5th inst., Mrs Henry Dunlop, of a son.<br />
Here, at Princess Street, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. J. R. Duncan, Free Church, Moses M'Cready, grocer, to<br />
Margaret M'Clymont.<br />
At Riggheads, Torthorwald, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. J. R. Duncan, the Rev. William Mungall Simpson,<br />
Stranraer, to Helen, youngest daughter of James Nicholson, Esq., farmer, Riggheads.<br />
On the 8th inst., by the Rev. W. Williamson, of Kirkmaiden, Mr Sandy M'Guffie, mariner, Drumore, to Mary,<br />
daughter of Mr Drennan, grieve to Peter M'Lean, Esq., Mull of Galloway.<br />
On the 11th inst., by the Rev. W. Williamson, Mr P. Smith, Inshanks, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late<br />
David Melwain of Kilstey.<br />
On the 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr Lamb, of the Free Church, Kirkmaiden, Mr William M'Guffie, High<br />
Curghie, to Jean, daughter of the late Wm. Wilson, Portnessock.<br />
On the 16th inst., by the Rev. W Williamson, Mr Alexander, eldest son of Wm. M'Douall, farmer,<br />
Barncorkrie, to Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Gaw, joiner, High Drumore.<br />
At Twynholm Village, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. John Gordon, Mr William Sproat, carrier, to Miss Mary<br />
Waugh.<br />
At Mindork, parish of Kirkowen, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. Thomson, Mr Peter M'Dowall to Margaret,<br />
eldest daughter of Mr M'Kie, farmer, Mindork.<br />
At Kirkowen, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. Thomson, Mr Thomas M'Lellan, shoemaker, to Miss Jane<br />
Cameron. And on the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. Thomson, Mr James Court, to Miss Agnes M'Kean.<br />
M'Lellan, shoemaker, to Miss Jane Cameron. And on the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. Thomson, Mr James At her<br />
father's house, Dumfries, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. W.R. Duncan, curate of Barrewford, Lancashire, Mr<br />
Patrick Sandeman, Edinburgh, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Miles Leighton, Esq.<br />
At Langholm, on Sabbath the 14th instant, by the Rev. W.B. Shaw, Mr James Bell, plasterer, to Jane, third<br />
daughter of Mr Matthew Borthwick, spinner there.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at George Street, on the 14th inst., in the 66th year of his age, William Black, Esq., J.P.<br />
At the King's Arms Inn, here, on the 15th inst., Jessie, aged 16 months, daughter of Mr Findlay, vintner.<br />
On the 8th inst., John Kerr, son of Captain James Annan of Drumore, aged 3 years and 8 months.<br />
At Waulkmill, Leswalt, on the 17th inst., Mr John M'Gill.<br />
At Newton Stewart, on the 5th inst., Mary Bell, relict of James Bell, miller, Hoch Mill.<br />
At Montego Bay, Jamaica, on the 24th April, Georgina, daughter of the late <strong>Robert</strong> Dewar, Esq., and wife of<br />
the Rev. James Denniston.<br />
At Whithorn, on the 13th inst., Mrs James Lawson, at the advanced age of 89 years - much respected.<br />
At Sorbie, on the 6th inst., Miss Janet Black at an advanced age - much respected.<br />
At Dykenook, Haugh of Urr, on the 1st inst., aged 95 years, Isabella Sproat, relict of John Johnston.<br />
At Skeldon, on the 8th inst., Sir Alexander M. Cunninghame, Bart., of Corsehill.<br />
At Braehead, Banchory, Aberdeenshire, on the 5th inst., the Rev. James Stewart, of the Free South Church,<br />
Aberdeen, and formerly of Wallacetown, Ayr.<br />
At Charlotte Street, Ayr, on the 11th inst., Henry Cowan, Esq., aged 97 years.<br />
25 th June <strong>1846</strong> (Week 26)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at Sun Street, on the 18th inst., Mrs John Boyle, of a son.<br />
At Content Street, Wallacetown, Ayr, on the 22d inst., the wife of Mr A. Martin, compositor, of a son.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 22d inst., the lady of the Rev. J. Towers, of a daughter.<br />
At Kelton manse, on the 13th instant, the lady of John Dunlop, M.D., Royal Navy, of a daughter.<br />
At Stoneykirk Road, Stranraer, on the 22d instant, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Hogarth, Mr John Moore,<br />
shoemaker, to Miss Sarah Irvine.<br />
At Mark on Mark, parish of Barr, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. E.B. Wallace, Andrew, fourth son of Mr<br />
W. Gregg, farmer, Balnyholne, parish of Colmonell, to Isabella, eldest daughter of John M'Ilwraith, Esq.,<br />
At Farden on Ligg, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. Mr Galloway, of the Free Church, parish of Colmonell,<br />
Thomas, sixth son of Mr David M'Millan, Bents, to Jean, second daughter of Mr Gilbert Milroy, farmer<br />
there.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 16th inst, by the Rev. J. M'Dowall, Mr William Porter, to Mary Woods.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. Samuel Richardson, Mr Samuel M'Murrie, mason, to<br />
Miss Margaret M'Tear.<br />
At Colmonell, on the 15th inst., Mr Andrew M'Garvie, farmer, Ballochmurrie, to Miss Jean Irvine,<br />
Knockdolian.<br />
At George Street, Edinburgh, on the 16th instant, by the Rev. John Milroy, minister of Ballantrae, Henry D.<br />
Fergusson, Esq., W.S., son of the late Sir James Fergusson of Kirkerran, Bart., and of the right Hon. Lady<br />
Henrietta Fergusson, to Anna, daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Nasmyth, Esq., F.R.C.S.<br />
At Lauriston Place, Edinburgh, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. Dr Gordon, the Rev. John Mackail, minister<br />
of the Free Church, Calcutta, to Louisa Irving, daughter of A. R. Carson, LL.D.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Gallahill, near Stranraer, on the 21st inst., Mr Pete Adair, farmer there.<br />
At Kirkcolm, by Stranraer, on the 17th instant, Mr Peter Stewart, blacksmith, aged 36 years - much<br />
regretted.<br />
At Castle of Park, Glenluce, on the 20th inst., of fever, Helen Clave, aged 19.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 20th instant, of consumption, Janet Skimming, aged 19.<br />
At Kildonnan, on the 15th instant, Gilbert M'Neillie, late of Langarn, New Luce, advanced in life.<br />
At Barrhill, on the 16th instant, the infant son of Mr A. M'Millan, shoemaker, there.<br />
At Broomfield Bank, Glencairn, on the 10th inst., Miss Jane Corson, second daughter of the late John<br />
Corson, Esq., of Dalquhat.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 22d inst., David Robson, mason.<br />
At Newton Stewart, on the 17th instant, Mrs Bell, relict of Mr Jas. Bell, farmer, Carnshaw, far advanced in<br />
years.<br />
On Tuesday, the 28th day of April last, on "Plantation Friendship" Demarara River, Elizabeth, the beloved<br />
wife of Archibald Livingston, Esq., Manager - after a short but severe illness, borne with great fortitude<br />
and Christian resignation - much and deeply regretted by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance.<br />
2 nd July <strong>1846</strong> (Week 27)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Montgomery Street, Girvan, on the 22d ult., the wife of the Rev. David Sim, of a son.<br />
At Dailly Mill, on the 22d ult., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Melville, of a son.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 23d ult., the Lady Jane Johnstone Douglas, of a son.<br />
At Kirkchrist, Kirkcudbright, on the 22d ult., the lady of George Stewart, Esq., of a son.<br />
At Neptune Street, here, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. G. Charles, of the Free Church, Mr John Morrison,<br />
joiner, to Miss Jane Hodge.<br />
At Barrhill, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> M'Neil, of the Free Church, Mr John<br />
Fairlie, builder, Glasgow, to Miss Elizabeth, third daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Kelly, farmer, Barrhill.<br />
At Auchleach, Stoneykirk, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. J. Campbell, John Henry, to Ann, youngest daughter<br />
of Nicholas Dines.<br />
At Colmonell, on the 26th ultimo, by the Rev. James Porteous, Free Church, Ballantrae, Mr James Agnew<br />
Cerlocke, to Annie, fourth daughter of the late Mr Gilbert M'Whirter.<br />
At Blackfriar's Street, Glasgow, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. Andrew Thomas of the United Secession<br />
Church, Lincoln, Mr Thomas Shaw, foreman to Mr Kelt, tailor and clothier, Jamaica Street,<br />
Glasgow, to Miss Catherine, youngest daughter of Mr Thomas, Glasgow.<br />
At Galloway House, on the 8th ult., by the Rev. Mr Sloan, Mr George Hurg, architect and builder, to Miss<br />
Jean May.<br />
At Kelton, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. S. Cowan, Mr Alex. M'Kinna, shoemaker, formerly of Newton-<br />
Stewart, to Miss Margaret M'George.<br />
At Kirkgunzeon Manse, on the 23d ult., James Dickson, Esq., Glasgow, to Ann, eldest daughter of the Rev.<br />
John Crocket.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Port-William, on the 23d ult., aged ten months, Samuel, youngest son of Mr Samuel Black.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 28th ult., after a long illness, aged 43 years, William Walker, shoemaker there.<br />
At Moormains, Mochrum, on the 17th ult., Mrs Murray, aged 60 years.<br />
At Culraven, Borgue on the 26th ult., after a brief illness, Penelope Janet, infant daughter of Mr Thomas<br />
Gordon, farmer there.<br />
At Exeter, Connecticut, on the 21st May, Mr Nathan Thomson, aged 42. The deceased was a native of<br />
Gelston, Kirkcudbrightshire.<br />
At the Lodge Farm, near Castle-Douglas, on the 25th ult., after a long illness, Mrs Gray, widow of Mr Adam<br />
Gray, much regretted.<br />
At Priestbury, Cheshire, on the 20th ult., aged 42 years, Mr Alexander Grierson of Manchester, third son of<br />
the late Mr William Grierson of Dalbeattie.<br />
9 th July <strong>1846</strong> (Week 28)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at London Road, on the 3th inst., the wife of Dr <strong>Robert</strong> Mackie, of a son.<br />
Here at Cannongate, on the 7th inst., the wife of Mr David Gibson, mason, of a son.<br />
At Logan, on the 25th ult., Mrs Thomas M'Clure, of a son.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 2d inst., Mrs Biggam, Commercial Inn, of a son.<br />
