1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server

1 Abk ¨urzungen - BSCW Shared Workspace Server


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TEHO Tail End Hop Off<br />

TEI Terminal Endpoint Identifier<br />

TEI Text Encoding and Interchange<br />

TEI Text Encoding Initiative<br />

TEI Transport Error Indicator<br />

TEL Trans Europe Line<br />

TELEX Telegraph Exchange (Fernschreiben)<br />

TELNET Telecommunications Network<br />

TEMEX Telemetry Exchange<br />

TEMPE Telecommunications and Enterprise Multimedia Platform Environment<br />

TEN Trans European Network<br />

TEP Transequatorial Propagation<br />

TER Terminal Interface<br />

TET Test Environment Toolkit<br />

TETRA Trans European/Terrestrial Trunked Radio (System)<br />

TF Term Frequency<br />

TF Trägerfrequenz<br />

TFA Transparent File Access<br />

TFB Terminal Framing Bit/Bits<br />

TFB Thin Film Battery<br />

TFB Time Frequency Bus<br />

TFC Thermal Fly-height Control<br />

TFC Traffic Channel<br />

TFD Thin Film Diode<br />

TFDD Text File Device Driver<br />

TFE Türfreisprecheinrichtung<br />

TFEL Thin Film Electroluminescent<br />

TFH Text File/Files from Hell (Slang)<br />

TFH Thanks For Helping (Slang)<br />

TFH Thin Film Head<br />

TFM TeX Font Metric<br />

TFN Tribe Flood Network<br />

TFS Translucent File System (Sun)<br />

TFT Thin Film Transistor (Display)<br />

TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol (Internet)<br />

TFTS Terrestrial Flight Telephone System<br />

TFTT Thanks For The Thought (Slang)<br />

TG Target<br />

TG Transmission Group<br />

TGAL Think Globally, Act Locally (Slang)<br />

TGB Tres Grande Bibliotheque<br />

TGIF Thank God It’s Friday (Slang)<br />

TGM Timetable Generation Module<br />

TGN Thesaurus of Geographic Names<br />

TGN Transmission Group Number<br />

TGS Ticket Granting <strong>Server</strong>/Service<br />

TGT Ticket Granting Ticket<br />

TH Transmission Header<br />

TH Trouble History<br />

THD Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (jetzt TUD), Deutschland<br />

THP Tomlinson Harashima Precoder<br />

THT Through Hole Technology<br />

THT Token Hold/Holding Time/Timer<br />

THWLAIAS The Hour Was Late, And I Am Senile (Slang)<br />

THX Thanks (Slang)<br />

THX Tomlinson Holman’s Experiment<br />

TI Tele Immersion<br />

TI Texas Instruments Inc.<br />

TI Transaction Identifier<br />

TIA Telecommunications Industries Association<br />

TIA Thanks In Advance (Slang)<br />

TIA Totally Integrated Automation<br />


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