Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays

Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays

Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays


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N E T H E R L A N D S<br />

Netherlands<br />

Winter Birding Break<br />

Thursday 27 November – Monday 01 December <strong>2014</strong><br />

Leaders: Jacob Garvelink and Nigel Jones<br />

<strong>2014</strong> Cost: £1,099 single room supplement £160<br />

Amsterdam<br />


Harderwijk<br />

rnitholidays first visited the Netherlands over 30 years ago so we have been slow in bringing back<br />

O such a great birding destination that is right on our doorstep. This tours aims to see some of the<br />

multitudes of geese, ducks and raptors that winter in the Netherlands. Due to climate change and better<br />

feeding conditions, many of our wintering geese no longer make the trek across the North Sea, preferring to make the shorter journey and stay in the<br />

lowlands of the Netherlands. The country is not large and is very flat (70% of the country lies only one metre above sea level), so road journeys do<br />

not take long from our base at Harderwijk. The country hosts vast numbers of Dark-bellied Brent, White-fronted, Barnacle, Pink-footed and Tundra<br />

Bean Geese. Amongst them are small numbers of Red-breasted, Pale-bellied Brent, Black Brant and Lesser White-fronted Geese. Wintering duck<br />

species include Smew, Long-tailed Duck and Velvet Scoter, while wintering raptors include White-tailed Eagle, Rough-legged Buzzard and Hen Harrier.<br />

Besides the wintering species mentioned above we will try to find some Dutch resident specialities that are scarce or even unknown in this country,<br />

such as Short-toed Treecreeper, Crested Tit and Black Woodpecker.<br />

Throughout the tour we shall be using the services of the Dutch birding company Birding Breaks and will have Jacob Garvelink with us, an expert<br />

birder from the Netherlands. We shall also make sure we take breaks for warming drinks (koffie verkeerd or hot chocolate) and to try some of the<br />

local snacks during our daily excursions.<br />

We have designed the tour so that you can also join the group in Amsterdam by taking a train or making a ferry crossing. If you prefer this routing<br />

we can give you a cost without flights.<br />

White-fronted and Barnacle Geese<br />


Days 1-4<br />

We catch a flight from London (or regional<br />

airports) to Amsterdam where we meet out local<br />

guide and transfer in minibuses to our hotel near<br />

Harderwijk, where we stay for the next four<br />

nights. Depending on the time of arrival we can<br />

have one or two birding stops along the way<br />

where we have our first looks at the vast<br />

numbers of Barnacle and White-fronted Geese<br />

and possibly a wintering White-tailed Eagle.<br />

There will also be other species such as Great<br />

White Egret and Bewick’s Swan. Harderwijk is<br />

ideally situated between the main birding area’s<br />

we visit during this tour, allowing us to explore<br />

provinces such as Flevoland, Friesland and<br />

Zeeland. It stands at the edge of the Zuiderzee,<br />

130<br />

For a previous tour report or further information please call: 01794 519445

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