At Poundland, Colmonell, on the 30th ult., Mrs Charles Kerr, of a daughter.<br />
At Corsock Mains, on the 28th ult., the wife of William Arthur, Esq., of a son.<br />
At Kirkpatrick-Durham, on the 30th ult., the lady of <strong>Robert</strong> Allan, Esq., surgeon, of a son.<br />
At Maybole, on the 5th inst., Mrs John Brown, of a daughter.<br />
At Kilwinning Manse, the lady of J. Dunlop, Esq., R.N., of a daughter.<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 2d instant, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Loggie, mariner, to Mary, only daughter of Mr Hugh<br />
M'Gown, Stewarton.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 6th inst., Mr G. Fulton, veterinary surgeon, to Miss May Wyllie.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 7th inst, Mr Alex. Kennedy, to Miss Ann M'William.<br />
At Enoch, near Girvan, on the 30th ult., Mr D. K. Walker of Partick Academy, Glasgow, to Miss Mary<br />
Lindsay Lyle, daughter of the late Thomas Lyle, Esq., Girvan.<br />
At Girvan, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. David Sime, Mr William Howie, baker, to Mrs Smith.<br />
At Low Borgue, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. William Reid, Mr James Kinna, to Miss Elizabeth Edgar.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, on the 7th inst., the wife of Mr John Haswell, boot and shoemaker, after a protracted illness, borne<br />
with Christian patience and resignation.<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 6th inst., Mary Agnew, eldest daughter of the late Mr Niven Agnew, West<br />
Balskallock, aged 62.<br />
At Cairnryan, on the 28th ult., Mr Thos. M'Master, late coast guard, aged 78 years.<br />
At Quarrelwood Manse, Kirkmahoe, on the 1st inst., James, youngest son of the late Rev. David Hogg.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 2d ult., John Paul, Esq.<br />
At Kirkcudbright on the 27th ult., aged 71, Mr Samuel Rae, meal and flour-dealer, deeply regretted by his<br />
family and numerous friends.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 26th ultimo, Barbara Sloan, relict of John Grierson, Esq.<br />
At Bridge Street, Girvan, on the 25th ult., Mr William Weir, flesher.<br />
At Harbour Street, Girvan on the 26th ult., Janet Grange, relict of the late Mr James Clocher, miller.<br />
At Ladyburn Cottage, Kilkerran, on the 5th curt., Isabella Richard, aged 36, wife of Mr Thos. Kirkland,<br />
gardener.<br />
At Cardoness cottage, parish of Anwoth on the 20th ult., aged 94 years, after only a few hours' illness,<br />
Agnes Patterson, spouse of John Cowan, who is in the 98th year of his age, and was able to attend his<br />
wife's funeral, and at the interment laid her head in the grave. The couple had lived as man and wife<br />
together for the long period of 70 years. The old man is still in the enjoyment of good health and mental<br />
capacity, and frequently walks into Gatehouse, a distance of more than three miles.<br />
At Arkland, parish of Anwoth, on the 21st ult., aged 18 years, Janet Douglas, eldest daughter of Mr Peter<br />
Kelly, farmer, Arkland.<br />
At Paris, at the advanced age of ninety two, Dr. Grandison, eminent for his successful researches on the<br />
nervous system.<br />
At Dalmellington, on the 27th ultimo, Jean Paterson, relict of the late Mr William M'Latchie, Pennyarthur.<br />
At Whithorn, on the 1st inst., Agnes, second daughter of Mr Wm. M'Kelvie, draper, aged 19 years.<br />
At Mains, near New Galloway, on Saturday the 29th ultimo, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Cannon (late of Newfield of<br />
Balmaclellan), aged 85 years.<br />
At Goulburn, New South Wales, on the 6th of February, Mr John W. Buchanan, son of John Buchanan, Esq.,<br />
Mount Park, Greenock.<br />
16 th July <strong>1846</strong> (Week 29)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Glenluce, on the 10th instant, Mrs And. M'Dowall, tailor, of a son.<br />
At Leffen, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. B. Laing, Colmonell, Mr William M'Gowan, Whitlets, Ayr, to Jean,<br />
second daughter of the late Gilbert M'Whirter, Colmonell.<br />
At Knowe, Penningham, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Mr Richardson, Mr James M'Muldroch, farmer, Beoch,<br />
to Mary, third daughter of Wm. M'Nairn, Esq., Knowe.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at George Street, on the 12th inst., Jane Douglas, infant daughter of Mr T. M'Caig, of the British Lin.<br />
Bank.<br />
Here, at Charlotte Street, on the 12th inst., Mr Thomas Lindsay, baker, aged 56 years.<br />
At Clayhole, here, on the 15th instant, John, son of Mr Wallace, shoemaker, aged four years and six<br />
months.<br />
At Spirrey Meadow, on the 16th inst., Jean Agnew, wife of Mr William M'Master.<br />
At Waterside, parish of Glenluce, on the 11th inst., Mr Andrew M'Quaker, aged 83 years.<br />
At Auchnotteroch, Leswalt, on the 14th instant, Agnes Jeffrey, in the 87th year of her age, much respected.<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 11th inst., Archibald M'Dowall, fisher, aged 51 years.<br />
At West Balskalloch, Kirkcolm, on the 6th inst., Mary Agnew, aged 62 years.<br />
On Monday, the 13th inst., after a severe affliction, borne with Christian resignation and fortitude, aged 58<br />
years, Mr W. Kerr of Frederick Street, Harper's Hill, Birmingham.<br />
At Newton Stewart, on the 3d inst., suddenly, Elizabeth, daughter of the late Alex. M'Murray, joiner.<br />
At Corsbie, Newton Stewart, on the 2d inst., Margaret, infant daughter of Mr Jas. Milligan.<br />
At Chapelheron, parish of Whithorn, on the 5th inst., William, youngest son of Mr M'Connel, farmer, aged<br />
3 years; and, on the same day Mrs Fullarton, late of Barsalloch, aged 79 years.<br />
At Meadowbanks, New Galloway, on the 4th inst., aged 47, Mrs Mary Hobbs, relict of Lieutenant Colonel<br />
John Hobbs, R.E. and eldest daughter of the late Rev. John Garlies Maitland of Fairgirth, Minister of<br />
Minnigaff.<br />
23 rd July <strong>1846</strong> (Week 30)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
In Grosvenor Squre, London, on the 10th instant, the Countess of Galloway, of a daughter.<br />
At Kilpatrick, parish of Girvan, on the 8th inst., Mrs Gilbert M'Millan, of a daughter.<br />
At Cornlea, parish of Colmonell, on the 8th inst., Mrs Thomas M'Clery, of a daughter.<br />
At 25, Heriot Row, Edinburgh, on the 14th inst, Mrs Stodart Macdonald, of a son.<br />
At Balnab, parish of Whithorn, on the 14th inst., Mrs John Stewart, of a son.<br />
At Burton, on the 3d inst., the Rev. James Porteous, minister of the Free Church, Ballantrae, to Margaret,<br />
eldest daughter of Hugh Lockhart, Esq., Puddington Hall, Cheshire.<br />
At Port-William, by the Rev. Wm. Dunlop, Mr Hiddlestones, farmer, Lockerby, to Miss Dickson.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At his house, in Castle Street, Dumfries, on the 15th inst., Alexander Robson, Esq., surgeon.<br />
At Shakspere Street, Dumfries, on Saturday last, Mr Thomas Minto, driver of the Portpatrick Mail - much<br />
regretted.<br />
At Kirkcudbright on the 14th inst., Jane Bryce, relict of the late Mr Thomas Bryce, mariner, at the<br />
advanced age of 83 years.<br />
At Eldrig Village, Mochrum, on the 11th inst., Mrs William Finlay, aged 52 years.<br />
30 th July <strong>1846</strong> (Week 31)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Glenluce, on the 26th inst., Mrs James M'Caw, of a son.<br />
In the parish of Lochmaben, on the 4th inst., Mrs Crichton, at Spedlings, of a daughter - On the 9th Mrs<br />
John Lawson, Templand Village, of a daughter - And on the 20th inst., Mrs William Lawson, Templand<br />
Village, of a son. What is not a little remarkable, the three mothers are sisters, two of the fathers are<br />
brothers, and the three children were baptised by the minister of Lochmaben on the same day.<br />
At Bridekirk Bridge, near Annan, on the 23d inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Kenzie, Free Church minister, Mr Wm.<br />
Platoff, cloger, Langholm, to Miss Mary Ann Crichton, there.<br />
At Nethertown, Irongray, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. David Bayne of the United Secession Church, Urr,<br />
Joseph Craig, Esq., Threecrofts, to Miss Janet Brown.<br />
At Dundrennan Village, Rerwick, by Kirkcudbright, on the 7th ult., by the Rev. James Thomson, Mr<br />
Thomas Edgar, schoolmaster there, to Miss Margaret Carter, third daughter of the late Mr Andrew Carter,<br />
late schoolmaster there.<br />
At Auchleeks House, Blair Athol, on the 23d instant, Captain Maxwell Hyslop of the Bengal army, to Mary,<br />
third daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Robert</strong>son, Esq., of Auchleeks, and of Membland Hall in the county of Devon.<br />
At Gogo Vale, Largs, on the 15th instant, by the Rev. David B. Doule, William Jones, Esq., Lamloch,<br />
Kirkcudbright, to Jessie, second daughter of the late J. M'Crone, Esq., of Rock Villa, Isle of Man.<br />
At Dounieston, Dalmellington, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Mr Barclay, Mr Andrew Campbell, to Janet,<br />
youngest daughter of Mr Stewart, farmer.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Charlotte Street, Stranraer, on the 28th inst., after a painful and protracted illness, borne with the<br />
utmost Christian resignation, in the 48th year of her age, Helenora M'Colm, wife of Captain David<br />
Kennedy - much and justly regretted.<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 26th inst., Mary, aged 33 years, youngest daughter of Mr Daniel M'Cartney,<br />
ship master.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 24th inst., Miss Margaret M'William, aged 33.<br />
At his brother's house, Dumfries, on the 23d instant, in the prime of life, Charles Grey Smyth, Esquire,<br />
writer, Kirkcudbright.<br />
At Nunholm Cottage, Dumfries, on the 17th current, Major William M'Kie, of the Hon. East India<br />
Company's Service.<br />
At Castlesod, near Kirkcudbright, on Friday last, Mrs Agnes Nairn, wife of Mr John Geddes – much<br />
regretted.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, Mrs Mary Keir, wife of Mr William M'Kinnell, grocer, &c, who is much regretted by her<br />
family and numerous friends.<br />
At Langholm, on the 20th inst., Mr John Byers, eldest son of Mr Andrew Byers, woollen manufacturer<br />
