Avgust, september 2012 - Adria Airways

Avgust, september 2012 - Adria Airways

Avgust, september 2012 - Adria Airways

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PISMO / LETTERDrage potnice incenjeni potniki!Prisrčno pozdravljeni in dobrodošli naletalu Adrie <strong>Airways</strong>!V Adrii nam poletni čas poteka v ustvarjalnem indelovnem vzdušju. Skoraj leto dni mineva, odkarsmo se v podjetju lotili procesa intenzivnegaprestrukturiranja s ciljem, postati uspešno inprofitabilno podjetje. Ta proces, ki je nujen, da<strong>Adria</strong> ostane pomemben in ugleden prevoznikna trgu JV Evrope, je potegnil za seboj kar nekajneljubih ukrepov. Občutili so jih tako zaposlenikot tudi potniki. Vsem se zahvaljujem za podporo;zaposlenim, ki marsikatero prosto uro namenijodelu za Adrio, in potnikom, ki z razumevanjemsprejemajo racionalne odločitve vodstva, karvčasih pomeni tudi ukinitev katere od destinacij.Ves čas pa iščemo in pripravljamo za potnikenove ugodne povezave in ponudbe. Vabim vas,da spremljate poletne prodajne akcije v najrazličnejšihmedijih, na naši spletni stani www. adria.si in na prodajnih mestih. Prav gotovo se bo zavsakega od vas našla zanimiva priložnost za enegaod 170 rednih tedenskih letov, ki povezujejoLjubljano z več kot 18 evropskimi destinacijami.V sodelovanju s partnerji Star Alliancea se našimpotnikom odpira enostavna možnost potovanjatudi po vsem svetu. V letošnjem juniju so sezdruženju pridružile še tri nove članice iz LatinskeAmerike – o tem lahko več preberete v naši tokratniizdaji revije – in tako so se potnikom odprlemožnosti koriščenja skoraj 50 novih letališč spripadajočimi povezavami za potovanja tja. To sebo prav gotovo odrazilo tudi v ugodnejših cenahza potovanja v ta del sveta. Skladno s strategijoširjenja omrežja, ki prinaša koristi potnikom,pa s pridružitvijo novih članic pridobivajo tudiposamezne letalske družbe. Vsi, ki delujemo napodoben način in so si naši modeli poslovanjapodobni, najdemo znotraj zveze dodatne sinergijein si izmenjujemo znanje in izkušnje. Prav v temFotografija: Irena Herakkontekstu je za Adrio zanimivo in pomembnotudi sodelovanje z družbama, kot sta Avianca--Taca in Copa.V poletni sezoni se naši že ustaljeni mreži poletovpridružijo še številni turistični cilji v Sredozemlju.Grčija, Turčija, Španija in Malta so priljubljenepočitniške dežele, kamor vas skupaj z našimiposlovnimi partnerji – turističnimi agencijami –popeljemo novim dogodivščinam naproti. Dabi se med poletom še prijetneje počutili, vampri nas za razliko od mnogih letalskih družbpostrežemo z brezplačnim obrokom ter hladnimin toplim napitkom.Sredi poletja smo, ko večina ljudi odloži vsakodnevneobveznosti in lagodneje zadiha. Medtemko nekateri že uživajo proste dni na zasluženihpočitnicah ali pa se z mislimi šele pripravljajona sproščene trenutke, je za druge poletni časobdobje, povezano z intenzivnejšim delom innapori. To velja za vse gospodarske panoge, ki sopovezane s turizmom, v letošnjem olimpijskemletu pa je prav tako v polnem zagonu tudi vsašportna elita. Naj ob tej priložnosti zaželim vsosrečo našim olimpijcem, ki letijo svojim športnimuspehom naproti tudi na Adrijinih krilih.Zahvaljujem se vam, da ste za potovanje izbraliAdrio <strong>Airways</strong>. Želim vam prijeten let!Klemen Boštjančič,predsednik upraveDear passengers,Allow me to wish you a warm welcomeaboard this <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> flight.At <strong>Adria</strong>, we are spending the summer in a creativeand hard-working atmosphere. It has been almosta year since the company entered into a process ofintensive restructuring with the dual goals of successand profitability. This process – indispensableif <strong>Adria</strong> is to remain a significant and respected aircarrier in the Southeast Europe market – has leadto several less than popular measures, experiencedby employees and passengers alike. Please allow meto take this opportunity to thank all of you for yoursupport: the employees for devoting much of theirspare time to <strong>Adria</strong>, and passengers for being sounderstanding about the rational decisions madeby the management, even if that sometimes meansthe termination of flights to one of our destinations.Rest assured that we are constantly searching forand working on new affordable connections andoffers for our passengers. We hope that you willkeep track of our summer special offers in variousmedia, on our website at www.adria.si and atour points of sale. We feel certain that each andevery one of you will find something of interest inone of our 170 weekly scheduled flights connectingLjubljana to over 18 destinations throughoutEurope. In cooperation with other Star Alliancepartners, our passengers can now enjoy easier andsmoother travels to various destinations worldwide.In June, the network was joined by three more LatinAmerican airlines – you can find out about this inthe current issue – giving passengers the opportunityto travel to almost 50 new airports and takeadvantage of the new connections available in thispart of the world. The move is sure to be reflected inmore affordable prices for flights to Latin America.In keeping with the strategy of network expansionsthat bring advantages to passengers, the newmembers also benefit other airlines. Other carrierswith similar modes of operation and similar businessmodels find new synergies and opportunitiesfor exchanging knowledge and experience withinthe association. It is in this context that workingwith companies such as Avianca-Taca and Copa isinteresting and important for <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>.In the summer season, our established network offlights is expanded to include a number of touristdestinations in the Mediterranean. Greece, Turkey,Spain and Malta are popular holiday destinations;let us and our partner travel agencies take you therefor an adventurous or relaxing vacation. Unlikemany air carriers, we serve a free meal and hot andcold beverages on our flights to make sure that youtravel in comfort.We are in the middle of the summer when mostpeople take a break from their daily life and relax fora while. But while some are already enjoying theirhard-earned vacations or at least planning to takea relaxing break as soon as possible, for others thesummer is a time of intense work and stress. This istrue of all tourism-related industries and, since this isan Olympic year, of top athletes as well. I would liketo take this opportunity to wish the very best of luckto our Olympic athletes travelling to new victoriesand success in <strong>Adria</strong> planes.Thank you for choosing <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>. Have a pleasantflight!Klemen Boštjančič,President of the Management Board & CEO5

<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> In-Flight MagazineRevija <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> In-Flight Magazineje namenjena potnikom na poletih z Adrio <strong>Airways</strong>.<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> In-Flight Magazine is complimentary on <strong>Adria</strong><strong>Airways</strong> flights.Izdajatelj / Publisher:<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>, Slovenski letalski prevoznik, d.d.<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>, The Airline of SloveniaZgornji Brnik 130h, 4210 Brnik – AerodromUredništvo / Editorial:Alen Mlekuž,Barbara Mihevc Bukovec,Anna Marija Korošec.Tel. / Phone + 386 4 259 4541E- mail: barbara.bukovec@adria.siOglaševanje / Advertising:Alenka DvoršakTel. / Phone + 386 4 259 4526E- mail: alenka.dvorsak@adria.si4274628680Naslovnica /Cover:Getty ImagesOblikovanje in AD /Design and AD:IDEARNA d.o.o.Prevod /Translated by:AmidasAlkemist,prevajalske storitve d.o.o.Lektorica /Proofreader:Vera SamohodFotoliti /Lithography:SET, d.o.o.Tisk /Printed by:Korotan – Ljubljana, d.o.o.ISSN 1318-078998Mnenja, izražena v tej publikaciji, so zgoljmnenja avtorjev ali intervjuvancev in neodsevajo nujno stališč Adrie <strong>Airways</strong>.Razmnoževanje brez pisnega dovoljenjaje prepovedano. Izdajatelj ne prevzemanikakršne odgovornosti za nenaročenogradivo.The opinions expressed in this publicationarethose of the authors or persons interviewedalone and do not necessarily reflect the viewsof <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>.Brezplačen izvod /Your personal copy506

VsebinaContents38.42.adrijin potnik / ADRIA PASSENGERSteve McCurry >>svetovno priznan fotograf v ljubljaniworld renowned photographer in ljubljanabarbara mihevc bukovecsteve mccurryDESTINACIJAbarcelonaDESTINATION barcelonasara slodej aleš fevžer50. matjaž potokar lojze spacal58. stane sušnik62.68.bogastvo in moč soliThe Wealth and Power of Saltprijazni dolgouhciThe friendly long-eared animalsOlimpijska atletska zgodovinaducat veličastnihOlympic Athletic Historya dozen greatsmarjan žibernaaleš fevžerbrigita bukovec,dobitnica olimpijskega srebrabrigita bukovec,Winner of Olympic SilverMarjan žibernaaleš fevžer74. ljubljana: lolitaalja bukoveciztok dimc80. lefkasRaj, kjer se čas ustaviLefkasA Paradise Where Time Stands Stillsaša suhadolnikmanca vilfan86. vražja tina na brzicah sočedevilish tina on the Rapids ofthe Soča Rivercarmen lebaniztok dimc92. umetniki so jokali dvakrat60 let ljubljanskega poletnega festivalaThe artist cried twice60 Years of the Ljubljana Summer Festivalgorazd dominkoalenka slavinec98. nepalDežela živih boginjnepalThe Land of Living Goddessesbarbara kašnerzoran furman106. zgodovina avtomobilizmana slovenskemThe history of motor vehicles insloveniaboris brovinsky arhiv tms7

Novosti - newspoletni vozni red25. marca je stopil v veljavo poletni vozni red. <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> povezujeslovensko prestolnico z več kot 170 rednimi leti tedensko z 18 destinacijami.Adrijina letala vas popeljejo v Amsterdam, Barcelono, Beograd,Bruselj, Carigrad, na Dunaj, v Frankfurt, København, London, Manchester,Moskvo, München, Podgorico, Prištino, Sarajevo, Skopje, Zürich in v Tirano.Kot članica združenja letalskih prevoznikov Star Alliance omogoča <strong>Adria</strong><strong>Airways</strong> zelo dobre in cenovno ugodne povezave z destinacijami po vsemsvetu. Vsakodnevno opravi združenje Star Alliance kar 21.500 letov na1.356 letališč v 193 državah.V poletni sezoni, ki jih opravlja <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> v sodelovanju s turističnimiagencijami, povezuje s čarterskimi leti Ljubljano s številnimi počitniškimidestinacijami, predvsem v Sredozemlju. Iz Ljubljane leti tedensko nanaslednja letališča: v Grčijo v Heraklion, na Rodos, Kos, Santorini, Karpatos,Kefalonijo, Zakintos, Skiatos, Samos, Hios, Lezbos, Lefkas/Preveza in vKavalo. Leti tudi na Menorco in v Palmo de Mallorco v Španiji, na Malto inv Antalyo v Turčiji. Sharm el Sheikh in Hurgada v Egiptu sta edini čarterskidestinaciji, kamor leti slovenski letalski prevoznik celo leto.Redni poleti med Prištino in nemškima mestoma Frankfurt in Münchenso v Adrijinem voznem redu že od decembra 2010, od začetka letošnjegaleta dalje pa Adrijina letala povezujejo Prištino tudi z italijansko Verono.Summer Flight ScheduleThe <strong>2012</strong> summer flight schedule applies as of 25 March. <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>operates over 170 scheduled flights every week, linking the Slovenian capitalto 18 destinations. <strong>Adria</strong> aeroplanes will fly you to Amsterdam, Barcelona,Belgrade, Brussels, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Istanbul, London, Manchester,Moscow, Munich, Podgorica, Pristina, Sarajevo, Skopje, Tirana, Vienna andZurich. As a member of Star Alliance, the association of air carriers, <strong>Adria</strong><strong>Airways</strong> is able to offer excellent connections to destinations around theworld at affordable prices. Star Alliance members operate 21,500 flights dailyto 1,356 airports in 193 countries.During the summer season, <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> works with travel agencies to offerchartered flights connecting Ljubljana to a number of holiday destinations,particularly those in the Mediterranean. <strong>Adria</strong> operates weekly flights tothese airports in Greece: Heraklion, Rodos, Kos, Santorini, Karpathos, Kefalonia,Zakynthos, Skiathos, Samos, Chios, Lesbos, Lefkas/Preveza and Kavala.Chartered flights to Menorca and Palma de Mallorca in Spain, to Malta andto Antalya in Turkey are also available. Sharm el Sheikh and Hurgada inEgypt are the only two destinations served by <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> chartered flightsall year round.Scheduled Pristina-Frankfurt and Pristina-Munich flights have been part ofthe <strong>Adria</strong> schedule since December 2010; as of the beginning of this year, theairline also operates scheduled flights between Pristina and Verona in Italy.Z uvrstitvijo smo vsi zaposleni v Adrii zelo zadovoljni, saj nas uvršča vsam vrh elitnih letalskih družb. Veseli nas tudi dejstvo, da so na seznamuvrščene kar tri letalske družbe iz združenja Star Alliance. Vsekakor sebomo še naprej trudili, da bi ostali potnikom prijazna letalska družba,tako s cenovno dostopnostjo kot tudi s svojimi storitvami, ki jih neprestanoizpopolnjujemo.<strong>Adria</strong> Receives an InternationalAward for QualityFoto: B. ČeakAdrii mednarodno priznanje zaKakovostNajvečje neodvisno letalsko združenje Skytrax je v kategoriji vzhodne Evropeuvrstilo med deset najboljših prevoznikov tudi Adrio <strong>Airways</strong>. World AirlineAwards so sicer najprestižnejše nagrade v letalski industriji, ki jih podeljujejona podlagi ocen potnikov iz 160 držav in predstavlja najobširnejšo analizazadovoljstva potnikov. Lestvico najboljših so sestavili na podlagi ocen potnikov,ki so ocenjevali kakovost in hitrost storitev, udobje, čistočo, kakovost hrane inprijaznost osebja. Poleg naše Adrie se je na lestvico najboljših desetih uvrstil tudihrvaški Croatia Airlines. Obe družbi sta tokrat prvič med desetimi najboljšimiletalskimi družbami v tej kategoriji.Skytrax, the largest independent aviation association, has ranked <strong>Adria</strong><strong>Airways</strong> among the ten best air carriers in East Europe. The World AirlineAwards are the aviation industry’s most prestigious awards, given outbased on evaluations contributed by passengers from 160 countries – theworld’s most extensive passenger satisfaction survey. The ranking wasdetermined based on the opinions of passengers assessing the quality andspeed of services, comfort, cleanliness, food quality and friendliness of thestaff. In addition to Slovenia’s <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>, the top ten ranking also includesCroatia Airlines. This is the first time each of the airlines has rankedamong the ten best carriers in the category.At <strong>Adria</strong>, we are extremely pleased with the ranking, as it places us at the verytop among the most elite airlines. We are also happy to see as many as threeStar Alliance members included in the list. As always, we remain dedicated toour mission of being a passenger-friendly airline, both by offering affordableprices and by further improving the quality of ou services.8

AKTUALNO - NEWEST OFFERSUjemi ugoden polet ...Na vseh Adrijinih rednih linijah imamo ugodne ponudbe po načelu»Kupi prej, potuj ceneje«. Da bi našo ponudbo še bolj približali vašimpotrebam, imamo na voljo znižane cene potovanj tudi med tednom.<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> Special Offers!Special offers are available on all of <strong>Adria</strong>’s scheduled services on a “buy early,fly for less” basis. To make our services even more attractive, reduced fares areavailable for travel during the week.Adrijine E-noviceVabimo vas, da obiščete naše spletne strani www.adria.si in se prijavitena Adrijine E-novice. S tem boste enkrat mesečno obveščeni o našihnovostih in posebnih ponudbah. E-novice bodo za vas vir dragocenihinformacij in idej pri načrtovanju potovanja ali počitnic.Naj bo obveščenost vaša prednost!<strong>Adria</strong> E-newsWhy not visit our website www.adria.si and subscribe to <strong>Adria</strong>’s E-newsservice? Once a month you will receive updates on new services and specialoffers – straight to your inbox! This means that E-news will be a valuablesource of information and ideas when you are planning a journey or holiday.Let information be your advantage!Ugodni leti pred vašim pragomPripravili smo vam posebno ponudbo, in sicer lahko do 27. oktobra <strong>2012</strong>poletite že za ceno od 99 EUR dalje. Cena velja za povratna potovanja(letališke pristojbine in druge dajatve ter strošek spletne rezervacije sovključeni vanjo), za enosmerna potovanja pa je 49 EUR. Nakup je možensamo preko spletne strani www.adria.si in vključuje določene Adrijinedirektne lete, razen linije Ljubljana-Podgorica-Ljubljana ob petkih innedeljah. Po navedeni ponudbi lahko kupite letalske vozovnice dokonca avgusta <strong>2012</strong>. Zgoraj navedeni ceni nista na voljo na vseh letihin datumih, prav tako je število mest na posamičnem letu omejeno.Vabimo vas, da si več o ponudbi in posameznih pogojih ogledate nanaši spletni strani.Affordable Flights Right onYour DoorstepWe have prepared a special offer on flights starting as low as EUR 99from 27 October <strong>2012</strong> onwards. The price applies to return flights (airporttaxes and other fees as well as online booking fees are included in theprice), while single flights are available from EUR 49. Booking is possibleonly through our website www.adria.si on specific <strong>Adria</strong> direct flightswith the exception of the Ljubljana - Podgorica - Ljubljana line on Fridaysand Sundays. The offer is valid until the end of August <strong>2012</strong>. The aboveprices are not available for all flights and dates. The number of low-costtickets on individual flights is limited. Please visit our website for moreinformation about the offer and the terms and conditions.Pridružite se nam na FacebookuJoin us on Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/<strong>Adria</strong><strong>Airways</strong>Sledite nam na TwitterjuFollow us on Twitterhttp://twitter.com/adria_airways© Corbis/IPAK ImagesBRUSELJ -LJUBLJANA -TIRANAodfrom249 EURTIRANA -LJUBLJANAodfrom199 EURSARAJEVO -LJUBLJANA -ZUERICHodfromMUNCHENljubljana -PODGORICAod199 EUR from 249 EURVse navedene cene veljajo za povratna potovanja na Adrijinih poletih in vključujejo vse ostale dajatve razen stroška rezervacije. Število ponujenih sedežev po tej ceni je omejeno. Ponudba velja v času trajanja veljavnostiIn-flight Magazina. The prices listed above are for <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> return flights and include all taxes and fees except booking fees. There is a limited number of seats avaliable at this price; the offer is valid for the time the In-FlightMagazine is valid or longer.9

Everything You Wanted to Know About Aviationlow altitudes is felt in the form of turbulence duringtake-off or landing. This is something that the pilotobviously can’t do anything to avoid.Similarly, an aeroplane has no way of avoidingorographic turbulence, which is caused by the shapeof local terrain at lower altitudes or by mountainchains at higher altitudes. Much like a wave crashingagainst a coral reef or the shore, the air masscrashes against the mountain chain, causing gustsof air that are felt in the form of turbulence in theaeroplane.In this issue, CaptainIztok Kavčič answersthe interestingquestion regardingwhat causesturbulence andwhether thereis a way for anaeroplane toavoid it.Dear passengers,I can imagine what an unpleasant experienceturbulence must be for you, but I assure you thataeroplanes handle it much better than you mightthink. When designing an aeroplane, one ofthe things that engineers take into account arethe forces that are exerted on the plane duringturbulence. To achieve this, they use computersoftware that runs turbulence simulations, thusenabling them to do the necessary calculationsand construct an aeroplane that will fly safelyeven in turbulence. However, it is not all just aboutmathematics: aircraft manufacturers always verifytheir calculations by running practical tests. Eachnew type of aeroplane (prototype) is subjected tostatic and dynamic loading in order to demonstrateto aviation authorities that the plane can beused safely in any conditions, including turbulence.In aviation, turbulence is divided into severalcategories based on the cause: there is convectiveand orographic turbulence, clear air turbulence andturbulence caused by aeroplanes themselves due toaerodynamics. The types of turbulence also differ bytheir severity; we usually experience mild or moderateturbulence, while cases of severe turbulence aremuch rarer. Turbulence can be avoided to a certainextent. We endeavour to do so as much as possible,since a calm and safe flight is the top priority ofany flight crew. To what extent turbulence can beavoided depends mainly on the cause of its origin.Convective turbulence is closely related to the risingand falling of air in the atmosphere (vertical movementof air masses). In the summer months whentemperatures are high, different parts of the Earth’ssurface heat up to different temperatures dependingon whether they are light or dark in colour. Thismeans that a mass of air behaves differently overland than it does over water. The hot air is thinnerand lighter, causing it to rise up, while cold air is exactlythe opposite and falls down. These convectivecurrents, the rising air over the Earth’s surfaces ofvarying temperatures, are nearly always accompaniedby clouds; in the right atmospheric conditions,they develop into storm clouds. This verticalmovement of air masses in various directions atThe process is somewhat different when there arestorm clouds. The modern instruments available tothe flight crew (weather radars) constantly displayimages of the air mass surrounding the aeroplane;from the colours on the screen, the pilot recognisesthe size and shape of the storm cloud as well asthe location of its core. Since the flight crew alwaysendeavours to avoid storm clouds as much aspossible, this means that they can usually avoidlightning strikes, hail and turbulence.A special type of turbulence is wake turbulence,which is caused by the lift and drag induced by theaeroplane in flight. Usually generated by large andheavy aircrafts, these wingtip vortices can causeproblems particularly during the take-off or landingof other aeroplanes behind them. By appropriatleyseparating the aircrafts, flight controllers ensure thatflight crews can avoid wake turbulence.Another type of turbulence that we mentioned isclear air turbulence. Clear air turbulence appearsat altitudes of over 7 km and in clear air, whichis where it gets its name. Clear air turbulence isgenerated in the layers between air masses thatmove horizontally towards each other with varyingspeeds. The chances of experiencing clear airturbulence are highest in the event of strong, highaltitudewinds with speeds of over 150 kmph.Despite potential turbulence you might experienceduring your time on the plane, I wish you a pleasantflight. Best regards until next time.Iztok Kavčič,Airbus Fleet Chief PilotP. S. What would you like to know about aviation?Send us your questions to the email addressinflightmagazine@adria.si.15

ADRIA AIRWAYSAvianca, Taca Airlines & Copa Airlinesdobrodošliv Star Allianceu!BESEDILO: mag. Alen Mlekuž, direktor korporativnega komuniciranja v Adrii <strong>Airways</strong>FOTOGRAFIJE: Borut podgoršek, arhiv Star AllianceaZdruženje letalskih prevoznikov Star Alliance je skladno s strategijo širjenja svojega omrežja v Latinski Ameriki sprejelomedse letalske prevoznike Avianca, Taca Airlines in Copa Airlines ter s tem pridobilo skoraj 50 novih letališč. Le-ti nudijopotnikom iz regije in tudi zunanjim potnikom neprekinjene povezave s pomočjo vozlišč Copa Airlines v Panama Cityju (Panama)in Bogoti (Kolumbija) ter vozlišč Avianca-TACA Airlines v Bogoti (Kolumbija), San Salvadorju (El Salvador), Limi (Peru) inSan Joseju (Kostarika).Predsedniki uprav letalskih družb članic Star Alliance in predstavnice kabinskega osebja / CEOs of Star Alliance members pose with uniformed staff.16

ADRIA smo ljudjeTomaž Zore,kopilot na airbusu in izumitelj neobičajnega plovila, imenovanega wFoilBESEDILO: Anna Marija Korošec Fotografije: Simon PodgoršekTomaža poznam že vrsto let, vse odsvojega prvega poletja v uniformikabinskega osebja. Iskriv sogovornikz odličnim smislom za humor jetakrat navduševal s slikovitimizgodbami iz Libije, kjer so v tistemčasu leteli Adrijini piloti. Kot novinkise mi je letalstvo samo zdelo takratprecej eksotično, ravno tako kotzgodbe z različnih koncev sveta, kiso jih pripovedovali moji novi kolegi.Precej nenavaden se mi je ves čas zdel tudi Tomažev izum wFoila innavdušuje me še vedno. Gre za plovilo, ki se z združenimi zakoni navtikein aeronavtike dvigne nad vodno gladino. Na tak način približujeletalcem občutek plovbe po morju, pomorcem pa letenja nad oblaki.Inovativen pristop k oblikovanju foilov – zaradi oblike dvojnega v jeTomaž to svojo idejo poimenoval wFoil koncept – je bil osnova zaizdelavo prototipa plovila wFoil 18 albatros, ki je letošnjega marca prvičpoletel tik nad morsko gladino v bližini Portoroža. Izbrani materiali,aerodinamična oblika, visoka zmogljivost in atraktiven dizajn obljubljajoenostavno upravljanje, varno vožnjo in nizko porabo.O odličnosti in izvirnosti ideje so prepričani mnogi. Plovilo wFoil jedo danes prejelo že pomembna priznanja in nagrade:• bronasto priznanje za odličnost ustvarjalnih industrij na 6. Slovenskemforumu inovacij;• vrstitev na seznam desetih najboljših podjetniških idej za leto<strong>2012</strong> po izboru časnika Finance;• nagrado na 17. Internautici za navtični projekt leta <strong>2012</strong>.20

Si že kot mlad fantič občudoval bele sledi letal na nebu, kot pogostoslišimo, ali je želja postati pilot dozorela nekoliko kasneje?Človeku letalstvo kar zleze pod kožo, kajne?Letalstvo mi pomeni zelo veliko. Zame je to način razmišljanja, načinživljenja. Letalstvo mi pomeni širino in spoznavanje vedno novega. Šele včasu študija sem razmišljal o poklicu pilota, čeprav sem imel tudi druge željein cilje – te skozi projekt wFoil uresničujem sedaj. A ko sem pri štiriindvajsetihletih začenjal svojo poklicno pot pilota, si nikakor nisem predstavljal, kakobo aviacija zaznamovala moje življenje, moje razmišljanje. Priznati moram,da logiko, ki jo uporabljam med svojim letenjem s potniškimi letali Adrie,upoštevam pri sprejemanju tako osebnih kot tudi poslovnih odločitev;<strong>Adria</strong> je v prvi vrsti oblikovala moj način razmišljanja, kako se lotevati rizičnihproblemov s čim manjšo stopnjo tveganja.Kaj se zgodi, ko letenje ni več dovolj in človek pomisli na združevanjedveh svetov – neba in vode? Se ti zdi narava tako fascinantna,da jo skušaš v svoji stvaritvi posnemati, ne nazadnje se tvojwFoil imenuje po albatrosu?Že v študentskih letih sem razmišljal, kako bi kakšno stvar naredil drugače,kot je bila predstavljena v študijski literaturi ali pa je že delovala v praksi,kar je bilo še posebej izrazito pri aerodinamiki in hidrodinamiki, mojihnajljubših predmetih. Spoznaval sem tudi uporabno plat teh predmetov,medtem ko sem se zelo resno ukvarjal z adrenalinskimi športi v naravi. Izkusilsem vso slast zmajarstva, jadranja, alpinizma, potapljanja in športnegaletenja. Ko sem postal poklicni pilot, nisem opustil adrenalinskega športain tudi želja po raziskovanju aerodinamike in hidrodinamike ni usahnila.Kot Adrijin pilot sem imel možnost, da se področjem, ki so me zanimala,še bolj približam, in vseskozi sem bil tudi v stiku z najsodobnejšotehnologijo. To mi je dalo neverjetno osnovo za začetek projekta wFoil.V življenju me vodi moto: Ni meja, so le novi horizonti. Od tod želja, da bihorizont dosegel in pogledal, kaj se skriva za njim. Ker pa se za horizontomše vedno odpirajo novi horizonti, me to vseskozi ohranja v gibanju. Kdajtočno sem ugledal horizont, za katerim se je skrivala ideja za projekt wFoil,ne vem; vem pa, da sem se sprva ubadal z idejo, sedaj pa delam že več kotdeset let kar na obsežnem projektu.Kako si svojo idejo razvijal? V desetih letih se lahko zgodi marsikaj.Pri razvoju koncepta sem izstopil iz ustaljenih smernic razvoja hidrofoilplovil, kombiniral znanje aeronavtike in navtike in razvil koncept postavitvehidrofoilov, ki sem ga zaradi oblike dvojnega v poimenoval wFoil koncept.Gre za prvo in s tem edino takšno postavitev hidrofoilov na svetu. wFoilkoncept nadgrajuje dosedanje sposobnosti znanih hidrofoil plovil, sajbodo plovila na jadra ali motor, ki bodo uporabila wFoil koncept,21

ADRIA smo ljudjepotrebovala manjšo hitrost, da se trup plovila loči od vodne gladine;dosegla bodo večjo končno hitrost – cilj je preseči magično mejo 60vozlov – ter bodo bolj okretna in stabilna od vseh do sedaj znanih hidrofoilplovil. Poleg tega pa bodo enostavna za upravljanje, vožnja z njimi bovarna in hitra tudi na valovitem morju, motorna verzija albatrosa pa boporabila sedemkrat manj goriva kot primerljivi športni gliserji.Njegovo obnašanje v zavojih pa je preseglo tudi moja pričakovanja; ilustrativnobi ga lahko primerjal s carving zavojem pri smučanju.V zavoju enostavno vlečeš krivuljo zavoja, ki jo lahko natančno kontroliraš,ob tem pa te valovi prav nič na motijo. Vse je mirno, ko adrenalinsko nizkoletiš nad vodno gladino. Da, tako bi lahko povzel svoj splošni vtis.Na podlagi wFoil koncepta je nastalo plovilo – prototip wFoil18 albatros.Poleg edinstvene postavitve hidrofoilov odlikujejo plovilo še skrbnoizbrani materiali, aerodinamična oblika, visoke zmogljivosti in atraktivendizajn. Naš albatros je tako prvo hidrofoil motorno plovilo na svetu,namenjeno trgu rekreativnih ali osebnih plovil.S pomočjo koncepta wFoil smo razvili plovilo, ki omogoča uporabnikudoživljanje vseh čarov nizkega letenja nad morsko gladino, kar lahkos svojimi letalskimi izkušnjami (naletenih imam preko 12.000 ur) vceloti potrdim. Ob tem je uporaba povsem enostavna in varna, tako dauporabniku za uživanje v nizkem letenju nad vodno gladino ne bo trebaobiskovati letalskih šol.wFoil 18 albatros je bil ustvarjen po mojih pilotskih predstavah o popolnemplovilu. Zahvaljujoč tehnični zasnovi in modularni strukturi imaprojekt wFoil veliko možnosti na področju razvoja jadrnic, motornih inelektričnih plovil vseh velikosti ter na letalskem področju z razvojemhibrida wFoil letala in wFoil plovila.S katerimi ovirami si se srečal na svoji poti inovatorja? Bi danesravnal kako drugače?Vsaka nova, prodorna ideja se zdi na začetku okolici nora. Vseskozimoraš ljudi okoli sebe prepričevati o tehničnem delovanju, o uporabnosti,o tržnosti ideje. Potem pa počasi, korak za korakom pridobivašnove privržence. Vsak uspeh prinese nove ljudi, ki ti sledijo. Takih, ki sos teboj z dušo, pa je izredno malo. In prav ti so najdragocenejše, kar napoti inovatorja lahko srečaš. Skupina wFoil Group je peščica ljudi, ki jihje povezala moja ideja o wFoil konceptu. V skupini so se zbrali tisti, ki vsvojem prostem času z dušo in znanjem prispevajo k projektu wFoil, takorokodelci kot tudi strokovnjaki z različnih področij. S svojim delovanjemsmo dokazali, da se lahko po znanju in inovativnosti primerjamo tudi znajboljšimi ekipami, pa čeprav smo »samo« prostovoljci. Delovanje visokotehnološkega projekta je v Sloveniji vse prej kot preprosto. Ob svojemdelu se moramo ukvarjati z vsem mogočim, kar nam upočasnjujerazvoj in nam jemlje našo energijo, ki bi jo drugače uporabili za še boljšerešitve in produkte.Marca letos je tvoj albatros prvič poletel. Ko se danes ozreš naprehojeno pot in svoje dosežke, misliš, da si se v tistem trenutkuzavedal neponovljivosti prelomnice krstnega leta?Mislim, da sem se zavedal pomembnosti trenutka krstnega leta. Kotobičajno sem po svoji dobri pilotski navadi naredil kontrolne ali check liste,po katerih smo delovali. Izkazalo se je, da so bila naša predvidevanja pravilna;rezultat prvega morskega leta je bil odličen. Spominjam se, da sem, ko so mipo radijski zvezi prebrali vse check liste in vsa predvidena navodila, izklopilradijsko postajo in si nadel slušalke z glasbo, ki me je pomirila. Dodal semplin in albatros se je dvignil na svoja vodna krila. Kdaj točno se je trup ploviladvignil iz vode, pravzaprav nisem vedel, vse je bilo zelo mirno. Albatros jepospeševal, rezal valove in se nanje sploh ni odzival, saj je letel nad njimi.Kakšne so tvoje želje za prihodnost? Skupaj s svojo ekipo siprejel številna priznanja, ki so gotovo vašim idejam dodatnorazprostrla krila.Projekt wFoil je naletel na različne odzive. Nekateri nas kritizirajo, drugihvalijo; dejstvo pa je, da nas ne morejo več prezreti. Samo v zadnjemmesecu nas je prek spleta videlo v Ameriki nekaj sto tisoč ljudi. Nagradenam pomenijo veliko in nam gotovo dajejo nov zagon. Kaj se bo vprihodnosti dogajalo s projektom wFoil, lahko samo slutimo. Naša željaje pridobiti investitorja za naš projekt, nato pa skupaj z njim razvijatiprodukte na osnovi wFoil koncepta. Moj končni cilj – kot predanemuletalcu – je, da bi se vrnil v letalstvo, in sicer v obliki hidroletala, narejenegana osnovi wFoil koncepta. Tako letalo bi hidroletalom omogočiloponovni zagon, saj bi odpravilo glavno šibko točko – vzletanje in pristajanjena valovitem morju.Seveda pa moramo delovati postopno in prav zaradi tega smo trguluksuznih rekreativnih plovil ponudili butično prototipno serijo 12 plovilwFoil 18 albatros zero.Razvijamo pa tudi jadralno različico, katere cilj bo doseganje rekordnihhitrosti pod jadri. Prav s tem namenom se ustanavlja neprofitna organizacija– združevala bo ljudi, ki bodo ta cilj delili z nami. Iščemo sponzorjein donatorje, ki verjamejo v misel Steva Jobsa, ki jo je zapisal za prvo,nikoli objavljeno reklamno sporočilo za podjetje Apple: Ljudje ki so dovoljnori, da mislijo, da lahko spremenijo svet, bodo to tudi storili. Mi smos svojim delom dokazali, da imamo dovolj znanja, in trdno verjamemo,da je prihodnost hitre plovbe na hidrofoilih.Naša različica Jobsove vizije pa že deluje in leti proti novim horizontom.22

