Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays

Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays

Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays


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V I E T N A M<br />

Vietnam<br />

Land of the Dragon People<br />

Saturday 01 November – Tuesday 18 November <strong>2014</strong><br />

Leader: Uthai Treesucon<br />

<strong>2014</strong> Cost £4,499 single room supplement £430<br />

Tam Dao<br />

Cuc Phuong<br />

National Park<br />

Hanoi<br />


ietnam lies in South-eastern Asia, bordering Cambodia, Laos and China and has a large coastline of over 2,100 miles<br />

Dalat<br />

V (3,400 kms). It has a well-known and chequered history. It was ruled by the French from 1884, until defeated by the<br />

Di Linh<br />

communist forces under Ho Chi Minh in 1954, when the Geneva Accords split the country into a pro-communist north<br />

and an anti-communist south. In 1975 the country was reunited and over the following 35 years it has finally opened up Ho Chi Minh<br />

to tourism. The hotel infrastructure, cuisine and road systems now make it suitable for us to visit. Habitat and bird-wise<br />

the country is diverse. Vietnam has recorded over 800 bird species and holds 10 endemic species as well as many<br />

fascinating and colourful families. The moist evergreen forests of Cuc Phuong are home to pheasants, pittas, fulvettas,<br />

barbets, minivets, malkohas, bulbuls and ioras. We shall search both the north and the south of the country for specialities such as Germain’s<br />

Peacock-Pheasant, Green Peafowl, Bar-bellied Pitta, White-winged Magpie and many other mouth-watering species. This tour sees us reunited with<br />

an old friend, Uthai Treesucon who has led many of our holidays to Thailand and Vietnam. This will be <strong>Ornitholidays</strong> sixth tour to Vietnam.<br />


Days 1 to 4<br />

We take a flight from London to Hanoi arriving<br />

the next day and meet our guide, Uthai<br />

Treesucon. We drive to Cuc Phuong National<br />

Park for a stay of three nights. We will start<br />

birding in this park as soon as we have finished<br />

checking in to our rooms. This national park<br />

was the first park to be created in Vietnam and<br />

is situated about 75 miles (120 kms) south of<br />

Hanoi. It is lowland to mid-elevation forest and<br />

there are many birds for us to find such as<br />

Chestnut-necklaced Partridge, Silver Pheasant,<br />

Grey Peacock-Pheasant, Red-vented Barbet,<br />

Brown Hornbill, Spot-bellied Eagle-Owl, Pied<br />

Falconet, Bar-bellied, Eared and Blue-rumped<br />

Pittas, Racket-tailed Treepie, White-winged<br />

Magpie, White-tailed Flycatcher, Spotted<br />

Forktail, Asian Stubtail, Puff-throated Bulbul,<br />

Limestone Wren-Babbler, Sulphur-breasted<br />

Warbler, Rufous-throated and Black-browed<br />

Fulvettas. Other birds including Wedge-tailed<br />

Green-Pigeon, Rufous Woodpecker, Greater<br />

Yellownape, Common Green Magpie, Crowbilled<br />

Drongo and Hainan Blue Flycatcher may<br />

be seen along the road. Common birds such<br />

as Green-eared Barbet, White-rumped Shama,<br />

Great Iora, Green-billed Malkoha, Redwhiskered<br />

and Black-crested Bulbuls, Scarlet<br />

Minivet and Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike can<br />

be found in more open areas. With luck we<br />

may find a rare Red-collared Woodpecker<br />

along the road.<br />

Days 5 to 7<br />

We transfer to Tam Dao, an old French hill station<br />

about 60 miles (90 kms) north-west of Hanoi, for<br />

a three night stay. We have two full days to<br />

explore the area; it is easy going here, as the<br />

weather is usually cool on this mountain and the<br />

best birding site (the ‘water tank trail’) is just five<br />

minutes’ drive from our hotel. We hope to see a<br />

wide variety of species including three local<br />

specialities, Grey Laughingthrush, Chestnut<br />

Bulbul and the tiny Short-tailed Parrotbill.<br />

Crested Serpent-Eagles will be calling<br />

evocatively overhead, whilst Fork-tailed Sunbird,<br />

Golden-throated Barbet, Silver-eared Mesia, Hill<br />

Blue Flycatcher, Chestnut-collared and Blackchinned<br />

Yuhinas, Schaeffer’s Fulvetta,<br />

Ratchet-tailed Treepie and Spot-necked, Greythroated<br />

and Golden Babblers provide an<br />

impressive supporting cast. Streaked and<br />

Eyebrowed Wren-babblers can be found<br />

Grey Peacock-Pheasant<br />

foraging nearby whilst calling Streak-breasted,<br />

Coral-billed and Orange-billed Scimitar-babblers<br />

will keep us busy. If we are lucky we may<br />

encounter some of the more elusive species<br />

including Green Cochoa in the forest, Greater<br />

Rufous-headed Parrotbill alongside Collared<br />

Babbler in the bamboo, or perhaps Blue-naped<br />

Pitta on the steps to the nearby transmitter tower.<br />

Days 8 to 11<br />

After a final morning in Tam Dao we drive to<br />

Hanoi Airport and catch a flight to Dalat where<br />

we stay for four nights. The Dalat Plateau is the<br />

home of Indochinese endemic species and<br />

some subspecies with Himalayan affinities. The<br />

town of Dalat itself is a traditional hill resort for<br />

the inhabitants of Saigon and was a major<br />

destination for bird collecting expeditions during<br />

French colonial times. Dalat is an important town<br />

for the production of large quantities of fruit,<br />

vegetables and flowers. One morning we will<br />

drive to Tanung Valley to search for the endemic<br />

Grey-crowned Crocias and Orange-breasted<br />

Laughingthrush and the near endemic Blackhooded<br />

Laughingthrush. Other birds here<br />

include Orange-headed Thrush, Grey-bellied<br />

Tesia and Streaked Spiderhunter. In the<br />

afternoon we will spend some time in areas<br />

around Dalat looking for Brown Prinia, Burmese<br />

Shrike, Mountain Imperial-Pigeon and<br />

Vietnamese Greenfinch.<br />

One day will be spent mainly on Mt. Lang Biang.<br />

We drive to about 6,000ft (1,800m) and then walk<br />

to the hill evergreen forest to look for the<br />

endemic Collared Laughingthrush, the near<br />

endemic Indochinese Wren-Babbler, Vietnamese<br />

Cutia, White-spectacled and Grey-cheeked<br />

Warblers, Grey-bellied Tesia, Lesser Shortwing,<br />

Mountain Fulvetta, Maroon and Slender-billed<br />

Orioles, Little Pied Flycatcher, Green-backed Tit<br />

and the endemic Vietnamese Greenfinch. We<br />

have lunch in town and return to the mountain<br />

again in the late afternoon.<br />

84<br />

For a previous tour report or further information please call: 01794 519445

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