VEX Principles Of Engineering Kit (270-1921) - VEX Robotics

VEX Principles Of Engineering Kit (270-1921) - VEX Robotics

VEX Principles Of Engineering Kit (270-1921) - VEX Robotics


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Published: 01/05/2012<strong>VEX</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Kit</strong> (<strong>270</strong>-<strong>1921</strong>)276-1622 8-Bay AA/AAA Smart BatteryCharger:Is capable of charging up to eight Ni-MH or Ni-Cd rechargeable AA or AAAbatteries. Smart Charger technologyprovides automatic trickle charging andtemperature cutoff during the chargecycle while LEDs provide userfeedback on the status of eachcharging battery276-1696 AAA NiMH Rechargeable Battery (6-pack):Standard rechargeable AAA batteriesfor use in the <strong>VEX</strong>net Joystick11276-1926 Linear Motion <strong>Kit</strong>:The Linear Motion <strong>Kit</strong> provides amethod for <strong>VEX</strong> builders to createlinear mechanisms utilizing low-frictionplastic slides and metal tracks.1276-2154 Line Tracker:Program your robot to follow a line.This sensor can also be used as abeam trigger. Includes three IRemitter/receivers.1276-2155 Ultrasonic Range Finder:Use this sensor to measure distanceusing high frequency sound waves.1Project Lead The Way, Inc.Copyright 2012Page 4

Published: 01/05/2012<strong>VEX</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Kit</strong> (<strong>270</strong>-<strong>1921</strong>)276-2156 Optical Shaft Encoder (2-pack):The Quadrature Encoder can measureboth the position and direction ofrotation of a <strong>VEX</strong> shaft. This will allowyou to calculate the speed of the shaft,as well as the distance it has traveled;these are very useful measurementsfor autonomous programming.1276-2158 Light Sensor:Uses a photocell that allows your robotto detect and react to light. With thelight sensor, you can program a wholenew range of capabilities to your robot.1276-2159 Bumper Switch (2-pack):Includes a pair of simple bumperswitches custom built for the <strong>VEX</strong><strong>Robotics</strong> Design System. RuggedizedBumpers allow the switch to betriggered by large impacts withoutsustaining damage.1276-2161 Metal & Hardware <strong>Kit</strong>: More tools forbuilding the ultimate robot. Additionalmetal and hardware pieces let youcreate more complex devices.1Project Lead The Way, Inc.Copyright 2012Page 5

Published: 01/05/2012<strong>VEX</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Kit</strong> (<strong>270</strong>-<strong>1921</strong>)Project Lead The Way, Inc.Copyright 2012Page 6

Published: 01/05/2012<strong>VEX</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Kit</strong> (<strong>270</strong>-<strong>1921</strong>)276-2162 3-Wire Servo:Servos rotate to a certain orientationbased on their input signal, rather thanjust spin forward or backward at a setrate like a motor.1276-2168 Tank Tread <strong>Kit</strong>:Contains over five feet of tank treaddesigned specifically for the <strong>VEX</strong><strong>Robotics</strong> Design System. Use this tanktread to build robot tracks which canovercome tough terrain, or build aconveyor belt for scooping up objects.276-2174 Limit Switch (2-pack):Includes a pair of simple limit switchsensors custom built for the <strong>VEX</strong><strong>Robotics</strong> Design System. Switchessend a signal to the Microcontrollerwhen they are triggered. Theseswitches are great for signaling when arobot arm has reached the top orbottom of its motion.276-2176 LED Indicator Pack:Compatible with <strong>VEX</strong> MicrocontrollerDigital Outputs. Use these for feedbackindicators, to debug code, verifyMicrocontroller mode, or for cool lightpatterns.276-2177 2-Wire Motor 393:Add motors to power more wheels oradd an end effector to take your robotto the next level.1212276-2184 Advanced Gear <strong>Kit</strong>:Provides several options for advancedmotion. These parts allow advancedmechanical <strong>VEX</strong> designers to createnew ingenious mechanisms.1Project Lead The Way, Inc.Copyright 2012Page 7

Published: 01/05/2012<strong>VEX</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Kit</strong> (<strong>270</strong>-<strong>1921</strong>)276-2192 <strong>VEX</strong>net Joystick:The <strong>VEX</strong>net Joystick allows a humanoperator to control a robot in real-timeusing the innovative <strong>VEX</strong>net 802.11Wireless link. The joystick has two 2-axis analog joysticks, 4 trigger buttonsand two 4-button directional pads. Italso has a 3-Axis Accelerometer thatprovides X-Y tilt outputs, X-Y-Zacceleration and a shake output.276-2194 <strong>VEX</strong> Cortex Microcontroller:The brain of every <strong>VEX</strong> robot.Coordinates the flow of information andpower on the robot. All other electronicsystem components must interface tothe Microcontroller.12276-2210 Flashlight:Turn night into day with this powerful 4-LED flashlight. It draws power directlyfrom the <strong>VEX</strong> Controller. Switch it on,and see in the dark. Easy to mount upoff your robot using the includedthreaded standoffs.1276-2214 Tank Treads Upgrade <strong>Kit</strong>:These upgrade links should be usefulto designers wishing to create moreadvanced mechanisms utilizing thetank tread.1Project Lead The Way, Inc.Copyright 2012Page 8

Published: 01/05/2012<strong>VEX</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Kit</strong> (<strong>270</strong>-<strong>1921</strong>)276-2216 Potentiometer (2-pack):Can determine absolute position of a<strong>VEX</strong> shaft. Use this sensor to get ananalog measurement of angularposition. This measurement can help tounderstand the position of robot armsor other mechanisms.1276-2219 Battery Strap (2-pack):Are used to mount the 7.2v battery toyour robot. The strap is reusable. TwoBattery Straps and Mounting Hardwareincluded1276-2231 Protobot Robot <strong>Kit</strong>:Contains over 300 parts and pieceswhich can be used to build the <strong>VEX</strong>Protobot, the <strong>VEX</strong> Tumbler, or somecreation of your own!1276-2232 Booster <strong>Kit</strong>:Includes pieces specificallyrecommended by <strong>VEX</strong> builders tomaximize versatility. Contains over 600pieces of <strong>VEX</strong> Structural and MotionComponents1276-2243 Backup Battery Holder:The <strong>VEX</strong>net Backup Battery allows youto mount and connect (1) 9V battery.This battery keep <strong>VEX</strong>net alive whenthe main battery fails.1Project Lead The Way, Inc.Copyright 2012Page 9

Published: 01/05/2012<strong>VEX</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> <strong>Kit</strong> (<strong>270</strong>-<strong>1921</strong>)276-2245 <strong>VEX</strong>net USB Adapter Key:These keys are the robot’s means ofcommunicating over the custom<strong>VEX</strong>net 802.11 wireless link.2276-2252 High Strength Sprocket & Chain <strong>Kit</strong>:These reinforced sprockets and chaincan transmit higher loads over longdistances. Use this kit to withstandhigher stresses and lift heavier loads.For any application where regularchain just won't cut it.1N/AHeliocentris Alternative Energy <strong>Kit</strong>:Includes (2) Heliocentris Solar Cellsand (2) Heliocentris Fuel Cells alongwith required connectors.1Project Lead The Way, Inc.Copyright 2012Page 10

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