ADRIA is about peopleTomaž Zore,Airbus Co-pilot and Inventor of wFoil, an Unusual Watercrafttext: Anna Marija Korošec Photography: Simon PodgoršekW-shape – served as the basis for a prototype known as the wFoil 18 Albatross.In March this year, the Albatross made its inaugural flight just above the sea nearPortorož. With its top-of-the-line materials, aerodynamic shape, high capacityand attractive design, the wFoil promises easy steering, safe travelling and lowconsumption.Many people believe in the excellence and originality of Tomaž’s idea. To date,wFoil has received the following major awards and recognitions:• bronze award for excellence in creative industries at the 6th Slovenian InnovationForum;• inclusion in the list of top ten entrepreneurial ideas for <strong>2012</strong> as compiled by theFinance newspaper;• <strong>2012</strong> Nautical Project of the Year award at the 17th Internautica Fair.Did you begin to admire the white aeroplane trails in the sky as a littleboy or did the desire to become a pilot come later in life? Aviationreally gets under your skin, doesn’t it?I have known Tomaž for anumber of years, ever since thefirst summer I spent wearinga cabin crew uniform. A livelyconversationalist with anexcellent sense of humour, hefascinated me with colourfulstories of his experiences in Libya,one of <strong>Adria</strong>’s destinations atthe time. As a newcomer, I foundaviation itself exotic enough,let alone the many stories fromvarious parts of the world that Iheard from my new colleagues.Another thing I found quite unusual was Tomaž’s invention: wFoil. I am stillimpressed by it today. wFoil is a watercraft that combines the laws of nauticalscience and aeronautics to rise above the water surface, giving pilots thefeeling of sailing on the sea and sailors the feeling of flying above the clouds. Aninnovative approach to foil shapes – Tomaž named it the wFoil concept after itsAviation means so much to me. It is a way of thinking and a way of life. To me,aviation means a certain breadth and an opportunity to discover somethingnew every day. It was not until I was a student that I started to consider becominga pilot, even though I had other dreams and goals as well; I am focusing onthose now with the wFoil project. However, when I was 24 and starting my careeras a pilot, I never even imagined the impact aviation would have on my life andmy way of thinking. I must admit that I apply the same logic I use when flying<strong>Adria</strong> passenger planes to other areas of my life as well – both in personal andprofessional decisions. First and foremost, <strong>Adria</strong> has shaped my way of thinkingand taught me how to approach problems in a way that minimises risk.What happens when flying is no longer enough, and you start toimagine a combination of two worlds – the sky and the sea? Are youfascinated by nature? After all, your creation appears to mimic it, andyou have even named it your wFoil Albatross.Even as a student, I always imagined how something could be done differentlyto what was written in the textbooks or used in practice, especially when it cameto aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, my two favourite subjects. I was alsoseriously involved in outdoor adrenaline sports, which gave me an opportunityto learn about the practical side of these subjects. I enjoyed hang gliding, sailing,mountain climbing, scuba diving and sport flying. Even after becoming aprofessional pilot, I never gave up on adrenaline sports, and I never lost my desireto discover more about aerodynamics and hydrodynamics. As an <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>pilot, I had the opportunity to devote myself even further to my areas of interestand to keep up with the latest technology. That made for an excellent foundationon which to establish the wFoil project.My motto in life is: There are no limits – there are only new horizons. My wish is toreach the horizon and see what is behind it. But there are always new horizonsopening up ahead and that is what keeps me in constant motion. I can’t say forsure when I first laid my eyes on the horizon that concealed the wFoil idea, but Ido know that what started out as a mere idea has developed into an extensiveproject that I have been working on for over ten years now.23

ADRIA is about peopleHow did you develop your idea? A lot can happen in ten years.When developing the concept, I strayed from the established developmentguidelines for hydrofoil boats, choosing instead to combine my knowledge ofaeronautics and nautical science to develop a new concept for the hydrofoillayout. Because of its W-shape, I named it the wFoil concept. It is the world’sfirst and only hydrofoil layout of its kind. The wFoil concept improves the previouslyestablished capacities of hydrofoil boats; using the wFoil concept, sailboatsor motorboats will be able to separate from the water surface at a lowerspeed, reach a higher top speed – our goal is to exceed the magical boundaryof 60 knots – and will be much more agile and stable than any previouslymade hydrofoil watercraft. Furthermore, they will be easy to steer, safe and fastto travel with even on rough seas and much more economic: the motorisedAlbatross will use seven times less gas than comparable sport motorboats.flight was excellent. After my people had radioed in with the checklists and theplanned instructions, I remember that I switched off the radio, put on my headphonesand played music that helped me to relax. I sped up and the Albatrossrose up on its water wings. I was not aware of the exact moment when thehull rose up from the water because it all happened so smoothly. The Albatrossgathered speed and cut through waves without the smallest reaction, because itwas actually flying just above them.We built a boat based on the wFoil concept – the prototype known as wFoil18 Albatross. In addition to a unique hydrofoil configuration, the boat is distinguishedby carefully selected materials, an aerodynamic shape, high capacityand attractive design. Our Albatross is the world’s first hydrofoil motorised boataimed at the recreation and private boat market.Using the wFoil concept, we developed a boat that allows users to replicate themagic of low-level flying above the sea, something that I can personally confirmbased on my extensive flying experience (I have over 12,000 flight hours).The boat is very easy and safe to use, eliminating the need for flying lessons inorder to enjoy low-level flying above the water surface.The wFoil 18 Albatross was built based on what I as a pilot imagine to be theperfect watercraft. Thanks to its technical design and modular structure, thereare plenty of opportunities for the wFoil project to be applied in the developmentof sailboats, motorboats and electric power boats of all sizes, as well as inaviation through the development of a wFoil aircraft-watercraft hybrid.What obstacles did you encounter on your path as an innovator? Isthere anything you would have done differently today?Any new, innovative idea is initially seen as crazy. You constantly have toconvince the people around you about the technical performance, applicabilityand marketability of your idea. But gradually, step by step, you begin toacquire supporters. Every success brings with it new people that will follow you.Meanwhile, the people that support you with all their heart and soul are fewand far between, but they are the most important element of your career as aninnovator. The wFoil Group consists of a handful of people brought together bythe wFoil concept. These people – craftsmen and experts in various fields – aredevoted to the project with all their heart, using any spare time they have tocontribute their knowledge and skills. Through our activities, we have shown thatour knowledge and innovativeness can compare to those of top professionalteams, even though we are mere volunteers. Running a high-tech project in Sloveniais anything but easy. Alongside our actual work, we also have to deal witha number of other things that slow down development and consume the energythat we could have used to come up with even better products and solutions.Your Albatross made its inaugural flight in March this year. Lookingback at your achievements and progress today, were you aware ofthe singularity of this milestone at the time?I think I was aware of how important that inaugural flight was. As usual, I keptup my pilot habit of going to prepare control checklists to support the operation.It turned out that our assumptions were correct, and the result of the first seaIts response to making turns exceeded even my own expectations. I would compareit to carving turns skiing; when making a turn, you simply continue alongthe curve with complete control, without the slightest interruption from thewaves. Everything is calm, and you are bursting with adrenaline as you fly lowover the water surface. Yes, that is the best way to describe my general impressionof that first flight.What are your dreams for the future? You and your team have alreadyreceived a number of awards, which must have given your ideasnew momentum.The wFoil project has been met with varying responses, negative as well as positive,but the fact is that we can no longer be ignored. In the last month alone, severalhundred thousand people from the US have visited our website. Every awardis important to us, and they definitely give us fresh energy. We can only imaginewhat will happen next with the wFoil project. Our biggest wish is to find an investorand continue developing products based on the concept. As a devoted flyer,my ultimate goal is to come back to aviation with a hydroplane built using thewFoil concept. A plane of this type would give hydroplanes a new lease on life byeliminating their biggest weakness – taking off and landing on rough seas.But obviously we have to work up to that gradually; we have just entered theluxury recreation boats market with a limited, prototype series of 12 wFoil 18Albatross Zero boats.We are also working on a sailboat version with the goal of reaching recordspeeds powered only by sails. It is for this very purpose that we are starting a nonprofitorganisation to connect people who will share this goal with us. At themoment, we are looking for sponsors and donors who believe in the tagline thatSteve Jobs came up with for the first Apple advertisement that was never actuallypublished: The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world,are the ones who do. Our work has shown that we have plenty of knowledgeand a firm belief in hydrofoil as the future of high-speed water travel.Our version of Jobs’ vision is already operating and flying towards new horizons.24


UMETNOST IN KULTURA / ART & CULTURELjubljanaLjubljana FestivalKrižanke; od 20. do 25. avgustaJesus Christ SuperstarKrižanke, 20 to 25 AugustJesus Christ SuperstarJesus Christ Superstar je bil prvi muzikal A. L. Webbrain Tima Ricea za profesionalni oder. Premiera je bila12. oktobra 1971 v gledališču Marka Hellingerja vNew Yorku, 9. avgusta 1972 pa je zaživela londonskapostavitev. Po osmih letih in 3.358 predstavahje muzikal postal predstava z najdaljšim stažem vzgodovini West Enda.Muzikal Jesus Christ Superstar od takrat rednoizvajajo po vsem svetu. Velik uspeh je doživel tudi vkoncertni postavitvi Harryja M. Millerja v Avstraliji.Produkcija Bronowski oživlja rockovski muzikal vpovsem novi postavitvi s 30 izvajalci z West Enda.Jesus Christ Superstar was the first musical by AndrewLloyd Webber and Tim Rice to be produced for theprofessional stage. It debuted on 12 October 1971 at theMark Hellinger Theatre in New York, while the Londonproduction premiered on 9 August 1972. 8 years and3,358 performances later, Jesus Christ Superstar had becomethe longest-running musical in West End history.Since then, it has been performed regularly throughoutthe world. In Australia, it was hugely successful as aconcert production by Harry M. Miller.Bronowski Productions is staging the rock musical in abrand new production with 30 West End performers.Moderna galerija; 5. septembraSONO MOBILEZvočno-prostorska izkušnja enkratne dimenzije; srečanje dvehvelikanov ameriške avantgarde, Alexandra Calderja in Johna Cagea, vizvedbi odlične mlade slovenske pianistke Nine Prešiček. V projektusodelujeta še ustvarjalna slovenska umetnika na področju sodobnihumetnosti, Neven Korda in Peter Ličen.Projekt Sono Mobile povezuje zvok Cageeve kompozicije za dokumentarnifilm o Calderju in podobo Calderjevih mobilov iz njegovega okolja vustanovi Whitney Museum of Art in Modern Museum of Art v New Yorku.Dvanajsturni laboratorij v Moderni galeriji bo združeval izkušnjo zvoka informe v prostoru, ne glede na stvarno lokacijo posameznega elementa,in poizkušal neobremenjeno s stvarnostjo izkušnje preseči izrazno močposameznega dela celote in izhodiščnega dokumentarnega zapisa.Museum of Modern Art, 5 SeptemberSono mobileTwo giants of American avant-garde, Alexander Calder and John Cage, meetin a sonic and spatial experience of unique dimensions, performed by the excellentyoung Slovenian pianist Nina Prešiček. Also participating in the projectare contemporary Slovenian artists Neven Korda and Peter Ličen.The Sono Mobile project links Cage’s compositions for a documentary onCalder with images of Calder’s mobiles in their environment at the WhitneyMuseum of Art and the Modern Museum of Art in New York. The 12-hourlaboratory at the Museum of Modern Art will combine the experience ofsound and form in space, regardless of the actual location of individual elements,attempting to surpass the expressiveness of parts of the whole and ofthe documentary by creating a material experience.Ljubljanski grad; do 18. avgustaFilm pod zvezdamiV Kinodvoru si v sodelovanju z Mestno občino Ljubljana in Javnim zavodom Ljubljanski grad poleti privoščimo še en izlet na prosto, v letni kinona dvorišču Ljubljanskega gradu. Program bodo sestavljale predpremiere filmov, ki bodo prišle na redni kinematografski spored jeseni, Kinodvoroveuspešnice, nekaj najodmevnejših filmov zadnjega Ljubljanskega mednarodnega filmskega festivala, izbor nekaterih najodmevnejših filmovzadnje kinematografske sezone in filmi za popolno vikend zabavo. Filmi so na sporedu vsak dan ob 21.30, predvajajo pa jih v originalnem jezikus slovenskimi podnapisi.26

UMETNOST IN KULTURA / ART & CULTUREKrižanke; 6. <strong>september</strong>Hommage à StRavinskyProjekt Hommage à Stravinsky predstavlja umetniški poklon Igorju Stravinskemu,z njim pa želi mariborski Balet zaznamovati 130. obletnico skladateljevega rojstva.Koreograf Edward Clug se je odločil, da bo kot uvodno delo projekta Hommageà Stravinsky, ki ga je ustvaril za mariborski baletni ansambel, izpostavil Pesmiza obdobje parjenja (Songs for the Mating Season). Ta na vsebinski ravni nimaspecifične povezave z drugim delom Posvetitve pomladi poleg letnega časa, vkaterem se dogaja. Balet Pesmi za obdobje parjenja je nastal leta 2007 v sodelovanjus slovenskim skladateljem Borutom Kržišnikom in je bil premierno uprizorjenna Nizozemskem.Križanke, 6 SeptemberHOMMAGE À STRAVINSKYThe Hommage à Stravinsky project is an artistic tribute to Igor Stravinsky by the MariborBallet to celebrate the 130th anniversary of the composer’s birth. The opening piece of theHommage à Stravinsky project, created for the Maribor Ballet by choreographer EdwardClug, is Songs for the Mating Season. Other than the season in which it is set, the piece hasno tangible connection to the second part, The Rite of Spring. The Songs for the MatingSeason ballet was created in 2007 in collaboration with Slovenian composer Borut Kržišnikand premiered in the Netherlands.Križanke; od 11. do 13. septembraMedejaNove Medejine zgodbe – sledi spominaObstajajo velike zgodovine narodov in držav. Toda nenapisana zgodovinabrezdomcev in izseljencev, potnikov in pregnancev je večja odvseh skupaj. Ves hrup te zgodovine je sestavljen iz njihovih tišin. V tejtišini danes, tri tisoč let potem, ko se je Jazon izkrcal na peščeni obaliKolhide, se Medeja v svojem izgnanstvu poskuša spomniti nekaterihbesed, obrazov in delov zgodbe. Medeja barbarka, ki je »drzno izzvalavse svete in velike ideje Grkov. Tako jih je obdržala. Ker ideje umrejo,če jim nihče ne nasprotuje«.Za nas, ki mislimo, da o tej zgodbi vemo vse, so njene tišine nekepovsem nove zgodbe.Križanke, 11 to 13 SeptemberMedeaMedea’s New Stories – Traces of MemoryThere are many great histories of nations and states. However, the unwrittenhistory of the homeless and immigrants, travellers and deportees is greaterthan all of them put together. The echo of this history is made up of theirsilence. Today, three thousand years after Jason first stepped on a sandy beachin Colchis, Medea finds herself in this silence, attempting in her own exile toremember some of the words, faces and fragments of the story. Medea is thebarbarian who “bravely challenged all of the great and sacred ideas of theGreeks, thus preserving them in the process. Because ideas die if nobody opposesthem”.For those of us who believe that we know everything there is to know aboutthis particular story, Medea’s silences represent brand new stories.www.ljubljanafestival.siLjubljana Castle, until 18 AugustFilm under the StarsIn collaboration with the Municipality of Ljubljana and the Ljubljana Castle Public Institute, Kinodvor will enjoy another season in the great outdoors, in the open-aircinema at the Ljubljana Castle courtyard. The programme will consist of pre-release screenings of films that will not be shown in cinemas until the autumn, Kinodvorhits, some of the most widely discussed films shown at the latest Ljubljana International Film Festival, a selection of the most widely discussed films recently screenedin cinemas and films that are perfect for weekend entertainment. Films are screened daily at 21:30; they are shown in the original language with Slovenian subtitles.27

UMETNOST IN KULTURA / ART & CULTUREKongresni trg, Ljubljana; 5.–8.<strong>september</strong>Razstava z okoljevarstvenomodno prireditvijo; park TivoliKoncert »Projekt R.E.M.«Septembra bo v Ljubljani na ogled ambiciozen umetniški program,ki bo ugajal očem, ušesom in na splošno vsem, ki imajo smisel zamodo. Istočasno bo dvigoval zavest o okoljskih vprašanjih. VeleposlaništvoZDA, mesto Ljubljana, National Geographic Slovenijain številne okoljevarstvene skupine so združili moči in pripraviliniz umetniških dogodkov, vključno z glasbeno zgoščenko (prinjenem ustvarjanju so s priredbami pesmi legendarne ameriškeskupine R.E.M. sodelovali najbolj priljubljeni slovenski glasbeniumetniki), velikim brezplačnim koncertom in »zeleno razstavo« naljubljanskem Kongresnem trgu, dvomesečno fotografsko razstavov ljubljanskem parku Tivoli in okoljevarstveno obarvanomodno prireditvijo. In kar je najboljše – vse to je brezplačno.Po ogromnem uspehu glasbenega projekta, s katerim smo proslavili 70.rojstni dan Boba Dylana in izpostavili pomen prostovoljstva, se je letosveleposlaništvu ZDA porodila ideja o počastitvi skupine R.E.M., ki se jelani po 30 uspešnih letih delovanja razšla. Nekateri najbolj priljubljenislovenski glasbeniki, vključno z Vladom Kreslinom, Siddharto, ElvisomJacksonom, Zoranom Predinom, N'tokom, Severo Gjurin, skupino TheTide, skupino Melodrom, Naratom, Polono Kasal, Lollobrigido, skupinoToronto Drug Bust, Muratom & Josem in ameriškim izseljencem ChrisomEckmanom, so se z veseljem udeležili projekta »R.E.M.: glasba s čistoenergijo«. Njihove različice klasičnih pesmi skupine R.E.M., od N'tokojevehip hop interpretacije pesmi »It's the End of the World as We Know It«,sodelovanja Vlada Kreslina s hrvaško skupino Bambi Molesters pri surfrock različici pesmi »Texarcana« do čudovitega džezovskega aranžmajaMie Žnidarič pesmi »Find the River« poudarjajo, da čeprav je majhna, staglasbeni talent Slovenije in njegova raznolikost velika.Zgoščenka, ki je na voljo preko veleposlaništva ZDA, osvetljuje tako delaameriških kot tudi slovenskih okoljevarstvenih skupin in vsebuje številnepodatke, vse od ameriškega vodstva pri raziskovanju na področju čisteenergije do slovenskih prizadevanj očistiti državo, in celo podatke o tem,kako se lahko ljudje pridružijo prostovoljskim organizacijam in tudi samipostanejo prostovoljci.Kongresni trg square, Ljubljana; 5 to 8 SeptemberExhibition and anenvironmentally themedfashion show; Tivoli ParkProject R.E.M. ConcertSlovenia is known both for its rich arts culture and forits unmatched natural beauty. Both will be on display inSeptember.AN AMBITIOUS ARTS PROGRAMME IN LJUBLJANA WILLAPPEAL TO PEOPLE'S EYES, EARS AND FASHION SENSE, while raisingawareness about environmental issues at the same time. THE U.S.EMBASSY, THE CITY OF LJUBLJANA, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SLOVENIA,AND NUMEROUS LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS HAVE TEAMED UPFOR A SERIES OF ARTS EVENTS, INCLUDING A MUSIC ALBUM (featuringmany of Slovenia's most popular music acts performing songsby the legendary American band R.E.M.), A HUGE FREE CONCERTAND "GREEN FAIR" IN LJUBLJANA'S KONGRESNI TRG SQUARE, a twomonthphotography exhibition in Ljubljana's Tivoli Park,AND AN ENVIRONMENTALLY THEMED FASHION SHOW. BEST OF ALL –EVERYTHING IS FREE.Following a hugely successful music project celebrating Bob Dylan's 70thbirthday and highlighting volunteerism, the U.S. Embassy this year hit uponthe idea of honouring R.E.M., who broke up last year after 30 successful years.Some of Slovenia's most popular musicians, including Vlado Kreslin, Siddharta,Elvis Jackson, Mia Žnidarič, Zoran Predin, N'toko, Severa Gjurin, TheTide, Melodrom, Narat, Polona Kasal, Lollobrigida, The Toronto Drug Bust,Murat & Jose, and American expat Chris Eckman, eagerly signed on for "ProjectR.E.M.: Clean Energy Music." Their versions of classic R.E.M. songs – fromN'toko's hip hop take on "It's the End of the World as We Know It" to VladoKreslin teaming up with Croatia's Bambi Molesters for a surf rock version of"Texarcana" to Mia Žnidarič's lovely jazz arrangement of "Find the River" –underscore the fact that though small, Slovenia's musical talent and diversityis huge.The CD, which is available through the U.S. Embassy, highlights the work ofboth American and Slovenian environmental groups, and is loaded with informationabout everything from America's lead on clean energy explorationto Slovenian efforts to clean the country and even information about howpeople can get involved as volunteers.28

UMETNOST IN KULTURA / ART & CULTUREFoto: Ž. KoritnikFoto: A. HodaličKongresni trg v Ljubljani; 8. <strong>september</strong> ob 18.00KONCERT »PROJEKTR.E.M.: GLASBA S ČISTOENERGIJO«Obiskovalci Slovenije naj 8. <strong>september</strong>obkrožijo na svojem koledarju. Tistosoboto bosta na Kongresnem trgu vsredišču Ljubljane organizirana veliki»zeleni sejem« in brezplačen koncert.Zbrale se bodo slovenske okoljevarstveneskupine z namenom, da izpostavijo svojaprizadevanja, dvignejo zavest o lokalnihokoljevarstvenih prizadevanjih in vpišejonove okoljevarstvene prostovoljce. Medtempa se bo večina glasbenih izvajalcevz zgoščenke »Projekt R.E.M.« zbrala natrgu za nastop na velikem, brezplačnemvečernem koncertu. Mogoče se ne bonikoli več ponudila tako dobra priložnostvideti toliko vrhunskih glasbenih izvajalcevna enem mestu!Kongresni trg square in Ljubljana, 8 September at 18:00“PROJECT R.E.M.: CLEANENERGY MUSIC” CONCERTVisitors to Slovenia should circle 8 Septemberon their calendar. That Saturday will see ahuge "green fair" and free concert take place inKongresni trg square, in downtown Ljubljana.Slovenian environmental groups will gatherto highlight their efforts, raise awarenessabout local green efforts and even sign up environmentalvolunteers. Meanwhile, most ofthe music acts from the "Project R.E.M." CD willgather in the square for a huge, free concertin the evening. There might never be such agood opportunity again to catch so many topSlovenian music acts in one place!Park Tivoli v Ljubljani; 5. <strong>september</strong> ob 18.00OTVORITEV RAZSTAVEZ OKOLJEVARSTVENOMODNO PRIREDITVIJONa drugem koncu mesta, v velikem ljubljanskemparku Tivoli, bodo mesto Ljubljana,veleposlaništvo ZDA in revija NationalGeographic Slovenija združili moči in pripravilidvomesečno razstavo 120 velikih fotografij, kiprikazujejo naravne prizore iz ZDA in Slovenije.Namen razstave je izpostaviti pomembnostohranjanja našega naravnega sveta in tudipromocija nedavnih prizadevanj v Sloveniji, dabi dobesedno očistili državo.Razstava je brezplačna in se bo odvijala naprostem, v spektakularnem okolju največjegain najbolj znanega slovenskega parka. Začelase bo z javno otvoritvijo v sredo, 5. septembra,z brezplačno »zeleno« okoljevarstveno modnoprireditvijo. Na prireditvi bodo predstavljenaoblačila priznanih in vzhajajočih slovenskihoblikovalcev, izdelana iz rabljenih oblačil inrecikliranih materialov. Moda bo usklajena sposlanstvom Ekologov brez meja, slovenskookoljevarstveno nevladno organizacijo, ki jebila vodilna organizacija v znani in izrednodobro sprejeti akciji »Očistimo Slovenijov enem dnevu« leta 2010, ki se ji bo letospridružila akcija »Očistimo svet«. Slovenija jebila do zdaj najuspešnejša skupina Let's DoIt! – k čistilni akciji so pritegnili približno 13%celotnega prebivalstva, tako leta 2010 kot tudileta <strong>2012</strong>. Obiskovalci bodo razstavo zapustilipod vtisom ogleda velikanske zbirke čudovitihfotografij revije National Geographic, mogočepa tudi s kakšno dobro idejo o tem, kako lahkov prihodnosti sami uporabijo reciklirano blagoza izdelavo oblačil.Tivoli Park in Ljubljana, 5 September at 18:00EXHIBITION OPENING WITHA GREENFASHION SHOWAcross town, in Ljubljana's huge Tivoli Park,the City of Ljubljana, the U.S. Embassy andNational Geographic Slovenia magazine willteam up for a two-month exhibition of 120huge photographs featuring nature scenesfrom the U.S. and Slovenia. The exhibition aimsto highlight the importance of preserving ournatural world and also promotes recent effortsin Slovenia to literally clean up the country.The exhibition is not only free, but is itself set inthe spectacular outdoor setting of Ljubljana'sbiggest and most famous park.The exhibition kicks off with a public unveilingon Wednesday, 5 September, with a freeenvironmentally themed fashion show. Theshow will feature clothes by well-known andup and coming Slovenian designers, all madeout of used clothes and recycled materials. Thefashion is going to be in line with the missionof Ecologists Without Borders, a Slovenianenvironmental NGO and leader of the wellknownand extremely popular “Clean UpSlovenia in One Day” campaign in 2010; thisyear, the campaign will be joined by “CleanUp the World”. Slovenia has been the mostsuccessful Let's Do It! team so far, engagingapproximately 13% of its entire populationto join in with the 2010 and <strong>2012</strong> cleanupcampaigns. Visitors will leave not only havingseen a huge collection of amazing NationalGeographic photos, but also perhaps withsome good ideas about how to wear theirrecyclable goods in the future.29

UMETNOST IN KULTURA / ART & CULTURETehniški muzej Slovenije v Bistri pri VrhnikiTvigi in Vid iz Bistre:Volk v SlovenijiV Tehniškem muzeju Slovenije v Bistri pri Vrhniki je od 15. 5.do 3. 12. <strong>2012</strong> na ogled občasna razstava z naslovom Tvigiin Vid iz Bistre: Volk v Sloveniji.In kdo sta Tvigi in Vid? Volkulja Tvigi se je rodila aprila 2008 vslovensko-hrvaškem tropu volkov, imenovanem Gomance.24. 9. 2008 so jo ujeli hrvaški raziskovalci in jo opremili stelemetrijsko ovratnico. Ker je bila takrat zelo suha in jetehtala komaj 18 kg, so ji nadeli ime Tvigi. Januarja 2009 jezapustila svoj trop in se osamosvojila. Odpravila se je protiseveru, da bi našla partnerja in prazen teritorij. Prišla je naobmočje Menišije in se tam ustalila. Med telemetričnimspremljanjem se je Bistri približala najbližje na 1,7 km. VolkVid je Tvigin partner in oče njenih mladičev v letu 2010, kipa žal niso preživeli. Tvigi je 7. marca 2011 ob 6. uri zjutrajna cesti med Cerknico in Begunjami povozil avto. Vid pa ševedno pohaja po gozdovih nad Bistro in čaka novo volkuljo.S to zgodbo želimo javnosti predstaviti odnos do volka vpreteklosti in osvetliti problematiko volkov danes.Razstavo smo pripravili v sodelovanju z Lovsko zvezoSlovenije, Oddelkom za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete UL,Mini teatrom in finančno podporo Lovske zveze Slovenije.Technical Museum of Slovenia in Bistra near Vrhnika,15 May to 3 December <strong>2012</strong>Tvigi and Vid of Bistra:Wolves in SloveniaWho are Tvigi and Vid? Tvigi, a she-wolf, was born in April2008 in a Slovenian-Croatian pack of wolves called Gomance.On 24 September 2008, Tvigi was caught and givena telemetry collar by Croatian researchers. Since she wasvery skinny at the time, weighing a mere 18 kg, they namedher Tvigi (Twiggy). In January 2009, Tvigi left the Gomancepack and set out on her own. She headed north to find apartner and new territory, finally settling in the Menišija area.Telemetric data has shown that she came as close as 1.7 kmto Bistra. Vid is Tvigi’s partner and the father of her pups bornin 2010; sadly, their pups did not survive. On 7 March 2011 at6 am, Tvigi was hit and killed by a car on the road betweenCerknica and Begunje. Vid is still wandering the forestsaround Bistra, waiting for a new she-wolf.By telling their story, we are attempting to introduce the publicto attitudes towards wolves in the past and to highlight theissue of wolves today.The exhibition was prepared in collaboration with the HuntingAssociation of Slovenia, the Department of Biology at the ULBiotechnical Faculty and Mini teater, with financial backingprovided by the Hunting Association of Slovenia.Velenje, 16.–22. <strong>september</strong>23. Pikin festivalFestivalska prizorišča so razširjena po vsem mestu, središče dogajanj pa je naprireditvenem prostoru ob Velenjskem jezeru. V času festivala je vse mestopikasto obarvano: v središču mesta so številne Pikine razstave, na treh odrihv mestu potekajo Pikine predstave, ob jezeru pa postavijo pravo Pikinomesto, dva velika šotora z več kot 200 ustvarjalnimi delavnicami ter številnimivzgojno-izobraževalnimi vsebinami za otroke in mladostnike. Festival žedolga leta presega lokalne interese, njegova mednarodna prepoznavnost pase močno stopnjuje. Z osrednjimi temami, ki jih zadnja tri leta razvijajo in sopovezane z osnovnim motom evropske prestolnice kulture (poklici Evrope,jeziki Evrope in energija Evrope), odklepajo in prenavljajo spominske podobe,razbijajo stereotipe in razkrivajo nove prakse. Organizatorji so prepričani, dase v teh vrednotah lahko prepoznate tudi vi in zato vas z velikim veseljemvabijo k sodelovanju.Velenje, 16 to 22 September23rd Pippi FestivalWhile festival venues are spread out across the town, the centre of activities is themain event space at the Velenjsko jezero lake. The whole town is themed on PippiLongstocking during the festival: a number of exhibitions about Pippi are held inthe town centre, Pippi shows are performed across three stages in the town and averitable Pippi village is built at the lake, with two tents offering over two hundredcreative workshops and various didactic content for children and adolescents.The festival surpassed the status of a local event years ago and is now gaininginternational visibility. The central themes developed over the last three years arelinked to the basic motto of the European Capital of Culture (professions of Europe,languages of Europe and energy of Europe), unlocking and refreshing memories,shattering stereotypes and revealing new practices. The organisers believe that youwill find yourself within these values and cordially invite you to attend.Kranj, 17.–26. avgustJazz kamp Kranj <strong>2012</strong>Letos se bo v Kranju zgodil že deveti Jazz kamp Kranj. Že kar tradicionalnovzdušje ustvarijo nastopajoči: umetniki, profesorji, udeleženci delavnicin publika, ki obiskuje večerne koncerte. Tu bodo Neisha, Binho CarvalhoBand, udeleženci glasbenih delavnic pobratenega festivala Jazz is back BPiz hrvaškega Grožnjana, Mike Sponza in ameriška pevka Joyce Yuille, RenatoChicco in Jani Moder, David Gazarov s triom, Uroš Perić in Tribute to RayCharles. Vabljeni na deset dni jazza, v družbo izvajalcev iz Slovenije in tujine.Kranj, 17 to 26 August<strong>2012</strong> Kranj Jazz CampThis year will witness the 9th Kranj Jazz Camp. The event is known for the greatatmosphere created by the performers: artists, professors, workshop participantsand the audience attending the evening concerts. This year’s line-up includes: Neisha;Binho Carvalho Band; participants at the music workshops organised by JazzCamp’s twin festival Jazz is back BP, held in the Croatian town of Grožnjan; MikeSponza and American singer Joyce Yuille; Renato Chicco and Jani Moder; DavidGazarov and his trio and Uroš Perić with his Tribute to Ray Charles. Enjoy ten daysof jazz in the company of performers from Slovenia and abroad.30

