X-Plan full document - City of Xenia

X-Plan full document - City of Xenia

X-Plan full document - City of Xenia

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Chapter 3 Grow Our Economy• Use an incentive-based approach.Standards can utilize an incentive-basedapproach which rewards high-qualitysubmittals with reduced review time orother incentives.• Implement other X-<strong>Plan</strong> goals andstrategies. Utilize a more land use-flexible,design-focused approach that followsthe Future Land Use <strong>Plan</strong>. Implementother X-<strong>Plan</strong> strategies which are aimed atimproving the quality <strong>of</strong> development.GE6.2 Develop excellent customer service. Firstimpressions are lasting. Economic developmentrequires a team effort. Each city employeehas the ability to improve <strong>Xenia</strong>’s image as abusiness friendly community. This goal can beaccomplished when all staff members exhibit apolite and positive service-oriented attitude.Develop minimum customer service standardsfor all <strong>City</strong> employees, and include Countypermitting agencies as well. An example <strong>of</strong>such a standard is the need to treat permitapplicants as customers and help themnavigate the permitting process.Provide annual customer service training to<strong>City</strong> employee. Explain why customer serviceis important to the <strong>City</strong>’s mission. Positivelyreinforce desired behavior and recognizeemployees that exceed expectations. Monitorresults through customer surveys.Consider partnering with a third partyorganization to expand upon <strong>City</strong> staff’s limitedcapacity and further enhance the customerexperience.GE6.3 Develop a community advisory board.A recently passed <strong>City</strong> ordinance requiredcreation <strong>of</strong> an Economic Development AdvisoryBoard (EDAB), which serves as a core advisorybody regarding economic developmentinterests and activities. The EDAB can increasecommunication, raise awareness and elevate<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Xenia</strong> Comprehensive <strong>Plan</strong>pressing economic development issues to thehighest layer <strong>of</strong> <strong>City</strong> leadership.In addition to <strong>City</strong> staff and <strong>City</strong> Councilrepresentation, participation in the EDAB couldinclude area business leaders, County <strong>of</strong>ficials,university staff, key property owners andregional economic development organizations.This would create a multidiscipline problemsolving body working together on a regularbasis to attract new and retain existingcompanies, discuss economic developmentissues, react to opportunities and overcomeobstacles.Subcommittees <strong>of</strong> the EDAB could meet ona more frequent basis or address specializedissues such as quick-response and initiativessuch as Town and Gown and HealthyCommunities.GE6.4 Develop and Rehearse a ConsistentMessage. Hire a marketing and/or PR firm toestablish the <strong>City</strong>’s economic developmentmessage as part <strong>of</strong> broader effort to improve<strong>Xenia</strong>’s image. Use the resulting copy to createpositive collateral material and webpagecontent.Incorporate message training with customerservice training (GE6.2). <strong>Xenia</strong> must marketitself in a positive light internally and externally.Message training is a great way to begin thisprocess.GE6.5 Prepare a Development Manual.Development manuals serve as “doingbusiness” guides with local government.Include step-by-step check lists <strong>of</strong> all requiredpermits and approvals, as well as a user-friendlyoverview <strong>of</strong> applicable standards.GE7 Foster Town and Gown and HealthyCommunity Partnerships<strong>Xenia</strong> has multiple assets related to education,healthcare and wellness that can serve as3.12

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