Alternaria redefined - CBS - KNAW

Alternaria redefined - CBS - KNAW

Alternaria redefined - CBS - KNAW


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<strong>Alternaria</strong> <strong>redefined</strong><br />

Fig. 3. <strong>Alternaria</strong> sect. Alternantherae: conidia and conidiophores. A–D. A. alternantherae. E–H. A. perpunctulata. Scale bars = 10 µm.<br />


Section Alternantherae D.P. Lawr., Gannibal, Peever<br />

& B.M. Pryor, Mycologia 105: 540. 2013. Fig. 3.<br />

Type species: <strong>Alternaria</strong> alternantherae Holcomb & Antonop.<br />

Diagnosis: Section Alternantherae contains short to moderately<br />

long conidiophores with a conidiogenous tip which can be enlarged.<br />

Conidia are narrowly ellipsoid or ovoid, sometimes subcylindrical,<br />

solitary or rarely paired, sometimes slightly constricted near some<br />

septa, longitudinal or oblique septa occasionally occur, disto- and<br />

euseptate, with a long apical narrow beak. The conidial beak is<br />

unbranched, septate or aseptate, long filiform, and sometimes<br />

swollen at the end. Internal compartmentation occurs, cell lumina<br />

tend to be broadly octagonal to rounded.<br />

Notes: Section Alternantherae was recently established by<br />

Lawrence et al. (2013) after first being described as speciesgroup<br />

A. alternantherae (Lawrence et al. 2012). The described<br />

section consists of three former Nimbya species which formed<br />

a separate clade amidst the <strong>Alternaria</strong> species-groups based<br />

on sequences of the GAPDH, ITS and Alt a 1 genes (Lawrence<br />

et al. 2012). Nimbya celosiae is placed in this section based<br />

on the data of Lawrence et al. (2012), while N. gomphrenae is<br />

placed in the section based on ITS sequence data from Chou<br />

& Wu (2002).<br />

<strong>Alternaria</strong> alternantherae Holcomb & Antonop., Mycologia 68:<br />

1126. 1976.<br />

≡ Nimbya alternantherae (Holcomb & Antonop.) E.G. Simmons & Alcorn,<br />

Mycotaxon 55: 142. 1995.<br />

<strong>Alternaria</strong> celosiicola Jun. Nishikawa & C. Nakash., J.<br />

Phytopathol.: doi: 10.1111/jph.12108 (p. 3). 2013.<br />

Basionym: Nimbya celosiae E.G. Simmons & Holcomb, Mycotaxon<br />

55: 144. 1995.<br />

≡ <strong>Alternaria</strong> celosiae (E.G. Simmons & Holcomb) D.P. Lawr., M.S. Park<br />

& B.M. Pryor, Mycol. Progr. 11: 811. 2012. (nom. illegit., homonym of<br />

<strong>Alternaria</strong> celosiae (Tassi) O. Savul. 1950).<br />

<strong>Alternaria</strong> gomphrenae Togashi, Bull. Imp. Coll. Agric. 9: 6. 1926.<br />

≡ Nimbya gomphrenae (Togashi) E.G. Simmons, Sydowia 41: 324. 1989.<br />

<strong>Alternaria</strong> perpunctulata (E.G. Simmons) D.P. Lawr., M.S. Park &<br />

B.M. Pryor, Mycol. Progr. 11: 811. 2012.<br />

Basionym: Nimbya perpunctulata E.G. Simmons, Stud. Mycol. 50:<br />

115. 2004.<br />

Section Alternata D.P. Lawr., Gannibal, Peever & B.M.<br />

Pryor, Mycologia 105: 538. 2013. Fig. 4.<br />

Type species: <strong>Alternaria</strong> alternata (Fr.) Keissl.<br />

Diagnosis: Section Alternata contains straight or curved primary<br />

conidiophores, short to long, simple or branched, with one or several<br />

apical conidiogenous loci. Conidia are obclavate, long ellipsoid, small<br />

or moderate in size, septate, slightly constricted near some septa,<br />

with few longitudinal septa, in moderately long to long, simple or<br />

branched chains. The conidium body can narrow gradually into a<br />

tapered beak or secondary conidiophore. Secondary conidiophores<br />

can be formed apically or laterally with one or a few conidiogenous<br />

loci.<br />

www.studiesinmycology.org<br />


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