UMETNOST IN KULTURA / ART & CULTUREMaribor, 12. julij–4. avgust <strong>2012</strong>Povezovanje z glasbo inMednarodnim orkestromMaribor <strong>2012</strong> – MIO<strong>2012</strong>Projekt sofinancira in podpira EACEA – agencija zaizobraževanje, avdio-vizualno področje in kulturo. Organizatorprojekta je Glasbena matica Ljubljana s partnerji: Kulturnoumetniškim zavodom Delavnica Maribor, Društvom BUM(Srbija), Organizacijo za kulturno sodelovanje Interkultura(Makedonija), Klubom slovenskih študentk in študentovGradec, EPK Maribor <strong>2012</strong> in s Festivalom Ljubljana.Kranj, 12.–16. septembraSvetosavski folklorni festival<strong>2012</strong>Svetosavski folklorni festival bo tudi letos postregel z bogatim kulturnim programom.Občudovali bomo lahko 12 folklornih skupin iz petih evropskih držav.Poleg tega pa so organizatorji pripravili bogat spremljevalni program. Kot pravijo,festival že dolgo ni več samo folklorni, pač pa velik kulturno zabavni dogodek, kiodmeva po vsej Evropi. Osrednji dan festivala bo tudi letos sobota, ko se bodofolklorne skupine predstavile na Glavnem in Maistrovem trgu, v večernih urah pase bo dogajanje preselilo na Slovenski trg. Za obiskovalce je pripravljen tudi posebenzabavni program, ki bo vse dni festivala postregel z odmevnimi koncerti naprostem. Ne smemo pozabiti tudi na podiranje rekorda v »Užičkem kolu«, ki boletos po priporočilih komisije izveden na še nekoliko bolj zabaven in drugačennačin. Nismo pozabili niti na ljubitelje knjig in gledaliških predstav. Literarni večeribodo potekali v Mestni knjižnici Kranj, gledališke predstave na prostem pa postarem Kranju. Poskrbeli smo tudi za strokovna predavanja in razstave, ki bodododatno poskrbeli, da se ne boste v času festivala niti minuto dolgočasili.Kranj, 12 to 16 SeptemberSt. Sava’s International FolkloreFestival <strong>2012</strong>St. Sava’s International Folklore Festival offers a traditionally colourful culturalprogramme. In addition to twelve folklore groups from five European countries, theorganisers have prepared a rich and varied accompanying programme. As they say,the festival has long exceeded the confines of folklore, developing into a large cultureand entertainment event popular throughout Europe. The main events will takeplace on Saturday, with folklore group performances at the Glavni trg and Maistrovtrg squares. In the evening, performances will continue at the Slovenski trg square. Aseparate entertainment programme comprises open-air concerts every day of the festival.Last but not least, there will be an attempt at setting a new record in the Užičkokolo dance; following a recommendation from the committee, the attempt will beconducted in a slightly different way that promises to be even more entertainingthan usual. Naturally, the organisers have not forgotten book lovers and theatre buffs.Literary evenings will be organised at the Kranj Library, while theatre performanceswill be held in the open, in the old town centre. Finally, there will be a number of expertlectures and exhibitions to ensure that you are busy and entertained every single momentof the festival.Namen MIO<strong>2012</strong> je izobraževati, stimulirati in povezovatinadarjene glasbenike, da bi dosegli odličnost v novemkulturnem okolju in poudarjali kulturno raznolikost. Polegtega se celoten projekt ciljno ukvarja s promocijo Evropskeprestolnice kulture Maribor <strong>2012</strong> in bo ponesel glas oprestolovanju od Maribora preko Ljubljane, Italije, VelikeBritanije in Španije, kjer bodo koncerti, in še v 32 državsveta, od koder je letošnjih 350 udeležencev.Koncerti Mednarodnega orkestra Maribor <strong>2012</strong> v avgustu:1. 8. <strong>2012</strong>: Slovenska filharmonija Ljubljana ob 20.002. 8. <strong>2012</strong>: St John's Smith Square London ob 19.303. 8. <strong>2012</strong>: Salceda de Caselas Španija ob 20.00Maribor, 12 July to 4 August <strong>2012</strong>Connecting throughMusic, Maribor InternationalOrchestra <strong>2012</strong> –MIO<strong>2012</strong>The project is co-funded and backed by EACEA – the Education,Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. The project is organisedby Glasbena matica Ljubljana and the following partners:Delavnica Maribor Culture and Arts Institute, BUM Association(Serbia), Interkultura Organisation of Cultural Collaboration(Macedonia), Graz Slovenian Students’ Club, European Capitalof Culture – Maribor <strong>2012</strong> and Ljubljana Festival.The purpose of MIO<strong>2012</strong> is to educate, encourage and connecttalented musicians, helping them to achieve excellencein a new cultural environment and to highlight culturaldiversity. Additionally, the project promotes the EuropeanCapital of Culture – Maribor <strong>2012</strong> and will serve as an advertisementsent from Maribor through Ljubljana across to Italy,Great Britain and Spain, where concerts will be held, and anadditional 32 countries throughout the world that are thehomes of this year’s 350 participants.Maribor International Orchestra <strong>2012</strong> concerts in August:1 August <strong>2012</strong> – Slovenian Philharmonic, Ljubljana, at 20:002 August <strong>2012</strong> – St John’s, Smith Square, London, at 19:303 August <strong>2012</strong> – Salceda de Caselas, Spain, at 20:00.www.mio<strong>2012</strong>.com, www.ljubljanafestival.si31

UMETNOST IN KULTURA / ART & CULTUREDunaj, mestna hišaJazz-FrühschoppenDo 2. septembraHrana, pijača in koncerti v živo: džez je del poletnih nedelj v dunajskimestni hiši. »Jazz-Frühschoppen« – kombinacija džeza in poznegazajtrka – poteka v mestni hiši od 1. julija do 2. septembra. Dunajskimojstri džeza in zvrsti dixieland nudijo džezovskim navdušencemživo glasbo ob nedeljah med 12.00 in 14.30 brezplačno! Dogajanje sezačne z nastopom skupine Vienna Jazz Serenaders, za njo pa se zvrstijoMartin Jank Quartet, The Riverside Stompers, The Picadilly Onions, BlueNote Six in številni drugi nastopajoči. Džez in opoldansko druženje obpijači – ta nenavadna kombinacija že leta navdušuje v dunajski mestnihiši. »Frühschoppen« je pozni zajtrk, ki vključuje hrano in pijačo. Izraz»Schoppen« so včasih uporabljali za mersko enoto posode s tekočino,danes pa pod tem imenom poznamo alkoholno pijačo. »Jazz-Frühschoppen«poteka v mestni hiši v sklopu dunajskega džezovskega festivalain festivala glasbe in filma.www.viennajazz.orgLondonYoko Ono v galeriji SerpentineGalleryDo 9. septembraČeprav je Yoko Ono najbolj znana kot vdova člana skupine The Beatles,Johna Lennona, je tudi sama priznana umetnica, filmska delavka, pesnica,glasbenica, pisateljica, nastopajoča umetnica in mirovna aktivistka.Sedaj lahko odkrijete delo in umetniški vpliv Yoko Ono na razstavi v galerijiSerpentine Gallery, ki je posvečena njej. Med razstavnimi predmetije tudi zbirka SMILE, obsežen projekt, v okviru katerega je Yoko Ononagovarjala ljudi, naj ji pošljejo posnetek svojega nasmeha.Iz teh posnetkov je sestavila album portretov in z njim povezala ljudiz vsega sveta. Prva londonska razstava o Yoko Ono po več kot 10 letihpredstavlja njen vpliv in delo na področju filma, u metnosti, glasbe inuprizarjanja.Razstava Yoko Ono v galeriji Serpentine Gallery je del Festivala London<strong>2012</strong>, največjega britanskega festivala.www.serpentinegallery.orgAmsterdamFringe FestivalOd 1. do 11. septembraDeset dni v septembru je Amsterdam v znamenju gledališke umetnosti,saj od 1. do 11. septembra potekata nizozemski gledališki festivalin festival Fringe. V okviru nizozemskega gledališkega festivala si lahkoogledate najbolj uspešne produkcije pretekle sezone, festival Fringe paposkrbi, da tudi avantgardno gledališče ni zapostavljeno.Mesto se spremeni v oderFestival Fringe spremeni Amsterdam v en sam velik oder, saj se na večkot 25 lokacijah zvrsti približno 80 produkcij vrhunskih domačih in tujihproducentov ter umetnikov. Festival Fringe s svojo drugačnostjo naodru in v izvedbi napolni gledališča, klube, ceste in celo dnevne sobe.Imenitne uprizoritve so polne bizarnosti in hkrati razmišljujoče, kar je žev navadi za ta festival, ki vključuje živo umetnost, gledališke predstave,glasbeno gledališče, komedije in ples.Nepoznavanje jezika ni oviraOdličen izbor mednarodnih produkcij na festivalu nudi široko paletodogodkov, za katere znanje jezika ni potrebno (oznaka 'Language NoProblem', tj. primerno za tiste, ki ne govorijo nizozemsko). Prepričajte se,da je dogodek označen z oznako 'LNP'.www.amsterdamfringe.nlBarcelonaSkrivnostna La PedreraDo 31. oktobraSprehodite se po najbolj privlačnih kotičkih La Pedrere v čarobnemmiru noči. Odkrijte skrivnosti, ki jih skriva stavba, ko pade noč. Spoznajte,kakšna so bila življenja, navade in vsakodnevne zgodbe ljudi,ki so živeli v tej edinstveni stavbi pred sto leti. Doživite La Pedreroponoči. Prijeten in enkraten ogled, ki vas popelje po glavnih točkahtega modernega dragulja.Pot po skrivnostni La Pedreri je prijetna in izjemno čutna, na njej lahkoodkrijete skrite kotičke in špranje te znamenite stavbe na drugačennačin: v miru, tišini in čarobnosti noči.Odkrijte skrivnosti La Pedrere, ko pade mrak. Spoznajte način življenja,navade in drobne zgodbe prebivalcev te edinstvene stavbe izpredstotih let.Prepričajte se, kako La Pedrera ponoči oživi. Priporočamo predhodnerezervacije.http://www.lapedrera.com/en/secret-pedreraCasa Batlló ponočiDo 23. septembraCasa Batlló praznuje 10. obletnico odprtja za javnost. Ob tej priložnostivas želi to poletje presenetiti s posebno dobrodošlico. Odkrijtelepote in čarobnost tega najskrivnostnejšega dela Antonija Gaudijav nočnih urah, polnih domišljije. Casa Batlló se ponoči spremeni včudovit prostor, poln presenečenj, ki prebudi občutja vsakega obiskovalca.Zaljubili se boste v prekrasno modernistično teraso in vijugasteprostore med nadstropji, kjer boste lahko uživali ob glasbi in zabavnihprogramih ter široki paleti pijač in prigrizkov.www.casabatllo.cat32

UMETNOST IN KULTURA / ART & CULTUREVienna, City HallJazz-FrühschoppenUntil 2 SeptemberEating, drinking and live concerts: jazz accompanies the summer onSundays at City Hall. The 'Jazz-Frühschoppen' – a combination of jazz andbrunch – is held at Vienna City Hall from 1 July to 2 September. Viennesejazz and Dixieland bands provide jazz lovers with live music on Sundaysbetween 12 noon and 2.30 pm. For free! Things get underway with the ViennaJazz Serenaders, after which the Martin Jank Quartet, the RiversideStompers, the Picadilly Onions, Blue Note Six and many more make theirway onto the stage. Jazz and a morning get-together for a drink - thisunusual combination has worked extremely well at Vienna City Hall foryears. The "Frühschoppen" is a brunch offering food and drink. The term"Schoppen" used to describe a measuring or drinking vessel; today, it is anexpression for an alcoholic drink. The 'Jazz-Frühschoppen' takes place atCity Hall as part of the Vienna Jazz Festival and the Music Film Festival.www.viennajazz.orgLondonYoko Ono at the SerpentineGalleryUntil 9 SeptemberAlthough best known as the widow of The Beatles' John Lennon, YokoOno is also a celebrated artist, filmmaker, poet, musician, writer, performanceartist and peace activist. Now you can discover the work andartistic influence of Yoko Ono in a dedicated exhibition at the SerpentineGallery. Pieces on display include SMILE, a large-scale project in whichYoko Ono invited people to send her an image of their smile to build analbum of portraits and connect people around the world. The first Londonexhibition about Yoko Ono in more than 10 years, the display will alsoexplore Ono's influence and work in film, art, music and performance.Yoko Ono at the Serpentine Gallery is part of the London <strong>2012</strong> Festival, theUK's biggest-ever nationwide festival.www.serpentinegallery.orgAmsterdamFringe Festival1 to 11 SeptemberFor 10 days in September, Amsterdam is in the grip of the stage arts, withthe Dutch Theatre Festival and the accompanying Fringe Festival takingplace from 1 to 11 September. While the Dutch Theatre Festival revisits lastseason's most successful productions, the Fringe ensures that avant-gardetheatre isn't left behind.Turning the city into a stageStaging around 80 productions by cutting-edge home-grown and internationalproducers and artists at over 25 locations, the Amsterdam FringeFestival turns the entire city into a stage. From theatres to clubs, the streetsand even living rooms, the eccentricity that is the Fringe occupies the edgesof both stage and performance with all the bizarre, brooding and brilliantperformance art we've come to attribute to fringe festivals from live art,theatre, musical theatre, comedy and dance.Language no problemWith such a fantastic line-up of international productions, the festivalpromises a wide selection of events that are 'Language No Problem' (i.e.accessible to non-Dutch speakers), for those whose Nederlands is notquite up to scratch. Look for the 'LNP' marker just to be sure.www.amsterdamfringe.nlBarcelonaThe Secret PedreraUntil 31 OctoberWalk through some of La Pedrera’s most evocative spaces with the magic andpeace of the night as company. Discover the secrets hidden inside the buildingwhen night falls. Be a privileged witness to the lives, customs and everydaystories of the residents who lived in this unique building one hundred yearsago. See how La Pedrera comes to life at night. An intimate and exclusive tourthat explores the main areas of this Modernista gem.The secret Pedrera is an intimate and highly sensory route to discover thenooks and crannies of this landmark building in a different way: in thepeace, tranquility and magic of the night.You can discover the secrets hidden in La Pedrera after dark and become afortunate witness of the lives, customs and little stories of the residents ofthis singular building a century ago.Come and see how La Pedrera comes to life at night. Advance bookingrecommended.http://www.lapedrera.com/en/secret-pedreraCasa Batlló by nightUntil 23 SeptemberThe Casa Batlló is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its opening to thepublic and it wants to surprise you this summer with a very special welcome.Discover the beauty and magic of the genius Gaudí’s most enigmaticwork in a night-time ambiance full of fantasy. The night transforms it intoa surprising, sublime space which will awaken the senses of everyone whovisits it. You will fall in love with the magnificent Modernista terrace and thesinuous rooms on the mezzanine, as you enjoy musical performances andentertainment with a selection of drinks and tapas.www.casabatllo.cat33

There’s a lot to organise beforea fashion show. Thankfully, with theStar Alliance network, my flightconnections aren’t one of them.I’ve earned it.Gabriele Strehle, Chief Designer at fashion brandStrenesse and Star Alliance Gold Statusstaralliance.comCMYCMMYCYCMYKTa oglas je zaradi ohranitve neposrednosti in avtentičnosti besedila in kerje besedilo zlasti namenjeno tujim bralcem, natisnjen v angleškem jeziku.

flyljubljanaNagrajujemo vašo zvestobo.Program flyljubljana omogoča udobnejša in ugodnejšapotovanja z Letališča Jožeta Pučnika Ljubljana. Brezplačno članstvo Ugodnejši letališki nakupi Udobnejša in ugodnejša letalska potovanja Posebne ponudbe izbranih partnerjev Nepozabna doživetjaPridružite se nam!Izpolnite spletno pristopnico na www.flyljubljana.si ali stelefonom poskenirajte kodo.Pristopnice so na voljo tudi na okencih za prijavo na let v odhodniavli na letališču.

Kontrola zraËnega prometa Slovenije, d.o.o.SLOVENIA CONTROL, Slovenian Air Navigation Services, LimitedKotnikova 19a, SI-1000 Ljubljana, www.sloveniacontrol.sip: +386 1 47 34 850, faks/f: +386 1 47 34 860, e: info@sloveniacontrol.siŠe vedno tkemo nevidne nitimed nebom in zemljoter vas varno vodimo že 20 let.

KAKOVOST, KI JOLAHKO PREVERITE.Nova družina visokokakovostnih goriv Q Max iz Petrola.Petrol d.d., Ljubljanawww.petrol.si/qmaxSpremljajte porabosvojega avtomobila sPetrolovo mobilno aplikacijo.

040adrijinPOTNIKBESEDILO: barbara mihevc bukovecSteve McCurry >>Svetovno priznan fotograf v LjubljaniV Ljubljani smo si imeli od konca aprila do junija letos priložnost ogledati mojstrske fotografije StevaMcCurryja. Ta svetovno priznani fotograf je prejel kar štiri nagrade World Press Photo z različnihpodročij. Mnoge njegove fotografije so postale sodobne ikone fotografiranja. Morda najbolj znanaizmed njih je »Afganistanska deklica«, ki jo je leta 1984 posnel za revijo National Geographic.Razstavo so omogočili pokrovitelji, ki z akcijo »Povezani svet« – ta poteka istočasno in ima namen zbratisredstva za pomoč otrokom iz Afganistana – pripravljajo tudi različne dobrodelne prireditve indobrodelno večerjo, ki se bodo zvrstile od 20. do 23. septembra v Ljubljani. Poleg Steva McCurryja se jebodo udeležili številni domači in tuji gospodarstveniki ter nekateri predstavniki diplomatskega zbora.Ob listanju vaše biografije se človeku zazdi, da vašo kariero sestavljajosami uspehi. Kako sami gledate na svoje poklicne dosežke,g. McCurry?Ne vem, če je mogoče popolnoma doumeti vse posledice nekegatrenutka takrat, ko ga doživljaš. Seveda sem se v določenih primerih zavedal,da bo to ali ono dejanje za vedno ostalo zapisano v zgodovinskihknjigah, npr. 11. <strong>september</strong>, invazija na Kuvajt in vojne v Afganistanu;nekaj resnično izjemnega pa je, ko se ob pogledu v preteklost zaveš,da so določeni, na videz vsakdanji trenutki, ki si jih delil z edinstvenimiljudmi in izumirajočimi načini življenja, v resnici posebno darilo, ki se gane da kupiti. Hvaležen sem za modrost in razumevanje, ki sem ju pridobils pomočjo takšnih trenutkov. Vedno se trudim odprto sprejemati novepriložnosti, ki mi lahko pokažejo svet z druge, meni tuje perspektive. Topredstavlja zame resničen uspeh v moji karieri.Kaj je potrebno, da človek zapusti varno, redno delovno mesto inse poda v neznano, včasih celo v nevarnost, kot ste leta 1986 storilisami, ko ste pustili službo pri časopisu?Če hočeš biti fotograf, moraš fotografirati. Pomislite na fotografe, katerihdela občudujemo: našli so določen kraj ali temo, se poglobili vanjo in iznje ustvarili nekaj posebnega. To ni za vsakogar, saj zahteva ogromnočasa in dela. Mislim, da gre predvsem za avanturo, odkrivanje in raziskovanje,spoznavanje novih krajev, v katerih še nisem bil – poskušam novejedi in opazujem način življenja ter verske obrede različnih ljudi. V osnovismo vsi enaki, vendar me prepoznavanje razlik očara.Če je fotograf občutljiv do okolja in ljudi okoli sebe, lahko njegovefotografije zelo veliko razkrijejo. Sami ste drugačni od večine, sajimate sposobnost slediti podrobnostim – ste se tega zavedali že odsamega začetka?Sčasoma človek razvije svoj način gledanja na svet in takrat se skozi fotografijepokaže tudi njegova lastna osebnost. Vsak posameznik je edinstven – vsakima svojo osebnost. Vsak od nas ima svoj lastni način izražanja in lastni slog.

ADRIJIN POTNIKArhiv Steva McCurryjaKo ugotoviš, kakšen izrazni način in pogled na svet imaš, najdeš tudi svojslog. Za vsakega človeka je življenje zanimivo na drugačen način. Menenajbolj veseli raziskovanje našega planeta, spoznavanje ljudi, odkrivanjerazličnih kultur in načinov življenja.Se vam zdi, da so vas neprijetni dogodki, ki ste jih doživeli, spremenili?Svoje delo dojemam kot podaljšek samega sebe, kot odraz tega, kakose sporazumevam s svetom. Mislim, da sta popotovanje in opazovanjeplaneta, na katerem živimo, najboljša načina preživljanja kratkega časa, kinam je odmerjen na svetu.Kako danes na podlagi izkušenj, ki jih imate, gledate na svet?Po vseh opravljenih potovanjih na različne konce sveta in seznanitvi zedinstvenimi ljudmi lahko povem, da sem resnično opazil več skupnihlastnosti, ki nas združujejo, kot razlik, ki nas ločujejo. To odkritje me navdušujein je postalo tema, ki se vedno znova pojavlja v mojih delih.Najpomembnejše, česar sem se naučil iz svojih izkušenj, pa je, kakopomembno je spoštovanje. Če ljudje začutijo, da jih ne spoštujete, bovaš odnos z njimi zelo hitro propadel. Ne glede na jezik, vero in kulturose iz spoštovanja vedno rodi zaupanje. Zaupanje pa je dragocena, težkodosegljiva vrednota, brez katere v mojem poklicu ne gre.41

ADRIA PassengerAvtor:SteveMcCurry,Afghan Girl,Sharbat Gula43


fotografije: aleš fevžerSe spomnite filma Woodyja Allena VickyChristina Barcelona? Zgodba dveh ameriškihdeklet, ki se pod vročim španskim soncemzaljubita v istega moškega; v eni se prebuditaumetniška žilica in avanturistični duh,medtem ko se racionalno in predvidljivodojemanje življenja druge postavi podvprašaj. Dokaz, da Barcelona prebudi našečute in nikogar ne pusti ravnodušnega.45

destinacija barcelonaBarcelona, mešanica podob, občutenj,okusov. Vsakdo jo doživi na svoj način.Adrijina stevardesa Sara Slodej, ki sev to samosvoje in ustvarjalno mestovedno znova rada vrača, nam jezaupala svoje vtise o Barceloni.Barcelono imam najraje pozno jeseni ali zgodajspomladi, ko je sončno in toplo, vseeno pa nitiste prave poletne vročine. Morje daje mestuposeben pečat in ni ga čez sprehod in uživanjepo mestni plaži, ki je v tem obdobju bolj praznain mirna, saj mesta ne preplavljajo turisti.Po razgibavanju mišic na telovadnih napravahje obvezno počivanje na kamnitih stolčkihs pogledom na morje. Park Ciutadella obpristanišču je poln glasbe, druženja ob piknikihin ležanja na travi. Ob nedeljah je na spodnjemkoncu Las Ramblas odlična majhna tržnica zusnjenimi izdelki, nakitom ...Kar dela Barcelono posebno, je gotovo njenamultikulturna, mavrična podoba. Že krateksprehod po Rambli del Raval pokaže velik spojkultur, socialnih razredov in ras na enem mestu.Od starejših Indijcev in Pakistancev, ki sedružijo ob dolgih debatah, do gruč mladih Afričanov,ki prodajajo sončna očala, pa prostitutk,množice turistov, tujih študentov, domačihumetnikov, ki na ulicah ustvarjajo in prodajajosvoje izdelke ... Potem pa prileti mimo šemajhen zelen papagaj in res ne verjameš več,da si v Evropi. In čeprav se zdi na prvi pogledkatalonska prestolnica bolj internacionalna kotšpanska, izžareva špansko odprtost, živahnostin čustvenost, ko se ljudje očitno razjezijo,glasno nasmejijo, ko se flirta na vsakem koraku,pleše za vsakim vogalom. Skozi ulično umetnost,arhitekturo in dizajn pooseblja Barcelonatisto pravo špansko mešanico tradicionalnostiin ekscentričnosti, ki tako privlači in navdihuje.V Barceloni si najraje privoščim potepanje početrti Gràcia – to je eden njenih zadnjih skritihbiserov. Nekoč vasica se je skozi leta zlila zvelikanskim mestom, a je kljub temu ohranilasvojo avtentičnost in tradicijo. Kot protiuteždinamični Barceloni, polni življenja,glasbe in zabave, je Gràcia umirjena inšarmantna. Tja rada zaidem, saj imamobčutek, kot bi vstopala v drug svet, vnek drug čas. Najlepše se je izgubiti medozkimi ulicami ali obsedeti na Plaçi de Solin opazovati mimoidoče domačine. Kotbi živeli v svoji mali vasici, ne v milijonskemmestu.V tem predelu se nahaja moja druga velikaljubezen v Barceloni, to je Gaudíjevpark Güell. Mojstrovine katalonskegaarhitekta so najbolj značilna kulturnaznamenitost katalonske prestolnice.Verjetno ni naključje: njegova umetnostv vsej svoji drznosti, igrivosti, strasti,inovativnosti, »čudnosti« odseva dušomesta. Od Sagrade Familie, ki navdušujes svojo brezčasno zunanjostjo, do CaseBatlló s sanjskimi valovitimi stenami, kispominjajo na morje, in meni najljubšegaparka Güell. To je pravljični kraj s hiškami kotiz biskvita, bonbonov in s smetano na vrhu.Na zavitih klopcah ob živopisanih kuščarjihiz mozaika bi lahko sedela ure in uživala vprelepem razgledu.Restavracija in kavarnica, ki me nikoli ne razočara,je barcelonska specialiteta La Champagneriav četrti La Barceloneta. Odlična »cava«,znana španska penina, pester izbor slastnihtapasov in stiskanje ob nabito polnem šankuv podolgovatem ozkem prostoru je pravadogodivščina. S stropa viseče noge pršuta innatakarji, ki si v neverjetnem kaosu zapomnijovsa naročila, ustvarjajo filmsko vzdušje.46

destinacija barcelona47

destinacija barcelonaKavarne in klubi v El Ravalu so – tako kot tapredel – zelo samosvoji. Vsak ima posebenkoncept dizajna in pondube. Stran od množicsrečaš v majhnih in ponekod neuglednihulicah domačine in začutiš pravi utrip. Intimna,mračna scena kluba Robadors je najboljša zapredajanje ritmom pravega flamenka.MACBA (Muzej sodobne umetnosti) in CCCB(Center za sodobno kulturo) sta priljubljenizbirališči mladih skejtarjev, študentov, brezdomcev... Zanimivo je obsedeti v kavarni naogromni ploščadi pred muzejem in opazovatikontraste in mešanje kultur.Vsak, ki pride v Barcelono, bi moral obiskatipoleg zgoraj omenjenih krajev tudi četrt BarrioGotico, ki je sicer bolj turistična, a prepletenemale ulice ponujajo veliko zanimivih galerij,muzejev, second hand trgovin in cerkva. Navsakem koraku pa s svojo odlično glasbo razveseljujejorazlični ulični glasbeniki.Barcelona ponuja pestro izbiro festivalov indogodkov. Ob začetku poletja ponuja odličnifestival Dies de dansa brezplačne plesnepredstave po vsem mestu. Posebno doživetjeje v času mestnega praznika festival La Mercè.Zadnji dnevi septembra v Barceloni nudijomnožico koncertov, proslav in delavnic v častzaščitnici mesta Mercè.!<strong>Adria</strong> leti na linijiLJUBLJANA–BARCELONA2-KRAT TEDENSKO48

photography: aleš fevžerDo you remember Woody Allen’s Vicky Cristina Barcelona? Themovie is about two American girls who fall in love with the sameman under the hot Spanish sun. one of them discovers in herselfa flair for art and a spirit of adventure, while the other begins toquestion her rational and predictable outlook on life. It’s simple:Barcelona will awaken your emotions. It’s a place that leaves noone feeling indifferent.49

destination barcelonalocals and experience the real Barcelona. The dark,intimate atmosphere in Club Robadors is perfect forenjoying the rhythm of flamenco.MACBA (Museum of Contemporary Art) and CCCB(Contemporary Culture Centre) are popular meetingplaces for young skateboarders, students and thehomeless. It is always fascinating to sit in the caféon the spacious platform outside the museum andwatch contrasting cultures mix and mingle.If you come to Barcelona, you absolutely have to visitBarrio Gótico in addition to the places mentionedabove. Admittedly, this quarter has been taken overby tourists, but the winding narrow streets offer awealth of galleries, museums, second hand shopsand churches. There are street musicians at everystep, creating an atmosphere of music and cheer.Barcelona offers a wide selection of festivals andother events. In early summer, free dance performancesare held throughout the city as part of theexcellent Dies de dansa Festival. Another unforgettableexperience is La Mercè, the annual festival celebratingthe official city holiday. In late September, avariety of concerts, celebrations and workshops areheld in Barcelona as a tribute to Mercè, the patronsaint of the city.!<strong>Adria</strong> flies betweenLJUBLJANA&BARCELONATWICE A WEEK51

052bogastvo in močsoliBESEDILO: matjaž potokar FOTOGRAFIJE: Lojze Spacal (1907-2000) – copyright Martin SpacalDebata o tem, ali je sol začimba ali sestavina hrane, še danes ni končana. Soli priznavamo, da je prvi okus, ki je očaral človeka.Ko pa smo odkrili še njeno lastnost ohranjanja živil, še zlasti mesa, je postala pravi hit. Do iznajdbe hladilnikov jebila glavni konzervator živil. Tudi v času tako imenovanih belih strupov težko zanikamo, da je nepogrešljiva v organizmu.Brez nje bi namreč naše telesne tekočine izgubile ravnovesje, mi pa zdravje.Sol je spreminjala krajine, skrbela za naše zdravje in kulinarične razvade. Vstopala je v naše življenje, misli, jezik, v našoliteraturo. V nekaterih časih je bila bolj čislana kot zlato, bogatila in siromašila je ljudi, jih silila v spremembo njihovegaživljenja in dela. Soline so danes posebnost in zanimivost, čeprav tovrstni način pridobivanja soli ni več tako pogost. Mnogimkrajem je dala ime, zato si zagotovo še danes zasluži našo pozornost.

