Annual Report & Accounts 2012 - Euromoney Institutional Investor ...

Annual Report & Accounts 2012 - Euromoney Institutional Investor ...

Annual Report & Accounts 2012 - Euromoney Institutional Investor ...


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<strong>Euromoney</strong> <strong>Institutional</strong> <strong>Investor</strong> PLC <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> and <strong>Accounts</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

www.euromoneyplc.com<br />

Our Performance<br />

1 Accounting policies continued<br />

Financial liabilities<br />

Committed borrowings and bank overdrafts<br />

Interest-bearing loans and overdrafts are recorded at the amounts<br />

received, net of direct issue costs. Direct issue costs are amortised over the<br />

period of the loans and overdrafts to which they relate. Finance charges,<br />

including premiums payable on settlement or redemption are charged to<br />

the Income Statement as incurred using the effective interest rate method<br />

and are added to the carrying value of the borrowings or overdraft to the<br />

extent they are not settled in the period in which they arise.<br />

Trade payables<br />

Trade payables are not interest-bearing and are stated at their fair value.<br />

Derivative financial instruments<br />

The group uses various derivative financial instruments to manage its<br />

exposure to foreign exchange and interest rate risks, including forward<br />

foreign currency contracts and interest rate swaps.<br />

All derivative instruments are recorded in the balance sheet at fair value.<br />

The recognition of gains or losses on derivative instruments depends on<br />

whether the instrument is designated as a hedge and the type of exposure<br />

it is designed to hedge. The group designates certain derivatives as either:<br />

(a) hedges of a particular risk associated with a recognised asset or<br />

liability or a highly probable forecast transaction (cash flow hedge);<br />

or<br />

(b) hedges of a net investment in a foreign operation (net investment<br />

hedge).<br />

The group documents at the inception of the transaction the relationship<br />

between hedging instruments and hedged items, as well as its risk<br />

management objectives and strategy for undertaking various hedging<br />

transactions. The group also documents its assessment, both at hedge<br />

inception and on an ongoing basis, of whether the derivatives that are<br />

used in hedging transactions are highly effective in offsetting changes in<br />

fair values or cash flows of hedged items.<br />

The full fair value of a hedging derivative is classified as a non-current<br />

asset or liability when the derivative matures in more than 12 months,<br />

and as a current asset or liability when the derivative matures in less than<br />

12 months. Trading derivatives are classified as a current asset or liability.<br />

Cash flow hedge<br />

The effective portion of gains or losses on derivatives that are designated<br />

and qualify as cash flow hedges are recognised in other comprehensive<br />

income within the Statement of Comprehensive Income. The ineffective<br />

portion of such gains and losses is recognised in the Income Statement<br />

immediately.<br />

Amounts accumulated in equity are reclassified to the Income Statement in<br />

the periods when the hedged item is recognised in the Income Statement<br />

(for example, when the forecast transaction that is hedged takes place).<br />

The gain or loss relating to the effective portion of interest rate swaps<br />

hedging variable rate borrowings is recognised in the Income Statement<br />

accordingly, the gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognised<br />

in the Income Statement immediately. However, whenever the forecast<br />

transaction that is hedged results in the recognition of a non-financial<br />

asset (for example fixed assets), the gains and losses previously deferred in<br />

equity are transferred from equity and included in the initial measurement<br />

of the cost of the asset. The deferred amounts are ultimately recognised<br />

in depreciation in the case of fixed assets.<br />

When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, or when a hedge no longer<br />

meets the criteria for hedge accounting, any cumulative gain or loss<br />

existing in equity at that time remains in equity and is recognised when<br />

the forecast transaction is ultimately recognised in the Income Statement.<br />

When a forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative<br />

gain or loss that was reported in equity is immediately transferred to the<br />

Income Statement.<br />

The premium or discount on interest rate instruments is recognised as part<br />

of net interest payable over the period of the contract. Interest rate swaps<br />

are accounted for on an accruals basis.<br />

Net investment hedge<br />

Hedges of net investments in foreign operations are accounted for in the<br />

same way as cash flow hedges.<br />

Gains or losses on the qualifying part of net investment hedges are<br />

recognised in other comprehensive income together with the gains and<br />

losses on the underlying net investment. The ineffective portion of such<br />

gains and losses is recognised in the Income Statement immediately.<br />

Changes in the fair value of the derivative financial instruments that do<br />

not qualify for hedge accounting are recognised in the Income Statement<br />

as they arise.<br />

Gains and losses accumulated in equity are transferred to the Income<br />

Statement when the foreign operation is partially disposed of or sold.<br />

Liabilities in respect of put option agreements<br />

Liabilities for put options over the remaining minority interests in<br />

subsidiaries are recorded in the Statement of Financial Position at their<br />

estimated discounted present value. These discounts are unwound and<br />

charged to the Income Statement as notional interest over the period up<br />

to the date of the potential future payment.<br />

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements<br />

Company <strong>Accounts</strong> Group <strong>Accounts</strong> Our Governance<br />


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