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NEWVALLEYInside this IssueMinutes <strong>of</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>.................3<strong>Board</strong> Agenda..........................3ARC Approvals.......................4Candidates' Statements............4Pool Schedule..........................5<strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Homeowners Association April 2010 No. 440Cast Your BallotThree positions on the LVHA <strong>Board</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Directors</strong> will expire in May; those <strong>of</strong>Gary Scharlach, Denis Ford and KeithDotto. After serving several years eachKeith Dotto and Gary Scharlach are notrerunning however Denis Ford is. TimIrish will also be running for a positionon the <strong>Board</strong>.The candidates' statements are inthis issue <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Valley</strong> Vibration. Followthe instructions on the ballot, fill inthe information on the outer envelopeand sign it in the space provided.To comply with regulations thatballots must be out 30 days prior tothe election they are included with thisnewsletter even though elections aren'tuntil May. You may drop your ballot<strong>of</strong>f in the LVHA mailbox or the <strong>of</strong>fice.To be counted it must be received by7:30 PM, May 19, 2010.Minutes <strong>of</strong> the LVHA<strong>Board</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>March 17, 2010Present were: Denis Ford, SteveRule, Keith Dotto. Gary Scharlacharrived about 7:50 PM due to earliercommitment. Absent Scott Eichler.Approval <strong>of</strong> Agenda: Keith Dottomoved to approve the agenda. It wasseconded by Denis Ford and carriedunanimously.Approval <strong>of</strong> Minutes: Denis Fordmoved to approve the minutes <strong>of</strong> theFebruary meeting. It was seconded byKeith Dotto and carried unanimously.Office Manager’s ReportCommunity Center: The Easter EggHunt will take place April 3 rd at 10 am.If you are interested in volunteeringplease call the <strong>of</strong>fice.Office: A complete new electricalpanel was installed in the <strong>of</strong>fice whichfeeds all <strong>of</strong> the community center. Weare now up to code. Playground:Everyone is invited to an ice creamsocial celebrating the new playground<strong>Next</strong> <strong>Regular</strong> <strong>Board</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Directors</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>April 21, 2010Wed. 7:30 PMon Sunday, March 21 st from 2 – 4 pm.Miscellaneous: Elections are comingup – don’t forget the deadline for yourcandidate’s statement is Fri., March 26 th .President’s Report: Given by SteveRule. Steve reported on the progress<strong>of</strong> the remodeling <strong>of</strong> the restrooms.It got <strong>of</strong>f to a slow start due to somecorroded electrical conduit below theslab. The electricity had to be reroutedover the ro<strong>of</strong>. They have made goodprogress since then and new concreteis to be poured Friday, March 19 th .Treasurer’s Report: Given by DenisFord. Denis reported that expensesand revenue are tracking with the<strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>'sCutest Dogcontinued on page 3<strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> has an <strong>of</strong>ficial CutestDog! The first <strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Cutest DogContest has ended with four winnersreceiving ribbons.The first place winner is ChatchkeAmada with 29 votes followed by:1st runner-up Lucy Boosey with 11votes, 2nd runner-up Tyler Bremer with7 votes, and 3rd runner-up Daisy andBarclay Green with two votes.Thank you to all who participated.Both adults and children alike enjoyedreading the stories and seeing the pictures.We hope to have the contest againnext year so get your pictures ready. Seethe results <strong>of</strong> this contest on page six.