ZgodovinaPrvi dokazi o načrtni uporabi soli segajo v čas med šest dopet tisoč leti pred našim štetjem, ko naj bi jo ljudje v neolitikuz vretjem slane vode koncentrirali v posebne posode.Črepinje takih posod so našli na območju današnje Romunijein znanstveniki sodijo, da gre za najstarejše pripomočke zapridobivanje soli. Verjetno je bila že takrat močno cenjena,saj so naseljenci ob slanem izviru zaradi nje precej spreminjalipokrajino. Približno iz istega časa so znani tudi kitajskipredmeti, ki dokazujejo prve žetve soli s površine slanih jezer.V obeh pokrajinah znanstveniki dokazujejo neposrednevzporednice med pridelavo soli in hitrim napredkom obehdružb. Brez prevelikega tveganja torej lahko zapišemo, da jesol ostrila takratni življenjski stil in mojstrila napredek.Tri tisoč let kasneje so našli v egipčanskih piramidah ostankeslanih rib, kar dokazuje znanje konzerviranja hitro pokvarljivehrane. Egipčanska soljena riba je slovela daleč naokrog, zatoso jo uspešno in na veliko menjavali s Feničani, predvsem zales libanonske cedre.Nedaleč stran so Tuaregi, nomadsko ljudstvo iz Sahare, tovorilisol čez puščavo iz rudnikov v Maliju in Nigru. Zanimivo je,da obe poti še vedno uporabljajo za tovorjenje, ne samo soli,le da so kilometrske kolone kamel danes zamenjali tovornjaki.Tudi v halštatski kulturi so osemsto let pred Kristusom začelikopati sol. Podobno kot vse družbe, ki so izkoriščale solnobogastvo, so si seveda tudi takrat močno povečali blaginjo. Nekaterikraji, reke ali pokrajine so dobili imena po soli. Salzburgje dobil ime po njej, s Hallstattom in Halleinom leži v centralniAvstriji ob reki Salzach, kar dobesedno pomeni slana voda.Salzburg danes ni znan samo po svoji solni zgodovini, pač papredvsem kot rojstni kraj W. A. Mozarta. Reka Salzach je dobilasvoje slano ime, ker so po njej vse do devetnajstega stoletjatovorili sol.Iz zgodovine soli velja omeniti še indijski Slani pohod marca1930, s katerim je Mahatma Gandi spodbudil nenasilne proteste.Ti so se kasneje razvili v gibanje za osamosvojitev Indijeizpod britanske nadvlade. Civilne nepokorščine se je udeležilookoli sto tisoč Indijcev, ki so s pridelavo lastne soli protestiraliproti britanskemu davku na sol v Indiji v tistih časih.V čast nam je, da lahko prvi objavimofotografije, ki jih je na istrskih solinahleta 1957 posnel poet Krasa in Istre, slikarin grafik Lojze Spacal. Tudi njegovefotografije so dokaz, kako se daz vizijo in virtuoznostjo oživljatilikovno materijo.Skočimo za hip še v slovansko zgodovino. Slovani so bili znanikot gostoljuben narod, to dokazuje tudi njihova dobrodošlica,ki je ponekod v navadi še danes. Gosta so namreč v večini slovanskihdružb pričakali s kruhom in soljo, da bi tako pokazali,kako se veselijo njegovega obiska. V Bolgariji je pogačo s soljovedno prinesla ženska, v Rusiji recimo je kruh veljal za najboljčislano hrano, sol pa je simbolizirala večno prijateljstvo medgostom in gostiteljem.Sol v besedi – reki so sol jezikaTa nenavadna, a življenjsko pomembna spojina je seveda našlapot iz zgodovine tudi v jezike. Če pogledamo v največkrat natisnjenoknjigo, lahko tam o soli preberemo marsikaj. Recimoo tem, kako se je Lotova žena zaradi radovednosti spremenilav solni steber. Ko se je namreč ozrla in pogledala, kaj se jezgodilo z njenim mestom Sodomo, ki ga je uničeval Bog, je vopomin vsem, ki ne ubogamo na besedo, postala slana žena.Sol pa v bibliji ni vedno pomenila samo zastraševanja predneubogljivostjo, kot bi morda lahko dojeli iz stare zaveze.53

BOGASTVO IN MOČ SOLIV novem testamentu začenja sol svojo pot kot metafora za bistrost,razumnost in pamet. Po legendi je Jezus Kristus svoje apostole imenovalza sol zemlje.Ste se kdaj vprašali, zakaj se plača v angleškem jeziku imenuje »salary«? Besedaje seveda latinskega izvora in je v rimskih časih dobesedno pomenilaznesek, ki ga je rimski vojak dobil za nakup soli. Tudi angleška beseda zasolato »salad« izvira iz soli. Dobesedno pomeni soliti in prav tako izhaja izrimskih časov, kjer so iznašli soljenje zelenih listov, kakor še danes v večiniprimerov začinimo solato.Tudi v slovenskem jeziku in literaturi igra sol pomembno vlogo. V temkratkem zapisu izpostavljam bolj vesele zgodbe, ki jih v slovenski literaturikroji sol. Vsi poznamo Levstikovega Martina Krpana, ki je po PetruKlepcu še eno poosebljeno slovensko božanstvo v očitnem pomanjkanjupravih, svet spreminjajočih orjakov. Povest ni zanimiva le zaradi želje, dabi ta spretni in ogromni Slovenec pomagal urejati takratno mednarodnopolitiko. Bolj so zanimive podrobnosti, kot so kresilne gobe in brusi, zavitiv slamo, da bi zaradi mraza ne popokali, in seveda tihotapljenje »angleškesoli«. Kaj povedo te prispodobe o življenju naroda med mejami? Meje somu pomagale preživeti. Takratnega slovenskega slehernika so sicer pazilirazlični »mejači«, da ga »nehotoma« ne bi srečali, v resnici pa so se gaogibali. Ne toliko zaradi njegove moči, bolj verjetno zato, ker slehernikuniso želeli še dodatno oteževati težkega življenja. Prometej z Vrha pri Svetitrojici »šverca« ogenj in s tem znanje za preživetje. Vsekakor ni naključje, dase za Slovence skriva ogenj v soli. Tako Levstikova povest v želji po vplivuhočeš nočeš razkriva veliko soli, ki jo je moral imeti takratni slovenski živeljv glavi, če je želel preživeti.Povsem drugo vlogo ima sol pri Franu Milčinskem. Oče popularnega Ježkaje bil pravnik in sodnik. Do obisti se je lahko nagledal slovenske pravdarskestrasti. In ker v pravdah razum zapusti glave, mu te slovenske posebnostini bilo težko preliti v izjemne opise slovenskih značajev. Njegovi Butalci sonarod z roba, ki mu kronično primanjkuje soli, dobesedno in v metafori.Sol nastopa kot univerzalna metafora za označevanje pameti. Ko je bogdelil pamet, jo je razdelil najpravičneje. Ste že kdaj slišali, da bi se kdo pritoževal,da mu manjka pameti? Nihče, razen Butalcev, ki jim je bilo sitno stalnokupovati sol, a jo je vedno zmanjkalo, kadar so jo najbolj potrebovali. Paso sklenili, da jo kar posadijo. In ko so iz prekopane zemlje zrasle koprivein so jih v Butalah dajali na jezike, so bili s kakovostjo »soli« zelo zadovoljni.54

BOGASTVO IN MOČ SOLIOstra je že, ko je še mlada, so dejali. Če že mlada sol tako močno peče,kako bo šele žgala, ko bo stara, so menili. Seveda, ko pa so imeli mastengnoj in je bila butalska moka že zabeljena.Sol uporabljamo v slovenskem jeziku tudi kot metaforo za lastnino, bogastvoin privlačnost. »Boš že videl, kako bo, ko boš sam svojo sol zobal!«so včasih komu zabrusili in kasneje še radi dodali, da »še za sol ni zaslužil«.Dekleta so pred čednim mladcem svarili, naj »ne hodijo za njim kakor kozena sol«. Seveda pa je treba vse to razumeti »cum grano salis«, z zrncemsoli, kot bi rekli stari Latini.Pridelava in uporaba soliSol se največkrat prideluje v solinah. Pravzaprav se tam sol žanje in neprideluje. Tudi v naših krajih je bila žetev soli zelo razvita. Belega zlata izkoprskih, izolskih in lucijskih solin žal ni več, sol pa žanjejo še v Strunjanu inSečovljah. Na srečo gre v obeh primerih za soline kot krajinska parka. Piranje v bistvu solno mesto in piranska sol slovi zaradi svoje kakovosti daleč posvetu, samo doma žal ne, saj pomeni domača sol v celotni porabi samoslabe tri odstotke. Piranska sol je kakovostna zaradi izjemne solinske preproge,imenovane petole, ki kot biološki filter omogoča žetje najboljše soli.55

BOGASTVO IN MOČ SOLIZato ni nenavadno, da so Benečani dolga stoletja izrabljalisoline v Istri. Pirančani so od aprila do oktobra zapustili svojemesto in se preselili na soline. Takrat se je v bistvu že začelažetev, pripravo pa so morali opraviti že pozimi. Od tod tudisolinarski rek, da se sol dela pozimi in zgolj žanje poleti. Pirančaniso želeli ohraniti vsaj del samostojnosti, zato so se z Benečanidogovorili o prodaji celotne žetve svoje soli. Solinarjiso do propada beneške republike 1797. leta živeli premožnoživljenje. Lepota mesta priča o prednostih pridelave inprodaje soli. Solna polja so bila do začetka dvajsetega stoletjarazdeljena med posamezne pridelovalce, ki so prevažali sol vposebnih čolnih – maonah.Maona je posebna oblika čolna, ki je skozi stoletja zaznamovaltiste kraje in jim prinašal blagostanje. To je bil tovorničoln brez lastnega pogona, trebušaste oblike s skoraj ploskimdnom, primeren za plovbo v solinarskih kanalih. Maone soeno za drugo navezali na vlečno ladjo in tako tovorili sol izsolin do skladišč. Njihova nosilnost je bila kar 70 ton. Žal sose vse maone leta 1956 v hudem viharju potopile, tako da silahko v Solinarskem muzeju danes ogledamo le še njihovereplike. Po združitvi in modernizaciji solin leta 1904 v Strunjanuin Sečovljah sol še danes žanjejo po istem postopku.Morska voda se zgošča v dvanajstih zaporedno povezanihbazenih, dokler ne kristalizira v sol. Solni cvet, najboljšo bero,poberejo solinarji s posebno lopatko že čez dan. Zvečer pav najboljših žetvenih dneh nagrabijo do tristo kilogramov soli.Sečoveljske soline so tudi izjemno zatočišče za številne vrsteptic. Opazovanje ptic postaja priljubljena dejavnost turistov,zato so solinarski bazeni obljudeni skozi vse leto. Večina opazovalcevse oglasi tudi v Muzeju solinarstva, na desni stranikanala Giassi v Sečovljah.Nasploh je lahko sprehod po sečoveljskih solinah zelo zanimivopopotovanje. Poleg Kanala svetega Jerneja, za kateregaizvedenci trdijo, da je morda najlepši del slovenske obale,lahko obiskovalci obiščejo ostanke rudnika črnega premoga,v katerem so kopali rudo do leta 1972. Kolesarji lahkokolesarijo po trasi znamenite Parenzane, nekdanje ozkotirneželezniške proge iz Trsta, ki je dobila ime po svojem ciljuv Poreču, tire pa so Italijani že pred drugo svetovno vojnoodpeljali v afriško Abesinijo.Foto: J. Rošival, arhiv Pomorskega muzeja PiranMaone so eno za drugo navezali navlečno ladjo in tako tovorili sol iz solindo skladišč. Njena nosilnost je bila kar70 ton. Žal so se vse maone leta 1956v hudem viharju potopile, tako da silahko v Solinarskem muzeju danesogledamo le še njihove replike.Slanica in slano blato sta nepogrešljiva tudi v sodobnemzdraviliškem turizmu, ki v svojem programu ponuja sol koteliksir za zdravje in lepoto. Sladokusci uporabljajo sol pri kuhitudi drugače: kot izvrsten toplotni prevodnik namreč poskrbiza peko hrane, ki ohranja vse okuse živila. Kdo ne poznabrancina v soli, pa piščanca, pripravljenega na enak način?Neoluskano, a očiščeno ribo položimo na solno podlago in jodo konca prekrijemo s soljo. Solni oklep po peki razbijemo inz njim z ribe očistimo kožo. Slana obloga poskrbi za izjemnosočnost in okusnost.Sol je torej mnogo več kot samo prepotreben element, kiuravnava telesne sokove, ali začimba – pospeševalec okusov,ali belo zlato ali kaj drugega. Verjetno je prav zaradi izjemnegavpliva na življenje ljudi v vseh časih, jezikih in okoljih prevladalpomen metafore, ki pomeni pamet, znanje, veščino inogenj. Za sol torej lahko rečemo, da je ogenj, ki ga Prometejni prinesel iz nebes, ampak plamen, ki ga je zemlja iz svojihnedrij poslala na površje.56

The Wealth andPower of Saltthe wealth and power of SaltTEXT: matjaž potokarPHOTOGRAPHY: lojze spacal (1907-2000) – copyright Martin SpacalThe debate about whether salt is a type of spiceor a food ingredient is still alive today. Saltis recognised as being the first flavour thatseduced man. But when its property of foodpreservation, especially meat, was discovered, itbecame quite a sensation. Before the inventionof refrigerators, salting was the main methodof food preservation. EVEN IN THIS AGE OF THESO-CALLED WHITE POISONS, IT WOULD BE HARD TODENY THAT SALT IS INDISPENSABLE TO THE HUMANBODY. Without it, our bodily fluids would losebalance, and we would lose our health.Salt has changed landscapes and taken care ofour health and culinary habits. It has enteredour lives, thoughts, language and literature.IN CERTAIN PERIODS OF HISTORY, IT WAS TREASUREDMORE THAN GOLD, MAKING PEOPLE RICH AND POOR,FORCING THEM TO CHANGE THEIR WAYS OF LIVING ANDWORKING. Nowadays, salt evaporation ponds area rarity and a curiosity, although this methodof salt production is not as common as it usedto be. Salt has given its name to many places, andfor this reason, it still certainly deserves ourattention today.HistoryThe first evidence of the systematic use of salt dates back tothe period between six and five thousand years B.C., when theNeolithic people were thought to have concentrated it in specialcontainers by boiling salt water. Shards of such containers werefound in the territory of today's Romania, and scientists believethese to be the oldest tools for the production of salt. It was probablyhighly valued even then, as the settlers by saltwater sourceschanged the landscape quite drastically because of it. Chineseobjects from around the same time have also been discovered,providing evidence of the first harvests of salt from the surface ofsalt lakes. In both regions, scientists have established direct correlationsbetween the production of salt and the rapid progressof both civilisations. We can therefore quite safely say that saltsharpened their lifestyle and advanced their progress.Three thousand years later, remains of salted fish were found in theEgyptian pyramids, attesting to their knowledge of preservationof highly perishable food. The Egyptian salted fish was known farand wide and was thus successfully and frequently traded with thePhoenicians, primarily for the cedar wood of Lebanon.Not far away, the Tuareg, a nomadic Sahara people, carried saltacross the desert from the mines of Mali and Niger. It is interestingto note that both roads are still used for carrying salt aswell as other items, except that the kilometres-long caravans ofcamels have been replaced by trucks.57

the wealth and power of SaltAround eight hundred years B.C., the people of the Hallstatt culture alsostarted mining salt. Much like other societies exploiting the rich resourcesof salt, they greatly increased their wealth. The names of some cities, riversand regions are derived from salt. Salzburg was given its name after salt as,along with Hallstatt and Hallein, it lies in central Austria by the River Salzach,which literally means salt water. Nowadays, Salzburg is not only known forits history of salt but primarily as the birthplace of W.A. Mozart. The RiverSalzach was given its saline name because it was used to transport salt rightup to the 19th century.Another noteworthy event in the history of salt was the Salt March of March1930, with which Mahatma Gandhi encouraged non-violent protests. Theselater developed into the movement of Indian independence from British rule.Around one hundred thousand Indians took part in the civil disobedience,protesting against the British tax on salt in India at that time through theproduction of their own salt.Let us take a quick look into Slavic history. The Slavs were known as a hospitablepeople, a fact attested to by their warm welcome, which is still customaryin some places today. In most Slavic societies, guests were greeted with breadand salt to show how glad the Slavs were of their visit. In Bulgaria, a cake withsalt was always brought by a woman, and in Russia, for example, bread wasconsidered the most highly valued food, while salt symbolised eternal friendshipbetween the guest and the host.The Words of Salt – Sayings Are the Salt of the LanguageNeedless to say, this unusual but vital compound has also found its way fromhistory into our languages. If we search inside the world's most printed book,we can find quite a lot of references to salt. Lot’s wife, for example, becauseof her curiosity, was turned into a pillar of salt. When she, as a reminder to allof us who do not take others at their word, turned around to see what hadhappened to her city of Sodom, destroyed by God, she became the salt wife.However, salt did not always signify warnings against disobedience in theBible, as we might gather from the Old Testament. In the New Testament,salt begins its path as a metaphor for cleverness, reason and intelligence. Accordingto the legend, Jesus Christ called his apostles the salt of the earth.Have you ever wondered why payment in English is called “salary”? The wordis of course of Latin origin and in Roman times literally meant the amount aRoman soldier received to buy salt. Even the English word “salad” is derivedfrom salt. It literally means to salt and also originates from the Roman period,when the salting of green leaves was invented, just as salad is still commonlyseasoned today.Salt also plays an important role in the Slovenian language and literature. Thisshort text refers to the more cheerful stories of Slovenian literature, which wereinspired by salt. We all know of Fran Levstik’s Martin Krpan who, beside PeterKlepec, is another personified Slovenian deity, given the obvious shortage of real,world-changing giants. The tale is not only intriguing because of the desire thata clever and titanic Slovenian would help in managing international relationsduring those times. What is more interesting are certain details such as mushroomsand grindstones being wrapped in straw to stop them from splitting in thecold and, of course, the smuggling of “English salt”. What do these parables tell usof the life of a nation caught between borders? The borders helped it survive. TheSlovenian everyman of those days was watched by various “border guards” so asnot to “accidentally” run into him, but in truth, they avoided him. Not so muchbecause of his strength but more likely because they did not want to make theeveryman's life more difficult than it already was. A Prometheus “smuggling” firefrom the Mount of Holy Trinity, Martin Krpan’s hometown, and with it the knowledgeto survive. It is certainly not a coincidence that fire, for Slovenian people,lies in salt. Thus Levstik’s tale of the desire for influence reveals how much salt theSlovenian population in those days had to have in their heads – meaning howclever they had to be, as the Slovenian saying goes – in order to survive.In Fran Milčinski’s tales, salt plays an entirely different role. The father of thepopular author was a lawyer and a judge. Milčinski had ample opportunity toobserve the Slovenian passion for disputes. And as disputes make people losetheir heads, it was not that difficult for him to convey this Slovenian peculiarityin his exceptional depictions of Slovenian characters. His Butalci (The Boneheads)are a marginalised people chronically in need of salt, both literally andmetaphorically. Salt appears as a universal metaphor for intelligence. WhenGod gave out brains, he distributed them most fairly. Have you ever heard anyonecomplain that they lack intelligence? No one except for the Boneheads,who found the constant buying of salt bothersome and always ran out of itwhen they needed it most. So they decided to plant it. And when nettle grewout of the loose soil and the people of Bonehead Land put it on their tongues,they were very satisfied with its quality. So young and so sharp, they would say.If young salt is so strong, wait till it’s ripe, they would reason.In the Slovenian language, salt is also used as a metaphor for property,wealth and appeal. “Just wait until you eat your own salt!” they used to sayand often added that “his work isn’t worth salt”. They would warn girls ofhandsome youths by saying not to “run after him like goats to salt”. All of thishas to be understood “cum grano salis”, with a pinch of salt, as the old Latinwould say.The Production and Use of SaltSalt is most commonly produced in salt evaporation ponds. It is in fact harvested,not produced. Even in our regions, the harvesting of salt was highlydeveloped. The white gold from the salt evaporation ponds of Koper, Izola andLucija is unfortunately gone. However, salt is still harvested in Strunjan andSečovlje. Luckily, both salt evaporation ponds are designated national parks.Piran is in fact a town of salt and is known for its quality worldwide but sadlynot in Slovenia, as the salt produced in the country accounts for less than threepercent of national consumption. Piran salt owes its quality to the incrediblesubstratum of the ponds, called petola, which, as a natural filter, enables theharvesting of the best salt.It is therefore not surprising that the Venetians used the salt evaporationponds of Istria for centuries. The people of Piran would leave their hometownbetween April and October and move to the salt evaporation ponds. By then,the harvesting would begin and the preparations would need to have beendone during the winter. This is also where the salt workers’ saying comesfrom that salt is made during the winter and only harvested in summertime.The people of Piran wanted to retain at least some independence andtherefore made an agreement with the Venetians to sell them all of theirharvest of salt. The salt workers prospered until the fall of the Republic ofVenice in 1797. The beauty of the town bears witness to the advantages ofsalt production and sale. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, saltfields were divided between individual producers, who transported salt inspecial boats – maonas.The maonas were tied oneafter another to a tow ship,transporting salt from the pondsto the storehouses. They had acapacity of 70 tons. Sadly, allthe maonas sunk during a badstorm in 1956, and today onlytheir replicas are on displayat the Salt Works Museum.58

We are honoured to be the first to publish the photographs taken in 1957 at the Istria salt pans by painter and graphicartist Lojze Spacal, a true poet of Karst and Istria. His photographs serve as further proof that artistic subjectmatter can be brought to life through vision and virtuosity.A maona is a special type of boat that played an important role in thoseregions throughout the centuries and brought them prosperity. It was a cargoboat, without its own propulsion, of bulging shape with a nearly flat bottom,suitable for sailing in the channels of the salt evaporation ponds. The maonaswere tied one after another to a tow ship, transporting salt from the ponds tothe storehouses. They had a capacity of 70 tonnes. Sadly, all the maonas sunkduring a violent storm in 1956, and today only their replicas are on display at theSalt Works Museum. After the unification and modernisation of salt evaporationponds in 1904, they still harvest salt in Strunjan and Sečovlje by the samemethod. Seawater is concentrated in a set of twelve interconnected ponds untilit crystallises into salt. Fleur the sel, the best harvest, is collected by salt workersduring the day with a special spade. And in the evening, they rake up to threehundred kilograms of salt on the best harvest days.The salt evaporation ponds of Sečovlje are also an amazing sanctuary fornumerous species of birds. Bird watching is becoming a popular tourist activity,making the salt evaporation ponds crowded all year round. Most of thebirdwatchers also stop by at the Salt Works Museum, situated on the right bankof the Giassi Canal in Sečovlje. A walk around the Sečovlje salt evaporationponds can generally make for a very interesting journey. Beside the Channel ofSt Bartholomew, which experts consider to be one of the most beautiful parts ofthe Slovenian coast, visitors can see the remains of the black coal mine, whereore was mined until 1972. Bikers can follow the route of the famous Parenzana,a former narrow gauge railway from Trieste, named after its final destination inPoreč, The railway tracks were taken to Abyssinia in Africa by the Italians beforethe Second World War.Brine and fango are also indispensable in modern health tourism, offering saltas an elixir of health and beauty as part of its programme. Gourmets also usesalt in a particular way in cooking. As an excellent heat conductor, it enables thebaking of food in a way that preserves all the food flavours. Who does not knowof salted sea bass or chicken? An unscaled but cleaned fish is placed on a salt bedand completely covered with salt. The salt shell is smashed after baking and usedto clean the skin off the fish. The salty crust gives the dish its incredible juicinessand flavour.Salt is thus much more than just an essential element regulating bodily fluids ora spice – a flavour enhancer or white gold or something else. It is probably due toits major effect on the lives of people of all periods, languages and nations thatthe meaning of the metaphor denoting intelligence, knowledge, skill and firehas prevailed. We can therefore say that salt is fire, not the one that Prometheusbrought from heaven, but a flame sent to the surface from the heart of the earth.59

058BESEDILO in fotografije: Stane sušnikprijaznidolgouhci

prijazni dolgouhciSkoraj vsak od nas je že imel izkušnjo z osli. Največkrat smojih srečevali v obmorskem okolju, bodisi med dopustom obhrvaški, pa tudi ob slovenski obali. Morda poznamo koga, kigoji osla na domačem dvorišču, največkrat zato, da se z njimigrajo otroci.Za večino med nami so osli simpatične, prijazne in potrpežljive živali, hkratipa veljajo za trmaste in vzdržljive. V resnici pa je naše dojemanje oslovzasnovano na predsodkih. Ti, kot velja za večino zmotnih predstav, izvirajoiz pomanjkljivega znanja o pojavu.Osli so del družine kopitarjev, v kateri je tudi rod Equus. Vanj spadajo polegoslov še konji in zebre. Na splošno velja, da izvirajo udomačeni osli, ki jihsrečujemo v evropskih deželah, iz Afrike. V Etiopiji, Somaliji in Eritreji živi leše nekaj sto primerkov dveh divjih vrst. Torej so afriški osli zelo ogroženi. Topa ne velja za divje vrste oslov na planjavah azijskih dežel, ki se od afriškihrazlikujejo tako po zunanjosti kot po življenjskih navadah.Udomačevanje oslov naj bi se začelo pred šest do sedem tisoč leti na severuAfrike. V starem Egiptu je bil osel dolgo najpomembnejša žival, gojili so jih natisoče. Povsod, kjer so osla udomačili, so ga uporabljali kot vlečno in tovornožival. V Evropo so te živali prišle razmeroma pozno, menda z Etruščani predpribližno dva tisoč leti, prek Maroka v Španijo in Italijo. Največ se jih je obdržaloprav v sredozemskih deželah, kjer so bili nepogrešljiva pomoč pri obdelovanjuvinogradov in oljčnikov. Tako je bilo vse do uveljavitve kmetijskemehanizacije; traktorji so odrinili osle na rob, tako v Sredozemlju kot drugje.Osli za človeka niso več zanimivi kot delovna žival, njihovo meso ni posebnocenjeno, zaradi svoje konstitucije se niso nikoli uveljavili kot jezdneživali, zato se ljudje skozi zgodovino njihovega sobivanja niso nikoli posebejukvarjali s selekcijo oziroma vzgojo posebnih pasem. Resda v literaturinavajajo skoraj dvesto različnih pasem, a podrobnejši pregled pokaže, dagre za lokalizme. Lahko rečemo, da so za sredozemski bazen značilni bodisivisoki, črni ali temno rjavi osli, ki merijo v vihru od 120 do 150 cm, bodisimajhni sivčki, kakršni so hrvaški dalmatinčki oz. primorsko-dinarski osli.Medtem ko imajo sosedje Hrvati priznane kar tri pasme, slovenskih oslovni mogoče opredeliti niti z eno. Pri nas živi mešanica vseh rasnih tipov,značilnih za Sredozemlje, s tem da prevladujejo manjši sivi osli, medtem kovelikih, postavnih črnih živali, značilnih za italijanski jug, južno Francijo ali delŠpanije, pri nas ni, razen nekaj izjem.Števila oslov, ki jih redijo v Sloveniji, ni mogoče ugotoviti, saj mnogi rejcine upoštevajo predpisov, po katerih bi morali vse kopitarje registrirati, jimvstaviti podkožni čip in jih opremiti z identifikacijskim dokumentom. Uradnaevidenca kaže število okoli 800 oslov, ocenjujejo pa, da jih je verjetno vsaj šeenkrat več. Tudi te številke so zanemarljive in bistveno nižje kot pred nekajdesetletji. V Evropi vodi Turčija s pol milijona živali, sledita ji Rusija in Bolgarija(okoli dvesto tisoč), ostale dežele pa jih imajo po nekaj deset tisoč.Osli veljajo za nezahtevne živali, kar do neke mere drži. Glede na njihovafriški izvor je razumljivo, da jih vročina, suho okolje in skromna vegetacijane motijo. Njihovo prehrano sestavljajo trave, v manjši meri veje grmov indreves ter lubje. Brez vode zdržijo do tri dni. Prilagojenost takim skromnimrazmeram omogoča, da se v sredozemskih deželah najbolje počutijo, zatojih je bilo včasih pri nas največ prav v Istri.So izrazite čredne živali, zato tiste, ki imajo doma samo po enega osla,pogosto moti oslovo riganje. S tem žival izraža željo po družbi. Kdor imaizkušnje z rejo večjega tropa oslov, ve, da jim ustreza družba drugih oslov –pravzaprav oslic. Samec namreč potrebuje svoj harem, ki je lahko kar velik,Tudi v časih, ko mu ni trebaveč nositi težkih tovorov alivleči škripajočih vozov, lahkoustreže posebnim zahtevam.tudi prek ducat oslic mu ne bo preveč. Dva samca v manjšem tropu, tja doducat ali dva ducata glav, se bosta venomer borila za prevlado. Oplojenaoslica nosi 12 mesecev, mladič pa sesa tudi dobro leto dni. Oslica žrebi poenega mladiča, dvojčki so zelo redke izjeme.Osel zna pokazati, da je hvaležen za ustrezno ravnanje. Sem spadajoprimerna paša, zavetje pred dežjem, vetrom ali opoldanskim soncem inčlovekov odnos do njega. Tudi v časih, ko mu ni treba več nositi težkihtovorov ali vleči škripajočih vozov, lahko ustreže posebnim zahtevam. VFranciji je razširjeno pohodništvo ob spremstvu oslov (ki nosijo prtljago),v Italiji deluje desetine farm z oslicami, ki jih molzejo zaradi izjemnih odlikosličjega mleka. Ponekod skušajo z osli pomagati otrokom z motnjami vrazvoju, drugje pa se malčki zadovoljijo že s tem, da jih kratek čas jahajo.V Sloveniji je le nekaj rejcev, ki imajo več kot deset oslov. Eden od njih imaprav pestro zbirko križancev vseh mogočih barv in velikosti teh zanimivihkopitarjev. Njegovi osli uživajo na kraških travnikih in tako preprečujejo, dabi se še bolj zaraščali.www.oslarija.si61

The friendly long-eared animalsThe FriendlyLong-Eared AnimalsTEXT AND PHOTOGRAPHY: Stane sušnikWe have all had at least one experience with donkeys. Mostoften, we have seen donkeys in the coastal region duringour holidays at the Croatian and also Slovenian coast.Maybe you even know someone who keeps a donkey in theirbackyard, most probably so that children can play with it.To most of us, donkeys seem like pleasant, friendly and patient animals. Atthe same time, they are also known as stubborn and persistent animals. Butin truth, our perception of donkeys is based on prejudice. As with most falsebeliefs, these prejudices come from a lack of knowledge on the subject.Donkeys are a part of the family of hoofed animals that also includes theEquus genus. Besides donkeys, the genus also includes horses and zebras.In general, the domesticated donkeys that we meet in European countriesoriginate from Africa. There are only a couple of hundred members of two wildspecies of donkeys still living in Ethiopia, Somalia and Eritrea today. This meansthat African donkeys are critically endangered. This, however, does not applyto wild species of donkeys on the plains of Asian countries that differ from theAfrican donkeys in terms of appearance as well as their living habits.It is believed that the domestication of donkeys began six to seven thousandyears ago in the north of Africa. In ancient Egypt, the donkey was one of themost important animals for a long period, and the Egyptian bred thousandsof donkeys. Everywhere the donkey was domesticated, it was used as a draftor pack animal. Donkeys came to Europe relatively late, supposedly withEtruscans approximately two thousand years ago via Morocco to Spain andItaly. The majority remained in the Mediterranean countries, where they werean indispensable help in cultivating vineyards and olive plantations. Thiscontinued until the introduction of agricultural machinery. Tractors drove thedonkeys out, in the Mediterranean region as well as elsewhere.Donkeys no longer interest people as working animals, their meat is notespecially appreciated and due to their constitution, they never became ridinganimals; thus, throughout the entire history of cohabitation with donkeys,people never paid any special attention to selecting or breeding special breeds.Literature does mention almost two hundred different breeds of donkeys, buta more detailed examination shows that those are localisms. In the Mediterraneanregion, donkeys are typically either black or dark brown and relatively tall,reaching a height of 120 to 150 cm at the withers, or they are grey and short,such as the Croatian Dalmatian or the Primorska-Dinaric donkeys.While Croatians have three breeds, Slovenian donkeys cannot even be definedby one breed. In Slovenia, there is a mixture of all breed types characteristic ofthe Mediterranean; smaller grey donkeys are the prevalent type, while there areno large, shapely black donkeys, characteristic for the Italian south, southernFrance or parts of Spain, apart from a few exceptions.The number of donkeys being bred in Slovenia cannot be determined, becausemany breeders do not comply with EU regulations according to whichthey would have to register all hoofed animals, implant a sub-cutaneous chipand obtain an identification document. The official records show around800 donkeys, but the estimate is that there are at least twice as many. Thesenumbers are negligible and substantially lower than a few decades ago.62