there, after a protracted illness, borne with calmness and resignation.<br />
We have to record the decease of the above Baronet, who expired at Garsenbe, on Thursday, at the<br />
advanced age of 77 years. The deceased was son of the first Baronet, the Lord President of the council of<br />
Session, better known as Lord Succoth. He is succeeded in the baronetcy and family estates in<br />
Dumbartonshire by his eldest son, now Sir John Campbell, born in 1798.<br />
6 th August <strong>1846</strong> (Week 32)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At High Street, here, on the 5th instant, the wife of Mr Thomas M'Carlie, spirit dealer, of a son.<br />
At Culreoch, parish of Inch, on the 2d inst., the wife of Mr Alexander Wylie, farmer, of a son.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 2d inst., Mrs John Beddie, of a daughter.<br />
At Bruntsfield House, on the 25th ultimo, Mrs George Hope Johnstone, of a son.<br />
At High Salchrie, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 4 th inst., Mr Thomas A. <strong>Robert</strong>son, to Miss Janet Brown,<br />
daughter of Mr John Brown, North Park, Kirkcolm.<br />
At Bladnoch Bridge, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. J. Towers, Mr Wm. Anderson, to Miss Matilda Anderson.<br />
At Girvan, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. Alex. Duncan, Glasgow, the Rev. Robt. D. Duncan, Dundee, to<br />
Margaret, daughter of Mr Elder of the Customs, Girvan.<br />
At Rosebank Villa, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Auld, William Walker, Esq., Bellsbank, to Barbara, eldest<br />
daughter of James Petticrew Wilson, Esq., of Polquhairn.<br />
At Carhowe, Twynholm, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. John Gordon, Mr John Murray, to Miss Mary Harries.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 1st instant, Margaret Paterson, wife of Mr Alex. Cook, tailor.<br />
At Brown Street, Glasgow, on the 26th July, after three days illness, Alexander M'Culloch, son of Mr David<br />
M'Culloch, mason, Clachan, Kirkcolm.<br />
At High Currochtree, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 27th ultimo, Margaret M'Culloch, spouse of Mr James<br />
M'Crackan, aged 74 years.<br />
At High Curghie, on the 25th ult., the wife of James Hannay, aged 66 years.<br />
At Hamilton Street, Girvan, on the 30th ult., Marion Walker, wife of Mr James Milligan, Barr.<br />
At Plunton Mains, Borgue, on the 28th ultimo, after a lingering illness, in her 16th year, Miss Wilhelmina<br />
Gordon, grand-daughter to Mr Allan M'Ewen, much regretted by her relatives and friends.<br />
At Lynn Bank Cottage, Kirkcudbright, on the 25th ult., William Dalgliesh, Esq., for many years Rector of<br />
the Academy, Annan.<br />
At Lendalfoot, on the 27th ult., Mrs Crawford, wife of the late Mr Kennedy Crawford, innkeeper, aged 76<br />
years.<br />
At his father's house, Dumfries, on the 21st ultimo, Charles, only son of Mr Wm. M'Gowan, architect. The<br />
deceased was a youth of remarkable promise, and greatly beloved by all who knew him for his talents,<br />
tireless industry, and sterling moral worth.<br />
13 th August <strong>1846</strong> (Week 33)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 6th inst., Mrs George Hair, of a daughter.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 8th instant, Mrs Wm. M'Kim, of a daughter.<br />
At Stranraer, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr Smellie, Mr A. M'Master, merchant, Wigtown, to Miss<br />
Helenora, eldest daughter of the late Mr Wm. M'Gowan, Stranraer.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. J.F.S. Gordon of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Sir Hew Craufurd<br />
Pollock of Upper Pollock, Bart., to Miss Elizabeth Oswald Dunlop.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Isle of Whithorn, on the 29th ult., aged 19, Charles, youngest son of Mr Archibald Livingstone, her<br />
Majesty's Customs, after a long and severe illness, which he bore with Christian meekness. Deceased was<br />
a young man of much promise, and his premature loss is deeply regretted by all.<br />
At Plunton Mains, Borgue, on the 28th utimo, Miss William B. I. Gordon, in her 16th year, daughter of the<br />
late Wm. B.I. Gordon, Esq., Provost of Kirkcudbright, much and deeply regretted by many friends and<br />
relatives.<br />
At Hill Cottage, Gatehouse, on the 5th instant, Jane Mary, infant daughter of Mr Thomas Campbell, grocer,<br />
there.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 5th inst, in infancy, John William, son of John Morton, tenter, Corton Mill, there.<br />
At Almalda Hill, Hamilton, on the 5th inst., the Rev. Alexander Gibson, minister of Balmaghie.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 25th ultimo, Mrs M'Millan, wife of the late Mr Wm. M'Millan, merchant -<br />
respected.<br />
At Whithorn, on the 3d inst., Sergeant John Wallace, aged 63, one of the few surviving veterans of<br />
Waterloo. A brave soldier, and an honest man, and highly respected by all who knew him.<br />
20 th August <strong>1846</strong> (Week 34)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At High Curghie, Kirkmaiden, on the 12th instant, Mrs M'Bryde, of a daughter.<br />
At Kirkbride, Kirkcolm, on the 15th instant, Mrs Chas. M'Cubbin, of a daughter.<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 18th inst., Mrs Hamilton, of a daughter.<br />
At Garliestown, on the 10th curt., Mrs Paton, of a daughter; and on the 11th Mrs Capt. Wilde, of a son.<br />
At Castle Douglas, on the 14th inst., the wife of James Mure, Esq., writer there, of a daughter.<br />
At Annan, on the 6th inst., Mrs Brand, of a son.<br />
At Clifton, Statton Island, New York, on the 27th July, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> L. Maitland, of a son.<br />
At North Auchleach, Kirkcolm, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. R. Hyslop, Mr Wm. Hamilton, to Miss Christian<br />
M'Donald.<br />
At Portwilliam, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr Wm. Marshall, to Miss Margaret Neil.<br />
At Portwilliam, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Mr Dunlop, Mr Peter M'Master, joiner, to Miss Janet, eldest<br />
daughter of Capt. James M'Culloch, of The "Thistle".<br />
At Tongland Manse, on the 13th curt., by the Rev. Dugald S. Williamson, David Logan, Esq., Blackfield<br />
House, Lancashire, to Miss Barbara Brown.<br />
At Tinwald Shaws, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Hugh Dobie, Kirkmichael, the Rev. James Caesar, assistant<br />
minister, Kinglassie, Fifeshire, to Jannette, only daughter of Mr Wilkin, Tinwald Shaws.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Princes Street, here, on the 18th inst., John, son of Mr Knox, cooper.<br />
At South Auchleach, Kirkcolm, on the 12th inst., Mrs Carnochan.<br />
At Craigencrosh, Stoneykirk, on the 13th inst., Sarah Wilson, wife of Mr William Black, farmer there, after<br />
a short illness.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 10th inst., at the venerable age of 88 years, Mr Anthony Heron, who for 57 years was<br />
farmer in Drumwall, parish of Girthon, and was an elder in said parish for about 45 years. He has left an<br />
aged widow, with whom he had lived in harmony nearly three score and ten years.<br />
At Portwilliam, on the 31st ult., Elizabeth Teague, aged 15.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 13th curt., afer a short illness, Mr Samuel Mowat, who has left a widow and<br />
family to mourn his untimely removal.<br />
At Balmangan Cottage, Borgue, after a long illness, Mr James Rain, aged 75, who was much respected.<br />
At Ardrossan, on the 6th inst., Agnes, eldest daughter of the late Alexander Oswald, Esq., of Shieldhall, and<br />
sister of James Oswald, Esq., of Auchincruive and Cavens, M.P.<br />
At Twynholm village, on the 13th curt., Miss Cathrine Blaine, daughter of Mr Alex. Blaine - much regretted.<br />
At 116, Renfrew Street, Glasgow, on the 30th ult., Mrs Stewart Agnew, wife of Mr Peter Gourlay, jun., High<br />
Street, Kirkcudbright.<br />
At Douglas, Isle of Man, on the 12th inst., Mary Gordon, daughter of the late <strong>Robert</strong> M'Knight, Esq., of<br />
Barlochan.<br />
27 th August <strong>1846</strong> (Week 35)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Mains of Cairnbrock, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 24th instant, Mrs John Lockhart, of a daughter.<br />
At Castledykes, Dumfries, on the 23d inst., Mrs R. Wallace, of a daughter.<br />
At the Manse of Parton, on the 15th inst., the wife of the Rev. Thomas Leckie, of a son.<br />
At Pier cottage, near Garliestown, on the 22d current, Mrs Wright, of a son.<br />
At Exton church, Rutland, on the 20th inst., by the Hon and Rev. Gerard Noel, canon of Winchester,<br />
Andrew Agnew, Esq., eldest son of Sir Andrew Agnew, Bart., of Lochnaw Castle, North Britain, to the Lady<br />
Louisa Noel, eldest daughter of the Earl of Gainsborough.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 24th instant, by the Rev. Peter Young, Mr Peter Halliday, watchmaker, to Miss Ellen<br />
M'Culloch.<br />
On the 15th inst., at Kingston Church, Portsea, Hants, by the Rev. Mr Ray, John M'Master, Esq., of<br />
Kildarroch, Wigtownshire, to Matilda Louise, eldest daughter of Capt George Palmer, R.N.<br />
At North Quintinespie, in the parish of Balmaghie, on the 13 th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Reid of Borgue, Mr<br />
Andrew Dods, Kelso, Roxburghshire, to Mary, youngest daughter of James Burnett, Esq., North<br />
Quintinespie.<br />
At the Free Church Manse of Dunscore, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Brydon, the Rev. James<br />
Mackenzie of the Free Church, Annan, to Helen Chalmers, eldest daughter of the late James Miller, Esq., of<br />
Portage, Canada.<br />
At Applegarth Manse, on the 13th inst., John P. Duff, Liverpool, to Mary Taylor, youngest daughter of the<br />
Rev. Dr. Dunbar.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Ain, Parish of Kirkmaiden, Margaret Wallace, aged 85 years.<br />
At Drumrae, parish of Glasserton, on the 15th current, Miss Janet M'Kie, after a lengthened illness which<br />
she bore with great resignation.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 20th instant, Mr Peter Milwain, mariner, aged 64 years.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 22nd instant, Agnes Skimming, aged 70 years.<br />