Page 2New <strong>Valley</strong> VibrationBILLING POLICYHome Owners Dues<strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Home Owners dues are$160 per quarter and this amount is dueand payable on the following dates:January 1, April 1, July 1 and October1. Invoices will be sent to home ownerson these dates. Please note that the$160 includes the charge for Basic TV(Channels 2 through 13).Non payment <strong>of</strong> dues will result in thefollowing actions: If dues are not paidwithin 30 days <strong>of</strong> the due date a late fee<strong>of</strong> $15 per quarter will be added to theinvoiced amount. If not paid within 60days <strong>of</strong> the due date TV service to theresidence will be terminated and use<strong>of</strong> the pool or tennis courts will not bepermitted. If not paid within 90 days<strong>of</strong> the due date the LVHA <strong>Board</strong> may,place a lien on the property and file forforeclosure.TV Maintenance orReception ProblemsFor general outages or for servicecall 259-5856. (Individual service willbe provided on a two-day per weekschedule).Cable Service RatesBasic service:Channels 2 - 13 - Incl in HO dues.For a full description <strong>of</strong> all <strong>Lucas</strong><strong>Valley</strong> Cable analog and digital TVservices, see www.lucasvalley.net orcall 451-7373 for sales, billing and administrativeissues. For system statussee channel 23.For TV and Broadband Internet supportcall 259-5856.Returned ChecksChecks returned by the bank aresubject to a $10 fee plus the bankcharge.LVHA <strong>Board</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Directors</strong>President Steve Rule 721-3218 president@lvha.orgVice President Gary Scharlach 721-3218 vicepresident@lvha.orgSecretary Keith Dotto 721-3218 secretary@lvha.orgTreasurer Denis Ford 721-3218 treasurer@lvha.orgMember-at-large Scott Eichler 721-3218 memberatlarge@lvha.orgCommittee DirectoryArchitectural - Terry Bremer 492-0342Emergency Response - Kelby Jones 499-0871Finance - Tom Egan 499-9079Horseowners - Tad Jacobs 492-0161Landscape - vacantLegal - vacantPool - Maggie McCann 499-0662Public Improvements - Ron Marin<strong>of</strong>f 479-8103Recreation/Welcoming - vacantSwim Team - Nancy Applegarth 472-5955Cable TV and Internet -John Applegarth 472-5955Tennis - Judy Rodich 472-1246Watershed/Creek/Open Space - Rachel Kamman 491-9691Zoning/Planning - Dan Chaffin 479-0208LVHA Business Office1201 Idylberry Road, San Rafael, CA 94903Tel: 415 472-3202 Fax: 415 472-7512 E-mail lvha@lvha.netMon. - Fri. 9:00 am to 1:00 pm • Website www.lvha.orgJanice Cunningham, Business ManagerTeen ListB= Babysitting, T= Tutoring, P= Pet Sitting, H= House Sitting, C= Cleaning, G= GardeningJake Vial-Golden 17 GPT 492-9718James Sitzman 17 GP 572-9869Kitty Pfeil 17 BPT 686-0154Sammi Weiss 15 BPCG 472-5624Ellen Cole 16 BHP 472-7137Maddie Galiani 15 BPT 499-5788Mari Vial-Golden 14 BHPT 492-9718Michael Sitzman 15 PG 225-9449Mason Scherer 13 PG 847-4897Dominique Gaston 14 BCGHPT507-9333Maxwell Halpern 13 B*PG 499-1858Julia McKeag 15 B 499-0817Cora Kingdon 14 BP 499-9301Jessica Gar<strong>of</strong>alo 15 PH 492-0673Chris Gar<strong>of</strong>alo 13 H 492-0673Tommy Holt 15 GHP 377-9564Jacquie Bigot 14 BHG 472-1186Emilie Weiss 13 BPG 472-5624Leah Grey 13 B*HP 479-6119Sophie LaPorte 13 B*TP 259-5418Gaby Gaston 12 BGHPT 507-9333<strong>Lucas</strong> Scherer 12 BGHP 499-1965Chiara Cameron 12 TPG 479-8914* denotes completed certification

