European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation ... - CPR

European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation ... - CPR

European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation ... - CPR


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cause complications later. Victims with a persistent cough, difficultyswallowing or the sensation of an object being still stuckin the throat should, there<strong>for</strong>e, be referred <strong>for</strong> a medical opinion.Abdominal thrusts and chest compressions can potentially causeserious internal injuries, and all victims successfully treated withthese measures should be examined afterwards <strong>for</strong> injury.<strong>Resuscitation</strong> of children (see also Section 6) 134a andvictims of drowning (see also Section 8c) 134bFor victims of primary cardiac arrest who receive chestcompression-only<strong>CPR</strong>, oxygen stores become depleted about2–4 min after initiation of <strong>CPR</strong>. 92,104 The combination of chest compressionswith ventilation then becomes critically important. Aftercollapse from asphyxial arrest, a combination of chest compressionswith ventilations is important immediately after the start ofresuscitation. Previous guidelines have tried to address this differencein pathophysiology, and have recommended that victims ofidentifiable asphyxia (drowning, intoxication) and children shouldreceive 1 min of <strong>CPR</strong> be<strong>for</strong>e the lone rescuer leaves the victim to get18 de 0ctubre de 2010 www.elsuapdetodos.comR.W. Koster et al. / <strong>Resuscitation</strong> 81 (2010) 1277–1292 1287help. The majority of cases of SCA out of hospital, however, occur inadults, and although the rate of VF as the first recorded rhythm hasdeclined over recent years, the cause of adult cardiac arrest remainsVF in most cases (59%) when documented in the earliest phase by anAED. 13 In children, VF is much less common as the primary cardiacarrest rhythm (approximately 7%). 135 These additional recommendations,there<strong>for</strong>e, added to the complexity of the guidelines whileaffecting only a minority of victims.It is important to be aware that many children do not receiveresuscitation because potential rescuers fear causing harm if theyare not specifically trained in resuscitation <strong>for</strong> children. This fearis unfounded; it is far better to use the adult BLS sequence <strong>for</strong>resuscitation of a child than to do nothing. For ease of teaching andretention laypeople should be taught that the adult sequence mayalso be used <strong>for</strong> children who are not responsive and not breathingor not breathing normally.The following minor modifications to the adult sequence willmake it even more suitable <strong>for</strong> use in children.• Give 5 initial rescue breaths be<strong>for</strong>e starting chest compressions(adult sequence of actions, 5b).www.elsuapdetodos.comFig. 2.18. Algorithm <strong>for</strong> use of an automated external defibrillator. © 2010 ERC.

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