At Newton Stewart, on the 18th inst., Isabella Mitchison, wife of Mr Thomas Robinson, aged 59 years.<br />
At 32, Rose Hill, Liverpool, on the 20th inst., aged 43 years, Elizabeth, the wife of William Fergusson,<br />
draper - a native of Skyreburn, parish of Anwoth, Galloway.<br />
At Colmonell, on the 15th inst., Mary, aged 7 years, eldest daughter of Mr Wm. Wilson, surgeon there.<br />
At Sorbie Manse, on the 21st current, the Rev. Elliot William Davidson, aged 80 years - upwards of 55<br />
years minister of Sorbie parish.<br />
At Nunholm, Dumfries, on the 17th curt., David Armstrong, Esq., writer, and formerly Provost of the town<br />
of Dumfries.<br />
At Moffat, on the 12th inst., suddenly, Capt. Galloway, R.N., of Melville Street, Edinburgh.<br />
3 rd September <strong>1846</strong> (Week 36)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Corbelly Square, Maxwelltown, on the 29th ult., the wife of Mr James Halliday, ironmonger, of a<br />
daughter.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. Peter Young, Mr Peter Halliday, watchmaker, to Miss Ellen<br />
M'Culloch.<br />
At Bargally, parish of Minnigaff, on Tuesday, the 25th ult., by the Rev. James Goold, Mr Joseph M'Qualker,<br />
stationer, Girvan, to Jean, eldest daughter of the late Mr M'Crae, farmer, Bargally.<br />
At 7, Brunton Place, Edinburgh, on the 20th ult., by the Rev. Wm. Davidson, Cockpen, Mr Wm. B. Gordon,<br />
accountant, Manchester and Salford Bank, to Margaret, second daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Laing, Esq., Royal Bank<br />
of Scotland.<br />
DEATHS<br />
On Tuesday, 25th ult., at Hamilton Square, Birkenhead, after a short illness, Ann, wife of James Jorie, Esq.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 29th ult., Jas. M'Clatchie, aged 29 years. The deceased was a young man of<br />
excellent moral character, and good mental endowments.<br />
At Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, on the 27th ult., Edward Boyd, Esq., of Merton Hall, County of Wigtown, in the<br />
76th year of his age.<br />
At Drumpark, on the 25th ult., Mrs Margaret Cleminson, wife of William Kitching, Esq.,<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 26th ult., <strong>Robert</strong> Dickson, Esq, of Glentewing, aged 85 years.<br />
At Sanquhar, on the 17th ult., James, second son of the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Simpson.<br />
At Hungerford, in Berkshire, on the 23d ult., Captain John Lidderdale, late of the 15th Hussars, and<br />
formerly of Castlemilk, in Dumfries-shire.<br />
At London, on Monday, the 24th ult., aged 7 months, Emma Hannay, infant daughter of Mr P. Maclure,<br />
Upper King Street, Bloomsbury Square.<br />
At the Mauritius, on the 25th may, whither he had gone on account of his health, David Hogarth Smith,<br />
aged 18, second son of the Rev. George Smith, minister of Tolbooth Parish, Edinburgh.<br />
At Portobello, on the 22d ult., Mrs Maxwell Finnan, relict of the Rev. Charles Cunninghame of Dailly,<br />
Ayrshire.<br />
At the Palace of Holyrood, on the 22d ult., the Right Hon, Thomas Earl of Strathmore.<br />
At Albury, Guildford, on the 23d ult., Margaret, widow of the late Wm. Carlyle, Esq., advocate, formerly of<br />
Drungans, aged 73.<br />
At Shawburn, near Hamilton, on the 22d ult., where he was on a visit, the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Moore, of Greenhall,<br />
minister of the parish of Old Ramstocks, East Lothian, in the 87th year of his age, and 49th of his ministry<br />
in said parish.<br />
10 th September <strong>1846</strong> (Week 37)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Bridge of Muck, parish of Colmonell, on the 3d inst., the wife of Mr John Milroy, Joiner, of a son.<br />
On the 3d inst., in Eaton Square, London, the wife of Major General Caulfield, C.B., of a daughter.<br />
At Rammerscales, on the 30th ult., Mrs Macdonald of a son.<br />
At Coopercroft, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. William Reid, Borgue, Mr James Hughan, to Miss Sarah<br />
Wilkinson.<br />
At Twynholm Village, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. John Gordon, Mr James Gillone, to Miss Mary Welsh.<br />
At Tinnis, Selkirkshire, on the 31st ultimo, by the Rev. James Russell, minister of Yarrow, James Samuel,<br />
Esq., civil engineer, London, to Margaret Lydia, second daughter of the late James Hogg, Altrive Lake,<br />
author of the "Queen's Walk" &c.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 2d curt., after a brief illness James Kirkpatrick, Esq., sn, elder of the church, as his<br />
father had been before him, a Country Magistrate, and more than once Provost of his native burgh. For<br />
many years he carried on business extensively as a general merchant, was a shrewd observer of men and<br />
things, and possessed a wonderful acute knowledge of markets and prices, including a wide range of the<br />
most varied commodities. For a longer period than we exactly know, he exported goods largely to<br />
Australia, visited the South as a purchaser periodically, not merely himself, but on account of others and<br />
in that capacity, made the acquaintance, and acquired the friendship of the leading commercial characters<br />
in the principal manufacturig towns of England. The bereavement thus noticed will create a blank, not<br />
only on the banks of the Fleet, but over broad Galloway; and there are many beside his family and<br />
relatives, who will re gret the early removal of one whose untiring exertions land marked, commercially,<br />
the beautiful locality in which he drew the first breath of life and expired the last.<br />
At Gatehouse of Fleet, on the 28th ultimo, Mr William Munro, vintner, Blue Bell Inn, aged 50. He lived<br />
respected by all who knew him, and died sincerely regretted by an extensive circle of sorrowing friends.<br />
At Mains of Park, Glenluce, on the 5th inst., Nathan Gaw, aged 84.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 6th inst., Thomas Scott, late of Gillespie, advanced in years.<br />
At St. John's, Dalry, on the 1st instant, Mr John Bell, merchant, at the advanced age of 84.<br />
At Burnfoot, Kirkmabreck, on the 29th ult., after a lingering illness, Mr Wm. Patterson, teacher, aged 47,<br />
who was very highly respected by many friends, and is much regretted.<br />
At Dalmellington, on the 29th ult., Mr James Limond, son of the late Mr Limond, Burnton, Dalmellington.<br />
17 th September <strong>1846</strong> (Week 38)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Walhouse, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 12th instant, the wife of Mr Alexander M'Gill, farmer, of a son. -<br />
still born.<br />
At 292, Argyle Street, Glasgow, on the 9th instant, the wife of Mr William Sullis, ship carpenter, of a<br />
daughter.<br />
At Girthon Manse, on the 12th inst., Mrs Murray, of a son.<br />
At Garliestown, on the 9th inst., Mrs Marshall, of a daughter.<br />
Here, on the 14th instant, by the Rev. Mr Simpson, James Kelly, flesher, to Margaret Reid.<br />
At Maryhill, near Glasgow, on Tuesday, the 8th inst., by the Rev. Mr Wilson of the Free Church, Agnes<br />
Agnew, second daughter of the deceased Mr Stair Agnew, late farmer in Clendry, Kirkcolm, to Mr James<br />
Meikle, tailor and clothier there.<br />
At the Old Church, Halifax, on the 9th instant, John Nicholson, merchant, Castle Douglas, to Mary, youngest<br />
daughter of the late Mr John M'Taggart, farmer, Billies.<br />
At Inchdrewer House Banff, on the 1st instant, the Rev. A. M'Gilvray, to Mary Campbell Rose, relict of<br />
James M'Lintock, Esq., Dumbarton.<br />
At Lauder, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. George Robson the Rev. William Cowan, Backhaven, to Anne, only<br />
daughter of the late Mr William Biggar.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Bridge Street, here, on the 15th inst., Mr Alexander Drew, grain dealer, aged 23 years.<br />
At Wallhouse, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 14th instant, Elizabeth Miller, wife of Mr Alexander M'Gill,<br />
farmer, aged 39 years.<br />
At 292, Argyle Street, Glasgow, on the 10th instant, Marion Alexander, wife of Mr William Sullis, ship<br />
carpenter, aged 19 years - much regretted.<br />
At Drumbay, parish of Kells, on the 2d inst., Mr Robt. Barbour, merchant, Bradford, aged 30 years.<br />
At the house of her brother in law, John J. Thomson, Esq., Provincial Bank of Ireland, Bandon on the 3d<br />
inst., Margaret, third daughter of the late John Heron, Esq., of Ingleston, Kirkcudbright.<br />
At Colmonell, on the 5th inst., in his 3d year, Thomas, only son of Mr William Wilson, surgeon there.<br />
On the 25th ult., after a short but severe illness, Jessie Michael, aged 20, eldest daughter of Mr Thomas<br />
Michael, merchant, Creetown, while on a visit to her friends in Liverpool - much and deeply regretted.<br />
At Causey, parish of Urr, on the 29th, ult., Bridget, wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Forest, justly regretted.<br />
At the Banks of Troqueer, on the 11th inst., Miss Lilias Staig Thorburn, second surviving daughter of the<br />
late Rev. W. Thorburn, minister of Troqueer.<br />
24 th September <strong>1846</strong> (Week 39)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Drumflower, parish of Glenluce, Mrs David Hannay, teacher, of a son.<br />
At West Seacombe Terrace, Seacombe, on the 15th inst., Mrs William Reid, of a daughter.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. Mr Moore, Stranraer, Mr James Walls, hawker, to Miss Elice<br />
M'Clelland, youngest daughter of the late Mr Wm. MClelland, joiner.<br />
At St. Bride's Church, Liverpool, on the 10th instant, Mr William Sloan, draper, Manchester, to Margaret,<br />
second daughter of Mr John M'Candlish, farmer, Catyevoch, Wigtownshire.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. George Murray, Mr William Johnston, to Miss Margaret<br />
M'Clelland.<br />
At Ayr, on the 16th instant, by the Rev. William S. Wilson, <strong>Robert</strong> Gordon, Esq., Tobago, West Indies, to<br />
Rose Caroline, youngest daughter of the late George Bristow, Esq., Dailly.<br />
At 29, Nicholson Street, Glasgow, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Boyd, John A. Ferguson, Esq., merchant,<br />
