issue 1 09 - APS Member Groups - Australian Psychological Society

issue 1 09 - APS Member Groups - Australian Psychological Society

issue 1 09 - APS Member Groups - Australian Psychological Society


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Resilience and Adjustment59and Pooley (2007) suggesting that universityadjustment is dependent on a number ofindividual factors, and is supported by Gall etal. (2000) who express that the quantity andkind of life transformations experienced andthe size and helpfulness of students’ socialsupport systems influence the adjustmentprocess. Different people experience manydifferent life transformations and these factorsare highly individual, thus necessitating theneed for an individual approach to helpingstudents of any type adjust to the universityenvironment.However, the finding that adjustment andresilience are related is encouraging, especiallyin terms of the practical implication ofdetecting those at risk of not adjustingsuccessfully to university when embarkingupon an undergraduate course of study.ReferencesAntonovsky, A. (1993). The structure andproperties of the sense of coherence scale.Social Science & Medicine, 36, 725-733.<strong>Australian</strong> Council for Educational Research.(n.d.). Special tertiary admissions test.Retrieved January 6, 20<strong>09</strong>, fromhttp://www.acer.edu.au/stat/index.htmlBaker, R. W., McNeil, O. V., & Siryk, B. (1985).Expectation and reality in freshmanadjustment to college. Journal ofCounseling Psychology, 32, 94-103.Baker, R. W., & Siryk, B. (1984). Measuringadjustment to college. Journal ofCounseling Psychology, 31, 179-189.Baker, R. W., & Siryk, B. (1986). Exploratoryintervention with a scale measuringadjustment to college. Journal ofCounseling Psychology, 33, 31-38.Beasley, M., Thompson, T., & Davidson, J.(2003). Resilience in response to life stress:The effects of coping style and cognitivehardiness. Personality and IndividualDifferences, 34, 77-95.Brooks, J. H., & DuBois, D. L. (1995). Individualand environmental predictors of adjustmentduring the first year of college. Journal ofCollege Student Development, 36, 347-360.Campbell-Sills, L., Cohan, S. L., & Stein, M. B.(2006). Relationship of resilience topersonality, coping, and psychiatricsymptoms in young adults. BehaviourResearch and Therapy, 44, 585-599.Cantwell, R., Archer, J., & Bourke, S. (2001). Acomparison of the academic experiences andachievement of university students enteringby traditional and non-traditional means.Assessment & Evaluation in HigherEducation, 26, 221-234.Challis, R. (1976). The experience of maturestudents. Studies in Higher Education, 1,2<strong>09</strong>-222.Compas, B. E., Wagner, B. M., Slavin, L. A., &Vannatta, K. (1986). A prospective study oflife events, social support, and psychologicalsymptomatology during the transition fromhigh school to college. American Journal ofCommunity Psychology, 14, 241-257.Cote, J. E. (2002). The role of identity capital inthe transition to adulthood: Theindividualisation thesis examined. Journal ofYouth Studies, 5, 117-134.Derogatis, L. R., Lipman, R., Rickels, K.,Uhlenhuth, E. H., & Covi, L. (1974). TheHopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL): Aself-report symptom inventory. BehaviouralScience, 19, 1-15.Edith Cowan University. (2007). Strategicinformation services student statistics: Firstsemester 2007. Retrieved June 20, 2007,from Restricted Accesshttp://www.ecu.edu.au:80/IRS/ecuonly/official_data/2007s1.zipFeinstein, L., & Hammond, C. (2004). Thecontribution of adult learning to health andsocial capital. Oxford Review of Education,30, 199-221.Friborg, O., Hjemdal, O., Rosenvinge, J. H., &Martinussen, M. (2003). A new rating scalefor adult resilience: What are the centralprotective resources behind healthyadjustment? International Journal ofMethods in Psychiatric Research, 12, 65-76.Gall, T. R., Evans, D. R., & Bellerose, S. (2000).Transition to first-year university: Patterns ofThe <strong>Australian</strong> Community Psychologist Volume 21 No 1 June 20<strong>09</strong>

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