1 - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

1 - Al Kossow's Bitsavers

1 - Al Kossow's Bitsavers


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This equlpment uses and generates radio trequency energy and It not installed and used properly.<br />

that Is In strlct accordance wlth the manutacture's Instructlons, may cause Interference to radio<br />

and television receptlon.<br />

It has been type tested and tound to comply wlth limits tor a Class B computlng devlce In<br />

accordance wlth Sub- part J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, whlch are designed to provlde reasonable<br />

protectlon agalnst such Interference in aresldential installation. However, there Is no guarantee<br />

that Interference will not occur In a partlcular Installation. It thls equlpment dose causa<br />

Interference to radio or television receptlon, whIch can be determlned by turnlng the equlpment<br />

on and off, the user Is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the<br />

tollowing measures:<br />

reorlent the receivlng antenna<br />

relocate the computer wlth respect to the receiver<br />

move .the computer away tram the receiver<br />

plug the computer into a different outtet so that the computer and receiver are on<br />

different branch clrcults<br />

It necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician tor<br />

additional suggestions. The user may tind the tollowing booklet, prepared by the Federal<br />

Communicatlons Commlssion, helptul:<br />

"How to Identity and Resoive Radio - TV interference Problems. ''This booklet Is avaiiable trom<br />

the U.S. Government Printlng Office. Washington. D.C., 20402, Stock No. 044 - 000 - 00345 - 4.<br />

You can determine whether your computer Is causing interference by turning It off. It the<br />

Interference stops, it was probably caused by the computer or Its perlpheral devlces. To further<br />

lsolate the problem. disconnect elther the perlpheral device or its 1/0 cable.<br />

These devices usually require shielded cable. For Epson peripheral devices, you can obtaln the<br />

proper shlelded cable trom your dealer. For non - Epson devlces. contact the manufacturer or<br />

dealer tor asslstance.<br />

Seiko Epson Corporatlon,<br />

Nagano, Japan<br />

© 1988 by Seiko Epson Corporation<br />

<strong>Al</strong>l r1ghts reserved.<br />

Prlnted In Japan<br />

No portion of thls document may be reproduced, stored In a retrleval system, or transmitted In<br />

any torm or by any means, electrlc. mechanlcal, photocopylng. recordlng, or otherwlse, wlthout<br />

the written permission of Selko Epson Corporatlon. No patent liablllty Is assumed wlth respect<br />

to use of the Information contalned herein, nor Is any liablllty assumed tor damages resultlng<br />

trom usa cf thls text. Whlle every precautlon has been taken In the preparatlon cf thls bock,<br />

the publlsher assumes no lIablllty tor errors or omisslons.<br />

EPSON ® is a reglstered trademark of Seiko Epson Corporatlon.<br />

EPSON PC AX Is trademark of Selko Epson Corporatlon.<br />

IBM ® is a reglstered trademark ot International Business Machlnes Corporation.

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