European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation ... - CPR

European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation ... - CPR

European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation ... - CPR


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18 de 0ctubre de 2010 www.elsuapdetodos.com1342 C.D. Deakin et al. / <strong>Resuscitation</strong> 81 (2010) 1305–1352224. Gabbott D, Smith G, Mitchell S, et al. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation standards<strong>for</strong> clinical practice and training in the UK. <strong>Resuscitation</strong> 2005;64:13–9.225. Dyson E, Smith GB. Common faults in resuscitation equipment—guidelines <strong>for</strong>checking equipment and drugs used in adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation.<strong>Resuscitation</strong> 2002;55:137–49.226. Brennan RT, Braslow A. Skill mastery in public <strong>CPR</strong> classes. Am J Emerg Med1998;16:653–7.227. Chamberlain D, Smith A, Woollard M, et al. Trials of teaching methods in basiclife support (3): comparison of simulated <strong>CPR</strong> per<strong>for</strong>mance after first trainingand at 6 months, with a note on the value of re-training. <strong>Resuscitation</strong>2002;53:179–87.228. 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