Host/Hostess Training Manual - The Wurst Haus

Host/Hostess Training Manual - The Wurst Haus

Host/Hostess Training Manual - The Wurst Haus

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<strong>Host</strong>/<strong>Host</strong>ess <strong>Training</strong> <strong>Manual</strong><strong>The</strong> Aggressive Guest:<strong>The</strong> Fussy Guest:<strong>The</strong> Over-Familiar Guest:<strong>The</strong> Guest who is Alone:<strong>The</strong> Noisy Trouble-maker:<strong>The</strong> Blind Guest:This type must be handled in acourteous and businesslike manner.Kindness and politeness can oftenchange him into a steady andappreciative customer.This is one of the hardest guests toplease. Try to stay one step ahead ofhim by learning the things that irritatehim. Be sure to have everything justright, before serving the fussy guest.Remember all of the little things thefussy guest especially likes, even whenthey may seem peculiar to the averageperson.Be courteous, dignified, and avoid longconversations. Stay away from the table,except when actual service is needed.Never try to give a wise crack answer toa smart remark. You will only cheapenyourself and lower yourself to the samelevel as the rudeness of the guest.Don't call attention by asking if he isalone. Seat him where he can see whatis going on. <strong>The</strong> guest may be lonelyand want someone to talk to. Befriendly, but don't neglect other guests.With nobody to talk to, time seems long,so serve as quickly as possible. Thiscould be your most critical guest.Don't be drawn into arguments. Speaksoftly. Don't antagonize. Refuse toparticipate in criticism of management,the establishment, or other personnel.Seat blind people with a dog so that the<strong>Wurst</strong> <strong>Haus</strong> German Deli & Restaurant 14 8/25/2006

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