The friendly long-eared animalsIn Europe, the leading country in terms of donkeys is Turkey with a half a milliondonkeys, followed by Russia and Bulgaria (around 200,000 each); othercountries have a few tens of thousands of donkeys each.Donkeys are seen as undemanding animals, which is true to a certain extent.Considering their African origin, it is understandable that they are not botheredby heat, dry environments and modest vegetation. Their diet is composed ofgrass and, to a lesser extent, branches of bushes and trees and even bark. Theycan survive up to three days without water. Adaptability to modest conditionscauses them to feel best in Mediterranean countries, thus the majority inSlovenia can be found in Istria.They are explicitly herd animals, so people who only have one donkey athome are often disturbed by its braying. This is how donkeys express theirdesire for company. Anyone that has any experience with breeding a largerherd of donkeys knows that they are soothed by the company of otherdonkeys, namely jennies. Jacks (males) need their own harem, which canbe quite large; more than a dozen jennies is not too many. Two jacks in asmaller herd of up to about a dozen or two dozen will constantly competefor domination. An impregnated jenny is pregnant for 12 months, and itsfoal can suckle for up to one year. Jennies gives birth to a single foal; twinsare very rare.A donkey knows how to show gratitude for appropriate treatment. This meanssuitable pasturing, shelter from wind, rain and the noon sun and the human’s relationshipwith it. Even today, when they no longer have to carry heavy loads or pullcreaking carts, they can serve other purposes. In France, trekking in the companyof donkeys (carrying the cargo) is popular; in Italy, there are dozens of farms withjennies that are milked due to the exceptional characteristics of their milk. In someplaces, donkeys are used to help children with developmental disabilities, while inother places children are entertained by short donkey rides.In Slovenia, there are only a few breeders that have more than ten donkeys. Oneof them has a very diverse collection of crossbreeds of all types of colours andsizes of these interesting hoofed animals. His donkeys graze on the pastures ofKras, and thus prevent the pastures from overgrowing.www.oslarija.siEven today, when they no longerhave to carry heavy loads orpull creaking carts, they canserve other purposes.63

062Olimpijska atletska zgodovina:DucatveličastnihBESEDILO: MARJAN ŽIBERNA FOTOGRAFIJE: Aleš Fevžer

DUCAT VELIČASTNIHAtletika je bila zlasti v začetku sodobne zgodovine olimpijskih iger osrednji šport. Iz panoge, ki med seboj združuje tako različnediscipline, kot sta denimo maraton in met krogle, izhajajo imena, ki so se z velikimi črkami zapisala v športno, včasih pacelo v širšo zgodovino. Na olimpijskih igrah, dogodku, ki je poseben tudi zato, ker športnikom omogoča dokazati se le enkratna štiri leta, so mnogokrat uspevali športniki, ki so bili tudi sicer na vrhu. Včasih pa so ti ostali brez tako želenih olimpijskih»certifikatov odličnosti«; nekateri zaradi prevelike peze lastnih in tujih pričakovanj, drugi zaradi poškodb ali bolezni, mnogizaradi svetovnih vojn, zaradi katerih so štiri igre odpadle, pa zaradi bojkota iger v Moskvi leta 1980, ki so ga uprizorile mnogedržave na čelu z ZDA, in podobnega protesta štiri leta kasneje, ko so bile igre v Los Angelesu.Kakorkoli, olimpijska preteklost atletike je izjemnobogata. Pregled nekaterih njenih najboljzvenečih imen bi morda lahko začeli z naštevanjemnajuspešnejših, a tudi v tem primerubi morali poseči precej daleč v zgodovino,v čas po prvi svetovni vojni. Tedaj je namrečPavao Nurmi, »Leteči Finec«, postavil letvico,kot pravijo v športnem žargonu, izredno visoko.Na igrah v Antwerpnu (1920), Parizu (1924) inAmsterdamu (1928) je legendarni tekač nastopilv 12 disciplinah in osvojil devet zlatih in trisrebrna odličja. Ta zbirka bi bila še obsežnejša,če bi lahko nastopil še v Los Angelesu leta 1932,a so ga v časih danes nepredstavljivega amaterizmaobtožili, da je za tekmovalno turnejo, ki joje imel po ZDA, prejel previsoke potne stroške,in mu prepovedali nastopiti.Nurmi, finski nacionalni junak, ki je bil odsvojega 12. leta vegetarijanec, je po športniupokojitvi postal lastnik gradbenega podjetjain trgovine z galanterijo. Ko je leta 1973 umrl,je bila njegova rekordna zbirka olimpijskihodličij nepresežena.Še eno veliko ime medvojnega časa je JesseOwens, Američan, ki je na igrah v Berlinu leta1936 zmagal kar štirikrat – v tekih na 100 in 200m; bil je član zlate štafete 4 x 100 m in je porazilnemškega šampiona Luza Longa v skoku vdaljino. Z Longom, ki je bil kot nemški častnikleta 1943 hudo ranjen in je umrl v britanskemujetništvu, se je Owens spoprijateljil, Hitlerjupa so se načrti, ki jih imel z igrami v Berlinu,sfižili. Nemci so resda odlično tekmovali, amnogi so morali priznati premoč drugih; tudivisokorasli, plavolasi Long, pravi prototip poführerjevem prepričanju superiorne arijskerase, se s sijajnim atletom črne polti ni mogelenakovredno kosati. Hitler Owensu, tako kot šemnogim drugim športnikom, v Berlinu ni hotelstisniti roke; v časih, ki temnopoltim niso bilinaklonjeni, pa mu spoštovanja nista izkazalaniti tedanji ameriški predsednik Roosevelt nitinjegov naslednik Truman. Šele leta 1955 gaje tedanji predsednik Eisenhower razglasil za»ambasadorja športa«.Prve povojne igre, ki so se leta 1948 odvijalev Londonu, so bile čas Fanny Blankers–Koen,nizozemske »Leteče gospodinje«. Tedaj je bilaBlankersova stara že 30 let in mati dveh otrok.65

DUCAT VELIČASTNIHTisti, ki se niso navduševali nad ženskami všportu, še posebej, če so bile že matere, so lahkole obmolknili. Zbirka štirih zlatih odličij, v tekihna 100 in 200 m ter na 80 m z ovirami in v štafeti4 x 100 m, bi bila gotovo še obsežnejša, čezaradi vojne ne bi odpadlo dvoje iger, leta 1940in 1944. Blankers–Koenova je na olimpijskihigrah namreč prvič nastopila že kot 18-letnica vBerlinu. Kakšno vrednost so imeli njeni dosežki,pove podatek, da jo je Mednarodna atletskazveza leta 1999 imenovala za »atletinjo stoletja.«V Londonu je prvo od štirih odličij osvojil EmilZatopek. Legendarni Čeh, ki je skoraj vedno tekels spačenim obrazom in opletajoč z glavo, jezmagal v teku na 10.000 m. Čez štiri leta je atlet,ki je bil sam svoj trener, v Helsinkih to zmagoponovil, poleg tega pa je slavil še v teku na 5.000m in v maratonu – te serije zmag ni nikoli nihčeponovil. Za nastop v maratonu se je odločil lenekaj minut pred startom. Zatopek, eden odšestih otrok iz revne družine, je začel pri 16 letihdelati v tovarni čevljev Bata, po koncu kariere paje postal vpliven član češke komunistične partije.A ker je podpiral demokratične spremembe, je bilob ruskem vdoru leta 1968 odstranjen; odtlej seje moral preživljati kot smetar, z delom v rudnikuurana in s kopanjem vodnjakov. Rehabilitiral gaje šele Václav Havel 1990. leta. Kakšen človek jebil Zatopek, ki je tekoče govoril štiri jezike, povetudi podatek, da je eno od zlatih olimpijskihodličij podaril Avstralcu Ronu Clarku, ki je v 60.letih postavil številne svetovne rekorde v tekihna dolge proge, a ni nikoli osvojil olimpijskeganaslova. Zatopek mu je olimpijsko zlato podaril spreprostim pojasnilom: »Ker si ga zaslužiš.«V tem času je blestel tudi Al Oerter, ameriškimetalec diska, ki je zmagal prvič na Igrah vMelbournu leta 1956, zadnjič, četrtič pa 12let kasneje v Mehiki. Po športni upokojitvi seje ukvarjal z abstraktnim slikarstvom, po letihodsotnosti s tekmovališč pa se je spet vrnil inleta 1980 pri 43-ih celo postavil osebni rekord.Ko je Oerter l. 1960 v Rimu zmagal drugič, jesvojo prvo zmago v maratonu slavil AbebeBikila. Etiopijec, ki so ga uvrstili v reprezentancov zadnjem trenutku, je po rimskih ulicah tekelbos; nobeni od copat, ki so bili na voljo, muniso bili prav. Kasneje je povedal, da je želel stem svetu pokazati, kako njegova domovinazmaguje z odločnostjo in pogumom. Dejanje jebilo simbolično: rimska maratonska proga je šlatudi mimo aksumskega obeliska, ki so ga Italijanipripeljali sem med drugo italijansko- abesinskovojno. Zmago je ponovil v Tokiu čez štiri leta, pričemer je postavil tudi svetovni rekord. V Mexicu,kjer bi po prepričanju mnogih zmagal še tretjič,je moral zaradi poškodbe odstopiti. Kasneje seje pošalil, da bi lahko svoj tretji naslov osvojilna invalidskem vozičku, kamor ga je 1969. letaprikovala avtomobilska nesreča. Štiri leta zatemje zaradi posledic le-te umrl, star le 41 let.Carl Lewis (desno)Veliko ime olimpijskih iger v Montrealu jebil Alberto Juantorena, ki je v teku na 800 mzmagal s svetovnim rekordom, nekaj dni kasnejepa je bil neporažen še v teku na 400 m. Tegadosežka visokoraslega Kubanca, ki je bil zaradisvojega izredno dolgega koraka znan kot »ElCaballo« (Konj), ni nihče več ponovil. V Montrealje po svoj drugi par zmag prišel Lasse Virén; takokot v Münchnu leta 1972 je zmagal v tekih na5.000 in 10.000 m. Finec je meril celo na ponovitevtrojne Zatopkove zmage – le 18 ur po zmagiv teku na 5.000 m je nastopil na maratonu, kjerje osvojil peto mesto. Virén, ki je ostal nacionalnijunak tudi po koncu športne poti, je bil nekajčasa poslanec v finskem parlamentu.V Montrealu se je začel tudi pohod največjegatekača na 400 m z ovirami vseh časov – AmeričanaEda Mosesa. Tu je osvojil svoje prvo zlatoodličje, drugič pa je slavil osem let kasneje vLos Angelesu. Brez dvoma bi zmagal tudi namoskovskih igrah, a Američanov tja ni bilo. Ko jebil julija 1987 prvič po skoraj desetih letih poražen,je bil za njim niz 122 zaporednih zmag. Pobronu na igrah v Seoulu leta 1988 in upokojitvije Moses začel pomembno prispevati k bojuproti dopingu in širjenju bistva olimpizma.Leta 1984 je Carlu Lewisu uspelo ponoviti serijoštirih zmag, ki jih je v Berlinu dosegel Owens. Koje Lewis 1996. leta, star 35 let, nastopil v Atlantina svojih zadnjih, četrtih olimpijskih igrah, jez zmago v skoku v daljino izenačil Nurmijevdosežek – devet zlatih olimpijskih odličij. V temčasu se je okitil še z osmimi naslovi svetovnegaprvaka, večkrat izboljšanim svetovnimrekordom v teku na 100 m in v štafeti 4 x 100m pa s serijo 65 zaporednih zmag v skoku vdaljino, kolikor jih je nanizal v več kot desetletjedolgem obdobju. Legendarnemu Američanuje Mednarodna atletska zveza dodelila naziv»atlet stoletja«, Mednarodni olimpijski komitepa »športnik stoletja.« Leta 2011 se je njegovposkus, da bi dobil mesto demokratskegaposlanca v državi New Jersey, zaradi tamkajšnjezakonodaje o stalnem bivališču končal še predvolitvami.Najboljši metalec kopja vseh časov, JanŽelezný, je svojo prvo olimpijsko medaljoosvojil leta 1988 v Seoulu; tista, ki jo je osvojilše za Češkoslovaško, je bila srebrnega leska.Na naslednjih treh igrah je Čeh, doma iz MladeBolesave, od koder mimogrede izvirajo avtomobiliŠkoda, osvojil tri zlata odličja. Železný jeleta 1996 postavil še vedno veljavni svetovnirekord in je lastnik večine najboljših dosežkovvseh časov; drugi najboljši rezultat je za karpet metrov slabši. Ko se je Železný leta 2006pri 40 letih poslovil z bronom na evropskemprvenstvu, je dejal, da se ne počuti starega, dapa so njegovi tekmeci tako zelo mladi.Med olimpijske legende se je vpisal tudiMichael Johnson, čigar svetovni rekord v tekuna 400 m, postavljen leta 1999, še vedno velja.66

DUCAT VELIČASTNIHMerlene Ottey (skrajno desno)Američan, ki je tekel v neobičajno zravnanidrži, je osvojil prvo olimpijsko zlato v Barcelonileta 1992 kot član štafete 4 x 400 m. Čez štirileta je v Atlanti prepričljivo slavil tako v tekuna 200 m, kjer je postavil svetovni rekord, ki gaje izboljšal šele Jamajčan Usain Bolt leta 2009,kot tudi na 400 m. V slednji disciplini je slavilše v Sydneyju leta 2000. Tu je v štafeti dobilše peto olimpijsko zlato, a je ostal brez njega.Izkazalo se je namreč, da je bila večina članovštafete dopingirana, čeprav jim tega na samiholimpijskih igrah niso dokazali. Johnson, ki nibil med njimi, je odličje leta 2008 prostovoljnovrnil, še preden je tako odločil tudi MednarodniOb tem kratkem pregledu velja spomnitina še eno veliko ime svetovne atletike,šprinterko Merlene Ottey.olimpijski komite, rekoč, da se ob teh zlorabahpočuti prevaranega in izdanega.Ob tem kratkem pregledu velja spomniti naše eno veliko ime svetovne atletike, šprinterkoMerlene Ottey. Legendarna Jamajčanka, ki odleta 2003 nastopa za Slovenijo, pri 52 letih ševedno uspešno tekmuje v absolutni konkurenci.Nastopila je kar na sedmih olimpijskih igrah,prvič v Moskvi leta 1980, ko je osvojila bron na200 m, zadnjič leta 2004 v Atenah, ko je prvičostala brez odličja. Otteyeva, eno največjihimen športa vseh časov, je na svetovnihprvenstvih osvojila 14 medalj, od tega tri zlate.Med devetimi olimpijskimi odličji pa ji zlato žalmanjka.67

Olympic Athletic History:A Dozen GreatsTEXT: MARJAN ŽIBERNA Photography: Aleš FevžerParticularly in the early days of the modern Olympic Games, athletics was the central sport. This branch, combining disciplines asdiverse as marathon and shot put, has given rise to people who have played a prominent role in the history of sports or, in somecases, the world. At the Olympic Games, an event unique for the fact that it is only held every four years, the athletes that thrivedwere often those who were already at the peak of their career. But sometimes even they were left without the Olympic “certificatesof excellence” that they so desired; it happened due to the burden of their own or other people’s expectations, due to illnessesand injuries, due to wars that caused the cancellation of four Games, due to the boycott of the Moscow Olympics in 1980 that washeaded by the US and due to a similar protest at the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984.Athletics has had a rich and varied history at theOlympics. To compile a review of some of its biggestand most successful names, we have to gofar back in history, to the time after the First WorldWar. That was when Paavo Nurmi, the Flying Finn,first set the bar incredibly high. At the OlympicGames in Antwerp (1920), Paris (1924) and Amsterdam(1928), this legendary runner competedin twelve disciplines, winning nine gold and threesilver medals. The number would have been evenhigher had he been allowed to compete at the1932 Olympics in Los Angeles; however, in whatwas an unimaginable display of amateurism, hewas accused of receiving excessive travel expenseson his competition tour of the US and was consequentlybanned from appearing. A vegetariansince the age of 12, Nurmi was a Finnish nationalhero who owned a construction company andhaberdashery after he retired from sports. At thetime of his death in 1973, his record-breaking collectionof Olympic medals was unrivalled.Another big name from the period between thewars is Jesse Owens, an American who excelled atthe 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, winning fourgold medals: in the 100m dash, in the 200m dash,as a member of the winning 4x100m relay teamand in the long jump, where he defeated Germanchampion Luz Long. Owens made friends withLong, who later became an officer in the Germanarmy, and was severely wounded in 1943 anddied in British captivity. Meanwhile, Hitler’s plansfor the Berlin Olympics fell through completely.It is true that German athletes did very well, butmany of them had to accept defeat; this includedLong, who was a tall blond athlete and a prototypeof the Führer’s “superior Aryan race”, andyet failed to compete with the exceptional blackathlete. At the Olympics in Berlin, Hitler refused toshake hands with Owens and a number of otherathletes; as this was still a time of racial discriminationin the US, Owens was also snubbed byPresident Franklin D. Roosevelt, as well as hissuccessor, Harry Truman. It was not until 1955that the then-President, Dwight D. Eisenhower,honoured Owens by naming him an Ambassadorof Sports.The first post-War Olympic Games, held in London in1948, were dominated by Fanny Blankers-Koen, theDutch Flying Housewife. At the time, the 30-year-oldBlankers already had two children, but even peoplewho opposed female athletes – especially femaleathletes with children – were impressed. She wonfour gold medals: in the 100m dash, 200m dash,80m hurdles and 4x100m relay race. Her collectionof Olympic titles would likely be even greater had the1940 and 1944 Games not been cancelled due to theSecond World War. Blankers-Koen competed at herfirst Olympic Games as an 18-year-old in Berlin. Thebiggest testimony to her achievements is probablythe fact that she was declared the Female Athleteof the Century by the International Association ofAthletics Federations in 1999.68

A DOZEN GREATSLondon was also where Emil Zatopek won the firstof his four medals. The legendary Czech athlete,famous for grimacing and rolling his head whilerunning, won the 10km run. Working as his owntrainer, the athlete repeated his win four years laterin Helsinki, as well as winning the 5km run andthe marathon – a series of wins that has not beenrepeated since. Remarkably, he only decided to runin the marathon a few minutes before the start.Zatopek, one of six children from a poor family,started working in the Bata shoe factory at 16.After the end of his sports career, he became aninfluential figure in the Czech Communist Partybut was removed from his position after the Russianoccupation in 1968 for supporting democraticchanges. He was forced to work in a uranium mine,collecting garbage and digging wells. He wasrehabilitated by Václav Havel in 1990. Zatopek wasfluent in four languages, but the biggest testimonyto his character is the fact that he gave one of hisgold Olympic medals to Australian Ron Clark, whoset a number of world records in long distancerunning in the 60s but never won an Olympic title.Zatopek gave him the Olympic gold with a simpleexplanation: “Because you deserve it.”This was also a good time for Al Oerter, theAmerican discus thrower whose first victory cameat the Melbourne Olympics in 1956 and his finalone twelve years later in Mexico. After retiring fromsports, he became an abstract painter but laterreturned to compete again and even set a personalrecord in 1980 at 43 years of age. While Oerterachieved his second win in 1960 in Rome, AbebeBikila celebrated his first marathon victory. TheEthiopian had been added to the national team atthe last minute and ran through the Roman streetsbarefoot, as none of the available shoes fit him.Later he said that he wanted the world to knowthat his native country has always won with determinationand heroism. His act was a symbolic one:the Roman marathon track passed the Obelisk ofAxum, which the Italians had brought there duringthe second Italian-Abyssinian war. Bikila repeatedhis victory four years later in Tokyo, setting a worldrecord in the process. Many believed that he hadan excellent chance of winning for the third time inMexico, but he was forced to leave the race due toan injury. In 1969, he was involved in a car accidentthat left him wheelchair-bound; he later joked thathe would win the next Olympic marathon in thewheelchair. Four years later, at the age of 41, hedied from a complication related to the accident.A big name at the Olympic Games in Montrealwas Alberto Juantorena, who won the 800m runand set a world record, as well as winning the400m run just a few days later. This achievementby the tall Cuban, whose long strides earned himthe nickname El Caballo (The Horse), has notbeen repeated since. Collecting his second pair ofOlympic gold medals in Montreal was Lasse Virén;repeating his achievement from Munich in 1972,he again won in the 5km and 10km runs. The Finneven hoped to repeat Zatopek’s triple victory andcompeted in the marathon just 18 hours afterwinning the 5km run, but he placed fifth. Virénremained a national hero even after the end of hissports career, serving for some time as a memberof the Finnish parliament.Montreal was also where the American Ed Mosesstarted his career as the greatest 400m hurdle runnerof all time. This was where he won his first goldmedal, an achievement that he would repeat eightyears later in Los Angeles. There is no doubt thathe would also have won at the Moscow Olympics,were it not for the US boycott of the Games. Hisincredible run of 122 consecutive victories cameto a close in July 1987, when he suffered his firstdefeat after close to a decade. After winning thebronze at the Seoul Olympics in 1988 and retiringfrom sports, Moses made considerable contributionsto the fight against doping and to spreadingthe Olympic spirit.In 1984, Carl Lewis replicated Jesse Owens’ triumphin Berlin with a series of four victories. Competingat his fourth and final Olympics in Atlanta in1996, the 35-year-old Lewis won in the long jumpcategory, repeating Nurmi’s achievement of nineOlympic gold medals. At the same time, he wasan eight-time world champion, holder of severalworld records in the 100m dash and 4x100m relayrace and a 65-time consecutive long jump winner,a run of victories that he amassed in more thana decade. The legendary American was namedWorld Athlete of the Century by the InternationalAssociation of Athletics Federations and Sportsmanof the Century by the International OlympicCommittee. In 2011, his bid to run as the Democratcandidate for the New Jersey Senate ended beforethe elections due to the legislation governing thepermanent residence of Senate candidates.Jan Železný, the best javelin thrower of all time,won his first Olympic medal in 1988 in Seoul: asilver medal for Czechoslovakia. At the followingthree Olympic Games, the Czech athlete fromMlada Bolesava – home of Škoda cars – wonthree gold medals. In 1996, Železný set the worldrecord that still stands today, as well as settingmost of the top results of all time; the second bestresult is shorter than Železný’s by as much as 5m.When Železný retired at 40, in 2006, having wonbronze at the European championship, he saidthat he did not feel old, but that his opponentswere very young.Another Olympic legend is Michael Johnson,whose 1999 world record in the 400m run stillstands today. The American, famous for hisunusually upright stance while running, won hisfirst Olympic gold in Barcelona in 1992 as a partof the 4x400m relay race team. Four years laterin Atlanta, he easily won the 200m dash, settingJohnsonJohnsona world record in the process, and the 400m run.His 200m world record was not beaten until 2009by the Jamaican Usain Bolt. Johnson also wonthe gold in the 400m run at the Sydney Olympicsin 2000, where he also achieved his fifth Olympicgold in the relay race but did not keep it; it wasestablished that most of the relay team had takenperformance enhancing drugs, even though thiswas never proved at the Olympics. Johnson, whowas not involved in the scandal, returned hismedal voluntarily in 2008 before the InternationalOlympic Committee decision, stating that he feltcheated and betrayed by the drug abuse.This short overviewwould not becomplete withoutanother greatathlete, sprinterMerlene Ottey.This legendary Jamaican, competing for Sloveniasince 2003, is still keeping up with the competitionat 52 years of age. She appeared at seven OlympicGames, starting with Moscow in 1980, when shewon bronze in the 200m dash, and ending withAthens in 2004, the first time she competed withoutwinning a medal. Ottey, one of the biggest names insport of all time, has won fourteen medals at worldchampionships, including three gold medals. Sadlyher nine Olympic medals do not include gold.69

0701990besedilo: MARJAN ŽIBERNAfotografije: Aleš fevžerBrigitaBukovec,dobitnicaolimpijskegasrebraNastopa Brigite Bukovec v Atlanti se dobro spominjam. No, če že ne dobro, pa vsaj deloma. V študentskem domu se je tistegapoletnega dne spontano razvil eden od številnih žurov, ki je postajal vse bolj in bolj spodoben, že kar razposajen. Televizijskegasprejemnika nismo imeli pri roki, zato pa smo, ko je bil na vrsti Brigitin nastop, dali poprej sila glasno glasbo natiho, radio pa na glas. Po uspehih tiste sezone in po preboju v finale je bilo vzdušje napeto, skoraj bi lahko rekel – nogometnonavijaško. Ko je pritekla skozi cilj, so se po okolici razlegali, pri čemer mi sploh ni treba pretiravati, huronski kriki. Nazdravilismo, tako kot že kdove kolikokrat tistega dne, in bili eden pametnejši od drugega. Naši komentarji so bili že kmaluzelo mešani – po eni strani je seveda vladalo navdušenje, po drugi pa je bilo tudi precej nejevolje, da se stvari niso izšle šebolje; ljudje pač nismo nikoli povsem zadovoljni.A Brigita s tem ni imela nikoli težav, ne neposredno po nastopu ne kdajkasneje. 31. julija 1996 je tedaj 26-letna ljubljanska atletinja odtekla teksvojega življenja – z osebnim rekordom 12,59 je v olimpijskem finaluženskega teka na 100 metrov z ovirami osvojila srebro, kar je bila prvaslovenska atletska medalja na tem največjem športnem dogodku nasploh.Le stotinko hitreje od nje je tekla Ljudmila Engquist, ki je že l. 1991 osvojilanaslov svetovne prvakinje – takrat je še z dekliškim priimkom Narožilenkotekmovala za rojstno Rusijo oz. tedanjo Sovjetsko zvezo. Atletinja, ki jepo poroki dobila švedsko državljanstvo, je bila pred tem zaradi dopingakaznovana s prepovedjo nastopanja, težave z dopingom pa je imela tudikasneje. A ugibanja, kako bi se za Brigito stvari v Atlanti iztekle, če ne bitekmovala proti tekmici, ki si je pred tem že pomagala na prepovedanenačine, so vsem drugim bolj burila domišljijo kot njej sami. Odličja je bilapreveč vesela, da bi se ukvarjala s takimi mislimi. In kolikor jo poznam, nebi bilo nič drugače, če ga ne bi osvojila. Ker preprosto ni tak človek.Ko sem jo kakšna dva tedna po osvojitvi olimpijske medalje srečal na atletskemstadionu v Šiški, kjer sem kot atlet tudi sam prebil marsikatero uro, jebila takšna kot vselej – dobrovoljna, odprta, do vseh prijazna. Olimpijske medaljeso vsega spoštovanja vredna stvar, a tisto, kar dela uspešne športnikezares velike, je osebnost. Zaradi osebnosti so jo bržkone tudi bralci revije Janav olimpijskem letu 1996 okronali z nazivom »Slovenka leta«. Glede na vedrino,ki jo izžareva, je šel naziv v prave roke. Prav vedrina in »nekompliciranost«sta lastnosti, ki sta Brigito Bukovec nemara najbolj zaznamovali. »Seveda semtrdo trenirala,« pravi ob spominih na tisti čas, »in pazila pri prehrani, še splohv času priprave na tekme, a po nepotrebnem nisem nikoli komplicirala.« Karje verjetno močno povezano tudi z njenim trenerjem, Jurijem Kastelicem.»Športniki in trenerji so pogosto čisto nesrečni, če jim ne uspe do pičiceuresničiti načrtovanega treninga, in se planov oklepajo kot pijanec plota. PriJuretu ni bilo nikoli tako. Bil je odličen trener in tudi odličen psiholog, za karima verjetno zasluge tudi njegova žena, po poklicu psihologinja.

1991VčasihBRIGITA BUKOVECsem prišla na trening in dan nekako ni bilpravi. Pa me Jure ni nikoli silil naj treniram. ’Gremoraje na kavo, bomo že jutri,‘ je rekel ob takih priložnostih.Vedno je bil zelo pomirjujoč. Naslednjidan sem res brez težav opravila trening.«Brigita pravi, da brez Jurija Kastelica v športune bi dosegla niti približno toliko, kot je. »Pa nastarše, ki so mi vedno stali ob strani, ne da bi sevtikali vame, ne smem pozabiti, in na Alenkotudi ne,« pravi, »tudi brez nje bi bilo marsikajdrugače.« Govora je o Alenki Bikar, nekdanjišprinterki in sedanji poslanki v državnemzboru. »Ja, še vedno sva redno na zvezi,« pravi,»skoraj vsak dan se slišiva.« Bikarjeva, polfinalistkatreh olimpijskih iger in dobitnica srebra vteku na 200 metrov na evropskem dvoranskemprvenstvu l. 2000, je prav tako trenirala podKasteličevim mentorstvom. »Včasih, ko Jure nimogel priti na trening, bi sama morda napravilatrening le deloma ali pa bi ga kar izpustila. Vtem pogledu sem dolžna Alenki posebno zahvalo.Ona na kaj takega ni hotela niti pomislitiin potem sva družno napravili trening v celoti.«1997 2000»Zaslugo« posebne vrste, da je Bukovčeva vdrugi polovici 90-ih let osvajala medalje nanajvečjih atletskih tekmovanjih, ima tudi njenprvi šport, gimnastika. Kako jo je opustila, jedanes že po malem ponarodela stvar – potemko ji je trenerka kot 12-letnici primazalaklofuto, jo je vse minilo. Kmalu zatem jo je nanekem šolskem krosu opazil Kastelic, trener priAtletskem klubu Olimpija, ki je imel kot izkušentrener izjemno oko za športno talentiranemlade ljudi. In tudi poseben smisel za delo znjimi. »Treniranje je zahtevna stvar, in če menevprašate, je treniranje žensk še posebej težko,«pravi z nasmehom. »Jure je bil izjemno prilagodljivin zato smo se zelo lepo ujeli. Nekoč smobili na primer na pripravah na Martiniqueju, anam ni nikjer uspelo najti dvorane z utežmi,brez katerih v atletiki težko shajate. Pa smoenostavno dvigovali drug drugega, potempa smo obremenitev povečevali tako, da smoprazne plastične kante in plastenke od vodenapolnili s peskom. Mislim, da so bili ti treningienako koristni, kot če bi jih delali na najboljmodernih fitnes napravah, morda pa še bolj,saj je bilo vzdušje zelo sproščeno.«Nadarjenost za tek čez ovire, ki zahtevasvojevrstno kombinacijo šprinterske hitrosti,koordinacije in občutka za ritem, je hitrodokazala, a odločitvi za vrhunsko atletiko jebotrovalo šele bronasto odličje, ki ga je l. 1989osvojila na evropskem mladinskem prvenstvuv Varaždinu. »To je bila za olimpijsko medaljopravzaprav moja najpomembnejša uvrstitev,šele takrat sem se odločila za poklicno športnopot. Pred tem sem bila na sprejemnih izpitihljubljanske Fakultete za šport, a sem se natoodločila za atletiko.«71

BRIGITA BUKOVECZa zaključek tekmovalne kariere se je odločiladobro desetletje zatem, l. 2000, ko je lovila normoza olimpijski nastop. A v Sydneyju – tam bi bilza Barcelono l. 1992, kjer je nabirala izkušnje, inAtlanto, kjer je zablestela, njen tretji olimpijskinastop – je ni bilo. Pred tem je bila dvakratoperirana in njena pripravljenost ni bila več naželenem nivoju. Za razliko od mnogih športnikov,ki imajo po športni upokojitvi težave, pogrešajočnekdanji način življenja, s tem ni imela nobenihproblemov. »Z doseženim sem bila zadovoljna,poleg tega pa je bilo tako življenje zelo naporno,pri čemer treninga skoraj nimam v mislih. So pabile zelo naporne nenehne obveznosti do sponzorjev,medijev, Olimpijskega komiteja, nenehnapotovanja … V tekmovalni sezoni prebiješ kotšportnik več časa na letališčih in v hotelih kotkje drugje. Za mano je bilo 17, 18 let športnegaživljenja, posebej zadnja leta zelo zahtevnega.»Niti en sam danpo odhodu sšportnega prizoriščanisem pogrešalanekdanjega življenja,pa čeprav sem vnjem zelo uživala.«Ampak te stvari sem imela sama pri sebi že prejrazčiščene. Vedela sem, da stvari ne morejo trajativ nedogled.«Odločitvi sta botrovali tudi operaciji, ob katerih soji zdravniki povedali, da bi utegnila imeti težavez zanositvijo. A jih na srečo ni imela. Že leto pokoncu kariere se jima je s partnerjem Željkom rodilAndraž, ki ima danes 11 let, tri leta zatem pa šeAleksander. L. 2001 je tudi ustanovila svojo atletskošolo, ki je vpisovala tudi najmlajše, predšolskeotroke, s katerimi se tedaj ni ukvarjal noben atletskiklub pri nas. »Ne, vrhunsko treniranje me ninikoli zanimalo in tako deluje tudi moja atletskašola: otroke na nevsiljiv način, skozi igro, naučimoosnov atletike, nato pa se sami odločijo, kaj bodopočeli.« Nekateri od otrok, ki so se osnov učili prinjej, dosegajo danes v mladinskih kategorijahodlične rezultate in morda bo kdo od njih stopalpo podobno uspešnih poteh kot ona nekoč.Morda se bosta na tej poti znašla tudi njena fanta,ki sta se v atletiki brez posebnega treninga žeizkazala, sedaj pa ju okupira predvsem nogomet.»Fino se mi zdi, če se otroci ukvarjajo s športom,kakršnimkoli že. Sem pa natančno zadnja mama,ki bi svoje otroke v nekaj silila. Če pomislim, da bikdo mene silil v atletiko, lahko samo rečem, da nebi v njej nikoli nič dosegla.« Za to, da bi dvomil vnjene besede, nimam niti najmanjšega razloga.72

