European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation ... - CPR

European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation ... - CPR

European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation ... - CPR


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18 de 0ctubre de 2010 www.elsuapdetodos.com1340 C.D. Deakin et al. / <strong>Resuscitation</strong> 81 (2010) 1305–1352102. Zenker P, Schlesinger A, Hauck M, et al. Implementation and impact of arapid response team in a children’s hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf2007;33:418–25.103. Dean BS, Decker MJ, Hupp D, Urbach AH, Lewis E, Benes-Stickle J. ConditionHELP: a pediatric rapid response team triggered by patients and parents. JHealthc Qual 2008;30:28–31.104. Ray EM, Smith R, Massie S, et al. Family alert: implementing direct familyactivation of a pediatric rapid response team. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf2009;35:575–80.105. Kenward G, Castle N, Hodgetts T, Shaikh L. Evaluation of a medical emergencyteam one year after implementation. <strong>Resuscitation</strong> 2004;61:257–63.106. Chan PS, Khalid A, Longmore LS, Berg RA, Kosiborod M, Spertus JA. Hospitalwidecode rates and mortality be<strong>for</strong>e and after implementation of a rapidresponse team. 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