LISP I Programmer's Manual - Software Preservation Group

LISP I Programmer's Manual - Software Preservation Group

LISP I Programmer's Manual - Software Preservation Group


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prog[prin2[d~rinl[~];The function print prints out (on-line or off-line dependingon sense-switch settings) its argument x if x is a legallist structure, and malfunctions if it is not, If x is NIL ablank line is printed. The value of print is always zero,In the following explanation of print, prin2 is a routinewhich places in the line to be printed up to six BCD characterswhen the characters are pushed to the left with the restof the register filled in by the illegal character 77. Thelocations A, , , and d mentioned below contain respectivelyBCD representations of left-parenthesis, right-parenthesis,comma, and blank (space) in the form appropriate for~rin2.Here terpri (terminate print) is a machine language functionwhich prints out the line of characters which have been placedthere by the function prin2,printa[x] '= -+ [null[xl I -+ ;atom[xlT + [all; (printa subprogram) ]Jwhere the (printa subprogram) is the following:a1 = xPLENDprin2[~]printa[car[Jl]]null[cdr[al] -+ ] go [END]prin2['1~ 111 = cdr[al]~OCPLIprin2[p]re turn

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