Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays

Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays

Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays


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B E L A R U S<br />

Great Grey Owl<br />

Bison<br />

Day 4<br />

After another half day of birding at Pushcha, we<br />

travel to Sporovo Reserve, where we stay for one<br />

night. Lake Sporovo and the surrounding<br />

marshes are pristine birding areas. We visit the<br />

main breeding area of one of Europe’s rarest<br />

songbirds, the Aquatic Warbler, which should<br />

just have returned from wintering in Africa.<br />

Corncrake, Great Grey Shrike, Bluethroat, Great<br />

Bittern, Golden Oriole, Eurasian Penduline Tit,<br />

Bearded Reedling and Savi’s Warbler are all<br />

common here. Less common is Citrine Wagtail,<br />

but a few pairs breed. A variety of raptors can be<br />

found here including Northern Goshawk and<br />

Hen and Montagu’s Harriers, but even Greater<br />

Spotted Eagle can be around.<br />

Days 5 to 8<br />

As we leave Sporovo, we will visit the Sielets<br />

Fishponds. This bird-filled area holds a great<br />

variety of duck and waders, terns and raptors. In<br />

particular, we will hope for Gadwall, Garganey,<br />

White-tailed Eagle, Caspian Gull, Citrine Wagtail,<br />

Great Reed Warbler and Eurasian Penduline Tit.<br />

Our last base will be near the famous Pripyatsky<br />

National Park. We spend four nights in Turov in a<br />

comfortable hotel located on the bank of the<br />

river. Several sought-after waders such as Great<br />

Snipe and Terek Sandpipers breed on the banks<br />

of the untamed Pripyat River that floods vast<br />

areas of meadows and forests in spring. Marsh<br />

Sandpipers are also here though less easy to<br />

find.<br />

On Turov Meadow, during migration time, the<br />

evenings often produce spectacular gatherings<br />

of hundreds of Ruff including many extremely<br />

colourful males, while elegant Black-tailed<br />

Godwits and Spotted Redshanks are also found<br />

in good numbers. Watching the Ruffs<br />

skirmishing with their neck-feathers raised is a<br />

wonderful experience. Various terns search for<br />

fish and insects, including Little, Whiskered,<br />

White-winged and Black. Surely one of the<br />

strongest candidates for bird of the trip will be<br />

Azure Tit. Belarus is the only place in Europe<br />

where we have a good chance to find this<br />

stunning bird in its breeding habitat along the<br />

riparian willow forests of the Pripyat River. This is<br />

also a good spot for finding the pendulous nests<br />

of the masked Eurasian Penduline Tits. We<br />

should be able to spot them by their wheezy<br />

calls. Spotted Crakes call their repeated whip<br />

from the marshes, but are less easy to see.<br />

Mammals we may see here include European<br />

Bison, Elk, Eurasian Beaver, and Wild Boar, as<br />

well as Roe and Red Deer and Muskrat.<br />

Common Swallowtail, Green Hairstreak,<br />

Camberwell Beauty and Map butterflies may also<br />

be on the wing.<br />

We also have time to discover the ancient oak,<br />

spruce and birch forests too. Easy walks can<br />

produce Eurasian Wryneck, White-backed,<br />

Black, Lesser Spotted, Middle Spotted, Greyheaded<br />

and even Three-toed Woodpeckers, but<br />

we might also find Collared and Red-breasted<br />

Flycatchers, Barred Warbler, Short-toed<br />

Treecreeper, Thrush Nightingale, and Golden<br />

Oriole. Black Storks and Greater Spotted Eagles<br />

are relatively easy to see in this magic place<br />

while Eurasian Woodcock is also a possibility.<br />

Common Cranes and European Golden Plover<br />

pause here on their northward migration.<br />

We can also visit the Beloe Fishponds. This is<br />

the only location in Belarus where we might find<br />

the beautiful piebald male Smew, along with his<br />

red-headed females. Here we can also look for<br />

the majestic White-tailed Eagle, in a variety of<br />

plumages, from the dark immatures, through<br />

sub-adults, to the stunning pale-headed and fully<br />

white-tailed adults. We shall also look for both<br />

Caspian Gulls and terns, as well as Black-necked<br />

and Red-necked Grebes, and “booming” Great<br />

Bitterns. There is a good population of<br />

Bluethroats here; and waders may include Terek<br />

Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank and Temminck’s<br />

Stint.<br />

Day 9<br />

Today we transfer to the airport, to catch our<br />

indirect return flight to London, arriving early in<br />

the evening.<br />

Outline Itinerary<br />

Day 1 Fly to Minsk and transfer to<br />

Belovezhskaya Pushcha<br />

Days 2-3 Belovezhskaya Pushcha<br />

Day 4 Sporovo<br />

Days 5-8 Turov<br />

Day 9 Depart Minsk<br />

Party Size<br />

Maximum of 12 clients (two leaders with<br />

more than six clients).<br />

Accommodation<br />

Comfortable accommodation in twin/double<br />

and single rooms, with private facilities.<br />

Transport<br />

By minibuses driven by the leaders.<br />

Includes<br />

All flights, meals, accommodation, transport,<br />

entry fees, services of the leaders, VAT,<br />

airport taxes and tips.<br />

Gradings<br />

Good<br />

150<br />

Cool to Warm<br />

Low<br />

Normal<br />

Moderate<br />

Good<br />

Easy<br />

Scheduled<br />

Common Crossbill<br />

To make a booking please call <strong>Ornitholidays</strong> on 01794 519445<br />


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