Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays

Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays

Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays


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PA P U A N E W G U I N E A<br />

Papua New Guinea<br />

Birds of Paradise<br />

Wednesday 17 September – Friday 03 October <strong>2014</strong><br />

Leaders: Simon Boyes and local guides<br />

<strong>2014</strong> Cost £7,999 single room supplement £900<br />

Karawari Lodge<br />

Ambua Lodge<br />


Kumu Lodge<br />

Port Moresby<br />

or many people, New Guinea represents the ultimate birding goal. Certainly Sir David Attenborough regards the country as ‘the greatest<br />

F unclaimed prize in ornithological filming.’ His classic programme about the splendours of the birds of paradise and bowerbirds has created a<br />

widespread public interest in experiencing New Guinea at first hand. Until recently, the island’s remoteness and lack of tourist infrastructure prevented<br />

this dream from becoming reality. Now, with the help of some well-located lodges, we can explore the best Papuan habitats and their unique birdlife<br />

in comfort and safety. We will divide our time between one lowland lodge (Karawari) and two highland lodges (Kumul Lodge and Ambua Lodge) before<br />

finishing our tour in the capital Port Moresby. This should give us a wonderful opportunity to watch many species of birds of paradise (which possess<br />

some of the world’s most exotic plumages and displays), as well as a wide variety of pigeons and fruit-doves, parrots, cuckoo-shrikes, kingfishers and<br />

bowerbirds. Less familiar groups include fairy-wrens, whistlers, berrypeckers, butcherbirds and honeyeaters. We will also be able to observe some of<br />

Papua’s colourful peoples, with their distinctive tribal dress and customs. There is an option of breaking the outward or return journeys in Singapore<br />

for those who wish. This will be <strong>Ornitholidays</strong>’ third tour to Papua New Guinea<br />


Days 1 & 2<br />

We leave London Heathrow on a scheduled<br />

flight to Singapore, arriving the next day. We<br />

then catch the connecting flight to Port Moresby.<br />

Day 3<br />

Arriving in the morning, we are welcomed by our<br />

hosts and transferred to our hotel. We have time<br />

to freshen up, relax and have lunch. In the<br />

afternoon we begin with a gentle introduction to<br />

the birds of PNG with a visit to the grounds of the<br />

Pacific Adventists’ University, where the ponds<br />

attract a good selection of waterbirds. In<br />

particular, we will look for Blue-winged<br />

Kookaburra, Rufous Night Heron, Black Bittern,<br />

Wandering, Plumed and Spotted Whistlingducks,<br />

Comb-crested Jacana, Brown Oriole,<br />

Fawn-breasted Bowerbird, Rufous-banded<br />

Honeyeater, Black-backed Butcherbird,<br />

Torresian Pied Imperial-Pigeon, Orangebreasted<br />

Fruit-Dove, Singing Starling and<br />

Grey-headed Munia.<br />

Days 4 to 6<br />

The next morning we transfer to the airport and<br />

take a short domestic flight to Mount Hagen, in<br />

the Central Highlands. From here, a 90 minute<br />

drive brings us to Kumul Lodge, set at 2,800m<br />

just over the border in Enga Province, where we<br />

stay for three nights. The accommodation is<br />

simple and rustic, but you will love the setting –<br />

as you can relax in a comfortable chair and<br />

watch the well-stocked bird table laden with<br />

fruits and have your first close-up experience of<br />

Birds of Paradise! Notable visitors to the garden<br />

feeder are Brown Sicklebill and Ribbon-tailed<br />

Astrapia, Brehm’s Tiger-Parrot, and with luck the<br />

shy Bronze Ground Dove and Archbold’s<br />

Bowerbird. The photographic opportunities are<br />

wonderful. We also hope for Plum-faced and<br />

Papuan Lorikeets, Regent, Brown-backed and<br />

Rufous-naped Whistlers, White-winged Robin<br />

and Mountain Firetail. We can walk the trails<br />

below the lodge and look for Lesser Melampitta,<br />

as well as Blue-capped Ifrita, a bird with a<br />

poisonous plumage. Excursions we can take<br />

from the lodge may enable us to find<br />

Magnificent Bird of Paradise, Torrent Flycatcher<br />

and with luck Torrent-lark.<br />

Days 7 to 9<br />

This morning we say goodbye to the staff at<br />

Kumul and make the return journey to Mt Hagen<br />

where we catch a charter flight to Karawari<br />

Airstrip over impressive mountain scenery. We<br />

drop down into the lowlands of the Sepik Valley.<br />

The journey from airstrip to lodge is by boat, the<br />

only practical transport in such an isolated<br />

region. Karawari Lodge is perched on a ridge,<br />

with spectacular views over endless tropical<br />

forest. It is built in the style of a traditional spirit<br />

house, decorated with local artefacts and boldly<br />

carved furniture. Here we can watch from the<br />

balcony for species such as Blyth’s Hornbill and<br />

Glossy-mantled Manucode. The gardens attract<br />

Orange-bellied and Coroneted Fruit Doves,<br />

Double-eyed Fig-Parrot, Variable Pitohui, Streakheaded<br />

Honeyeater and Black Sunbird (to name<br />

a few). Much of the birding will be done from<br />

stable boats which can be tied to the bank to<br />

allow scope use. In this way we will look for King<br />

Raggiana Bird of Paradise<br />

88<br />

For a previous tour report or further information please call: 01794 519445

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