X-Plan full document - City of Xenia

X-Plan full document - City of Xenia

X-Plan full document - City of Xenia

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Chapter 1 Introduction<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Xenia</strong> Comprehensive <strong>Plan</strong>Overview<strong>Xenia</strong>’s leaders commissioned aComprehensive <strong>Plan</strong> update in order tobuild a shared vision with <strong>Xenia</strong> citizens<strong>of</strong> how to make <strong>Xenia</strong> the best it can be.The resulting product – called X-<strong>Plan</strong> – envisionswhat <strong>Xenia</strong> will be like in 20 years and providesstep-by-step directions on how to turn the visioninto reality.X-<strong>Plan</strong> replaces the 1997 <strong>Xenia</strong> Urban ServiceArea Land Use <strong>Plan</strong> as <strong>Xenia</strong>’s <strong>of</strong>ficial growthand development policy. X-<strong>Plan</strong> augmentsand informs <strong>Xenia</strong>’s development regulationssuch as Zoning and informs public and privatedecision-making regarding the location andquality <strong>of</strong> future land use, development andinfrastructure investments. X-<strong>Plan</strong> also outlinesstrategies for economic development, downtownand neighborhood revitalization, and imageimprovement.X-<strong>Plan</strong>’s recommendations are directly linkedto high-priority planning issues as enumerated,defined and prioritized by residents andstakeholders. This chapter summarizes howX-plan was created, how the public was involvedand how policies were developed.What is X-<strong>Plan</strong>?X-<strong>Plan</strong> is visionary and strategic. X-<strong>Plan</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers along-term vision integrated with short-term andaction-oriented strategies. This blend gives <strong>Xenia</strong>leaders the ability to set priority actions each yearthat collectively achieve broader X-<strong>Plan</strong> goalsover time.X-<strong>Plan</strong> is a leadership <strong>document</strong>. X-<strong>Plan</strong> visionand strategy was informed by the public;implementation is designed to be led bycommunity leaders. While <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficials are theprimary audience for subsequent implementationefforts, X-<strong>Plan</strong> is also directed towardsexecutives with <strong>Xenia</strong>’s numerous civic-orientedorganizations and institutions. Collaborationbetween partners and pooling <strong>of</strong> resources –human, financial and political – is essential.X-<strong>Plan</strong> requires execution. A deliberate andsustained execution effort is needed to turnX-<strong>Plan</strong> vision and strategy into reality. To help,X-<strong>Plan</strong> utilizes strategic plan and managementtools to help decision-makers select projectsfor implementation each year and to executeplan recommendations in the most realistic andefficient manner possible.Why is X-<strong>Plan</strong> Needed?The 1997 <strong>Xenia</strong> Urban Service Area Land Use <strong>Plan</strong>has served <strong>Xenia</strong> well. More recent changes inour national and regional economy and shiftingmarket demand for goods and services, housing,and community facilities all pointed to the needto take a fresh look at community goals andexpectations.<strong>City</strong> leaders also saw a new comprehensiveplan as an opportunity to galvanize communityVisionStrategyExecution1.2

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