New <strong>Valley</strong> Vibration Page 3Minutes continuedbudget. The playground is completeand the cost to LVHA was $29,869.50.The balance <strong>of</strong> $10,000 came in theform <strong>of</strong> a grant from Supervisor SusanAdams to the Swim Team which waspaid directly to BYO Playgrounds.Committee Reports: FinanceCommittee: Denis Ford reported thatat the most recent committee meetingauto-pay was discussed. It was decidedthat, with <strong>Board</strong> approval, they wouldlike to see the <strong>of</strong>fice begin using autopaywith a couple <strong>of</strong> the recurringbills as a trial run. This will be furtherlooked into.Pool Committee: Steve Rule reportedthat there would be a summit meetingon March 30 th at the community centerfor all parties involved in using thepool. He also reported that the PoolCommittee is looking into having thepool open for spring break.Cable TV and Internet Committee:Steve Rule noted that at a meeting withLVC they discussed the annual reportdue and specific items to be reported.The report should be forthcoming inthe near future. A power surge afterthe electrical outage on 3/8 damaged anamplifier at Mt. Rainier and Idylberry.LVC called in their help and had therepair completed by 11pm.Several members <strong>of</strong> the audiencereported problems at their own homeswith appliances being blown out orreported spikes or periods <strong>of</strong> highvoltage before the outage occurred.Old Business:ARC Violation Process: Steve Ruleexplained that the proposed violationprocess as submitted to the <strong>Board</strong>for approval is not a revision to theCC&Rs or the By-Laws but a processto facilitate in the event a member is inviolation <strong>of</strong> the ARC guidelines. ScottEichler, as liaison to the ARC, workedwith the ARC to come up with a set <strong>of</strong>procedures to follow.Some members noted they hadexpected to receive a further revision.However, Tim Irish, member <strong>of</strong> theARC, stated that the copy they hadwas in fact the final one. Steve askedeveryone to review it and the itemwould be continued to the April <strong>Board</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Directors</strong>’ meeting.New Business: Steve Rule noted thathe received a request by Dixie Schoolto possibly have after school tennis onthe LVHA courts. He will get furtherinformation on this request.Items from Homeowners: Dr. EdMiller spoke to explain his reasoningbehind the flyer he had deliveredto homes in the valley regardingthe Coastal Post newspaper. Heexplained that he contracted withsome individuals to deliver it and thatLVHA had nothing to do with it. Itwas a coincidence that in some casesit may have been delivered about thesame time as the <strong>Valley</strong> Vibration. Heexplained that some individuals weretaking all the copies out <strong>of</strong> newsstandsand that there have been threateningletters written to stores that have thenewsstands and to advertisers therebycausing the newspaper to loosebusiness and possibly fail. He reportedthat some have gone so far as to contactthe mayor <strong>of</strong> San Rafael to have thenewsstands removed. He reportedthat some 20,000 people in Marin readthe newspaper and that it should beallowed to continue given that we livein a country that values and promotesfreedom <strong>of</strong> speech.The <strong>Board</strong> announced that there wouldbe an additional informational meetingfor anyone who missed the January 20 thmeeting on Wednesday, March 24 th at 7PM with Tom Lai, Principle Planner toreview the proposed revisions to Title22, the Development code for <strong>Lucas</strong><strong>Valley</strong>. This meeting will be held atthe <strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Community Center.Adjournment: Denis Ford moved toadjourn the meeting. It was secondedby Gary Scharlach and carriedunanimously.Vandalism on CourtsOn the weekend <strong>of</strong> March 5 - 7 wehad vandalism on the upper courts.Chairs were broken apart as were trashcontainers and parts to the nets weretaken.If anyone hears anything unusualplease call the Sheriff. They will makeextra patrols for a while. We ask thatyou not give out the combination tothe gates and be sure to lock the gatebehind you when leaving.<strong>Board</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Directors</strong><strong>Meeting</strong>April 21, 2010AGENDA1. Call <strong>Meeting</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Board</strong> to Order2. Approval <strong>of</strong> AgendaGuest Speaker: Tom Lai,Principle Planner - Title 22 Final3. Approval <strong>of</strong> Minutes4. Business Manager's Report5. President's Report6. Treasurer's Report7. Committee Reports8. Old Business:Remodel Progress,ARC Violation Process9. New Business:Landscaping Common AreasCandidates' Statements10. Items from Homeowners