Glasgow, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of David Ferguson, Esq., of Glasgow, formerly one of the<br />
magistrates of Girvan.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 14th inst., John Sinclair Cunningham, Esq., Secretary of the Commercial Bank of<br />
Scotland, to Barbara, daughter of the late James Inglis, Esq., banker, Edinburgh.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Barr, on the 14th instant, Andrew M'Connell, a young ship-carpenter belonging to Girvan.<br />
At North Berwick, on the 11th instant, Major Hew Dalrymple, late of the First Ceylon Regiment of Foot.<br />
At Auchenbreck, Argyleshire, on the 12th instant, George Charles, Esq., son of the late George Charles of<br />
Ayr.<br />
At Oban, on the 8th instant, Capt. Alex. Campbell, h.p. 35th Regiment (late 38th Regiment) in his 58th<br />
year.<br />
1 st October <strong>1846</strong> (Week 40)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
On Sabbath morning last, the wife of the Rev. Mr Watt, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Castle Street, on the 30th ult., Mrs James Shaw, of a daughter.<br />
At the farm of Aird, parish of Inch, on the 27th ult., Mrs James Galbraith, of a son.<br />
At Mayhaar, Kirkcolm, on the 24th ult., Mrs Charles Kerr, of a son.<br />
At High Salchrie, Kirkcolm, on the 26th ult., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong>son, of a daughter.<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 29th ult., Mrs Logie, of a son, still-born.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 26th instant, Mrs John Thomson, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Charlotte Street, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. Mr Ferguson, of the Free Church, Inch, Mr William<br />
Ferguson, farmer, Barphad, Kirkcowan, to Jane M'Conchie, relict of the late James Templeton, Esq., Ayr.<br />
At Craignuie, parish of Minnigaff, on the 29th inst., Mr James Wyllie, gamekeeper, Cumloden, to Miss<br />
Cannon, daughter of Mr Wm. Cannon, farmer.<br />
At Rotherfield Grays, Oxon, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. Edmund Mortlock of Christ's College, Cambridge,<br />
David John Maitland, Esq., son of the late Lieut. Col. Alex. Maitland, H.C.S., of Chipperkyle, N.B., to Matilda<br />
Leathes, daughter of the late Sir John C. Mortlock.<br />
At Maybole, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. John Inglis, Sanquhar, William Gilmour, jun., Esq., Glasgow, to<br />
Mary, eldest daughter of the late William Dick, Esq., Maybole.<br />
At the Manse of Stair, on the 16th ult., the Rev. Robt. Inglis, minister of Craigie, to Jane, eldest daughter of<br />
the Rev. William Rorison, of Stair.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at Bridge Street, on the 27th ult., Mrs William Shaw, midwife, aged 60 years, the last 19 of which she<br />
has practised in her calling with unwearied assiduity. Constitutionally robust, she possessed a large share<br />
of cheerfulness, good-nature, and benevolence, with a ready disposition to oblige, which gained her the<br />
esteem of rich and poor; by the latter of whom especially she will be long remembered with deep felt<br />
sorrow.<br />
At King Street, here, on the 26th ult., Thomas, second son of Mr M'Lelland, baker.<br />
At Port Logan, parish of Kirkmaiden, on Thursday, the 24th ult., Charles Hannay, aged 86 years. For many<br />
years previous to his death he was an Elder in the Established Church of the said parish, which office he<br />
filled in a becoming manner as a man and a Christian.<br />
At Corseyard, Borgue, on the 22d ult., after a short illness, Mr Peter M'Credie, aged 70 - much respected.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 23d ult., far advanced in years, Mr David Gray, spirit merchant, &c., who was<br />
widely known and highly respected.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 16th ult., Wm. S. Hewat, youngest son of Mr Richard Hewat, writer, there, aged 4<br />
months.<br />
At Carnsalloch Dumfries, on Tuesday, the 15th ulto., Janet Mary, second daughter of the right Hon. Sir<br />
Alex. Johnston.<br />
At Palnure, parish of Kirkmabreck, on the 28th inst., Mr John Morton, innkeeper, aged 46 years.<br />
At Creebridge, Newton Stewart, on the 29th inst., Mr James Stevenson, farmer, Barclye, very far advanced<br />
in years - much regretted.<br />
At Colombo, Ceylon, on the 19th July, from an enlargement of the heart, David Alexander Maitland, Esq., of<br />
Barcaple.<br />
8 th October <strong>1846</strong> (Week 41)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Laurel Bank, Stranraer, on the 6th inst., Mrs John Adair, of a daughter.<br />
At Hanover Street, here, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr James Thomson, tailor, of a son.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 26th ult., Mrs John Thomson, of a daughter.<br />
At Corwar Porter's Lodge, on the 28th ult., Mrs Peter M'Kie, of a daughter.<br />
At Dochroyle, parish of Colmonell, on the 21st ult., Mrs M'Clure, of a daughter.<br />
At Munches, on the 3d instant, the lady of Wellwood Maxwell, Esq., of a son.<br />
At Hawick, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. Adam Thomson, the Rev. John Gilchrist Dyer, minister of the<br />
Secession Church in North Berwick, to Margaret, second daughter of Mr Wm. Laidlaw, manufacturer,<br />
Hawick.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 6th inst., Alexander Kirkwood, Esq., civil engineer, Glasgow, to Jean, fourth daughter of<br />
Mr James Hewetson, late in Barr, Wigtownshire.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Kilumpha, Kirkmaiden, on the 7th inst., Mrs Agnes Forsyth, wife of Mr W. Anderson - much and greatly<br />
regretted by her family and friends.<br />
At Barnchangan, parish of New Luce, on the 26th ult., after a short illness, Mr John M'Kie, cooper, aged 82<br />
years.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 1st inst., Agnes Crobin, spinster, aged 58 years.<br />
At Creebridge, Newton-Stewart, on the 29th ult., Mr James Stevenson, farmer, Barclye, very far advanced<br />
in years - much regretted.<br />
At Palnure, parish of Kirkmabreck, on the 28th ultimo, Mr John Morton, innkeeper, aged 46 years.<br />
At Lantine House, on the 28th ult., after a short illness, Marion Jeffrey, lady of Thomas Brown, Esq., of<br />
Waterhaughs, aged 70 years.<br />
At Kishnagur, near Calcutta, on the 2d of August, of cholera, Mr John Mackie, youngest son of John Mackie,<br />
Esq., of Bargaly.<br />
At 4, Hope Street, Leith Walk, Edinburgh, on the 2d inst., William Smith, Esq., merchant, Leith.<br />
At Norfolk Street, Laurieston, Glasgow, on the morning of Wednesday last, the 30th ult., after a short<br />
illness, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Welsh, spirit dealer.<br />
At Assembly Street, Dumfries, on the 26th ultimo, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Craig, in his 66th year.<br />
At Assembly Street, Dumfries, on the 30th ult., Joseph, son of Mr James Fergusson, grocer.<br />
At Berawpore, on the 4th August, aged 2 years, Mary Jane, youngest daughter of William Maxwell Dirom,<br />
Esq., Bengal Civil Service.<br />
At Kurrachee, Scinde, on the 27th July, of cholera, Capt. John Moore Napier, nephew and Military<br />
Secretary to Sir Charles Napier, G.C.B., aged 29.<br />
15 th October <strong>1846</strong> (Week 42)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Castle Street, here, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr David Warren, upholsterer, of a son.<br />
At Mexico, on the 5th August last, the lady of A. Melville, Esq., of a son.<br />
At Drumflower, parish of Glenluce, Mrs Hannah, of a son.<br />
At Whithorn, on the 10th inst., Mrs R.H. Smith, of a daughter.<br />
At Craig, parish of Dailly, on the 4th instant, the wife of Mr Andrew M'Candlish of a daughter.<br />
At Slacks, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. T. Inglis, D.D., of Lochrutton, John M'Lellan, draper, Blackburn, to<br />
Jane, fifth daughter of Mr Wm. Inglis, farmer, Slacks, Tinwald.<br />
At 52, West Nile Street, Glasgow, on the 6th instant, by the Rev. David Runciman, M.A., of St Andrew's,<br />
Alexander Kirkland, Esq., architect, Glasgow, to Jane, fourth daughter of James Hewetson, Esq., lately of<br />
Barr, Newton-Stewart.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Bridge Street, here, on the 10th instant, <strong>Robert</strong>, youngest son of Mr M'Neillie, farmer, Dindinnie, aged<br />
14 months.<br />
At Bridge End, near Stranraer, on the 9th inst, Anne, eldest daughter of Mr Alex. Gibb, aged 20 years.<br />
At Carlisle on the 12th ult., very suddenly, Mr Thos. Johnstone, tailor and clothier there.<br />
At Dailly, on the 11th instant, Mr John Currie, sawyer, aged 85.<br />
At 40, Ann Street, Edinburgh, on the 3d instant, Mr James Davidson, late Keeper of the Records of the<br />
Court of Session, in his 75th year.<br />
At Stevenson, on the 5th inst., John, infant son of Mr Kelso, Ballantrae.<br />
At Montgomerie Street, Girvan, on the 7th instant, Mr Thomas Forgie, innkeeper, aged 83.<br />
At Girvan, on the 3d instant, Mr Alexander M'Credie, aged upwards of 80 years.<br />
At Maybole on the 11th instant, William Hannah, younger son of Mr John M. Gibson, merchant.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 4th inst., aged 87, Mrs Isabella Roddick, relict of the late Walter Carruthers.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 5th inst., Mr Thomas <strong>Robert</strong>s, carver and gilder, aged 60.<br />
At his house, Pierremont, near Broadstairs, on the 23d ult., Edward Fletcher, Esq., of Corsock, in the<br />
Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, and of Park Street, Grosvenor Square, London, aged 84 years.<br />
At Slagnaw, in the parish of Kelton, on the 10th inst., aged 8 years, Grace, third daughter of Mr William<br />
M'Clymont, farmer, there.<br />
At Darlington, on the 5th inst., aged 43 years, Mr Wm. Macadam, third son of Mr George Macadam, late<br />
Principal Coast Officer at Barlochan.<br />
At Twynholm Village, near Kirkcudbright, on the 9th inst., after a brief illness, Mr John Thompson, joiner -<br />
much respected.<br />
At Easdale, on the 2d inst., the Rev. Peter MacBride, minister of the Free Church, Rothesay.<br />
At Wolseley Hall, on the 8th inst., Sir Charles Wolseley, Bart., aged 78.<br />
