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Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays

Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays


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G R E E C E<br />

Greece – The Island of Lesvos at Leisure<br />

Spring Migration Magic<br />

Saturday 03 May – Saturday 10 May <strong>2014</strong><br />

Principal Leader: Paul Rogers<br />

<strong>2014</strong> Cost: £1,699 single room supplement £140<br />

GREECE<br />

Although Lesvos is the third largest of the Greek Islands it is still<br />

relatively small, being 70km long and 45km wide, making the whole<br />

area easily accessible from one centre. Since it is only a long stone’s throw<br />

from Turkey, the island’s flora and fauna have a distinct Eastern Mediterranean flavour about<br />

them. The island has a friendly and easy-going atmosphere. In early spring, the land is still clad in a<br />

cloth of green punctuated by splashes of vivid red poppies and washed by the golden yellow of<br />

Spanish Broom.<br />

Athens<br />

Skala<br />

Kalloni<br />

LESVOS<br />

Mytilini<br />

In early May, the migration should be in full flow with large numbers of birds heading north. European Roller,<br />

Eurasian Hoopoe, Yellow Wagtail and European Bee-eater appear to be alight in the brilliant sunshine. The resident<br />

birds are well into their breeding cycle with the air full of song, Cinereous and Cretzschmar’s Buntings in the spectacular<br />

scenery of the west, and Krüper’s Nuthatch in the pine woods. There are over eleven million olive trees on Lesvos so it is no surprise that Olive-tree<br />

Warbler is another speciality to seek out. A wide variety of habitats including wetlands, woodlands, saltpans, estuaries, meadows and bare uplands<br />

are all within reach of our hotel situated at the end of one of the two large bays that penetrate deep into the island. In a good spring the numbers<br />

of birds can be breathtaking, all amidst splendid surroundings. No wonder Lesvos has much to offer the naturalist and ornithologist.<br />

One of the delights of our tours is the chance to have a midday break and eat at small tavernas in picturesque settings. <strong>Ornitholidays</strong> has unrivalled<br />

experience to Lesvos and this will be our 44th holiday – more than any other company. Come with us in <strong>2014</strong> to see why everyone travels with<br />

<strong>Ornitholidays</strong> to Lesvos!<br />

Glossy Ibis<br />


Day 1<br />

We catch our direct flight from London or<br />

Manchester to Mytilini, the capital on the eastern<br />

side of the island. The transfer to our<br />

comfortable hotel in Skala Kalloni should take<br />

about one hour. This hotel will be our base<br />

throughout the holiday.<br />

Days 2 to 7<br />

Skala Kalloni is a small resort situated at the<br />

north end of Kalloni Bay, into which empty two<br />

rivers. Our hotel is situated within walking<br />

distance of the sea and of the town itself.<br />

Outside of our hotel is a vegetated area of<br />

tamarisks and reeds which, when there has been<br />

good rainfall, floods and attracts migrant ducks,<br />

waders, wagtails and terns. In some years the<br />

bird watching is amazing here! The waterside<br />

shrubs are a safe sanctuary for Spanish Sparrow<br />

but they usually have to share their haven with<br />

singing (Eastern) Olivaceous Warblers.<br />

Also nearby is Kalloni West River with its salt<br />

marshes and numerous brackish pools. Here<br />

Kentish and Little Ringed Plovers feed in their<br />

stop-start fashion; other waders using the area<br />

as a staging point are Curlew Sandpiper (some<br />

in brick-red breeding plumage), Pied Avocet and<br />

on occasions Collared Pratincole. On the other<br />

side of the town, the Kalloni East River is one of<br />

the best sites on the island, the raised banks<br />

making ideal vantage points to check the river.<br />

The reedy fringes, the willows and the salt<br />

tolerant tamarisks, with their powder-puff pink<br />

flowers, all hold migrants. Little Crake, Little<br />

Bittern and Squacco Heron hide amongst the tall<br />

reeds, brilliant European Bee-eaters nest in the<br />

sandy banks and Stone Curlew crouch<br />

cryptically on the stony spit at the mouth of the<br />

river. Corn and Black-headed Buntings sing their<br />

tinny trills from the taller willows, which may also<br />

harbour roosting Black-crowned Night Heron,<br />

and Cetti’s Warbler blast out their explosive song<br />

from deep cover. Kalloni Saltpans, and the area<br />

known as Derbyshire, also offer the chance for<br />

more waders and the possibility of White-winged<br />

Tern, Ruddy Shelduck and Black Stork. Shorttoed<br />

and Crested Larks, Tawny and<br />

Red-throated Pipits along with Black-eared<br />

94<br />

For a previous tour report or further information please call: 01794 519445

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