FGM Workshop Background Paper - REDD - VietNam

FGM Workshop Background Paper - REDD - VietNam

FGM Workshop Background Paper - REDD - VietNam


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COFO Committee on Forestry<br />

CoIST Centre of Information Technology and Statistics<br />

Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural<br />

DARD Development<br />

DoF Department of Forestry<br />

DoFD Department of Forest Development<br />

DoFU Department of Forest Utilization<br />

DoPF Department of Provincial Finance<br />

DoST Department of Science & Technology<br />

EU European Union<br />

FAO Food and Agricultural Organization<br />

FBM Forest bio-physical monitoring<br />

FFPD Provincial fund for forest protection and development<br />

FG Forest governance<br />

<strong>FGM</strong> Forest governance monitoring<br />

FIPI Forest Inventory & Planning Institute<br />

FIS District Forest Inspection Section<br />

FLEG Forest law enforcement and governance<br />

FLEGT Forest law enforcement, governance and trade<br />

FM Forest monitoring<br />

FPD Forest protection department<br />

FRA Forest resources assessment<br />

FSC Forest Stewardship Council<br />

FSEM Forest socio-economic monitoring<br />

HRD Human Resource Department<br />

JEM Joint expert meeting<br />

MARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development<br />

NC National Customs<br />

NFMA National forest monitoring assessment<br />

NGO Non-governmental organization<br />

NTFP Non-timber forest product<br />

PDoF Provincial Department of Finance<br />

PEFC Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification<br />

PFPD Provincial FPD<br />

PPC Provincial People Committee<br />

QPPL Legal regulation<br />

Reduction of emission from forest degradation and<br />

<strong>REDD</strong> deforestation<br />

SFM Sustainable forest management<br />

SOM Senior officer meeting<br />

TWG Technical working group<br />

UN<strong>REDD</strong><br />

VFDS Vietnam Forestry Development Strategy 2006-2020<br />

VNFOREST Vietnam Forest Administration<br />

VPA Voluntary Participation Agreement<br />


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