22 nd October <strong>1846</strong> (Week 43)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, on the 19th inst., Mrs Alex. Mann, of a daughter.<br />
At Stoneykirk Road, on the 18th instant, the wife of Mr Thomas Rankine, of a son.<br />
At St. John Street, here, on the 21st inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> M'Gaw, mason, of a daughter.<br />
At Waulkmill, near Stranraer, on the 14th inst., Mrs Benjamin Buchanan, of a son.<br />
At Trade Street, on the 16th instant, the wife of Mr John Grieg, shoemaker, of a son.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 17th inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Cruickshanks, of a son<br />
At Auchencarin, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr Wm. S. Tryer, of Liverpool, of a son.<br />
At Dalkeith House, on the 10th inst., her Grace the Duchess of Buccleuch, of a daughter.<br />
On Tuesday, the 20th October, by the Rev. Samuel Clanaghan, Benjamin Christopher Nicholson, Esquire,<br />
merchant, Liverpool, son of the Rev. Christopher Nicholson of Whithorn, to Helen, daughter of James<br />
Gifford, Esq., Barwhinnock.<br />
At No 38, Melville Street, Edinburgh, on the 15th instant, by the Rev. D.T.K. Drummond, James<br />
Cunningham, Esq., writer to the signet, to Elizabeth Boyle, youngest daughter of the late Alexander<br />
Dunlop, Esq., of Keppoch.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Freeland of St. Mary's, Mr David Latta, Glasgow, to Jessie<br />
Carson, eldest daughter of Mr H.R. Douglas, Dumfries.<br />
At Moffat, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. John Riddel, the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Menteath of Greenlaw, to Margaret<br />
Bell Taylor, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Joseph Taylor of Lockerbie.<br />
At the Independent chapel Walsall, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. A. Gordon, M.A., Mr John Milroy, draper,<br />
Walsall, to Jane, second daughter of the late Mr R. Fletcher of Wolverhampton, Staffordshire.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at Clayhole, on the 20th inst., John, aged nine months, infant child of Mr David Torrance, mariner.<br />
At Common Park, parish of Whithorn, on the 9 th inst., Mr Alex M'Naught, farmer, aged 58 years.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 15th inst., Mr John M'William, weaver, at the advanced age of 91 years.<br />
At Port William, on the 10th inst., after a long illness, borne with great patience, Mr John Milligan,<br />
mariner, aged 25.<br />
At Palnackie, on the 15th current, Mr James Bell, merchant there.<br />
At Appleby, on the 7th inst., John Rose, cattle driver, aged 40 years, a native of Glenguaion, Wigtownshire.<br />
At Wellingborough, on the 12th instant, Adam Corrie, Esq., of Dunrod, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, aged<br />
75.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 10th inst., after a long illness, borne with Christian meekness, Eliza, second daughter<br />
of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Master, timber merchant, there.<br />
At Moffat manse, on the 10th inst., Alison Anderson, wife of the Rev. Alexander Johnston.<br />
At Sanquhar, on the 6th instant, aged 87, Mrs Jean Osborne, relict of the late Edward Whigham, Esq.,<br />
Provost of Sanquhar. Deceased has been between 40 and 50 years in the Queensberry Arms Inn, and was<br />
a personal friend of the poet Burns.<br />
29 th October <strong>1846</strong> (Week 44)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at St. John's Street, on the 23d instant, the wife of Mr Alexander Campbell, shoemaker, of a son.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 25th instant, the wife of the Rev. David Brown, of a daughter.<br />
At Irvine, on the 20th inst., Mr James Young, driver of the Portpatrick mail, to Ann, daughter of Adam<br />
Smith, flesher.<br />
At Helentonmains, Symington, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. David Hogg of Kirkmahoe, Mr John Brown,<br />
Kirkhill of Craigie, to Grace, youngest daughter of Mr Wm. Gray, farmer, Helentonmains.<br />
At Hallcroft, Parton, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. Mr Leckie of Parton, Mr William Scott, Auchendoly,<br />
Crossmichael, to Miss Muirhead, third daughter of Mr Muirhead, farmer, Hallcroft.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at King Street, on the 24th inst., Charles Morland, second son of Mr John Kerr, grocer, aged 6 years.<br />
At Knockibay, parish of New Luce, on the 22d instant, Mr Thomas Drynan, aged 30.<br />
At Auchengrennan, parish of Colmonell, on the 25th instant, after a lingering illness, borne with Christian<br />
fortitude and patience, Janet, eldest daughter of Mr James M'Creath, aged 17 years.<br />
At Isle of Whithorn, on the 13th inst., Mrs Cook, relict of the late Alexander Cook, commander of the<br />
"Prince Edward" revenue cutter, at the very advanced age of 95, fifty of which were spent in widowhood.<br />
She enjoyed good health and her faculties, mental and bodily, nearly unimpaired all within a short time of<br />
her death.<br />
At Mochrum Village, on the 16th instant, Mr John Martin, formerly tenant in Changue, aged 74.<br />
At Mochrum Village, on the 17th instant, after a long illness, borne with great patience and resignation,<br />
Mr James Dalrymple, aged 28.<br />
At Pittsburgh, United States, on the 16th September, last, after a short illness, in his 46th year, Mr James<br />
Maizland, son of Mr James Maizland, Mill Hall, Borgue, and formerly of the Commercial Inn, Gatehouse,<br />
who was much respected, and extensively known in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright.<br />
At his residence at Morland Cottage, near Edinburgh, on the 11th inst., in the 82d year of his age, Dr John<br />
Thomson, formerly Professor of Surgery to the Royal College of Surgeons, and of Military Surgery in the<br />
University of Edinburgh, and more recently Professor of General Pathology in the University.<br />
Suddenly, at London, on the 18th instant, Thomas Kirkman Finlay, Esq., merchant, Liverpool, third son of<br />
the late Kirkman Finlay Esq., of Castle Toward.<br />
5 th November <strong>1846</strong> (Week 45)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Grange of Cree, near Wigtown, on the 27th ultimo, Mrs Carson, of a son.<br />
At Mount Kedar Manse, on the 124th ult., the wife of the Rev. Alexander Brown, of a son.<br />
At Falkirk Manse, on the 24th ult., Mrs Begg, of a son.<br />
At Doune Terrace, Edinburgh, on the 21st ult., Mrs R. Chambers, of a daughter.<br />
At Darjaling, East Indies, on the 10th August last, the lady of Captain Irving, 1st Bengal Light Cavalry, of a<br />
daughter.<br />
At Fisher Street, here, on the 3d instant, by the Rev. W.M. Simpson, Mr Alexander M'Alister, Greenock, to<br />
Miss Jessie Dawson.<br />
At Fisher Street, here, on the 4th instant, by the Rev. Mr Charles,<br />
Mr William John M'Alpine to Miss Elizabeth Johnstone, second daughter of Mr Wm. Johnstone, shoemaker.<br />
At Leastowe, on the 17th ult., Walter Moffat, draper, Ipswich, Suffolk, son of Mr John Moffat, farmer,<br />
Darngarroch, Galloway, to Miss Margaret <strong>Web</strong>b, of Leastowe, Suffolk.<br />
At Burnfoot, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. Edmund Lane, Rector of St. Mary's, Manchester, Patrick W.V.<br />
Dudgeon, son of Lieut-Colonel Dudgeon, Edinburgh, to Lilias, daughter of the late George Whigham Esq.,<br />
of Hallidayhill.<br />
At Nunbank, near Dumfries, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Dunbar of Applegarth, Wallace Walker, Esq.,<br />
merchant, Liverpool to Diana, eldest daughter of William Gordon, Esq.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Challoch, parish of Leswalt, on the 29th ultimo, Elizabeth M'Douall, wife of Mr Charles Hamilton,<br />
farmer, aged 77 years.<br />
At New Galloway, on the 2d instant, John Halliday Crawford, aged 5 years, only surviving son of Mr Archd.<br />
Little there.<br />
At Mochrum Kirk, on the 28th ult., Mr W. M'Guffie, joiner, aged 89 years.<br />
At Castle Douglas, on the 27th ult., Mr Jas., Ireland, aged 78 years - much respected and regretted.<br />
At Kirkconnel Mains, Troqueer, on the 26th ult., Mr James White, wood-forester there, aged 53 years; and,<br />
on the 30th ult., Mary Broadfoot, his wife, aged 55. Mr White attended church on the Friday preceding his<br />
death; and his wife was so much affected by his unexpected departure, that in four days afterwards she<br />
died of grief.<br />
At Kenmore Manse, on the 27th ult., Grace M'Lagan, wife of the Rev. Dr. Duff.<br />
At Academy Street, Dumfries, on the 19th ultimo, Mr George Rae Henry, draper.<br />
At Thornhill, on the 9th ult., James Herries, Esq., surgeon, aged 54 years.<br />
12 th November <strong>1846</strong> (Week 46)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Puerto Gabello,Venezuela, on the 20th Sept., Mrs Evans of a son.<br />
At Pencaitland Manse, on the 28th ult., Mrs Nicholson, of a daughter.<br />
REMARKABLE BIRTH – At Graham Street, Johnston, on the 3d inst., Mrs M'Auley was delivered of four<br />
children, all of them males, three of whom only lived a few hours, but the fourth is apparently in good and<br />
vigorous health.<br />
At Claycroft, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Neil, Free Church, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Leith,<br />
joiner, Irvine, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr William Marshall, farmer, Claycroft.<br />
At Leswalt Free Church Manse, on the 5th instant, by the Rev. T.B.Bell, Mr Rose M'Keachie, mariner, to<br />
Jean, only daughter of the late Mr Alexander Donaldson in Cairnbrock.<br />
At Port William, on the 2d inst., Mr James Goodwin, gamekeeper, Droughtag, to Magdalina, daughter of Mr<br />
<strong>Robert</strong> McMaster, farmer, Port William.<br />
At Port-William, on the 5th inst., Mr Vans Bryde, to Elizabeth Ann M'Credie.<br />
At Lauriknowe, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr Clark, Mr John Renwick, Post Office, Dumfries, to Eliza,<br />
eldest daughter of the late Mr M'Lellan, postmaster, Dalry.<br />
At Keltonhead, parish of Dumfries, on the 6th current, by the Rev. James Wilson of Irongray, Mr Wm.<br />
Johnston, Crocketford to Margaret, daughter of Samuel Thomson, Auchenfad.<br />
