2) Selected 500 Hadith from Sahih Bukhari & Muslim - The Message

2) Selected 500 Hadith from Sahih Bukhari & Muslim - The Message

2) Selected 500 Hadith from Sahih Bukhari & Muslim - The Message


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<strong>Sahih</strong> <strong>Bukhari</strong> & <strong>Sahih</strong> <strong>Muslim</strong>95. Ibn Umar (RA) reported Allah's Messenger(Blessings and Peace be upon him) as saying:He who is anxious to seek it (Lailat-ul-Qadr)should seek it in the last ten (nights ofRamadan). <strong>Sahih</strong> <strong>Muslim</strong> <strong>Hadith</strong> # 262296. 'A'isha (RA) reported that the Messenger ofAllah (Blessings and Peace be upon him) usedto observe i'tikaf in the last ten days ofRamadan. <strong>Sahih</strong> <strong>Muslim</strong> <strong>Hadith</strong> # 2638<strong>The</strong> Book of ‘Pilgrimage (Kitab Al-Hajj)’97. 'A'isha (RA) reported: I applied perfume to theMessenger of Allah (Blessings and Peace beupon him) before he entered upon the state oflhram and (concluding) beforecircumambulating the (sacred) House. <strong>Sahih</strong><strong>Muslim</strong> <strong>Hadith</strong> # 268098. 'A'isha (RA) said: I applied perfume to theMessenger of Allah (Blessings and Peace beupon him) as he became free <strong>from</strong> Ihram andas he entered upon it. <strong>Sahih</strong> <strong>Muslim</strong> <strong>Hadith</strong> #2683Page 101

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