issue 1 09 - APS Member Groups - Australian Psychological Society

issue 1 09 - APS Member Groups - Australian Psychological Society

issue 1 09 - APS Member Groups - Australian Psychological Society


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Resilience and Adjustment56reported student type (i.e,. mature entry orschool leaver). The definitions of mature entryand school leaver students were explained toparticipants to ensure they assigned themselvesto the correct group. Participants were theninstructed to record a participant number onboth the RSA and SACQ so as these could bematched in analysis.ResultsIn order to address the research questionsdata analysis proceeded in two stages.Statistics were computed to determine if therewas a difference between student types on bothadjustment and resilience scores. Thisprocedure was a multivariate analysis ofvariance (MANOVA). To determine if therewas a relationship between resilience andadjustment, irrespective of student type, thecorrelation between scores on the RSA andSACQ was computed.The first hypothesis was that there is arelationship between adjustment and resilience;this is irrespective of student type (matureentry or school leaver). This relationship wastested using Pearson’s correlation coefficientto determine if scores on the SACQ (M =463.59, SD = 58.86) and RSA (M = 183.41, SD= 26.03) were correlated, r(63) = 0.565, p

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