1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server


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GEOSAR Geostationary Search And Rescue<br />

GEP Good Engineering Practice<br />

GEZ Gebühreneinzugszentrale<br />

GFC General/Generic Flow Control<br />

GFC Going For Coffee (Slang)<br />

GFDL GNU Free Documentation License<br />

GFG Ganz Freches Grinsen (Slang)<br />

GFG Gift From God (Slang)<br />

GFR Guaranteed Frame Rate<br />

GFS Global/Google File System<br />

GFSK Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying<br />

GFY Good For You (Slang)<br />

GFY Go Find Yourself (Slang)<br />

GG Gadu-Gadu<br />

GGF Global Grid Forum<br />

GGI General/Generic Graphical/Graphics Interface<br />

GGP Gateway to Gateway Protocol<br />

GGS Gütegemeinschaft Software e. V., Köln<br />

GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node<br />

GHC Glasgow Haskell Compiler<br />

GHF Grosshandels-Flatrate<br />

GHN Get Hold Next<br />

GHT Geographic Hash Table<br />

GHU Get Hold Unique<br />

GI Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.<br />

GIAC Global Information Assurance Certification<br />

GIBN Global Interoperability for Broadband Networks<br />

GID Group Identifier/Identification<br />

GIF Graphics Interchange Format<br />

GIFT GNU Image Finding Tool<br />

GIGO Garbage In, Garbage/Gospel Out (Slang)<br />

GII Global Information Infrastructure<br />

GIIS Grid Index Information Service<br />

GILC Global Internet Liberty Campaign<br />

GILS Government Information Locator Service<br />

GILT Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, Translation<br />

GIMP GNU Image Manipulation Program<br />

GIMPS Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search<br />

GIOP General Inter-ORB Protocol<br />

GIP Global Internet Project<br />

GIP GPS/GSM Interworking Profile<br />

GIPS Giga-Instructions Per Second<br />

GIS Geographic Information System<br />

GISC Generic Intelligent System Controller<br />

GIT GNU Interactive Tools<br />

GIWIST Gee I Wish I’d Said That (Slang)<br />

GIX Global Internet Exchange<br />

GK Gatekeeper<br />

GKMP Group Key Management Protocol<br />

GKS Graphical Kernel System<br />

GKV Geschäftskundenvertrieb (Telekom)<br />

GL Graphics Language<br />

GLASS Globally Accessible Services<br />

GLDV Gesellschaft für Linguistische Datenverarbeitung<br />

GLIN Global Legal Information Network<br />

GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System<br />

GLP Government License Program<br />

GLT Gebäudeleittechnik<br />

GLU General Logic Unit<br />

GLUE Global User Environment<br />

GLV Global Line Vectorization<br />

GLX OpenGL Extension for the X Window System<br />


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