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3pm Journal of Digital Research & Publishing<br />

Harris, R 2007, Marketing 2.0, Marketing, pg 19, viewed 10 September 2010,< http://ezproxy.library.usyd.<br />

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Kaplan M and Haenlein M 2010, Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media,<br />

Business Horizons, Vol. 53, Issue 1, p. 59-68.<br />

Kimberly, S 2010, Major Brands sceptical of social media, Marketing, pg 3, viewed 10 September 2010, <<br />

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Kraft Website, 2009, The Vote is In, Vegemite Cheesybite is the People’s Choice, Kraft Website, viewed 8<br />

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Lars, P n.d, Consumer Behaviour, the psychology of marketin, USC Marshall,viewed 10 September 2010<br />

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Lucy, J 2009, Social Media 101, Electrical Wholesailing, pg 22, viewed 10 September 2010, < http://ezproxy.<br />

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Marketing Magazine 2009, New Vegemite needs new name, viewed 8 September 2010, <<br />

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Marketing Week 2009, Market Research: Social Media breathes life into research, pg 25, viewed 10 September,<br />

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Marketing Week, 2009, Online Market Research: Brand stories, pg 31, viewed 10 September 2010, < http://<br />

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New Media Age, 2009, Market Research: Branching Out, pg 27, viewed 10 September, 2010, < http://ezproxy.<br />

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New Media Age, 2009, Social Media: Advertising Opportunities, pg 30, viewed 10 September 2010,< http://<br />

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