Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays

Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays

Download 2014 Brochure (.pdf) - Ornitholidays


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V I E T N A M<br />

Siamese Fireback<br />

Grey-chinned Minivet<br />

On one morning we will take a boat across Ho<br />

Tuyen Lam to bird in the forest above the lake. (Ho<br />

means lake in Vietnamese.) We spend a day in the<br />

mixed forest surrounding Ho Tuyen Lam where<br />

the native pine forests abound with species such<br />

as Large and Indochinese Cuckooshrikes, Longtailed<br />

Minivet, Ashy Drongo, Slender-billed Oriole,<br />

Grey Bushchat, White-tailed Leaf Warbler, Greenbacked<br />

Tit, Chestnut-vented Nuthatch and the<br />

endemic Grey-crowned Crocias and Vietnamese<br />

Greenfinch, Spotted Forktail and the near<br />

endemic Yellow-billed Nuthatch. Interesting local<br />

forms of Eurasian Jay and Red Crossbill can also<br />

be found here. In the open areas we should see<br />

Black-collared Starling and winter visitors<br />

including Grey-faced Buzzard, Blue Rock Thrush<br />

and Olive-backed Pipit. In the evergreen scrub<br />

running through the pine forest and along the<br />

evergreen forest edge we should see Chinese<br />

Francolin, Golden-throated Barbet, Burmese<br />

Shrike, Black-crested, Red-whiskered, Flavescent<br />

and Sooty-headed Bulbuls, Brown and Hill<br />

Prinias, Verditer Flycatcher and Scaly-breasted<br />

Munia. Regular scanning of the skyline should<br />

produce Mountain Hawk-Eagle, Black-winged<br />

Kite, House Swift and Striated Swallow. Other<br />

birds such as Bay Woodpecker, Greater and<br />

Lesser Yellownapes, Greater Flameback, Barwinged<br />

Flycatcher-shrike, Grey-chinned Minivet,<br />

Ashy Bulbul, Rufous-capped Babbler, Silver-eared<br />

Mesia, Blue-winged Siva, Mountain Fulvetta,<br />

Yellow-browed, Blyth's Leaf, Grey-cheeked and<br />

Chestnut-crowned Warblers, Mountain Tailorbird,<br />

Little Pied and Mugimaki Flycatchers, Greyheaded<br />

Canary-Flycatcher, White-throated<br />

Fantail, Hume’s Treecreeper, Fire-breasted<br />

Flowerpecker and Mrs Gould's Sunbird. We will<br />

return to the town in the afternoon for a late lunch.<br />

The afternoon is at leisure for shopping,<br />

sightseeing or birdwatching.<br />

Day 12<br />

Today we drive to Di Linh for a one night stay and<br />

en route we can bird on the Phan Thiet road. This<br />

area offers us the chance to see many birds from<br />

the good surfaced road including the endemic<br />

Orange-breasted Laughingthrush, the near<br />

endemic Black-hooded Laughingthrush, Whitecheeked<br />

Laughingthrush, Yellow-vented Green-<br />

Pigeon, Vietnamese Cutia, Long-tailed Broadbill,<br />

Grey-eyed Bulbul, Bronzed and Lesser Rackettailed<br />

Drongos, as well as Black-browed Barbet,<br />

Black-throated Tit, Indochinese Green Magpie,<br />

Vietnamese Greenfinch, Black-crowned Parrotbill,<br />

Black-throated Sunbird and Streaked Spiderhunter.<br />

Days 13 to 16<br />

After breakfast, we drive to Nam Cat Tien<br />

National Park, where we stay in air-conditioned<br />

park bungalows for four nights. Nam Cat Tien<br />

National Park has extensive lowland semievergreen<br />

and some mixed deciduous forest<br />

and bamboo, which makes this park a must for<br />

visiting birdwatchers. We start our birdwatching<br />

around the park headquarters. We should find<br />

some of the park’s special birds here such as the<br />

endemic Orange-necked Partridge, the<br />

Indochina endemic Germain's Peacock-<br />

Pheasant, Pale-headed Woodpecker, Grey-faced<br />

Tit Babbler and Siamese Fireback. Green<br />

Peafowl are also found in this park, to see them<br />

we need to hike for about three miles (five kms)<br />

to Crocodile Lake where we will also look for<br />

birds in the wetlands. Other birds we should find<br />

at the lake and along the trail to the lake are<br />

Scaly-breasted Partridge, Banded Kingfisher,<br />

Red-vented and Green-eared Barbets, Redheaded<br />

and Orange-breasted Trogons, Great<br />

Slaty, Laced and White-bellied Woodpeckers,<br />

Black Baza, Bar-bellied and Blue-rumped Pittas,<br />

Black-and-red Broadbill, Golden-crested Myna,<br />

Asian Golden Weaver and Vinous-breasted<br />

Myna. Other species such as Collared Falconet,<br />

Thick-billed Green-Pigeon, Banded Bay, Asian<br />

Emerald and Drongo Cuckoos, Green-billed<br />

Malkoha, Great and Wreathed Hornbills, Blacknaped<br />

Oriole, Greater Flameback, Banded<br />

Broadbill, Rosy Minivet, Coppersmith Barbet,<br />

Ashy and Greater Racket-tailed Drongos,<br />

Racket-tailed Treepie, Oriental Magpie-Robin,<br />

Blue-winged and Golden-fronted Leafbirds,<br />

Common Iora, Olive-backed Sunbird and<br />

Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker are found here.<br />

With luck we may find Tawny Fish-Owl or Spotbellied<br />

Eagle-Owl during one of the evenings<br />

and we may see other owls such as Collared<br />

Scops-Owl, Brown Boobook or Blyth’s<br />

Frogmouth during our night birding.<br />

Days 17 & 18<br />

After a final morning birding in Nam Cat Tien<br />

National Park we return to Ho Chi Minh City to<br />

catch our flight to London where we arrive the<br />

next day.<br />

Outline Itinerary<br />

Day 1 Depart London<br />

Days 2-4 Cuc Phuong National Park<br />

Days 5-7 Tam Dao<br />

Days 8-11 Dalat<br />

Day 12 Di Linh<br />

Days 13-16 Nam Cat Tien National Park<br />

Day 17 Depart Ho Chi Minh City<br />

Day 18 Arrive London<br />

Party Size<br />

Maximum of ten clients.<br />

Accommodation<br />

Comfortable accommodation in twin/double<br />

and single rooms, with private facilities.<br />

Transport<br />

By private coach.<br />

Includes<br />

All flights, meals, accommodation, transport,<br />

entry fees, services of the leaders, airport<br />

taxes and tips.<br />

Gradings<br />

Good<br />

300<br />

Cool to Hot<br />

Low<br />

Special<br />

Moderate<br />

Good<br />

Moderate<br />

Scheduled<br />

Vietnamese Cutia<br />

To make a booking please call <strong>Ornitholidays</strong> on 01794 519445<br />


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