At the Independent Chapel, Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire, on the 2d instant, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Hamilton, Mr<br />
Ebenezer Kirkpatrick, tea-dealer, to Mrs Mary Lawrence, both of Lynn, Norfolk.<br />
At Currie House, Borthwick, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. Dr. Gordon, the Rev. James Duncan, of the Free<br />
Church, Temple and Carrington, to Charlotte, eldest daughter of the late Ralph Hardie, Esq.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at Foulford, on the 7th inst., of fever, after a short illness, Mr James Ross, gardener - much regretted.<br />
At Portpatrick, on the 30th ult., Mrs Margaret Milvain, aged 78, relict of the late Mr James Milvain, in Float<br />
- much regretted by a numerous circle of friends.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 9th inst., after a lingering illness, borne with Christian patience and resignation, Mr<br />
Wm. M'Clew, aged 21 years. He was very highly respected and very deeply regretted by all who had the<br />
pleasure of his acquaintance.<br />
At Mochrum Kirk, on the 28th ult., Mr W. M'Guffie, joiner, aged 89.<br />
At Liverpool, on the 5th inst., of typhus fever, aged 32, Elizabeth, wife of John Templeton, and daughter of<br />
the late Alex. Parker, of Revenshall, near Gatehouse. She has left a family of four daughters to bewail the<br />
loss of a fond mother, and a husband to lament for an affectionate wife.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 4th inst., the Rev. Walter Dunlop, of the United Secession Church, Buccleuch Street.<br />
At Brocklock, Kirkpatrick Durham, on the 2d instant, Mary Aitkin, relict of Mr William Newall, farmer,<br />
Lochbank, Newabbey - much regretted.<br />
At the Village of Crocketford, on the 25th ult., David M'Caig, advanced in years, grocer and postmaster<br />
there - much respected.<br />
19 th November <strong>1846</strong> (Week 47)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Corswall Lighthouse, Kirkcolm, on the 15th inst., Mrs Reid, of twins - a son and daughter.<br />
At Holm Cottage, Newton-Stewart, on the 19th ultimo, Mrs <strong>Web</strong>ster, of a daughter.<br />
At Glenstewart, on the 8th instant, the wife of Mr Wm. Patterson, coachman, of twin sons - and what is<br />
ather remarkable, both having one tooth.<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 8th inst., the wife of the Rev. W.B. Clark, of a son.<br />
At 6, Ainslie Place, Edinburgh, on the 9th instant, the lady of Mark Napier, Esq., of a daughter.<br />
At Nantwich, Cheshire, on the 11th instant, Mrs P. Cumming, of a son.<br />
At High Barmore, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 14th inst., Mrs James Wither, of a son.<br />
At Creebridge, on the 17th inst., Mr John Graham, attorney, London, to Miss Jane Young.<br />
At Fellend, parish of Tongland, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. Mr Bayne, of Urr, Mr Wm. Barclay, of<br />
Fellnaw, to Mary, second daughter of Mr Thomson, farmer, Fellend.<br />
At Sarah's Cottage, Lochanbreck, on the 3d instant, by the Rev. George Brown, of the Free Church, Castle<br />
Douglas, Mr R. Carson, Rosebank, to Miss Margaret Wilson, of that place.<br />
At St. Michael's Church, Toxteth, on the 28th ult., the Rev. Gilbert Sandbach, Rector of Upper Sapey,<br />
Herefordshire, to Margaret, youngest daughter of the late Archd. Maxwell, Esq., of Kelton,<br />
Kirkcudbrightshire. At Halifax, Nova Scotia, on the 17th September, the Hon William Kennedy, of the<br />
Royal Artillery, son of Archibald, late Earl of Cassillis, and grandson of the late marquis of Ailsa, to Sarah<br />
Jane, eldest daughter of the late William M. De Blois.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At North Park, Kirkcolm, on the 4th instant, John, aged 17 years, son of Mr John Brown, farmer.<br />
At Drumore Village, on the 15th inst., Janet Cunningham, relict of David Garrett, advanced in years.<br />
At Milton, Kirkcolm, on the 14th inst., Grace Hannah, daughter of Mr Alexander Hannah, miller.<br />
At Greenhead, New Galloway, on the 5th inst., after a protracted illness of seven years, which she bore<br />
with Christian meekness and resignation, Janet Thomson, aged 69 years, wife of Mr William M'Candlish,<br />
architect there.<br />
At Garliestown, of hooping cough, Isabella Torrance, daughter of Mr William Marshall, aged 10 weeks.<br />
At Whithorn, on the 6th inst., Mr John Conning, late farmer in Outon, at an advanced age.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 7th instant, after a protracted and painful illness of three years' duration, Mr J.<br />
M'Lauchlan, aged 43 years.<br />
At Hinton, Anwoth, on the 5th instant, Mary Milligan, aged 79 years, wife of Mr Andrew M'Lellan, farmer.<br />
At the Mason's Arms Inn, Gatehouse, on the 13th inst., Margaret Richardson, aged 50 years, relict of Mr<br />
Thomas Porter, innkeeper, there.<br />
At Carlinwark, near Castle-Douglas, at an advanced age, Mrs Janet Grierson, widow of Mr Wm. Grierson,<br />
formerly gardener at Knockbrex, Borgue - much respected.<br />
At Town of Urr, on the 18th ult., in the prime of Life, and after a lingering illness, borne with Christian<br />
patience and fortitude, John Welsh, Esq.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 7th inst., Capt. John Dun, of the Galloway Militia.<br />
At Thorparch, Yorkshire, on the 8th instant, Mrs Constable Maxwell, relict of Marmaduke Constable<br />
Maxwell, Esq., of Nithsdale and Everingham.<br />
At Queensberry Street, Dumfries, on the 10th instant, after a short illness, Mr James Thorburn, inventor of<br />
the "Patent Knitting Machine," &c.<br />
At Revenshall, parish of Kirkmabreck, on the 10th inst., Henrietta Armstrong, the beloved spouse of Mr<br />
John Arnot, innkeeper, there.<br />
At his house, 27, Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, on the 9th inst., Alexander Peterkin, Esq., in his 67th year.<br />
26 th November <strong>1846</strong> (Week 48)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Castle Street, here, on the 22d inst., the wife of Mr William Campbell, shoemaker, of a son.<br />
Here, at Charlotte Street, on the 19th instant, Mrs Alexander Thorburn, of a son.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 20th inst., the lady of the Rev. J. Falconer, of a daughter.<br />
At Bladnoch Bridge, Wigtown, on the 22d inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Benuet, of a still-born child.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 22d inst., Mrs Moscrop, of a son.<br />
At Low Corsemalzie, on the 16th inst., the lady of Alexander M'Kinna, Esq., of a son.<br />
At Westgate, Bradford, Yorkshire, on the 1st instant, Mrs Adam Beattie, of a daughter.<br />
Here, in George Street, on the morning of the 23d inst., by the Rev. J. M'Gregor, Mr Hugh M'Credie,<br />
auctioneer, to Margaret, fifth daughter of Mr William Buchanan, letter-carrier.<br />
At Cairnbrock, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 24th inst., by the Rev. Mr Hyslop, Mr John Smith, farmer, to Miss<br />
Agnes Witherspoon.<br />
At the House of Hill, parish of Minnigaff, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr Falconer, Mr James M'Creath,<br />
spirit-dealer, Crosshill, to Jessie, second daughter of Mr Fergusson, cattle-dealer, Wigtown.<br />
At Eliwhillert, Mochrum, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr Anthony M'Gill, farmer, Campford,<br />
Kirkinner, to Miss Elizabeth, third daughter of Mr Alexander Heron, farmer, Eliwhillert.<br />
At 59, Lauriston Place, Edinburgh, on the 24th inst., by the Rev. J.G. Murray, of the Free Church,<br />
Auchencairn, Mr William Murray, to Frances Buchan, fourth daughter of Mr William Malcolm, Edinburgh.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at London Road, on the 20th instant, after a lingering illness, Mrs Dr. Mackie - deeply regretted.<br />
At George Street, here, on the 25th inst., in the 23d year of her age, Rosanna Milliken, wife of Mr William<br />
Cowan, tailor.<br />
At Quay Head, here, on the 19th inst., Jessie Agnes, only daughter of Mr Alexander Kerr, Crown Inn, aged<br />
13 years.<br />
Here, at St. Andrew Street, on the 23d inst., after a protracted illness, which originated by a severe kick<br />
from his horse while on duty in India in 1843, Mr Samuel Savage, of her Majesty's 15th Hussars, aged 27<br />
years.<br />
Here, on the 20th inst., Janet M'Lauchlan, aged 71 years.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 20th inst., Mr Adam M'Murray, advanced in years. He was found dead in bed, though<br />
much in his usual health the previous evening.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 20th inst., Catherine Cowan or Donnan, aged 88 years.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 22d inst., Nicholas Carnochan, fourth daughter of Mr John Carnochan, shoemaker.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 4th inst., Mrs M'Caul.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 18th instant, after a long illness, Mr John Sharp, mason, aged 64 - much regretted.<br />
At Blairshannoch, Kirkinner, on the 17th inst., Mrs Mary Kelly, aged 76 years.<br />
At Drumore Village, on the 15th inst., Janet Cunningham, relict of David Garrett, advanced in years.<br />
3 rd December <strong>1846</strong> (Week 49)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
No Births<br />
Here, at North Strand Street, on the 30th ult., by the Rev Mr Charles, Mr Andrew Greig, shoemaker, to Miss<br />
Elizabeth M'Caig<br />
At Kirkland Cottage, Leswalt, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. Thomas B. Bell, Mr John Ross, Dinduff, to Miss<br />
Mary Finlay.<br />
At Glencaird, parish of Minnygaff, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. J. Small, Kirkcowan, Mr M'Clymont, farmer,<br />
Knockbrex, to Jane, second daughter of Mr Murray, Glencaird.<br />
At Mochrum Village, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr Peter M'Gill, to Miss Margaret Conchie.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Polcardoch, parish of Ballantrae, on the 29th ult., Elizabeth Caldwell, wife of Mr David Graham, farmer.<br />
At Donaghadee, Ireland, on the 29th ult., Mr James Cosh, mariner, aged 52 years. He was beloved and<br />