Page 4New <strong>Valley</strong> VibrationDenis FordI have been enjoying serving my community for the last two years and <strong>of</strong>fermy services for another two year period. I thank you for your support in achievingthat goal.Tim IrishMy family and I have always been drawn to good architecture. We have restoredand lived in a townhouse from 1786 located in the National Historic District<strong>of</strong> Alexandria, Virginia and a Frank Lloyd Wright style home from the 1960’s. Inboth cases we also enjoyed strong communities with a good school system andmany afterschool activities for our two children. So when we moved to Californiathree years ago we hoped that we could replicate all that we had in Virginia. Wewere pleased to find beautiful Eichler homes, The Dixie Schools and a wonderfulwelcoming community all in <strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>.We owe a great debt <strong>of</strong> gratitude to the previous generations who built thiscommunity, supported the schools, and protected our open space. It is involvementby community members that made and keeps this such a desirable community. Ihave begun to do my part by serving on the Dixie School’s Site Council, volunteeringto coach soccer and serving on the Architectural Review and WatershedCommittees <strong>of</strong> our Homeowner’s Association. My wife Cindy helped create theLVHA page on Big Tent to improve communication in the community. With yoursupport I would like to do more to build and strengthen our community so that itcan be enjoyed not just by us but future generations. I believe in open and honestcommunication and am hoping to increase community involvement in the work <strong>of</strong>the Association. That is why I am asking for your vote for a position on the LVHA<strong>Board</strong>. Thank you for your consideration.Easter Egg HuntCandidates' StatementsThis year's Easter Egg Hunt was again a resounding success thanks to theGrgurina family; Tiana, John, Janine and Nathaniel as the Easter Bunny.The rain held <strong>of</strong>f to allow the parade up to the hill where there were eggs aplenty! Thanks again to the Grgurinas. See more pictures on page five.Lifeguards NeededAre you looking for a fun summerjob. Look no further than your ownneighborhood pool. Just think - nocommute, roll out <strong>of</strong> bed and you'rehere in five minutes. The Pool Committeewill soon be interviewing applicantsfor the spring and summerseason.If you are interested and will haveyour certifications up to date by thencall the <strong>of</strong>fice for an application. Orsend an email to lvha@lvha.net requestingan application.ARC Approval33 Pikes Peak - ro<strong>of</strong>55 Pikes Peak - ro<strong>of</strong>10 Mt. Shasta Ct. - solar58 Mt. Tallac Ct. - solar2 Zephyr - dry rot repair, paintLet's Go Green!This column was suggested as a way<strong>of</strong> giving away an item that was stillusable but no longer wanted, withouthaving to call Goodwill for just oneitem or taking it to the dump to be putinto landfill.If you have a free usable item togive away call the <strong>of</strong>fice at 472-3202so that it can be listed in the next issue<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Valley</strong> Vibration.This month's free items are:• Large Charbroil charcoal BBQ.Call 479-9231.• 2 child car booster seats, virtuallynew. Call 499-1918.• MGA 19" TV and VCR. Call 472-3202.Wanted items:• Grass seed. Call 472-3202.

