1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server


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IPF Information Presentation Facility<br />

IPG In Plane Gate Transistor<br />

IPG Inter Packet Gap<br />

IPI Image Processing and Interchange<br />

IPI Intelligent Peripheral Interface<br />

IPI International Payment Instruction<br />

IPIP Internet Protocol within Internet Protocol<br />

IPL Information Processing Language<br />

IPL Initial Program Loader<br />

IPL Interrupt Priority Level<br />

IPLS IP-Only LAN-Like Service<br />

IPM Intelligent Power Mode/Module/MOS, Interpersonal Message<br />

IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface<br />

IPMP Intellectual Property Management and Protection<br />

IPMV95 Integrated Packet Trunk Module V.95 Interface<br />

IPNG Internet Protocol Next Generation (IPv6)<br />

IPNS ISDN PBX Networking Specification<br />

IPOC Interim Policy Oversight Committee<br />

IPON Intelligent Passive Optical Network<br />

IPP Intel Primitive Performance (Library)<br />

IPP Internet Presence Provider<br />

IPP Internet Printing Protocol<br />

IPPV Impulse/Instant Pay Per View<br />

IPR Intellectual Property Rights<br />

IPRB Intellectual Property Review Board<br />

IPS Image Packaging System<br />

IPS In Plane Switching (panel)<br />

IPS inch per second<br />

IPS Internet Privacy Standard<br />

IPS Intrusion Prevention System<br />

IPSE Integrated Project Support Environment<br />

IPSEC Internet Protocol Security Protocol<br />

IPSI (Fraunhofer-Institut für) Integrierte Publikations- und Informationssysteme<br />

IPT Immersive Projection Technology<br />

IPTC International Press Telecommunications Council<br />

IPTO Information Processing Techniques/Technology Office<br />

IPTV Internet Protocol Television<br />

IPU Imposition Processing Unit<br />

IPV4 Internet Protocol Version 4<br />

IPV6 Internet Protocol Version 6 (= IPng)<br />

IPVR Inst. für parallele und verteilte Höchstleistungsrechner, Stuttgart<br />

IPW Incremental Packet Writing<br />

IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange (Novell)<br />

IPXCP Internetwork Packet Exchange Control Protocol<br />

IQL Interactive Query Language<br />

IQMS Integrated Quality Management System<br />

IR Information Request/Retrieval<br />

IR Infrared, Infrarot<br />

IR Intermediate Representation<br />

IR Internet Registry<br />

IRAC Indpendent Review Advisory Committee<br />

IRAF Image Reduction and Analysis Facility<br />

IRAS I Really Am Sorry (Slang)<br />

IRAW Idle Read After Write<br />

IRB Instruction Recoder Buffer<br />

IRB Instrumentation Request Broker<br />

IRC International Record Carrier<br />

IRC International Reply Coupon<br />

IRC Internet Relay Chat<br />

IRD Integrated Receiver Decoder (TV)<br />

IRD Internet Resource Directory<br />

IRDA Infrared Data Association<br />


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