BRIGITA BUKOVECBrigita Bukovec,Winner of Olympic SilverTEXT: MarjaN žiberna PHOTOGRAPHY: aleš fevžerI remember Brigita Bukovec’s performance in Atlanta very well. Well, perhaps not very well, but I definitely remember parts of it. Thatsummer day, a spontaneous party (one of many) had developed in the student halls of residence and was becoming increasinglylively. We didn’t have a television, but when it was time for Brigita’s race, we turned the music from extremely loud down to amuch lower volume and turned up the radio. After Brigita’s many successes that season and her qualification for the final, theatmosphere was tense – almost as tense as during a football match. Without exaggeration, as she ran over the finish line, the hallsresounded with boisterous, triumphant shouts. We toasted – another in a long line of toasts that day – and suddenly everyonewas an expert on running. Our reactions were mixed: on the one hand, we were overjoyed, but on the other, many of us wished thatthings had turned out even better. It is a fact of life that people are never satisfied with what they have.However, that is not something that Brigita herself has ever had problemswith, either directly after the race or later. On 31 July 1996, the Ljubljanabornathlete, then 26 years of age, ran the race of her life. Competing in theOlympic final of the women’s 100m hurdles, she set a personal record of12.59 and won silver – the first Olympic medal ever to be won by a Slovenianin athletics. Brigita was beaten to the gold medal by a mere hundredth ofa second by Ludmila Engquist. In 1991, Engquist – competing as LudmilaNarozhilenko, her maiden name – had won the World Championship for hernative Soviet Union. She obtained Swedish citizenship when she got married;prior to that, she had been banned from competing over doping chargesand was also accused of doping later on in her career. There were varioustheories on how Brigita might have done in Atlanta if she had not beencompeting against an athlete known to have used illegal performanceenhancingdrugs in the past; it seemed that the only person not interestedin the subject was Brigita herself. She was far too happy about her medal todeal with such thoughts. And from what I know of her, I can safely say thatit would have been exactly the same even if she had not won a medal. She isjust not that kind of person.About a fortnight after her Olympic success, I ran into her in the athletics stadiumin Šiška, where I spent many an hour as an athlete myself. She was the same asalways – cheerful, open and friendly to everyone. While an Olympic medal isundeniably an important achievement, the thing that makes successful athletestruly great is their personality. It was likely Brigita’s personality that led readers ofJana Magazine to crown her Slovenia’s Woman of the Year in the Olympic yearof 1996. Considering her cheerful and positive nature, the title went to the rightperson. Cheerfulness and a disinclination to complicate things are probably thetwo characteristics that best describe Brigita Bukovec.73


“Obviously I trained hard,” she says, remembering those days, “and I watched mydiet, especially while preparing for the runs, but I always tried to keep things simple.”This is probably due in no small part to her trainer, Jurij Kastelic. “For manyathletes and trainers, it’s the end of the world if they can’t go through every singledetail of their training. They are not willing to change their plans at all. It wasnever like that with Jure. He was an excellent trainer and a great psychologist aswell – probably thanks in part to his wife, a professional psychologist. SometimesI would come in for training and just wasn’t having a good day. Jure never forcedme to train. ‘Let’s just go for some coffee, we can train tomorrow,’ he would say onsuch occasions. He always had a very calming effect on me. I would never haveany problems going through with the training the following day.”BRIGITA BUKOVECBrigita says that without Jurij Kastelic she would never have achieved as muchas she did in sports. “Of course I mustn’t forget my parents, who always stoodby me without interfering, and then there is Alenka,” Brigita says. “Without her,a lot of things would have been different as well.” She means Alenka Bikar, theformer sprinter and now a member of parliament. “Yes, we are still in touch,”Brigita says. “We talk almost every day.” Bikar, a semi-finalist at three OlympicGames and winner of the silver medal in the 200m run at the European IndoorChampionships in 2000, also trained under Kastelic. “Sometimes when Jurewas unable to make it to a session, I probably would have gone through onlya part of the training or even skipped it entirely if left to my own devices. Thatis why I owe special thanks to Alenka. She wouldn’t even hear of it, and wealways ended up going through the entire training together.”A special kind of credit for the medals that Bukovec won in the late 1990s atvarious major athletics competitions goes to her first sport: gymnastics. Thestory of how she gave up gymnastics is now practically common knowledge:after she was slapped as a 12-year-old by her trainer, she lost interest. Soonafterwards, she was spotted at a school running competition by Kastelic, anexperienced Olimpija Athletic Club trainer with a particular gift for spottingtalented young athletes as well as for working with them. “Training peopleis a difficult business, especially when it comes to women, in my opinion,”Kastelic says with a smile. “Jure was always very flexible and we got on reallywell. When we were in Martinique for sports preparation, for instance, wecouldn’t find an arena with weights anywhere, and it is difficult to train withoutweights in athletics. So we simply trained by lifting each other and thenincreasing the weight by filling empty plastic containers and water bottles withsand. I’m sure that those sessions were just as effective as if we had trained withthe latest fitness equipment, or maybe even more, because the atmospherewas so relaxed.”Brigita soon showed a marked talent for hurdles, a discipline that requires aunique combination of sprinting speed, coordination and rhythm, but her decisionto become a professional athlete was not finalised until 1989, when she wonbronze at the European Junior Championships in Varaždin. “After the Olympicmedal, this was the most important result I ever achieved, because it was thething that made me choose a professional career in sports. Prior to that, I sat theentrance exams at the Faculty of Sport in Ljubljana, but then I chose athletics.”It was over a decade later, in 2000, that she decided to end her competitivecareer while trying to make the Olympic team. The Games in Sydney wouldhave been her third after Barcelona in 1992, where she gained experience, andAtlanta in 1996, where she triumphed; but she never appeared in Sydney. Shehad gone through two surgeries and was no longer in peak physical condition.Unlike many athletes who struggle after retiring from sports and miss the oldway of life, she has never had a problem with it. “I was happy with what I hadachieved. Anyway, life back then was very difficult, and I am not talking aboutthe training. There were the stressful, constant responsibilities to the sponsors,the media and the Olympic Committee, the endless travel… As an athlete duringthe competitive season, you spend more time in airports and hotels thananywhere else. I had been through 17, 18 years of life dedicated to sports – tohighly demanding sports in the last few years. In my mind, I processed everythingin advance. I knew that things can’t go on as they are forever.”After leaving professional sports,I never missed my former life evenfor a single day, even though Ihad thoroughly enjoyed it atthe time.Her decision was in part due to the surgeries, after which the doctors told hershe might have difficulties getting pregnant. Fortunately, that was not thecase; just a year after ending her career, Brigita and partner Željko welcomedAljaž – now 11 – and Aleksander 3 years later. In 2001, Brigita founded a schoolof athletics that admitted even preschoolers, something that no other athleticclub in Slovenia did at the time. “No, I was never interested in competitive training.My school of athletics works on a different principle: we teach childrenthe basics of athletics through play, in a friendly and enjoyable manner. Afterthat, it is up to them to decide what they want to do.” Some of the childrenwho learnt the basics in Brigita’s school are now achieving top results in juniorcategories. Perhaps one of them will repeat her former success.There might even be a career in athletics for her sons – they seem to excel at itwith no particular training, but at the moment they are mostly preoccupiedwith football. “I think it is great if children do sports, no matter which sport itmight be. But I am very far from being one of those mothers who force theirchildren into things. If I imagine someone forcing me to take up athletics, Ican say with all certainty that I would never have achieved anything in sport.”There is not the slightest reason to doubt her words.75

074LOLITABESEDILO: Alja bukovec FOTOGRAFIJE: Iztok DimcSodobno oblikovanje, vpeto v duhmeščanske tradicije

Lolita se je prebila v ožji izbor finalistov zanagrado »Restaurant & Bar Design Award«,ki jo vsako leto podeljujejo najboljšimoblikovnim rešitvam iz celega sveta. Nagradebodo na slavnostni prireditvi podeliliseptembra v Londonu.77

lolitaNa enega tistih muhastih aprilskih dni v begu pred dežjemzavijem s Tromostovja na desni breg Ljubljanice. Tamskozi velika bela okna obljublja zavetje kavarna. Vstopimin se najprej zaletim v skupino štirih japonskih turistk, kinavdušeno slikajo vsepovprek. Navsezadnje se le usedejo zaeno izmed miz in z zanimanjem pogledujejo na dogajanjeokoli SEBE. Pridušeno ozadje sproščenih pogovorov se mešaz glasbo in tihim brnenjem kavnega avtomata v ozadju. Menepa vonj po kavi in pogled na vitrino z umetelno pripravljenimisladicami vseh vrst v trenutku poneseta stran od vsakdanjihskrbi k slajšim radostim življenja. Samo za petnajst minut,potem pa zares odhitim naprej ...Prostor pregrehe se imenuje Lolita. Lolita, kot že kar kultno delo pisateljaVladimirja Nabokova, ki s svojo škandalozno vsebino pretresa svet vse odsvojega izida leta 1955. Kontroverzna zgodba o 12-letni deklici in profesorjuHumbertu Humbertu je največkrat opisana kot literarni prvenec ingreh hkrati. Lolita se torej vseskozi giblje po tanki meji med nedolžnim inprepovedanim. Kot tiste male sladke pregrehe v vitrini kavarne.Obiskovanje kavarn je bil priljubljen del družabnega življenja Ljubljančanovin sega nazaj tja v avstroogrske čase, ko je bil tip dunajske kavarnerazširjen po celi monarhiji. V kavarne so gospe in gospodje prihajali bratčasopise in revije, tam so se zbirali, debatirali, opazovali in prisluhnilipogovoru za sosednjo mizo.Lolita nadaljuje to tradicijo. Nahaja se v Filipovem dvorcu na desnem breguLjubljanice. Stavba je bila zgrajena leta 1897 v obdobju živahne gradnje porušilnem potresu leta 1895. V tistem času je bila v pritličju Mayrjeva kavarna.Skozi velika okna kavarne so gostje že takrat med srkanjem kave opazovaliživahno nabrežje. Stene kavarne so bile okrašene s štukaturami, okrog mizso plesali Thonetovi stoli, in gostje so si lahko krajšali čas tudi z igro biljarda.Že več deset let je na mestu nekdanje Mayrjeve kavarne trgovina Dom,medtem ko je v prostorih nekdanjega skladišča in majhne trgovine s semenileta 2011 odprla vrata nova kavarna, ki se z nostalgijo spominja preteklosti injo s sodobnim oblikovalskim jezikom vnaša v sedanjost.Prenovo sta lastnika zaupala projektantom arhitekturnega biroja Trije arhitektiv sodelovanju z oblikovalko Jagodo Jejčič. Avtorji so na mestu bivšegaskladišča prepoznali kvaliteto, ki jo dajejo sama lokacija v palači ob reki indimenzije prostora, ter z novo vsebino obogatili tovrstno ponudbo v mestu.Mimoidoče povabijo v notranjost velika historična okna, ki omogočajostalno komunikacijo s promenado ob Ljubljanici in prostor izdatnoosvetlijo. Stene so kombinacija različnih materialov in tekstur, ki se ujemajov sorodnih barvnih odtenkih. Razkrita tekstura starega opečnatega zidu,pobarvana v vijoličnem odtenku na končnih dveh stenah, se stika z78

LOLITAzaobljenim zaključkom svetlikajočega se rožnatega spatolata. Na njem sesvetloba, ki prihaja skozi velika okna, lomi in prostor še dodatno osvetli.Prostor zaznamujeta nasprotni oblikovno poudarjeni ravnini tal in stropa.Tla so preplet več kot sto let starega parketa z novim, ki se kot niti v različnihodtenkih prepletajo v vzorcu ribje kosti. Več kot pet metrov nad tlemije razkrit star obokan strop. Krasijo ga detajli iz Gustave Doréjevega StvarjenjaEve, alegorije Venere in Apolona, ter na sredini portret oblikovalke.Ujeti so v kotiljone, damske prtičke, ki so jih nekoč ljubljanske gospodičnena plesih pripenjale svojim soplesalcem.Med ravninama so pohištveni elementi, šank in vitrine s sladicami, oblikovanikot nalaganje vodoravnih plasti v vzdolžni smeri, ki ob vstopu vprostor usmerijo obiskovalca v levo ali desno. Klop ob oknih je položenana železne nosilce, ki se elegantno spuščajo s stropa. Le-ti zopet poudarijovertikalno dimenzijo prostora ter povežejo ravnini tal in stropa. Na klopiin okoli nje plešejo svoj ples blazine različnih vzorcev in barv. Okoli miz, vkaterih lahko ujamemo odsev poslikanega stropa, so razporejeni kultni kavarniškistoli Thonet št. 214 v beli barvi in za piko na i še nekaj tistih zavitihšt. 214 K v črni. Ob opečnati steni kraljuje zofa slovenske oblikovalke NikeZupanc iz kolekcije »La femme et la maison«. V družbi črnih češenj visinad njo s stropa unikaten lestenec v obliki križa, ki na steno za seboj mečesenco v obliki kroga. Gre le za Lolito.Iz kamenčkov preteklosti in sedanjosti so oblikovalci ustvarili živ mozaik, kiponuja obiskovalcem specifičen segment družabnega mestnega življenja.Prostor se s svojo močno oblikovno identiteto uspešno vključuje v okolicoin se naslanja na vedno živahno obrežje Ljubljanice.Še en razlog več, da se dobimo s prijatelji, opazujemo ljudi na ulici in zasosednjo mizo, preberemo časopis in za trenutek ustavimo čas v vrtincuvsakdanjih obveznosti. Vonj po svežih piškotih, čokoladi, vaniliji, kavi inčaju pa bo vsakič znova popestril kakšen na novo odkrit detajl.Kavarniška klasika Thonetov stolšt. 14 velja za ikono in najboljprodajan stol na svetu vse dodanes. Njegovi začetki segajo vsredino devetnajstega stoletja,ko je nemško-avstrijski mizarMichael Thonet (1796–1871) razvilin izpopolnil tehniko krivljenjalesa. Zaradi hitre izdelave,sprejemljive cene in enostavneoblike je kmalu postal uspešnica.Med letoma 1859 in 1930 je biloprodanih 50 milijonov stolov. Toje bil začetek serijske izdelavepohištva in modernegapohištva nasploh. Stol št. 14,sedaj z imenom št. 214, še vednoizdelujejo v tovarni Thonet.79

LOLITALolita has been shortlisted as one of the finalists for theRestaurant & Bar Design Award, given every year for thebest design solutions throughout the world. The awardceremony will be held in September in London.LolitaModern Design Combinedwith Old City TraditionTEXT: Alja Bukovec PHOTOGRAPHY: iztok DimcTrying to escape from the rain on one of those capriciousApril days, I cross the Tromostovje triple bridge to theright bank of the Ljubljanica. I can see the large whitewindows of a café promising warmth and shelter. ASSOON AS I ENTER, I STUMBLE INTO A SMALL GROUP OF JAPANESETOURISTS EXCITEDLY TAKING PICTURES OF EVERYTHING IN SIGHT.FINALLY, THEY SIT DOWN AT ONE OF THE TABLES AND STARTOBSERVING THE HUSTLE AND BUSTLE AROUND THEM WITH KEENINTEREST. The drone of relaxed conversation mingleswith music and the muted buzzing of the coffee makerin the background. Meanwhile, the smell of coffee andsight of the glass display cabinet filled with beautifullydecorated desserts of all kinds instantly transport meaway from everyday cares to the sweeter things in life.Just fifteen minutes and then I really have to go …This place of sweet temptation is called Lolita, like the cult Vladimir Nabokovnovel whose scandalous storyline has been shocking the world since itsoriginal publication in 1955. The controversial story of a 12-year-old girl andProfessor Humbert Humbert is usually described as both a literary masterpieceand a sin. Lolita dances on the thin line between the innocent and theprohibited – just like those sweet little vices in the café display cabinet.Meeting in cafés has always been a popular pastime and an important part ofsocial life in Ljubljana. The custom dates back to the time of the Austro-HungarianMonarchy, when coffeehouses in the Viennese tradition first sprung upthroughout the entire country. A café was where ladies and gentlemen wouldcome to read newspapers and magazines, socialise, hold lengthy debates,watch other people and eavesdrop on conversations at other tables.Lolita carries on this fine tradition. You will find it in Filipov dvorec (Philip Mansion)on the right bank of the Ljubljanica. The building itself was built in 1897,during a time of rapid reconstruction after the catastrophic earthquake of 1895that demolished much of the city. At that time, the ground floor housed theMayr Café. Some things were the same as today: guests liked to sit at the largewindows and look out on the bustling embankment while they sipped theircoffee. The café walls were decorated with stucco, the tables were surroundedby charming Thonet chairs and guests could play a game of billiards to pass thetime. The Mayr Café is no longer there; in its place, you will find the Dom shop.Meanwhile, the rooms that were once used for storage and later housed a small80

A coffeehouse classic, the No. 14Thonet chair is an icon and hasremained the best-selling chairworldwide until the presentday. Its beginnings date backto the mid-19th century, whenMichael Thonet (1796-1871), aGerman-Austrian cabinet maker,developed and perfected thetechnique of bending wood.Thanks to its rapid production,affordable price and simpleshape, the chair soon became ahit. From 1859 to 1930, 50 millionNo. 14 chairs were sold. It wasthe beginning of serialfurniture production andmodern furniture in general.The No. 14 chair, now known asNo. 214, is still manufacturedby Thonet today.LOLITAseed shop were converted into a new café in 2011 – a café with a certain spirit ofnostalgia combined with cutting edge design for a touch of modernity.The renovation was planned by the Trije arhitekti architecture bureau in collaborationwith designer Jagoda Jejčič. They recognised the special qualityinherent in the former storage rooms thanks to their dimensions and the enviablelocation in a mansion by the river. Soon, the city boasted a new additionto its range of cafés and bars.The large historic windows catch the attention of passers-by, provide a channelof communication between the interior and the embankment and let inplenty of natural light. The walls are covered with a selection of various materialsand textures coming together in a unified colour scheme. The roughertexture of the two end walls, where the exposed brick is painted a light shadeof purple, is combined with the rounded, glossy finish of pink spatolato. Theuneven surface scatters the light coming in through the large windows andmakes the space even brighter.The space is distinguished by two opposing, uniquely designed planes: the floorand the ceiling. The floor is a combination of over a century old hardwood andnew flooring; the two are weaved together like different coloured threads intoa herringbone pattern. More than 5 m above the floor, you see the exposedvaulted ceiling. It is decorated with a detail from Gustave Doré’s “The Creationof Eve”, an allegory of Venus and Apollo, and, in the very centre, a portrait of thedesigner. The images are framed in “kotiljoni” – ladies’ doilies once traditionallypinned on their dancing partners by the young ladies of Ljubljana.The furniture elements between these two planes – the bar and glass displaycabinets filled with desserts – are stacked in horizontal layers, directing theguest to the left or right from the entrance. The bank along the windows issupported by iron bars that descend elegantly from the ceiling. Highlightingthe vertical dimension of the room, they link the two horizontal surfaces ofthe floor and ceiling. The bank is padded with cheerful cushions in a rangeof fabrics, patterns and colours. Reflecting the painted ceiling, the tablesare surrounded by a cult café staple: No. 214 Thonet chairs in white, with afew black No. 214K chairs – the knotted ones – thrown in for good measure.A sofa from the “La femme et la maison” collection created by Sloveniandesigner Nika Zupanc commands your attention from its strategic positionalongside one of the exposed brick walls. It is illuminated by black cherrylamps and a one-of-a-kind cross-shaped chandelier that throws a roundshadow on the wall behind it. This is Lolita.Combining colourful stones from the past and the present, the designers havecreated a living mosaic that gives visitors to this café a unique insight into aspecific segment of the city’s social life. With its strong design identity, the caféhas been successfully integrated into its surroundings and has become a partof the bustling Ljubljanica embankment.Another reason, then, to meet with friends, watch the people walking by orsitting at the next table, read the paper and relax for a moment out of thewhirlwind of everyday life. As you enjoy the scent of freshly baked biscuits,chocolate, vanilla, coffee and tea, you can count on noticing a new detail inthe space at your every visit.81

080!<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> v sodelovanjus turističnimi agencijamiKompas, Intelekta, Palma Celje letina Lefkas/Prevezo enkrat tedensko.

BESEDILO: SAŠA SUHADOLNIK FOTOGRAFIJA: getty images, Manca VilfanlefkasRaj, kjer se ustavi časLefkas je že zato nekaj posebnega, ker je edini grški otok, na katerega selahko pripeljete kar z avtom. Življenje na otoku se tu odvija v sebi lastnemritmu. Večeri za obloženo mizo s kozarčkom ouza (grškega janeževega žganja)so obvezni (kriza gor ali dol!), edini semafor na otoku še zdaj ne dela instare gospe v večni črnini se naokoli še vedno prevažajo kar na osličkih. Naulicah optimistični »ola kala«, ali po naše »vse v redu«, odmeva enako glasnokot leta poprej. Na Lefkasu se čas res ustavi.83

lefkas: raj, kjer se ustavi časNaravne lepote in preprostostživljenja ter gostoljubnihdomačinov so tisto, karprepriča vsakega popotnika,da se vedno znova rad vračana majhen grški otoček Lefkas,ki leži kot neizbrušendiamant sredi prelepegaJonskega morja.Preko mostu do plažPrva zanimivost, ki zbudi našo pozornost ob prihodu na otok, je premičnimost, povezan s celino. Star je le dobrih dvajset let in vsako uro ga dvignejo,zavrtijo ter spustijo mimo čakajoče barke. Še ne dolgo nazaj je ta mostdan za dnem ročno dvigovala gospa Vera. Ta žilava Grkinja je še danes zeloaktivna, zato so domačini prepričani, da je prav njena nenavadna službapravi recept za dolgo življenje. Delo brez stresa, liter odličnega domačegaoljčnega olja na teden in vsakdanjik z veliko smeha in sonca – da, to jemorda ključ do večnega življenja.»Kalos irthate«, ali »dobrodošli«, zaslišiš, ko enkrat prečkaš most, tik predenti ob razgledu na modro in belo v vseh možnih odtenkih zastane srce. Lefkasuso grški bogovi poklonili res sanjske plaže. Karibi, Sejšeli, Maldivi lahkokar predajo tekmo. Plaže – ena lepša od druge – so skalnate, peščene,prodnate. Večina je težko dostopnih, a ravno zato tako prvinsko lepih. Mednjimi še posebej izstopa Porto Katsiki, plaža, ki je bila večkrat izbrana zaeno izmed najlepših na svetu. Ko jo prvič vidiš, razumeš, zakaj. »Te plaže sores čarobne,« mi pritrdi tudi Kostas, lastnik ene izmed simpatičnih tavernv bližini plaže, in pomežikne. Izda mi skrivnost, da je letos celo gostil par,ki je svoji hčerki prvič pokazal plažo, na kateri je bila spočeta. NekaterimLefkas celo spremeni življenje.Tudi zgodovina tega romantičnega otoka nam pove, da so se tu pisale mnogeljubezenske zgodbe. V eni izmed njih se je iz čudovitih belih pečin, pokaterih je otok tudi dobil ime (lefko pomeni bel) zaradi neuslišane ljubezniv peneče se valove vrgla slavna grška pesnica Sapfo. Za marsikatero dekle,ki obišče ta otok danes, ni nesreča nič manj huda, saj postavni lokalni fantje,poimenovani »kamakiji« (beseda prikladno pomeni harpuno), zlahka strejožensko srce. Zato upam, da vsaj tiste, ki si romantični Lefkas izberejo za svojoporočno lokacijo, čaka lepša prihodnost.Onassis, sveta vladarLefkas je na svojo lepšo prihodnost potrpežljivo čakal vrsto let. Na žalostali na srečo otok dolgo ni bil odkrit, četudi so arheologi tu našli ostanke,ki pričajo o tem, da je bil morda prav Lefkas Odisejeva Itaka. Žal je bilazgodovina zapisana drugače in danes uživa slavo drug otok.84

lefkas: raj, kjer se ustavi časA kar ni uspelo Odiseju, je kasneje uspelo drugemu, še bolj razvpitemujunaku. Leta 1968 se je na Lefkasu pojavil znameniti grški ladjar AristotelOnassis, v tistih časih najbogatejši človek na svetu. Nedaleč stran od Lefkasasi je ob poroki s slavno Jackie Kennedy kupil otok Scorpios in ga v nekajletih spremenil v zasebni paradiž. Onassis je imel željo, da bi na otokuužival mirno družinsko življenje, a tega ni dočakal. Na Lefkas so kmalu prišliprvi »paparaci«, zatem prvi popotniki in otok se je začel turistično razvijati.Domačini na Lefkasu sprva niso bili navdušeni nad novodošlim tajkunom.Kmalu pa so ugotovili, da lahko s turizmom dobro zaslužijo, pa tudiOnassis je daroval precejšnje količine denarja za razvoj in šole na otoku. Vzahvalo mu zato stoji tudi kip v enem izmed pristanišč. Pol stoletja kasnejeotočanom njegovo ime še vedno prinaša zaslužek, saj z Lefkasa plujejoladjice, ki zaokrožijo tudi okrog Scorpiosa, tako da je moč videti vile, bazenin teniška igrišča – razkošje, ki Onassisu ni prineslo sreče.Čarobna ladjicaZ Onassisom je povezano tudi zanimivo križarjenje z barko Odisejo. Barkaje upravičeno poimenovana po enem izmed največjih grških junakovin je nekaj posebnega že na pogled, saj je zgrajena po vzoru vikinškihladij. Za sabo ima bogato zgodovino, za krmilom pa kapitana, ki je žeprava legenda. Kapitan Gerasimos, Gerry za prijatelje, je bil namreč žepred Odisejo izkušen pomorski maček, saj je vrsto let delal na Christini O,znameniti Onassisovi jahti. Če ga povprašate, vam bo z veseljem zaupalkak »cukrček« o Ariju, njegovi ženi Jackie, njegovi ljubici, znameniti opernipevki Marii Callas, in številnih drugih slavnih osebah, ki so se v tistemčasu pogosto mudile na Onassisovi jahti.Posebno doživetje je septembrski izlet z Odisejo – to je plovba v časuvsakoletne jonske regate. V tej regati ladjica sicer uradno ne sodeluje, sepa vsa posadka in gostje napravijo v pirate in potem z vodnimi baloni,paradižniki in jajci obmetavajo vse tiste jadrnice, ki nimajo izobešenebele zastave v znak premirja. Smeha je polno, ko se začne bombardiranjenič hudega slutečih udeležencev regate, in nič čudnega torej, danekateri »prijatelji Odiseje« prav zaradi tega doživetja počitnikujejo naLefkasu že več kot dvajset let. Še en razlog več, da se vračaš v raj, kjer seje ustavil čas.85

lefkas: a paradise where time stands stillLefkasA paradise where timestands stillTEXT: SAŠA SUHADOLNIK PHOTOGRAPHY: getty images, MANCA VilfanWhat makes it special is the fact that it is theonly Greek island that can be reached by car. Lifeon the island follows its own unique rhythm.EVENINGS SPENT AT A LADEN TABLE WITH A GLASS OFOUZO (GREEK ANISE-FLAVOURED LIQUOR) ARE A MUST(WHO CARES ABOUT THE CRISIS!), THE ONLY TRAFFICLIGHTS ON THE ISLAND ARE STILL OUT OF ORDER ANDOLD LADIES, ALWAYS DRESSED IN BLACK, CONTINUETO RIDE THEIR DONKEYS. The optimistic “ola kala”(“everything is alright”) echoes just as loudly asbefore. Time truly stands still on Lefkas.!<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> in cooperation with followingtravel agencies: Kompas, Intelekta, Palma Celjeflies to Lefkas/Preveza once a week.Over the Bridge to the BeachesThe first curiosity that attracts our attention upon arrival is the mobile bridgethat is connected to the mainland. Only about twenty years old, it is lifted andturned around every hour to let the waiting ships pass through. Not long ago,it was lifted manually on a daily basis by Mrs. Vera. This tough Greek womanhas been active to this very day. The locals are convinced her extraordinaryprofession constitutes the true recipe for a long life. Work that lacks stress, a litreof excellent home-made olive oil per week and an everyday life with heaps oflaughter and sun – yes, that may be the key to an eternal life.You hear “kalos irthate” or “welcome” as soon as you cross the bridge before theview of white and blue in all possible shades makes your heart stop. The Greekgods have granted Lefkas truly dreamy beaches. The Caribbean, Seychelles andMaldives must surrender immediately. The beaches – one more beautiful thanthe other – are rocky, sandy and gravelly. Most of them are hardly accessible,but this very fact makes them so exquisite. Standing out in particular, the PortoKatsiki beach has been selected as one of the most beautiful beaches in theworld several times. When you see it for the first time, you understand why. Kostas,who owns of one of the most pleasant taverns close to the beach, agrees:“These beaches are truly magical,” he winks. He also reveals a secret: this year,he hosted a couple that for the very first time showed their daughter the beachwhere she had been conceived. Lefkas can really change your life.The history of this romantic island also reminds us that many a love story hasbeen written here. In one of them, unrequited love resulted in the famous Greekpoetess Sappho throwing herself into the frothing waves from the splendidwhite cliffs that gave the island its name (lefko means white). Many younggirls that visit the island today share the same fate, as the well-built local boys,called "kamaki" (which fittingly means a harpoon), can easily break a woman'sheart. Therefore, I hope that a brighter future awaits at least those who havechosen the romantic Lefkas as their wedding destination.Onassis, Ruler of the WorldFor many years, Lefkas waited patiently for a brighter future. Unluckily orperhaps luckily, it was not discovered for a very long time, even though archaeologistshave found remains indicating that we might be dealing withOdysseus' Ithaca. Unfortunately, history has been written differently,making another island famous. But what had not been achieved by Odysseushas been achieved by another, even more infamous hero. In 1968, the prominentGreek shipbuilder Aristotle Onassis, the richest man on the planet at the time,arrived to the island. After marrying the famous Jackie Kennedy, he bought thenearby island of Scorpios, turning it into a private paradise in just a few years.Onassis' desire was to enjoy a peaceful family life, which, however, was not tobe. The first “paparazzi” arrived shortly after, followed by the first travellers, andLefkas started to develop its tourism. The locals were not too excited about thenewly-arrived tycoon at first. However, they soon realised that they could makea lot of money from tourism. Onassis also donated rather significant sums ofmoney towards development and education on the island. The locals havethanked him with a statue that has been erected in one of the ports.86

Natural beauty,simplicity of life andhospitable localspersuade everytraveller to returnagain and againto the tiny Greekisland of Lefkas, adiamond in therough in the midstof the remarkablybeautiful Ionic Sea.Half a century later, the locals still make money from his name. Small boats fromLefkas offer sea tours around Scorpios, where you can see villas, a swimmingpool and tennis courts – the luxury that did not bring happiness to Onassis.The Magical ShipThe interesting cruise with the Odysseia is also linked to Onassis. Justifiablynamed after one of the greatest Greek heroes, the ship is special even to look at.It has been modelled on Viking ships. It has a rich history and a true legend of acaptain behind its rudder. Gerasimos or Gerry to his friends was an experiencedseaman before ever boarding the Odysseia, having worked for many years onOnassis' famous yacht Christina O. If you ask him, he will be more than happyto share some “juicy stories” about Ari, his wife Jackie, his mistress, the famousopera singer Maria Callas and numerous other celebrities that often spent timeon Onassis' yacht.The September trip on the Odysseia is a special experience – the cruise takesplace during the yearly Ionic Regatta. The ship is not an official participantin the regatta, but the entire crew and all guests dress themselves as pirates,throwing water balloons, tomatoes and eggs at all sailing boats that do not flya white flag signifying truce. As soon as the bombardment of the unsuspectingregatta participants begins, everyone bursts into laughter, so it will not comeas a surprise that some “friends of the Odysseiaus” have been spending theirholidays on Lefkas for more than twenty years because of this very adventure.Another reason to keep returning to the paradise where time stands still.87

086VražjaTinana brzicahSočeBESEDILO: Carmen LebanFOTOGRAFIJE: Iztok DimcŽe od nekdaj so veljali stereotipi o tem, kaj od tistega, kar najbi bilo »rezervirano« za moške, lahko počnejo tudi ženske. Nasrečo imamo v Sloveniji veliko pogumnih deklet, ki si upajo.Mednje sodi Tina Leban, ki je kot prva Slovenka pridobilalicenco za vodnico raftinga. Tako kot njeni moški kolegi seiz dneva v dan spopada z divjimi brzicami smaragdne Soče inskuša turistom na pristen način pričarati mešanico nepozabnenarave, čudovite reke in ravno pravšnjo mero adrenalina.Odgovornost, strokovni pristop in ocena razmer – to soosnovni pogoji, da raft pripelješ varno do cilja in da so turistizadovoljni.Turisti so nemalokrat presenečeni. »Nas boš peljala ti?« sprašujejo in takojzatem še bolj dvoumno vprašanje: »Pa to počnejo tudi ženske?« »Ja, včasih,a ni nas prav veliko, vsaj med Slovenkami sem edina, ki imam licenco za vodnicoraftinga,« pove Tina, ki jo voda in vse, kar je z njo povezano, navdušuježe od ranega otroštva. Živi v Soški dolini in je večji del poletij preživljala obSoči, plavala, skakala, se potapljala, pa čeprav je reka dokaj mrzla, saj včasihv najbolj vročih dneh doseže le dobrih 17⁰ C. Plavati se je naučila, stara še neštiri leta, in to sama. »V Čateških Toplicah sem stala ob bazenu, v hipu snelarokavčke in se vrgla v kanal z valovi. Sprva sem potonila, potem pa začelauporabljati prave gibe in že naslednji hip spoznala, da plavam. Od tistegatrenutka naprej so bili rokavčki zame preteklost,« pove 21-letna študentkasociologije in kadrovskega menedžmenta, ki ima šport v krvi. Že kmalu povstopu v osnovno šolo je začela trenirati atletiko, pri enajstih letih kajak nadivjih vodah, kasneje na mirnih, in prav v tej disciplini je okusila tudi čarvelikega tekmovanja na evropskem prvenstvu v poljskem Poznańu.