New <strong>Valley</strong> Vibration Page 5April 1st through April 30thPool Schedule<strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Masters Swim: Monday - Friday 5:30 am - 7:00 am (A lap lane will be available for residents)Saturday 6:30 am - 8:00 am (A lap lane will be available for residents)<strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Swim Team: Monday - Friday 3:30 - 7:15 pm (A lap lane will be available to residents 5:45 - 7:00 pm.)Please note: <strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> pool will be open for Spring Break April 10th through April 18th from 2 pm to 5 pm.WEATHER PERMITTING (pool will be shared by LVST and residents Monday - Friday 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm.)May 1st through May 31st<strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Masters Swim: Monday - Friday 5:30 am - 7:00 am (A lap lane will be available to residents)Saturday 6:30 am - 8:00 am (A lap lane will be available to residents)<strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Swim Team: Monday - Friday 3:30 - 7:15 pm (A lap lane will be available to residents 5:45 - 7:00 pm.)Pool open weekends 2pm to 5pm WEATHER PERMITTING

Page 6New <strong>Valley</strong> VibrationDaisy & Barclay GreenMy name is Daisy. That's my adoptedbrother Barclay on the right. I'm14 years old and I think I'm pretty cute.My brother would disagree.He thinks I'm very bossy. Bigsisters can be that way. Weboth are very active. We liketo boogie board and love longwalks on the beach. I'm veryvocal and I have a big heart.We both think we are the cutestdogs in <strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>. Wewill let the judges decide.Tyler BremerHi! My name is Tyler. I’m a TibetanTerrier, and I’m the <strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> CutestDog because I am a one-dogwelcoming committee. I lovepeople and am friendly to all doggiesin the neighborhood, evenif they bark at me. I look like afuzzy Ewok and always have myhappy face on. All children loveto pet me and find out what kind <strong>of</strong>creature I am. I have an excellentsniffer and can jump very high, especiallywhen I want to get on theLucy BooseyMy name is Lucy and I am the<strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Cutest Dog because mysmiling irresistible face greets everyoneas my short legs carry my bubblypersonality.The Queens Corgis in BuckinghamPalace have nothing on me, I love livingand walking here in our beautiful valleygiving you all a big smiley greeting.By the way Corgi in Welsh means dogbeloved and that I am!!bed so I can watch tv and eat ice creamwith my dad. (Oops, I probably shouldn’thave mentioned that!) Anyway, pleasevote for Tyler, the best and cutest dog.Chatchke AmadaMy name is Chatchke Amada andI am <strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>’s cutest dog becausemy winsome qualities enable me tobring joy to practically everyone I meet.I was a foundling wandering the streets<strong>of</strong> Madera when rescued by very kindpeople who sent me to a shelter not farfrom where I presently live. One day,my owners, Jerry and Marcia Amada,visited that shelter not long after one<strong>of</strong> their beloved dogs had died. Theyfound me in a cage,undernourished, bedraggledand battlingkennel cough, nota pretty sight, I’mafraid. Marcia waswon over; alas, Jerrywas skeptical. Aworker released mefrom the cage and weset out for the grassyarea behind the shelter.Once outside, I took the liberty to leapinto their laps, one after the other. Ilicked their noses and let them canoodleme all they wanted. The next day theytook me home with them and each nightever since I sleep in their bed after Jerryfaithfully slips me a piece <strong>of</strong> beef jerky.I’m not sure what it is that enables meto form warm and immediate connectionswith people; perhaps it’s my litheprance, or my sparkling, comical eyes,or maybe it’s simply my exuberantspirit, but when Jerry and Marcia takeme for walks each morning on the Old<strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Road I find great pleasurein the fact that many people greet mewith a bright smile <strong>of</strong> recognition, opentheir arms to embrace me by calling outmy name (usually mispronounced, itmeans knickknack in three languages),and that makes me feel doggone good.If you don’t mind my saying so, there isa gorgeous lifelike painting <strong>of</strong> me hangingin our dining room. If you wouldlike to see it and meet me in person, giveme or the Amadas a jingle.