respected by all who knew him, and is now deeply regretted by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 22d ult., after a short illness, at the venerable age of 95, Mr Alex. Gourlay, flesher,<br />
who was the oldest person in the parish.<br />
At the Commercial Inn, Kirkcudbright, on the 24th ult., very suddenly, aged 69, Mrs Sarah Martin, relict of<br />
Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Carson, who was extensively known, and highly respected for affability of deportment, and an<br />
unwearied desire to promote the comfort of travellers and others.<br />
At Twynholm Village, on the 21st ult., aged 28, Elizabeth Stewart, wife of Mr Samuel Walker, tailor there.<br />
At Smithston, parish of Maybole, of cold fever, on the 6th ult., James Douglas, late farmer in Legartrie,<br />
Colmonell, aged 55 years. Friends at a distance will please accept of this intimation.<br />
10 th December <strong>1846</strong> (Week 50)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Drumore, Wigtownshire, on the 26th ult., the wife of Mr David Cameron, Principal Coast Officer of<br />
Customs, of a son.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 2d inst., Mrs Charles M'Kinna, of a son.<br />
Married at Bargany, on Wednesday, the 9th instant, by the Rev. William T. Sandys, M.A., Vicar of St.<br />
Mary's, Beverley, and Domestic Chaplain to Lord Belhaven - John Dalrymple Esq., M.P., Yr of Fordel to<br />
Louisa Jane Henrietta Emily, eldest daughter of the Duc and Duchesse de Coigny.<br />
At Float, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Neil, Mr David M'Culloch, farmer, to<br />
Janet, only daughter of Mr Fergus M'Master, farmer there.<br />
At Redfith, Cornwall, by the Rev. Mr Spasshott, Mr Alex. Stevenson, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr<br />
Thomas Cairs, Larkhill.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 7th inst., Mr James Martin, mason, to Miss Jessie Crossan.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Newluce, on the 29th ultimo, of consumption, Mr James M'Culloch, late draper in Truro, Cornwall.<br />
At Dunraggit Gate, on the 30th ult., Mr Charles Adir, at the patriarchal age of 93 years. He was servant<br />
during all his lifetime as gardener or forister, to at least three generations of the ancient and respectable<br />
family of the Hays of Park.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 8th inst., Isabella, wife of George M'Haffie, Esq., of Corsemalzie, and youngest<br />
daughter of the late Rev. William Gordon, of Balmeg, minister of Anwoth, aged 66 years.<br />
17 th December <strong>1846</strong> (Week 51)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at Hanover Street, on the 4th inst., Mrs John Wither, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Clayhole, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr Alexander M'Garva, mariner, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at George Street, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr Marshall, tailor, of a son.<br />
At Low Barmore, on the 15th inst., Mrs Captain David Kerr, of a daughter.<br />
At Newton Stewart, on the 3d inst., the lady of Henry Stuart, Esq., of a son.<br />
At Drumfad, Glasserton, on the 1st inst., Mrs Arnold, of a daughter.<br />
At Garliestown, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr Sloan, Mr David M'Dowall, mason, Minnigaff, to Miss Jane<br />
Perry.<br />
At Carleton, Colmonell, on the 4th current, by the Rev. Mr Blair, Mr James Scott, shoemaker, Ballantrae, to<br />
Jane, eldest daughter of the late Mr John M'Kenna, farmer, Carleton, Colmonell.<br />
At Girvan, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. D. Sim, Mr Thomas Fergusson to Miss Margaret Young.<br />
At Barrhill, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. T. Blair, Mr Thomas Chambers, blacksmith there, to Jean, eldest<br />
daughter of Mr James Cooper, farmer, Carnlea.<br />
At Daltangan, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. William Wright, Mr John M'Gill to Jessy Graham.<br />
At Garsrogo, Balmaclellan, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Mr Wilson, Balmaclellan, Mr Corson, farmer,<br />
Blackmark, to Miss Blaind, only daughter of Mr Blaind, farmer Garsrogo.<br />
At Boghall, Kirkpatrick Durham, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. Mr Greig, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Campbell, farmer,<br />
Duchrae Mains, to Miss Margaret, second daughter of Mr Samuel Shaw, farmer, Boghall.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Whithorn, on the 9th inst., Miss Douglas, daughter of the late Mr Douglas of Dinnance - much respected.<br />
At Glasserton, on the 8th inst., Mrs Wm. M'Connel, at the advanced age of 70 years.<br />
At Lochmailing, on the 3d inst., James H. M. Laurie, eldest son of Wm. Laurie, Esq., surgeon, Gordeston, in<br />
the 15th year of his age.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 3d inst., after a protracted illness, Mary Grierson, relict of the late Anthony Heron,<br />
aged 76 years.<br />
At Barlochan, parish of Colmonell, on the 11th inst., Anthony, second son of Mr James Campbell, farmer<br />
there, aged 23.<br />
At Pinwherry, parish of Colmonell, on the 5th current, Mr John Sloan, aged 31 years.<br />
At Langholm, on the 1st inst., Mr James Hope, tallow chandler, aged 76.<br />
24 th December <strong>1846</strong> (Week 52)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Sun Street, here, on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr W. Elder, of the Union Bank of Scotland, of a daughter.<br />
At Casterton Hall, Kirkby Lonsdale, on the 16th inst., Mrs R. Couper Black, of a daughter.<br />
On Thursday the 17th inst., at the Scotch Free Church, Myrtle Street, Liverpool by the Rev. Mr Welsh, Mr<br />
Rob. Kerr, chief officer of the barque "Champion of Greenock", to Miss Elizabeth, third daughter of Mr<br />
Edward Kerr, farmer Kilstay, Kirkmaiden.<br />
At Llangattock Church, Breckonshire, on the 17th inst., by the Venerable the Archdeacon of Suffolk, Jas.<br />
Stuart Menteath, Bart. of Closeburn, Dumfriesshire, to Jane, the daughter of Joseph Bailey, Esq., M.P. of<br />
Glenusk Park, Breconshire.<br />
At Craigie House, near Ayr, on the 8th instant, James Gay Layard, Esq., Ceylon Civil Service, to Jane, third<br />
daughter of James Campbell, Esq., of Craigie.<br />
At Broomholm, Balmaghie, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. George Brown, of the Free Church, Castle-<br />
Douglas, Mr Donald Robison, Liverpool to Miss Isabel Campbell.<br />
At Carse of Clary, parish of Penninghame, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. James Goold, Mr Peter Laird,<br />
draper, York, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr Turnbull, farmer there.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at North Strand Street, on the 18th inst., rather suddenly, aged 46 years, Elizabeth Skimming, relict<br />
of Mr James Kelly, painter, Stranraer.<br />
Here, in Castle Street, on the 19th inst., Alexander Lemon, aged six months, son of Mr Peter Murdoch.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 20th inst., Ann Withers - much respected.<br />
At 16, Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, on the 18th inst., Mr Thomas M'Clelland, junior, of Bladnoch.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 16th inst., Jane, daughter of Mr David Blair, surgeon, Kirkcudbright Militia.<br />
At Barlocco, Borgue, on the 12th inst., aged 64, Mr Samuel M'Monies, farmer and grazier, who was highly<br />
respected, and is much regretted.<br />
At Borgue Village, on the 19th inst., aged 77, Mr Wm. Brown, formerly of Boreland of Anwoth, and latterly<br />
of Barncrosh, in Tongland.<br />
At Craigmore, parish of Parton, on the 15th inst., Mr Wm. M'Math, farmer there, in his 59th year.<br />
At Wheatcroft, parish of Crossmichael, on the 9th inst., Mr James Purdie, aged 71.<br />
At Garliestown, on the 20th inst., George Gown, joiner, aged 71 years.<br />
At Langholm, on the 3d instant, Mr William Brown, late of Milntown, aged 89 years.<br />
At Langholm, on the 15th instant, Mr David Duncan, Tinsmith, aged 85 years.<br />
At Langholm, on the 19th instant, William Fletcher, Cooper, aged 81.<br />
31 st December <strong>1846</strong> (Week 53)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Wigtown, on the 26th inst., the wife of Mr J. Blacklock, shoemaker, of a daughter.<br />
At Newton Stewart, on the 26th inst., Mrs Wm. Craik, of a daughter.<br />
At Girvan, on the 26th inst., Mrs Hately Waddell, of a son.<br />
At Stafford House, on the 18th inst., the Marchioness of Lorne, of a son.<br />
At Neptune Street, here, on the 28th inst., by the Rev. George Charles, Mr Wm. Young, mason, to Grace<br />
M'Kay.<br />
At Ayr, on the 29th inst., John McCrackan, Esquire, Glenluce, to Jane, daughter of the late Andrew<br />
Gemmell, Esq., of Langlands.<br />
At Kirkcowan, on the 22d inst., Mr James Milroy, to Grace, eldest daughter of Mr Wm. M'Gaul, Kirkcowan<br />
Village.<br />
At Lochmodie Toll, parish of Dailly, on the 25th inst., by the Rev. Mr Blyth, Mr John M'Connell, blacksmith,<br />
Girvan, to Miss Janet Bone, Lochmodie.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Balcracie, parish of Leswalt, on the 21st ult., Mr Charles M'Neil, aged 89 years, father of the Rev. Mr R.<br />
M'Neil of Stoneykirk. He was born and died on the same farm, it being in the hands of the family for 150<br />
years, and his son, successor of his father, has just entered on a new lease of 19 years, granted by the<br />
proprietor, Sir Andrew Agnew, Bart., of Lochnaw.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 25th inst., Mr William T. Saunders, joiner, much lamented.<br />
At Castle of Park, near Glenluce, on the 27th instant, Jean M'Clellan or Learmont, far advanced in years.<br />
At Penwherry, parish of Colmonell, on the 24th inst., Thomas Kennedy, aged 85 years.<br />
At Borrowmoss, near Wigtown, on the 21st inst., Mr Anthony M'Caul, farmer, advanced in years.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 18th inst., Mr Peter Law, aged 82 years.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 25th inst., George Scott, aged 53 years.<br />
At Gatehouse, suddenly, on the 22d instant, Elizabeth Cruickshanks, wife of Mr M'Taggart, spirit dealer<br />
there.<br />
At Castle Douglas, on the 6th inst., Mary Anderson, relict of Henry Fullerton, aged 76 years.<br />