90Tina je dokazala,da se ženske lahkoenakovrednokosamo z moškimitudi v kakšni boljadrenalinskidogodivščini, lezaupati je trebavase in v svojesposobnosti.

VRAŽJA TINA NA BRZICAH SOČEV četrtem letniku gimnazije pa se odloči, datekmovalni šport obesi na klin. »Dovolj je, radabi še malo živela,« sem si rekla in prvič okusilamladost na način, kot ga preživljajo moji vrstniki– brez odrekanja in odpovedovanja, vikendi breztreningov in potenja v fitness klubu.« Kmalu paje spoznala, da bi rada znanje , ki ga je pridobilav kajakaški karieri, delila z drugimi. »Na Sočaraftingu v Bovcu sem povprašala, če potrebujejokoga, ki bi čez poletje poučeval kajak, a so mi namoje veliko presenečenje ponudili delo vodniceraftinga. Nisem veliko pomišljala in izziv takojsprejela. Ko sem med treningi na Soči včasihopazovala, kako vodniki raftinga spretno krmarijomed skalami in razbesnelimi brzicami Soče,sem jih občudovala in bila prepričana, da tegasama nikoli ne bi zmogla.« Prizna, da začetki nisobili lahki. Eno leto uvajanja, opravljanje zahtevnelicence za reševalko iz divjih voda, licence zavodnico raftinga in nenehno dokazovanje, dačeprav je dekle, zmore to, kar zmorejo fantje.»Sedaj je drugače. Čeprav sem ženska, mejemljejo povsem enakovredno. Pomagamo edendrugemu, si izmenjujemo informacije in delimonasvete. V vodi moč ni tako pomembna, kotimajo nekateri napačno prepričanje. Poznavanjevode in zakonitosti, ki jih moraš upoštevati, sotisto, kar nekaj velja. Imela sem veliko prednost,ker sem te vrline osvojila že pri treniranju kajaka.«Za lažje sporazumevanje so celo skale v reki innekatere vrste brzic dobile svoja imena, kot sodenimo Manhattan, Sračje gnezdo, Šilček ... Maloprovokativno jo vprašam, če jo je kdaj strah, inna moje presenečenje ustreli kot iz topa: »Predvsako ’furo’ (vožnjo). Prepričana sem sicer vasein v to, da zmorem, vedno pa me skrbi, kakšneljudi bom imela na čolnu – bodo veslali, bodoupoštevali moja navodila? Nekajkrat sem peljalatudi skupino, v kateri so bila sama dekleta, in povedatimoram, da se niso nič slabše odrezala kotfantje. Priznam, da sem včasih kar stroga, in čeje treba, povzdignem tudi glas. Disciplina tistih,ki veslajo, je ključna, jaz pa sem odgovorna zanjihovo varnost. Preden startamo, jim natančnorazložim, kako ravnati v primeru, če bi se prevrnili.Meni se to še ni zgodilo in včasih mi kdo reče,da nisem prava raftarka, podobno, kot pravijo, danisi voznik, dokler ne razbiješ avta. Toda šalo nastran – varnost je na prvem mestu in to striktnoupoštevam. Še posebej smo previdni, ko imamona čolnu otroke. Sama jih posedem poleg sebe,da jih imam na dosegu. Za vsak slučaj sem se,čeprav govorim tudi angleško in nemško, naučilaše nekaj osnovnih komand v češkem, madžarskem,italijanskem in francoskem jeziku pa šekakšnega bo treba dodati. Nekateri se namrečv napadu adrenalina enostavno ne spomnijopomena besed v zanje tujem jeziku.«Tina večino poletja – od junija, ko se zaključijopredavanja na fakulteti, do konca septembra –preživi na Soči in dokaj delavno. Na oddih obmorju pa še pomisli ne. »Priznam, da je naporno,a to rada delam, zato je vse lažje. Ni prav enostavnoizpeljati tudi tri vožnje na dan in biti na vodiod desete do osemnajste ure, saj včasih nimašniti toliko časa, da bi kaj pojedel. A če so gostjezadovoljni, je trud poplačan. Letošnjo sezono polegdela v Soča raftingu pomagam tudi v športniagenciji Sport mix, kar je zame posebna izkušnja,saj sem se poleg vožnje s timonom (fiksiranokrmilo) naučila voditi raft tudi z veslom, kar jenekoliko bolj zahtevno. Celo življenje se učimo,zato sem hvaležna tudi za to izkušnjo.«Še posebej zanimiv pa je zaključek sezone,ko se vodniki raftinga iz različnih podjetijpomerijo v raftarskem tekmovanju, ki so gapoimenovali Golden raft. Letos bo že tretje letozapovrstjo nastopila tudi ženska ekipa, v kateriTina gotovo ne bo manjkala. »Vodniki se velikodružimo med seboj in smo prijatelji, kar je tudiprav. Na začetku mojih raftarskih izkušenj sembila nemalo presenečena, ker so me vsi poznali,jaz pa si nisem mogla zapomniti toliko novihobrazov in imen.«Proste urice Tina najraje popestri s športom. Če jele mogoče, vsak dan teče, rada kolesari, posebnoljubezen pa še vedno goji do kajaka. »Najlepše je,ko gremo s prijatelji veslat. Takrat neizmerno uživam,za nameček pa smo sila raznolika druščina, vkateri so tudi Argentinci in Madžari.«Tina je dokazala, da se ženske lahko enakovrednokosamo z moškimi tudi v kakšni bolj adrenalinskidogodivščini, le zaupati je treba vase inv svoje sposobnosti.91

92Tina has proven that women cancompete with men on equal groundeven in more adrenaline-fuelledadventures; one needs only totrust in oneself andone’s abilities.

Devilish Tina on theRapids of the Soča RiverTEXT: Carmen Lebanphotography: iztok dimcStereotypes of what women are allowed to do, activitiesthat are otherwise “in the domain” of men, have been aroundfor quite some time. Fortunately, in Slovenia we have plentyof daring, brave women. One of those is Tina Leban, the firstSlovenian woman to obtain a rafting guide licence. With thesame zeal as her male colleagues, she fights the wild rapidsof the emerald Soča River every day while trying to conjureup in a genuine way the blend of unforgettable nature,the wonderful river and the right amount of adrenalinefor tourists. Responsibility, a professional approach andevaluating the conditions – these are the basic conditionsfor guiding the raft safely to its destination and satisfyingtourist expectations.Tourists are often surprised. “You are taking us?” they ask her and then immediatelypose an even more ambiguous question: “Do women also do this job?”“Yes, sometimes, but there are not a lot of us. At least among Slovenians, I amthe only woman who has a rafting guide licence,” is Tina’s answer. Water andeverything related to it have been her passion since early childhood. She lives inthe Soška Valley and spent most of her summers at the Soča River swimming,diving and free-diving even though the river is relatively cold, barely reaching17°C even on the hottest of days. She learned how to swim all by herselfbefore she turned four. “I was standing next to the pool at the Čateške Toplicethermal spa resort, and I immediately took off my swimming armbands andthrew myself into the wave pool. At first I sank, but I then started using the rightmovements and the next moment realised I was swimming. After that, I neverused the armbands again,” says the 21-year-old student of sociology and humanresources management who has sports in her blood. Soon after enteringprimary school, she started training in athletics, kayaking on white water firstat 11 and later on flat-water. In this discipline, she even experienced the charmof a grand competition at the European Championships in Poznan, Poland.In the 4th grade of high school, she decided to stop participating in competitivesports. “It is enough, I want to experience a little more of life, I said to myself andfor the first time started experiencing youth in the way my peers do – withoutself-denial and austerity, weekends without training and sweating at the gym.”She soon realised she wanted to share the knowledge she obtained duringher kayaking career. “At Soča rafting in Bovec, I asked around if they neededsomebody to coach kayaking during the summer, but to my great surprise, theyoffered me work as a rafting guide. I did not have to think long and immediatelyaccepted the challenge. In the past during training on the Soča River, when Iwatched how the guides skilfully navigate between rocks and the volatile rapidsof the Soča, I always admired them and was certain that I could never do itmyself.” She admits that it was not easy at the beginning. One year of initiation,passing a difficult exam for the white water rescuer licence, obtaining a raftingguide licence and the need to constantly prove that despite being a woman shecan do what men can. “Now it is different. Even though I am a woman, they treatme completely equally. We help one another, exchange information and shareadvice. Strength is not that important in the water, as some falsely believe. Knowingthe water and the rules that you must comply with is what counts. I had abig advantage, because I had already mastered these skills during training forkayaking.” For ease of communication, even the rocks in the river and some typesof rapids were given their own names such as Manhattan, Magpie’s Nest, PencilSharpener, etc. I then asked her a bit of a provocative question: is she ever afraid?To my surprise, she answered at once. “Before every ‘drive’ (ride). I believe in myselfand the fact that I am capable, but I always worry what type of people I will havein the raft – will they paddle, will they listen to my instructions? A few times, Ihave had groups made up only of women, and I must say that they proved to beno worse than men. I admit that sometimes I can be pretty strict, and I can raisemy voice if needed. The discipline of those that are paddling is key, and I am responsiblefor their safety. Before we start, I explain in detail what to do in case wecapsize. This has not happened to me yet and sometimes people joke that I amnot a real rafting guide, just as some say that you are not a real driver until youhave crashed a car. But jokes aside – safety is always first, and I strictly bear thatin mind. We are especially careful if there are children in the raft. I sit them next tome so that they are within my reach. Even though I know English and German,I learned a few basic commands in Czech, Hungarian, Italian and French just incase, and I plan to add a few more languages. When adrenaline is high, somepeople have a hard time remembering the meaning of a word in a languagethat is foreign to them.Tina spends the majority of the summer – from June, when her classes at the facultyend, until September – on the Soča working pretty hard. She does not eventhink about relaxing at the sea. “I admit that it is hard, but I love this work, whichmakes it easier. It is not exactly simple to do three rides a day and be on the waterfrom 10 AM to 6 PM, because sometimes there is not even time to eat. However,if the guests are satisfied, the effort pays off. Besides working in Soča rafting,this season I am also helping at the Sport Mix sports agency, which is a specialexperience for me, because besides in addition to riding with a fixed rudder, I alsolearned how to steer a raft with an oar, which is somewhat more difficult. Welearn throughout our whole lives, which is why I am grateful for this experience.”The end of the season, when the rafting guides from various companies competein a rafting competition called the Golden Raft, is especially interesting.This year, a women’s team will compete for the third time in a row, and Tinais sure not to miss it. “Guides socialise a lot together and we are friends, whichis the right way for it to be. At the start of my rafting experience, I was almostsurprised because everybody knew me, but I found it difficult to memorise somany new faces and names.Tina likes to spend her free time doing sports. If it is possible, she runs every dayand she likes to cycle, but her particular love is still kayaking. “I have the best timewhen I go paddling together with friends. I enjoy myself immensely. What is more,we are a very diverse group, with even a few Argentineans and Hungarians.”Tina has proven that women can compete with men on equal ground evenin more adrenaline-fuelled adventures; one needs only to trust in oneself andone’s abilities.93

09460 LET LJUBLJANJSKEGA POLETNEGA FESTIVALAUmetnikiso jokali dvakrat:BESEDILO: Gorazd DominkoFotografije: Alenka Slavinecob prihodu in odhodu!Poleti je prijetno biti v Ljubljani, sajštevilni odri oživijo s stvaritvamidomačih in tujih vsestranskih umetnikov.Lepo je soustvarjati festival, ki seje z leti razvijal, spreminjal, rasel inpomembno vplival na kulturno življenjev Sloveniji. Sprehod mimo ljubljanskihvedut do sodobnejših Plečnikovihstvaritev, kjer bodo simfoniki zdaj zdajuglasili svoje inštrumente in razgrnilinote običajno največjih skladateljevali tistih, ki bodo to šele postali, jeletno za 8o tisoč domačih in tujih obiskovalcevdoživetje, zaradi katerega sevrtinec vročega festivalskega dogajanjaže šest desetletij vrača na razgretaprizorišča slovenske prestolnice.Z Miklošičeve ulice pobegnili zaradi žvižgov lokomotivKo se je prah 2. svetovne vojne končno polegel, so želeli slovenski kulturnikiin drugi intelektualci vsaj tako zanimivo kot mesta z daljšo festivalskotradicijo popestriti Ljubljano s poletnim festivalom. Za mnoge je bilo namrečobdobje spuščenih zastorov v ljubljanski Operi in baletu, filharmonijiin gledališčih v poletnem času prazno brez glasbenikov, igralcev, plesalcev,likovnikov. Začasne prostorske rešitve v neposredni bližini ljubljanskegakolodvora so našli na Miklošičevi ulici, na dvorišču nekdanjega hotelaMiklič, se spominja Meri Plemenitaš, ki je v organizacijskem odboru odskromnih festivalskih začetkov. Kmalu je postalo jasno, da žvižgi lokomotivniso najboljša spremljava umetnikov, pove v šali, zato so našli ustreznejšiprostor na Trgu francoske revolucije pred nastajajočimi Križankami.Strah zahodnjakov in skepsa vzhodnjakovOrganizacijski odbor je verjel ali vsaj želel, da bi festival postal tradicionalen,zato denar ni imel velike vloge pri porodnih krčih. Veliko je bilo tudiprostovoljcev. Stole je denimo pod taktirko upokojenega generalpolkovnikav zameno za stekleničko sladke pijače, ki je spominjala na tisto z zahoda,nosila in postavljala četica otrok. Sprva so bili dogodki pisani na kožoljubiteljem folklore, kasneje operi in baletu, šele v zadnjih letih komorniglasbi in vrhunskim muzikalom. Vseskozi so prihajale v podpis pogodbe omednarodnem kulturnem sodelovanju. »Vzhodnjakom«, kot jih ljubkovalnopoimenuje Plemenitaševa, je Ljubljana predstavljala okno v svet, zatoso filharmoniki pripeljali s seboj od prve violine do zadnje čistilke, čeravnoso jim bili nenehno za petami agenti KGB.

umetniki so jokali dvakrat»Če bi strahospoštovanjeizginilo, bipomenilo, da nasvse, ki oblikujemoLjubljanskipoletni festival,zapušča željav Slovenijopripeljatinajboljše zdomačih intujih glasbenih,plesnih ingledališkihodrov!«95

UMETNIKI SO JOKALI DVAKRATMeri Plemenitašje enciklopedijafestivala, zato jeskupaj s priznanofotografinjoAlenko Slavinecodstrla prahs festivalskiharhivov, ki sobili osnovaza razstavoob šestdesetiobletnicifestivala vljubljanskemparku Tivoli.96

UMETNIKI SO JOKALI DVAKRATAmeričani, ki so na takratna jugoslovanska tla stopali ob pomoči StateDepartmenta, pa tudi Evropejci na zahodni strani železne zavese so se s»komunisti« rokovali s tresočimi rokami.Z največjimi najmanj težavA tako prvi kot drugi so jokali dvakrat. Prvič, ko so prišli in videli namestitevv takratnem študentskem domu Visoke politične šole (danes Fakultete zadružnene vede, op. pis.), in drugič, ko so odhajali. Pa ne zato, ker ni bilo honorarjev.Bilo jim je lepo. In mnogi so se na festival še vrnili. »Nekateri nikoliveč,« nagajivo še pripomni nekdanja vršilka dolžnosti. Na obisk v Ljubljanoje tako pred leti iz Argentine priletela glasbenica, katere slika v živo je bilaprecej drugačna kot tista, poslana pred gostovanjem. Ker ji organizatorjikljub naporom in svetlobnim trikom niso mogli odvzeti vseh treh podbradkov,se je koncert iz obljubljeno vrhunskega spremenil v zgolj korektnega. Vskoraj štirih desetletjih dogovarjanja, sprejemanja in druženja z »največjimi«je spoznala, da imajo »manjši« umetniki večje zahteve in želje, o sebi papogosto precej boljše mnenje kot denimo zares vrhunski, na katere je danespotrebno čakati tudi štiri leta.Festival danesProgram se je seveda z leti spreminjal, danes je bolj izčiščen, in očitki, daje festival namenjen zgolj eliti in glasbenim izobražencem, so pogosti. Sodaleč od resnice? Kdo ve, a dejstvo je, da je festival od začetka sedemdesetihlet minulega stoletja, ko je postal del Evropskega združenja festivalov,nekaj, česar v vročih dneh pač ne gre zamuditi. Nad njim danes bedi izvrstniklarinetist in glasbeni menedžer Darko Brlek, ki je diplomiral na Akademijiza glasbo v Ljubljani in med študijem prejel številne nagrade. Umetniškemuvodji festivala z nastopom funkcije leta 1992 ni bilo najlažje; namigovanj,da pri nas še vedno divja vojna vihra, je bilo veliko. A je dokazal sebi inLjubljančanom, da zna in zmore. In Ljubljana mu je (bila) hvaležna. In obletošnji obletnici se gre zahvaliti predvsem obiskovalcem, ki Festival že 60let prepoznavajo kot prostor sproščene izbranosti, in Ljubljani, ki v njem vidivelik pomen pri svojem razvoju, pravi Brlek. Pa seveda vsem podjetnikom.Festival Ljubljana je namreč brez državne podpore, a je ta toliko večja s straniMestne občine Ljubljana.Kdo vse je soustvarjal Ljubljanski poletni festival?Med najslavnejšimi gosti lahko omenimo Dubravko Tomšič, MarjanoLipovšek, Katio Ricciarelli, Grace Bumbry, lorda Jehudija Menuhina, MstislavaRostropoviča, Joséja Carrerasa, Slida Hamptona, Pierra Amoyala, Jurija Bašmeta,Miša Majskega, Shloma Mintza, Krzysztofa Pendereckega, Riccarda Mutija,Gidona Kremerja, Valerija Gergijeva, Vladimirja Aškenazija, Juliana Rachlina,Angelo Gheorghiu, Macea Parkerja, Celie Cruz, Gilberta Gila, WyntonaMarsalisa, Aleksandra Vedernikova, Marcela Alvareza, Bernardo Fink in MojcoZlobko Vajgl, Vadima Repina, Zubina Mehto, sira Andrewa Davisa, Midori,Ennia Morrconeja, Manhattan Transfer in številne druge. Gostili so tudi največjesvetovne simfonične orkestre, med njimi izvrstne Newyorško in Izraelskofilharmonijo, Kraljevi filharmonični orkester iz Londona, Orkester Marijinskegagledališča iz St. Peterburga ter nekatere operne hiše, med katerimi najboljizstopata slavni Akademski državni Bolšoj teater iz Moskve in milanska Scala.97

Meri Plemenitašis a veritableencyclopaediaof the LjubljanaFestival; workingwith renownedphotographerAlenka Slavinec,they swept thedust off thefestival archivesto create anexhibition inLjubljana’s TivoliPark to celebratethe festival’s 60thanniversary.The Artists Cried TwiceFearful Westerners and Sceptical EasternersThe organising committee believed – or at least wished – that the festivalwould turn into a tradition, so money never played an important rolein those early days. There were also plenty of volunteers. The chairs, forinstance, were carried around and set up by a group of children commandedby a retired colonel general and rewarded by bottles of sweet beveragereminiscent of that available in the West. Initially, most events were aimedat folklore fans; later, opera and ballet were introduced, while in recent yearsthe focus has shifted to chamber music and first rate musicals.International cultural collaboration agreements kept coming in. For the Easterners,as Plemenitaš calls them affectionately, Ljubljana was a window intothe world; despite constant tracking by KGB agents, philharmonic orchestraswould bring with them everyone from the first violin to the last cleaner.Meanwhile, Americans – who needed the help of the State Department tovisit Yugoslavia in those days – as well as Europeans west of the Iron Curtainshook “Communist” hands with considerable trepidation.The Biggest Names Are the Least ProblematicBut the former as well as the latter usually cried twice: first when they arrivedand saw the accommodation in what was then the student hall of residenceat the School of Politics (now the Faculty of Social Sciences) and then againwhen they left. And it was not because there were no fees in those days.They just had a good time, and many of them returned to the festival againand again. Others, however, did not, adds Plemenitaš mischievously. Theformer acting director goes on to describe an Argentinean musician whoseappearance in person was considerably different to that in the pictures.Despite employing their best efforts and using every light trick in the book,the organisers were unable to make her triple chin disappear; instead ofthe promised first-class concert, the event ended up being just passable. Inalmost four decades of making arrangements as well as welcoming andspending time with the biggest names, Plemenitaš has learnt that “smaller”artists tend to have much bigger demands and requests and a much higheropinion of themselves than the truly great artists. The waiting period for thebiggest names can be up to four years at the moment.The Festival TodayThe programme has obviously changed through the years; it is much morefocused today and is often reproached for being aimed at the elite and atmusical experts. Is that true? Who knows – but the fact is that since the early1970s when it joined the European Festivals Association, the Ljubljana Festivalhas always been a must during the hot summer days. Today, the festivalis watched over by the excellent clarinetist and music manager Darko Brlek,graduate of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana and recipient of a number ofawards during his studies. When he took over the festival as artistic directorin 1992, it was not easy for him as rumours abounded that the country wasstill in the midst of war. But Brlek proved to himself and to the people ofLjubljana that he had the will and the ability to make it work. And the city isstill grateful to him. At this year’s 60th anniversary, those most deserving ofthanks are the visitors for continuing to see the festival as an opportunity torelax and enjoy and the city of Ljubljana for recognising the role of the festivalin its development, Brlek says. He is also grateful to various companiesfor their sponsorship. The Ljubljana Festival does not receive funds from thegovernment, but the support of the Municipality of Ljubljana is considerable.The Many Contributors to the Ljubljana Summer FestivalThe most famous guests include Dubravka Tomšič, Marjana Lipovšek, KatiaRicciarelli, Grace Bumbry, Lord Yehudi Menuhin, Mstislav Rostropovich,José Carreras, Slide Hampton, Pierre Amoyal, Yuri Bashmet, Miša Majski,Shlomo Mintz, Krzysztof Penderecki, Riccardo Muti, Gidon Kremer, ValeryGergiev, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Julian Rachlin, Angela Gheorghiu, MaceParker, Celia Cruz, Gilberto Gil, Wynton Marsalis, Alexander Vedernikov,Marcel Alvarez, Bernarda Fink and Mojca Zlobko Vajgl, Vadim Repin, ZubinMehta, Sir Andrew Davis, Midori, Ennio Morricone, Manhattan Transferand many others. The Ljubljana Festival has also hosted the world’s biggestsymphony orchestras, including the superb New York Philharmonic, IsraelPhilharmonic Orchestra, London’s Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and St.Petersburg’s Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra as well as a number of operahouses, including the famous Moscow National Academic Bolshoi Theatreand the Milan Scala.99

098nepaldeželaživih boginjBESEDILO: barbara Kašner fotografije: getty images, Zoran furman



nepal, dežela živih boginjPogled na žensko z vzhodaEna od skrivnosti azijskih civilizacij je ženska. Vzhodnjaškičastilci ji priznavajo njeno ženskost v celoti – materinstvoin nežnost, pa tudi amazonstvo –, prav tako pa jo upoštevajokot ljubimko in sveto razvratnico. Vse te njenepodobe so enako spoštovane, saj prevladuje mnenje, daso za zadovoljno in polno življenje enako potrebne. V besedahRamakrišne, indijskega filozofa iz 19. stoletja, se namrazkrije vsa širina tega pogleda na žensko: »Ko pogledamvzorno soprogo iz ugledne družine, vidim v njej božanskomater, ki si je nadela obleko krepostne gospe; ko pa pogledampriležnico, ki v obleki sramote sedi pri oknu, vidimtudi v njej božansko mater, a táko, ki se ukvarja z drugačnoigro.« Krščanstvo omejuje pojem ženskosti v glavnem le navlogi žene in matere. Vse ostale vloge so manj spoštovane,nekatere celo vredne obsojanja in kaznovanja. Vzhodnjaškipogled na žensko razkriva tudi drugačen odnos do erotike– ta sama po sebi ni greh, ampak verski kult. Marsikje sotako ženske povzdignjene v utelešene boginje in temuprimerno čaščene.Kjer vlada simbioza religijNepal, ki mu včasih pravimo tudi dežela na strehi sveta,je kraj, kjer se prepletata preteklost in sedanjost, ter kraj,kjer hindujci in budisti častijo vsak svoje bogove v skupnihtempljih. Obe glavni veroizpovedi v Nepalu, hinduizemin budizem, ki ju prežema strpnost, pripisujeta ženskamposeben položaj. Pravzaprav jih častita kot žive boginje.Ženska predstavlja skupaj z moškim enkratno celoto. Brezženske polovice celota ne obstaja in sreča ni popolna.Možu je pri tem, da doseže zveličanje, žena nujnopotrebna. Tudi telesna ljubezen ima svoj izvor v združitviz žensko. Še posebej v tantrizmu, kjer so ženske izrednocenjene. Ta jih ima za popolnoma enakopravne moškimin spoštuje vse, kar je ženskega spola. Ne dela razlik medženskami iz višjih slojev in tistimi iz najnižjih. Izkazovanjemoči nad žensko ali slabo ravnanje z njo velja za eneganajvečjih grehov. Ta odnos do žensk je poudarjen celo dotake mere, da zakon prepoveduje žrtvovanje živali, ki soženskega spola. Koncept najvišjega božanstva je v ženski– materi. »Ženska je ustvarjalec vsemira, je temelj sveta, jevesolje, ki je poosebljeno v telesu. Ženska je najvišja oblikain vsebina vseh stvari. Noben dragulj ni bolj dragocenkakor ženska. Nikoli ni bilo in nikoli ne bo nobene usode,ki bo enaka ženski. Ni kraljestva, ki bi se lahko primerjalo zžensko,« so besede, ki jih zasledimo v Tantrah, verskih tekstihv verzih, ki predstavljajo priporočila ljudem za boljše inpolnejše življenje.Ideološko gledano, so torej ženske v Nepalu v primerjaviz nekaterimi drugimi deželami naravnost v zavidljivempoložaju. Vendar se tudi tu teorija precej razlikuje od praksein družbeno-ekonomski položaj ženske je v resnici vprecejšnjem nasprotju s prej omenjenimi lepimi idejami. Vvsakdanjem življenju so pogoji, v katerih živi velika večinaprebivalk Nepala, slabi. Tako v družini kot v širšem družbenemokolju so ženske podrejene moškim. Ekonomskoodvisne so od svojih mož, saj v veliki večini niso zaposlene;še tam, kjer so, pa so plačane slabše od moških. Vzrok zato je tudi bistveno slabša izobraženost žensk, še posebejna podeželju. Gospodinjstvo in vzgoja otrok, ki sta glavniopravilni dejavnosti, nista družbeno priznano delo, še manjekonomsko ovrednoteno.Pod visokimi himalajskimi vrhovi ležimed Indijo in Tibetom dežela, znanapo svojih naravnih lepotah. To jeNepal, skrivnosten in vase zaprt svet sstaro civilizacijo in pisanim etničnimmozaikom, ki se odlikuje po strpnostiin mirnem sožitju dveh velikih ver,hinduizma in budizma.103

nepal, dežela živih boginjDeviška boginja KumariMed različnimi oblikami čaščenja boginj, ki jihnajdemo v Nepalu, je najpomembnejše čaščenježive boginje Kumari, ki pooseblja devištvo. OKumari prvič zasledimo podatke v 6. stol. n. št., kose pojavijo njene podobe v nekaterih templjih iztega obdobja. Rokopisi iz 11. in 13. stoletja govoreo dekletih, ki so postale Kumari. Omenjene sosekte, iz katerih so deklice izhajale, pa tudi, kje soživele in kako so bile izbrane za deviške boginje.Kult čaščenja Kumari se je močno utrdil za časavladavine dinastije Malla, ki je vladala od 13. dokonca 17. stoletja. V tem obdobju so začeli postavljatitemplje v čast različnim Kumari. Še danes jenajbolj znana Kraljevska Kumari Katmanduja. Njejv čast je postavljena tudi mogočna, z rezbarijamiokrašena trinadstropna stavba v samem središčuKatmanduja nedaleč od stare kraljevske palače.Legenda pravi, da se je boginja Taleju v človeškipodobi prikazovala kralju iz dinastije Malla.Skupaj sta kockala, in ko si jo je neke noči kraljpoželel, mu je v besu zagrozila, da če se jedotakne, bo za zmeraj izginila. Kralj jo je prosilodpuščanja in Taleju se ga je usmilila. Obljubilamu je, da se bo še vrnila, vendar le v obliki neoskrunljivemlade deklice. Tako je začel kralj častitiKumari ali deviško boginjo.Deklica, ki je izbrana za poosebljanje boginje Taleju,je morala takrat in mora še danes ustrezatištevilnim zahtevam, preden jo doleti čast, dapostane živa boginja. Pomembno je, da izhaja izsame doline Katmanduja, da pripada določenisekti in da je v obdobju, ko jo izbirajo, stara tri dopet let. Biti mora zdrava, ne sme imeti nobenihvidnih znamenj ali brazgotin, imeti mora čistokožo, temne oči in lase, vse zobe, ustrezno grajenotelo itd. Po značaju pa mora biti umirjena,resna in pogumna. Ko najdejo ustrezno dekle,ki ima vse te vrline, jo preveri še astrolog. V času,ko je bil Nepal še kraljevina – to je do konca 20.stoletja –, se je moral horoskop bodoče Kumariujemati s kraljevim horoskopom. Odkar je deželapo ureditvi republika, pa pripada ta častpredsedniku republike.Preden nova Kumari zaživi v svojem novemprebivališču, nastopi splošno ljudsko slavje. To ječas žrtvovanja številnih živali: bivolov, kozličevin piščancev. Med obredjem kroži Kumari okoliodsekanih glav, na katere so navezane svetilke,ki osvetljujejo dogajanje. Kasneje obišče še svetiščeTaleju, kjer je posvečena v deviško boginjo.Po obredu v templju jo namestijo v njeni palači,kjer ostane čaščena kot najvišje žensko božanstvotantrističnih boginj.Vloga Kumari je namenjena dekletom, starim odtreh do trinajstih let. Ko deklica enkrat postaneživa boginja, mora ostati ves čas zaprta v notranjostipalače. Oblečena je v rdeča oblačila in imardeče pobarvane prste na nogah.104

nepal, dežela živih boginjLase ima spete vrh glave in na glavo ji položijo posebennaglavni okras. Na čelo dobi znak, ki simbolizira tretje oko.Življenje v palači pomeni za deklico precejšnjo osamitev. Navoljo mora biti častilcem, ki se ji hodijo poklonit k prestolu.Stroga pravila so se nekoliko omilila šele zadnja leta, ko ji jedovoljeno obiskovati pouk.Deklica ostane Kumari toliko časa, dokler se na njej ne pojavisled krvi. Lahko je to le izguba zoba ali pa prvo mesečno perilo.S tem izgubi status žive boginje, odseliti se mora iz palače,duhovniki pa izberejo novo Kumari.Deklica se vrne v normalno življenje, vseeno pa ostane zavedno zaznamovana. Nepalci so namreč prepričani, davsako dekle, ki je bilo nekoč Kumari, spremlja nadnaravnamoč. S to močjo bi usmrtila vsakega moškega, ki bi jo vzelza ženo. Zaradi take popotnice v življenje prejemajo živeboginje mesečno podporo, ki jim zadostuje za skromnovsakdanje življenje.Hinduizem in budizem sta ženskamže od nekdaj izkazovala posebnospoštovanje, zato ne preseneča,da se je prav na tem področjupojavila množica boginj, ki jihv Nepalu srečujemo na vsakemkoraku. To velja tako za tiste,ki so upodobljene iz različnihmaterialov na posameznihportalih templjev, kot za pravepravcate boginje iz mesa in krvi,utelešene v mladih deklicah.105

