2) Selected 500 Hadith from Sahih Bukhari & Muslim - The Message

2) Selected 500 Hadith from Sahih Bukhari & Muslim - The Message

2) Selected 500 Hadith from Sahih Bukhari & Muslim - The Message


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<strong>Sahih</strong> <strong>Bukhari</strong> & <strong>Sahih</strong> <strong>Muslim</strong>53. 'A'isha (RA), the wife of the Messenger of Allah(Blessings and Peace be upon him), said Allahprescribed the prayer as two rak'ahs, then itwas completed (to four rak'ahs) at the place ofresidence, but was retained in the sameposition in journey as it was first madeobligatory. <strong>Sahih</strong> <strong>Muslim</strong> <strong>Hadith</strong> # 145954. Ibn 'Abbas (RA) reported: Allah has prescribedthe prayer through the word of your Prophet(Blessings and Peace be upon him) as fourrak'ahs when resident, two when traveling, andone when danger is present. <strong>Sahih</strong> <strong>Muslim</strong><strong>Hadith</strong> # 146355. 'A'isha (RA) reported: I have never seen theMessenger of Allah (Blessings and Peace beupon him) hastening as much in observingsupererogatory as two rak'ahs before the(Fardth) of the dawn prayer. <strong>Sahih</strong> <strong>Muslim</strong><strong>Hadith</strong> # 1572<strong>The</strong> Book of ‘Zakat (Kitab Al-Zakat)’56. Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) reported Allah'sMessenger (Blessings and Peace be upon him)as saying: A tenth is payable on what iswatered by rivers, or rains, and a twentieth onPage 89

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