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3pm Journal of Digital Research & Publishing<br />

Transmedia Storytelling is the art of ‘world making’ and each narrative which re-imagines<br />

Tolkien’s novel shares a ‘genetic link’ with one another (Jenkins. 2006. 21).<br />

A Good Transmedia Narrative?<br />

Angelique Toschi proposes that a good transmedia extension should make a distinct and<br />

valuable contribution to the franchise as a whole (2009. 35). There are two ways of achieving<br />

this; the first is the ability to achieve tight ‘bonds’ between texts, where one medium tells<br />

the first part of a story, and another medium continues the story which ‘cliffhangers’ onto<br />

a third medium. The second is the ability for each extension of the transmedia narrative<br />

to be able to stand on its own. This is where each individual text enriches the audience’s<br />

experience with the rest of the franchise (Toschi. 2009)<br />

A truly successful transmedia narrative often spans multiple casts of characters, as<br />

evidenced by Star Wars, Avatar, Twilight, Harry Potter and millions more. The story of<br />

the ‘Lord of the Rings’ follows many characters and has many sub plots; Frodo’s journey<br />

with the ring, Aragorn taking up the thrown of the King of Gondor, Gandalf becoming a<br />

white wizard etc. However the overriding story of the Lord of the Rings franchise is about<br />

Middle Earth and the very structures which exist within this universe between elves, men,<br />

hobbits and wizards; the structures which are somewhat foreign to humans. This is why<br />

Lord of the Rings gaming, films, websites and parapheneilia are so prominent in society; A<br />

good transmedia author will make his world a primary character in his story (Long. 2000.<br />

54). This is what Tolkien first did, this is what Jackson recreated, and is what millions of<br />

fans are participating within on their computer and television screens right now.<br />

“A good transmedia extension will not only answer questions raised elsewhere in the franchise, but it<br />

will also pose a number of its own for future expansions to use. In this manner a good franchise can<br />

be extended for decades, and a world can be developed into a rich, well-rounded narrative universe”<br />

(Long. 2000).<br />

Conclusion<br />

Special attention must be paid to developing a stage upon which multiple storylines, often<br />

in different media types, can expand and weave into one another, and every extension<br />

must maintain the consistency of that world. Whilst utilising different media platforms<br />

to portray the same ‘story world’ is not an effective way of digitally preserving the<br />

one narrative, it can potentially strengthen the value and integrity of the product as a<br />

whole. Furthermore, better understanding of some of the challenges facing transmedia<br />

storytelling and its negative capability, for both audiences and producers, would prevent<br />


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