New <strong>Valley</strong> Vibration Page 7Notary PublicServicesnow available atthe LVHA OfficeCall 472-3202Rocky DietzNeed Work Done on Your Eichler?Call your neighbor Al at 479-8248Aussie Ro<strong>of</strong>ing• 25 year <strong>Lucas</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Resident• Experienced and reliable• Affordable RatesMCGUIRE & SONS454-2719Structured ElectricEARTHQUAKEPROOFING,CUSTOM REMODELS,INSURANCE WORK NEGOTIATINGmcguireandsons@sbcglobal.netLicense B346397 since 1978For RentApril 30th to May 30thFully furnished elegant modern one levelhome for rent in Dominican area.One month April 30th to May 30th, $3500.Including utilities and beautiful gardens.SabinoCall 415 258-0714

Page 8New <strong>Valley</strong> VibrationCaron PlumbingEichlers OnlyBoilers andRadiant Heat Repairs457-2323 state lic # 336068James D. JohnstonInsurance Services7 Mt. Lassen Dr. Suite D-151San Rafael, CA 94903Phone: 415-846-3518 License 0D27574Life - Auto - Home - Earthquake - Flood - Boat - RVFessendenPainting by Michael HarrisonQuality PaintingInterior/ExteriorMapleMillsCHURCH OF THE NATIVITYEPISCOPALYour neighborhood “Church on the Hill”Please worship with us8AM or 10AM every Sunday(Sunday School at 10 AM)333 Ellen Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903415-479-7023For directions and more information, please visitwww.NativityOnTheHill.orgFriendly • Honest • ReasonableNo job too small.20 years experience Call 415 420-6538

New <strong>Valley</strong> Vibration Page 9DAHLGREN DESIGN - BUILDAdditions • Remodels • Maintenance • RepairsDesign ConsultationSteve DahlgrenLic. no. 822066Call for a free estimate (415) 819-0684LEGAL COUNSELINGGeneral Business PracticeBusiness ReorganizationsDebtor/Creditor Out <strong>of</strong> Court WorkoutsBusiness and Personal BankruptcyWilliam R. PascoeAttorney at Lawwww.williamrpascoelaw.com415-492-1003Rainbow PressInstant Printing883-8979Letterheads • Envelopes • Business CardsBrochures • Fliers • Invoices31 Cavalla Cay, NovatoSchilling

Page 10New <strong>Valley</strong> VibrationNovato Toyotawinner <strong>of</strong> theToyota President's Awardfor outstanding sales andcustomer satisfactionGene BurchPlumbing Heating & Air Novato (415) 883-8135San Rafael (415) 479-2044Mill <strong>Valley</strong> (415) 388-1950Fax: (415) 883-1814www.gbplumbing.comCONT. LIC. #387500The more you knowabout Bay Area Toyota DealersThe more you'll buy atNovato Toyota!• • • • • • • • • •Join other selective Toyota buyerslike your neighbors and save!When you come in, please ask for meVOTED BEST TREE SERVICE IN MARINTREE REMOVALServing Marin Since 1975We specialize in inspecting and maintaining yourPlumbing Heating & Air Conditioning systems to insureyou are getting the best out <strong>of</strong> them all year long.• We Work On All Brands Of Hydronic Boilers• Qualified Technicians• Fully Stocked Trucks• Weekend Emergency Service• Authorized Kohler Sales & ServiceOur EquipmentIs Powered ByBio-DieselPacific Sun 2007 & 2008We Are a Certified GREEN COMPANY •Solar Powered Office & Shop •Certified Arborist •Free Woodchips •Free Estimates •Expert Pruning •Herb LakritzPresident <strong>of</strong> Novato ToyotaNovato Toyota897-3191STUMP GRINDINGFULLY INSUREDLic #660226Mike QueiroloISA Certified Arborist # 8291AAdId: W 14273090 - 02CustId: 8102486648Dir/Iss: MRNCA YP1 06/2008UDAC: THC - PCWATTUID: jm1593Date: 04/22/2008 06:41:PMTREEMASTERSTREEMASTERSLocally Owned & Operatedwww.marintreemasters.com4I5455-99333175 Kerner Blvd • San RafaelSERVING MARIN FOR OVER 20 YEARSTREEMASTERSWe Recycle8Tad JacobsISA Certified Arborist # 8281AYPH: 105383Tree ServiceYPSH:Rep: 115857 - km4676MACPHERSON KIA

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