nepal the land of living goddessesNepalTHE LANDOF LIVINGGODDESSESTEXT: barbara kašnerPHOTOGRAPHY: getty images, zoran furman106The Perception of Women in the Far EastWomen are one of the mysteries of the Asian civilisations.The Eastern worshippers of women recogniseall aspects of their womanhood – they can be gentlemothers as well as Amazon warriors – while alsoperceiving them as lovers and sacred sirens. All thesides of a woman are equally respected due to thebelief that they are all equally necessary for a fulland satisfied life. This multidimensional view ofwomen is expressed particularly well in these wordsspoken by 19th century Indian philosopher Ramakrishna:“When I look at an exemplary wife from areputable family, I see in her the Divine Mother wearingthe garments of a virtuous lady; when I lookat a concubine sitting by the window wearing agarment of shame, I also see in her a Divine Mother,but one playing a different game.” Christianity,on the other hand, generally limits the concept ofwomanhood to merely the roles of wife and mother.Any other role deserves less respect – some are evenseen as deserving of nothing but condemnationand punishment. The Eastern view of women alsoreveals a different attitude towards eroticism: ratherthan being seen as a sin, it has been elevated to areligious cult. In many places, women have thusbeen given the status of goddesses incarnate andare worshipped accordingly.Where Religions Co-ExistNepal, known as the land on the roof of the world, isa country where the past and present meet, a placewhere Hindus and Buddhists share temples eachworshiping their own gods. Hinduism and Buddhismare the two main religions here; known fortheir tolerance, they both attribute a special statusto women. More accurately, they worship womenas living goddesses. They believe that a man andwoman together form a complete, perfect whole.Without the female half, there can be no whole andhappiness cannot be complete. In order to achievesalvation, a man must have a wife. Similarly, physicallove is seen as becoming one with a woman. Thisis particularly true in Tantrism, where women arevery highly esteemed. In the Tantric tradition, womenare seen as entirely equal to men and all thingsfemale are highly respected. Additionally, all womenare treated equally, regardless of whether they comefrom the highest or the lowest class of society. Abusingpower over a woman or treating her poorly isseen as one of the worst sins you can commit.This attitude even goes so far as to include animals:the sacrificing of female animals is prohibited bylaw. The concept of the highest deity is embodied inthe woman – the mother. “Woman is the Creator ofthe Universe, she is the foundation of the world, sheis the very body of the Universe. Woman is the highestform and essence of all things. There is no jewelrarer than a woman. There is not, nor has been, norwill be any destiny equal to that of a woman. Thereis no kingdom to be compared with a woman.”These words can be found in the Tantras, sacredscriptures that bring people recommendations for abetter and fuller life.Ideologically speaking, the status of women inNepal would seem to be highly enviable comparedto certain other countries. However, theory is notthe same as practice and the actual socioeconomicstatus of women is far removed from the idyllicpicture painted above. In reality, the large majorityof women in Nepal live in very poor conditions. Bothwithin the family and in the wider social environment,they are treated as inferior to men. Since theyare only rarely employed, women are economicallydependent on their husbands; if they do have a job,they receive lower wages than their male counterparts.One of the reasons for this is that women aregiven a considerably poorer education than men,particularly in rural areas. Housekeeping and raisingchildren, their two main activities, are not perceivedas work, much less as having any economic value.Kumari, the Virgin GoddessOf the many forms of goddess worship to befound in Nepal, the most predominant is the cultof Kumari, a living goddess that is seen as thepersonification of virginity. The earliest depictionsof Kumari have been discovered in temples datingback to the 6th century AD. Additionally, certain11th and 13th century manuscripts refer to girlswho became Kumari. The manuscripts describethe religious sects these girls belonged to and thecommunities in which they lived, as well as howthey came to be chosen as virgin goddesses. Thecult of Kumari worship was firmly established duringthe reign of the Malla dynasty, from the 13thto the late 17th century. It was in this period thatmost of the temples honouring various manifestationsof Kumari were built. The Royal Kumari ofKathmandu remains the most famous incarnationof Kumari today. The temples built in her honourinclude a majestic three-story building beautifullydecorated with carvings, situated in the very heartof Kathmandu near the former Royal Palace.Legend has it that the goddess Taleju took on ahuman form and regularly visited a Malla dynastyking. They usually played dice until one fatefulnight when the king made sexual advancestowards the goddess. Enraged, she threatened todisappear forever if he so much as touched her.The king begged her forgiveness and Taleju tookmercy on him. She promised to return again,

nepal the land of living goddessesbut only incarnated in the form of a pure younggirl. That is the story of how the king began toworship Kumari, the virgin goddess.In order to earn the honour of becoming a livinggoddess, the girl selected to represent the goddessTaleju has to meet a number of requirements,which have remained unchanged until today.In order to be eligible, she must come from theKathmandu valley, belong to a specific sect andbe three to five years of age. She must be in excellenthealth, with no visible blemishes or scars, andshe is expected to have clear skin, dark eyes andhair, a full set of teeth, the right body type, etc. Hercharacter must be calm, serious and courageous.Once a girl possessing all the required characteristicshas been found, she is examined by anastrologist. While Nepal was still a monarchy(until the late 20th century), the horoscope of anyfuture Kumari had to match the horoscope of theKing. Since the country is now a republic,this honour has been transferred to the President.Before the newly selected Kumari moves into hernew abode, great public celebrations are held.Countless animals – buffaloes, goats and chickens– are ritually sacrificed. During the ceremonies,the Kumari is taken around the severed headsilluminated with lamps. Later on, she is taken tothe Taleju temple and consecrated as the virgingoddess. Following the ceremony, she is installed inthe Kumari palace and worshipped as the highestfemale deity among the Tantric goddesses.A girl is believed to remain the incarnation of Kumaribetween the ages of three and thirteen. Onceshe becomes the embodiment of the living goddess,she must remain within the palace. She wearsred clothing and red varnish on her toenails, herhair is worn in a topknot and her head decoratedwith ceremonial headgear. A symbolic third eye ispainted on her forehead. The girl lives a relativelyisolated life in the palace. She is expected to beavailable to petitioners who come to worship ather throne. The rules regulating the life of a Kumariare very strict and have only been relaxed slightly inrecent years, allowing the girl to attend lessons.A girl is believed to remain the incarnation of Kumarionly until she suffers a loss of blood, regardless ofwhether it is due to merely the loss of a tooth or dueto her first period. She loses her living goddess statusand must leave the palace, while the priests beginthe task of finding the next Kumari.Although the girl returns to normal life, sheremains marked forever: the Nepalese believe thatany girl who was once the incarnation of Kumarihas retained her supernatural power and that anyman who marries her would die. Thanks to thissuperstition, the one-time living goddesses aregranted a monthly allowance that enables themto live a modest, ordinary life.Hinduism and Buddhism have always been marked by a particular respectfor women. It is not surprising, then, that so many goddesses are worshippedin this part of the world. In Nepal, there is a goddess at everystep, be it merely a depiction in stone or wood on a temple portal ora real flesh-and-blood goddess incarnated in a young girl.107


ZGODOVINA AVTOMOBILIZMA NA SLOVENSKEMPo 1. svetovni vojni, ko je proizvodne obrate avtomobilskih tovarn letnozapuščalo že na tisoče avtomobilov, je promet z motornimi vozili tudi naSlovenskem »zapeljal« v novo obdobje. Če so si pred 1. svetovno vojnopotencialni kupci lahko ogledali svoj bodoči avtomobil zgolj v bližnjihvečjih mestih (kot sta bila Gradec in Trst ali pa Dunaj), so imeli po njej topriložnost pri domačih zastopnikih ali na vsakoletnem ljubljanskem velesejmu.Izbirali so lahko med najbolj znanimi svetovnimi proizvajalci avtomobilov.Prevladovale so ameriške znamke s Fordom na čelu; od evropskihproizvajalcev so bili najpriljubljenejši avtomobili znamke Fiat. Povečanjeprometa z motornimi vozili je botrovalo razvoju vrste novih dejavnosti,ki so zagotovile delo vse večjemu krogu ljudi. Poleg trgovin z novimi inrabljenimi motornimi vozili in dodatno avtomobilsko opremo so ob cestahodpirali vse več bencinskih črpalk in mehaničnih delavnic.Poslanstvo in tradicijo Kranjskega avtomobilskega kluba je med obemavojnama nadaljeval Avtomobilski klub za Slovenijo in pozneje ljubljanska inmariborska sekcija Avtomobilskega kluba kraljevine. Sekciji sta med letoma1925 in 1941 izdajali svoje glasilo ter organizirali srečanja in tekmovanja. Oborganizaciji raznih srečanj, voženj in vztrajnostnih preizkušenj so leta 1924priredili prvo dirko v novi državi – med Vrhniko in Logatcem. Najbolj znanedirke so bile na Pohorju, Jezerskem in v Podutiku ter dirke na Večni poti vLjubljani in na Ljubljanski grad. Po pomembnosti je izstopala gorska dirka naLjubelj, ki sta jo leta 1926 obiskala tudi kralj Aleksander in kraljica Marija.Po koncu druge svetovne vojne so dodobra zdesetkan vozni park tvorilavečinoma dotrajana motorna vozila iz predvojnega obdobja in zaplenjenamotorna vozila. Jugoslavija je pred vojno zgradila kaj malo sodobnihbrezprašnih cest. V Dravski banovini (kamor je sodilo ozemlje današnjeSlovenije) je bila takšna cesta Ljubljana–Bled.110

ZGODOVINA AVTOMOBILIZMA NA SLOVENSKEMTehniški muzej Slovenije v Bistripri Vrhniki predstavlja razvojavtomobila v zadnjih 100 letih.Tam se lahko z nostalgijoozremo po spominih, povezanihz našim prvim avtomobilom,in doživetjih, ki nam jih jepričarala ta nepogrešljivadobrina 20. stoletja.Nova oblast se je kmalu po vojni odločila za posodobitev cestnegaomrežja in s tovarnami širom Jugoslavije za razvoj lastne avtomobilskeindustrije. Najprej so bila na vrsti tovorna vozila in avtobusi, pozneje paše motorna kolesa in osebni avtomobili. V Mariboru je tako zrasla prvaslovenska tovarna avtomobilov in motorjev (TAM), ki je začela najprejizdelovati gospodarska vozila, nato pa še avtobuse. Za najlažjo pot doosebnega motornega prevoznega sredstva je poskrbela tovarna Tomosiz Kopra, ki je začela leta 1955 izdelovati motorna kolesa in mopede. Vtem obdobju je na drugem koncu naše tedanje skupne države tovarnaCrvena zastava iz Kragujevca predstavila svoj mali avtomobil po Fiatovilicenci. Zastava 750 ali »fičo«, kot smo temu avtomobilu pozneje rekli podomače, je v 60. letih postal naš prvi »ljudski avtomobil«. Povpraševanjepo njem je bilo tolikšno, da smo iskali zveze in poznanstva, ki bi namčakalno dobo zanj skrajšali na mesec ali dva. V tem času so tudi v Slovenijizrasle nove tovarne osebnih avtomobilov. Po zaslugi že omenjenegaTomosa so iz Kopra prihajali »domači« citroeni. V Novem mestu je izdelavnice, ki je v začetku 60. let tako rekoč »butično« sestavljala nemškeDKW-je, zrasla Industrija motornih vozil (IMV), ki nas je sprva oskrbovala zangleškimi austini, od leta 1973 dalje pa z renaulti.Devetdeseta leta in osamosvojitev Slovenije so pomenili nov mejnik vrazvoju avtomobilizma. Z liberalizacijo avtomobilskega trga v RepublikiSloveniji se je vozni park osebnih avtomobilov v petih letih od osamosvojitvepovečal za več kot tretjino. Na drugi strani so z osamosvojitvijonastopili za domačo industrijo motornih vozil težki časi. Največji domačiproizvajalec lastnih avtomobilov (mariborski TAM) je propadel. Od večjihtovarn domače avtomobilske industrije je to obdobje uspešno prebrodiledino novomeški Revoz, (naslednik IMV-ja), ki je danes eden najuspešnejšihobratov francoskega Renaulta.Danes pa, ko pride na vsakega drugega Slovenca po en osebni avtomobil,si vse bolj zatiskamo oči pred vprašanjem, kakšna bo naša »avtomobilska«prihodnost. Avtomobil nas je že popolnoma razvadil in postal eden glavnihvirov obremenjevanja okolja. Vse bolj je na mestu vprašanje: Ali bodo našizanamci še tako častili avtomobil ali pa mu bodo morda med odpravljanjemposledic spet nadeli ime »hudičev voz«?O tem, kakšen razvoj je opravil avtomobil v dobrih 100 letih, se danes lahkoprepričamo z obiskom Tehniškega muzeja Slovenije v Bistri pri Vrhniki. Tam sona ogled bogate zbirke motornih vozil in koles, ki niso zanimive le s stališčaspremljanja in proučevanja prometa z motornimi vozili in kolesi na ozemljudanašnje Slovenije, temveč tudi glede razvoja avtomobila in avtomobilsketehnike ter razvoja in proizvodnje motornih vozil na Slovenskem. Posebnomesto v muzeju zavzema zbirka limuzin z visoko tehnično in zgodovinskovrednostjo, ki jih je uporabljal nekdanji jugoslovanski predsednik Tito.111

THE HISTORY OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN SLOVENIAinto a more sceptical attitude, prejudice and general indignation at the loudmachines that disturbed people and frightened horses. According to the writingsof the very first car owner in Slovenia, people actually dubbed his car “Satan’s carriage”.Overcoming this type of prejudice was one of the first tasks that the CarinthianAutomobile Club was faced with upon its founding in 1909. It was thanksto them that from 1911 onwards one of the most difficult stage races for off-roadcars at that time crossed the territory of modern Slovenia. It was known as “theAlpine race”. In 1914, competitors had to drive 2,932km in eight days. Part of themodern Slovenian territory was included in the second stage from Klagenfurt toTrieste, 404km in length, and the third stage from Trieste to Toblach, 397km inlength. Of a total of 23 mountain passes, three (Jezersko, Col and Ljubelj) were inSlovenia. Along the entire route, racers were greeted enthusiastically by peoplefrom local towns and villages, and despite the difficulty of the race, participantsall agreed to come again the following year. However, only five days after therace had ended, the assassination in Sarajevo changed the course of historyforever. It was the beginning of the First World War; the race, along with all otherenjoyable events, would have to wait a while.After the war, when car manufacturing plants were already churning out thousandsof cars a year, motoring also entered a new era in Slovenia. Before the FirstWorld War, the only way for potential buyers to see their future car in person wasto travel to one of the nearest large cities such as Graz, Trieste or Vienna, whereasafter the war they could do so by simply visiting a local agent or the annualLjubljana industrial fair. Buyers could choose from cars made by the world’s mostfamous automobile manufacturers. American brands led by Ford dominated themarket, while the most popular European cars were manufactured by Fiat. Theincrease in motor vehicle traffic led to the development of a range of new servicesand activities that provided work for a growing number of people. In addition toshops selling new and used vehicles and additional equipment, there were newroadside filling stations and garages opening every day.The History of MotorVehicles in SloveniaTEXT: Boris Brovinsky, mscPHOTOGRAPHY: Technical Museum of Slovenia ArchiveThe first motor vehicles to be driven on the roads in the areaof modern Slovenia arrived in late 19th century; at that time,roads were more usually dominated by carts. In 1897, therewere at least 35 cars recorded in Austria (which included theterritory of modern Slovenia), and just a year later, the firstcar was purchased in Ljubljana. It soon became clear that thisnew means of transport was a force to be reckoned with in thefuture. Following the example of other Austrian provinces,by 1906 Carinthia (the province that included the largestpart of what is now Slovenian territory) also graduallyadopted traffic regulations for driving motor vehicles andregulations regarding roadworthiness tests, driving testsand vehicle registration.Much like any other novelty, the car had its supporters and opponents. The initialinterest that the public showed in this latest marvel of technology soon changedIn the years between the First and Second World War, the mission and traditionof the Carinthian Automobile Club were carried on by the Automobile Club ofSlovenia and later by the Ljubljana and Maribor branches of the Kingdom ofYugoslavia Automobile Club. From 1925 to 1941, the two branches publisheda gazette and organised meetings and competitions. In addition to organisingmeetings, drives and endurance tests, in 1924 the Ljubljana and Mariborbranches organised the first race in the new country – from Vrhnika to Logatec.The most famous races were those in Pohorje, Jezersko and Podutik, the raceon the Večna pot road in Ljubljana and the race to the Ljubljana Castle. Themost important competition was probably the mountain race to Ljubelj; in1926, it was even attended by King Alexander and Queen Maria.After the end of the Second World War, the number of cars left in the countrywas severely reduced and made up mostly of pre-war motor vehicles andconfiscated vehicles. Before the war, Yugoslavia had built very few modern,dust-free roads. One such example in Drava Banovina (which included themodern Slovenian territory) was the Ljubljana-Bled road. Soon after the war,the new government decided to modernise the road network and build factoriesthroughout Yugoslavia in order to develop its own automotive industry.First came freight vehicles and buses; later they were joined by motorbikesand personal vehicles. Slovenia’s first factory for the manufacture of vehiclesand engines was established in Maribor. Called TAM, the factory started outby manufacturing commercial vehicles and later buses. The fastest way toacquire personal, motorised means of transport proved to be through Tomos,a Koper factory established in 1955 that manufactured motorbikes and mopeds.Meanwhile, on the other side of Yugoslavia, the Crvena zastava factoryin Kragujevac introduced a certain small car manufactured under licence fromFiat. The Zastava 750, widely known by the nickname “fičo”, became hugelypopular in the 1960s. Demand for it was such that people were forced to pullevery string possible in order to reduce the waiting period to just a month ortwo. During this period, there were a number of new automobile factoriesestablished in Slovenia as well. Thanks to Tomos, we were getting “homemade”Citroën cars from Koper. In Novo mesto, a workshop that had focused solely112

THE HISTORY OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN SLOVENIAon assembling German DKWs in the early 1960s later grew into the Industrijamotornih vozil (Motor Vehicles Industry – IMV). They started out by buildingBritish Austin cars but continued with Renaults from 1973 onwards.The 1990s and Slovenian independence were another turning point for theautomotive industry. With the liberalisation of the car market in the Republic ofSlovenia, the fleet of personal vehicles increased by over a third within just fiveyears of when the country gained independence. However, independence alsobrought difficult times for the Slovenian automotive industry. TAM in Maribor,Slovenia’s largest manufacturer of motor vehicles, went bankrupt. Of the otherlarge Slovenian car makers, the only one to make it through this difficult periodwas Novo mesto’s Revoz (the successor of IMV), which continues to be one ofRenault’s most successful factories today.Today, there is one car for every two people in Slovenia, yet we stubbornlyrefuse to face the question of what the future of cars should be. We havebecome thoroughly spoilt by cars, while vehicle traffic has grown to be oneof the main sources of environmental pollution. There is a question that wecannot escape: will future generations continue to worship the car or will theyperhaps go back to calling it “Satan’s carriage” as they struggle to remedy theconsequences it leaves on the environment?To see how cars developed in the last 100 years, visit the Technical Museum ofSlovenia in Bistra near Vrhnika. The museum houses an extensive collectionThe exhibition in the TechnicalMuseum of Slovenia in Bistra nearVrhnika shows the developmentof cars in the last 100 years. Visitthe museum for a nostalgiclook back on the memories ofyour first car and the manyexperiences made possible bythis indispensable 20 th centurydevelopment.of motor vehicles and motorbikes, interesting not just from the viewpoint ofmonitoring and studying motor vehicle and motorbike traffic in what is nowSlovenian territory but also for the sake of studying the development of carsand car technology in general as well as the development and productionof motor vehicles in Slovenia in particular. A special place in the museum isreserved for the technologically and historically extremely valuable collectionof limousines used by the former President of Yugoslavia, Tito.113


KRANJ»explore the secrets of an ancient town«Samo 6 km od letališča, na skalnem pomolu med rekama Savo in Kokro, jeprijazno starodavno mesto. Zelena soteska v mestnem jedru, muzeji in stavbez bogato zgodovino vabijo na pohajkovanje in odkrivanje številnih zgodb.Navdušile vas bodo tudi osvežujoče sence kavarnic v mestu in ponudba tradicionalnihjedi.Tunnels under old town core Brdo estate The canyon of KokraOur pleasant ancient town is situated on a rocky balcony between two rivers– the Sava and the Kokra. There are only 6 km to the nearest airport. Thegreen canyon in the old town core, museums and numerous historical buildingsinvite the visitors to take a hike and search for stories. You can find shelterin shadowy coffeehouses gardens or enjoy the offer of traditional dishes.TOURIST BOARD KRANJGlavni trg 2, 4000 KRANJt: +00386 4 2380 450, +00386 40 664 015;e: tic@tourism-kranj.siwww.tourism-kranj.si

• WORLD HERITAGE • PATRIMOINE MONDIAL •SLOVENIJA Zelena. Aktivna. Zdrava.SLOVENIA Green. Active. Healthy.Park Škocjanske jame: Velika dolina spomladi / Škocjan Caves Park: Large Valley in Springwww.slovenia.infoPark Škocjanske jame: Ob slapu v doliniŠkocjan Caves Park: By the Waterfall in the ValleyIdrija: Antonijev rovIdrija: Anthony’s shaftIdrija: Mestni trgCity square, main square in IdrijaPATRIMONIO MUNDIALPripomočki za taljenje in vlivanje bakra ter bakreniizdelki s kolišč pri Igu / Accessories for melting and pouringof copper and copper products from the pile dwelling near IgPosode, glinena figurica in obeski s kolišč pri IguPots, clay figure and pendants from the pile dwelling near IgUnesco destinacije v SlovenijiUnesco destinations in SloveniaUnited NationsEducational, Scientific andCultural OrganizationWorld HeritageConventionFotografije: Borut Lozej, arhiv Parka Škocjanske jame / Jani Peternelj - Občina Idrija, Anton Zelenc - Mestni muzej Idrija. / Tomaž Lauko, arhiv Narodni muzej Slovenije.Photograph: Borut Lozej, archive: Škocjan Caves Park / Jani Peternelj - Municipality of Idrija, Anton Zelenc - Idrija City Museum / Photograph: Tomaž Lauko, archive: National Museum of Slovenia.

OglaSnO SpOrOčilO - advertiSingv letu, kO mineva 40 let Od Sprejetja kOnvencije O varStvuSvetOvne kulturne in naravne dediščine, je SlOvenija dOčakalatretji vpiS na uneScOv Seznam SpOmenikOv, ki SO izjemnegapOmena za člOveštvO: škOcjanSkim jamam in barjanSkimkOliščem Se je pridružila idrija.SkrIvNOSTNI krAŠkI SveTŠkocjanske jame so zaradi edinstvene naravne in kulturne dediščine že od leta1986 vpisane v Seznam svetovne dediščine pri uneScO, park je od leta 2004vključen tudi v UNeSCO-v medvladni raziskovalni program človek in biosfera(mab), ki združuje biosferna območja po vsem svetu, v katerih je poudarek naohranjanju biotske raznovrstnosti in spodbujanju trajnostnega razvoja. Pomenjam se odraža tudi z vpisom na seznam ramsarske konvencije maja 1999, kije s tem opredelila podzemne hidrološke sisteme kot sestavne dele mokrišč.Škocjanske jame so tako postale prvo podzemno mokrišče v evropi.Splet Škocjanskih jam je sestavljen iz številnih posameznih jam in rovov, udornic,naravnih mostov in ponorov. Ustvarila ga je reka reka, ki po petdeset kilometrovdolgem površinskem toku prav tu izgine v kraško podzemlje in sezopet pojavi na površju v izvirih Timave pri Devinu. Bogato naravno dediščinodopolnjujejo nekatere redke ali endemične podzemne živalske vrste, predvsempa pestra cvetana suhih kraških travnikov na površju.Tako v zavarovanem kot vplivnem območju parka se srečujemo z bogato kulturnodediščino, ki se odraža v tipični kraški arhitekturi, številnih etnoloških,zgodovinskih in umetnostno-zgodovinskih spomenikih ter mnogih arheološkihnajdiščih, ki hranijo izjemno pomembne najdbe od obdobja mlajše kamenedobe naprej.Doživite svetovno dediščino in se podajte skozi enega največjih podzemnih kanjonovv evropi ali pa sledite reki na poti skozi prvi ponor v podzemlje.Park ponuja tudi učno pot (ki je med 89 tematskimi potmi v Sloveniji bila leta2011 izbrana kot najboljša), ogled treh obnovljenih objektov z muzejskimi zbirkami(zgodovina raziskovanja jam, etnološka, geološka, biološka in arheološkazbirka) ter obnovljen kulturni spomenik (promocijsko-kongresni center Pr Nanetovh),v katerem je možna organizacija različnih dogodkov in najem prostorov.www.park-skocjanske-jame.sikOLIŠčA NA LJUBLJANSkeM BArJUv času od mlajše kamene do železne dobe so na obrežjih jezer in močvirij naobmočju severno in južno od Alp nastajala kolišča. Približno tisoč ostankov tovrstnihnaselbin se razteza okoli Alp. Prav območja, ki so do danes ostala prepojenaz vodo, so omogočila ohranitev te izjemne dediščine. Najdbe so dragocen vir zapreučevanje življenja ljudi in nekdanjega okolja. Zaradi svoje izjemne univerzalnevrednosti je bilo 111 koliščarskih naselbin v šestih današnjih alpskih državahleta 2011 vpisanih na UNeSCO Seznam svetovne dediščine.Ljubljansko barje je od odkritja prvih kolišč leta 1875 postalo sinonim za prazgodovinskevasi na kolih. Na vlažnih barjanskih tleh je bilo odkritih okoli 40koliščarskih naselbin iz časa od približno sredine 5. do sredine 2. tisočletja prednašim štetjem. Od teh sta na Seznam vpisani dve skupini kolišč iz okolice Iga, vkaterih so ostanki devetih naselbin.kolišče je posebna oblika bivališča, prirejenega za tla, ki jih stalno ali občasnoprekriva voda. v hišah na kolih, zabitih v jezersko dno, so živeli koliščarji, ki sona Ljubljanskem barju s prekinitvami vztrajali približno 3000 let. Preživljali sose s poljedelstvom, živinorejo, nabiralništvom in lovom.Na barju je bilo najdeno tudi najstarejše kolo z osjo na svetu. Staro je več kot5000 let. www.ljubljanskobarje.siIDrIJA – DeDIŠčINA žIveGA SreBrAIndustrijska dediščina dveh svetovno znanih rudnikov živega srebra – Almadén vŠpaniji in Idrija v Sloveniji, je na prestižni seznam dediščine človeštva vpisana zato,ker sta to dva največja rudnika za pridobivanje te izjemne in edine tekoče kovine, kersta bila zgodovinsko povezana, ker sta ohranila raznoliko in edinstveno dediščino vzvezi s pridobivanjem živega srebra in skupaj predstavljata različne vidike »kultureživega srebra« tako v tehniškem in gospodarskem kot tudi v splošno kulturnem, urbanem,socialnem in ekološkem smislu. v novem veku sta pomembno sooblikovalasvetovno zgodovino. v teh dveh rudnikih pridobljeno živo srebro se je v južnoameriškihrudnikih srebra in zlata v procesu amalgamacije uporabljalo za pridobivanje tehžlahtnih kovin, ki so se kot bogastvo vračale v evropo in omogočale razvoj gospodarstva,znanosti, umetnosti.Na Seznam vpisana dediščina v Idriji zajema dediščino rudnika in rudarjenja v najširšempomenu te besede: rudišče, rove, jaške, industrijske stavbe, profano in sakralnoarhitekturo. Na prvem mestu velja izpostaviti Antonijev rov – v muzej urejeno idrijskopodzemlje, grad Gewerkenegg v katerem domuje najboljši evropski muzej industrijskein tehniške dediščine, jašek Frančiške z obnovljenimi rudniškimi stroji innapravami, kamšt, topilnico, klavže, rudniško žitno skladišče in rudniško gledališče,idrijsko rudarsko hišo, staro mestno jedro … www.idrija-turizem.si40 years after the adoption of the Convention ConCerning theproteCtion of the World Cultural and natural heritage, sloveniareCeived its third entry onto the unesCo list of monumentsthat are of exCeptional importanCe for humanity: idrija joinedthe ŠkoCjan Caves and the pile dWellings of ljubljansko barje.The MySTerIouS worLd of KArSTdue to its unique natural and cultural heritage, the Škocjan Caves were ranked ontothe world heritage List of unesCo in 1986, while in 2004 the park was also includedin the uNeSCo intergovernmental research programme man and biosphere (mab),which joins biosphere areas from around the world with the emphasis on preserving thebiological diversity and promotion of sustainable development. The importance of thecaves is also reflected through their entry onto the list of the ramsar Convention in May1999, which defined the underground hydrological systems as integral parts of wetland.The Škocjan Caves became the first underground wetlands in europe.The web of the Škocjan Caves is composed of numerous underground caves, pits, naturalbridges and sinks. It was created by the river reka, which, after a 50-km long surfaceflow, disappears in this area into the Karst underground and re-appears on the surfacein the sources of Timava near duino. The rich natural heritage is supplemented by somerare or endemic underground animal species and, primarily, by the diverse flowers of theKarst meadows.The protected area of the park also provides a rich cultural heritage that is reflected in thetypical Karst architecture, numerous ethnological, historical and art-historical monumentsand several archaeological sites that keep extremely important findings since theNeolithic Period.you should experience the world heritage and enter into one of the biggest undergroundcanyons in europe or follow the river reka on its way through the first sinkinto the underground.The park also offers an educational path (in 2011, it was selected as the best of all 89 thematicpaths in Slovenia), three restored objects with museum collections (cave researchhistory, ethnological, geological, biological and archaeological collection) and a restoredcultural monument (promotional-congress centre Pr Nanetovh), where various eventscan be organised. www.park-skocjanske-jame.siPILe dweLLINgS IN LJuBLJANSKo BArJeIn the period from the Neolithic to Iron Age, several pile dwellings were formed on thebanks of lakes and swamps in the area north and south from the Alps. Approximately onethousand remains of such settlements can be found around the Alps. The areas that haveremained soaked with water have enabled the preservation of this exceptional heritage.The findings are a precious source for the study of the lives of people and the environmentfrom the past. due to their exceptional universal value, 111 pile dwellings in six Alpinecountries were entered onto the uNeSCo world heritage List in 2011.Since the discovery of the first pile dwellings in 1875, Ljubljansko barje became a synonymfor prehistoric villages on piles. Around 40 pile dwellings from the mid 5th millenniumto the mid 2nd millennium B.C. were found on the wet ground of the bogs. TheuNeSCo list also includes two groups of pile dwellings near Ig, where the remains ofnine settlements were found.A pile dwelling is a special type of dwelling, adopted for ground that is permanently oroccasionally covered by water. The houses on piles hammered into the lake bottom werethe dwellings of pile dwellers who, with interruptions, stayed in Ljubljansko barje approximately3000 years. They survived through agriculture, livestock production, gatheringand hunting.Moreover, the oldest wheel with axis in the world was found in the bogs. It is more than5000 years old. www.ljubljanskobarje.siIdrIJA – herITAge of MerCuryThe industrial heritage of two world famous mercury mines – Almadén in Spain and Idrijain Slovenia were classified on the prestigious list of world heritage for being the two largestmines for the extraction of this amazing and only liquid metal; moreover, they were historicallyconnected by preserving the diverse and unique heritage associated with the extractionof mercury. Together they present various aspects of 'mercury culture' in the technicaland economic senses as well as the cultural, urban, social and ecological senses. In moderntimes they have significantly co-shaped world history. Mercury extracted from these twomines was used in South-American mines of silver and gold in the amalgamation processfor the extraction of these precious metals that returned to europe as riches and enabledthe development of economy, science and art.The heritage in Idrija inscribed on the uNeSCo world heritage List includes the heritageof the mine and mining in the widest possible sense: the mines, tunnels, shafts, industrialbuildings and profane and sacral architecture. Anthony's shaft is the most important featureof the mines (it represents the Idrija underground in the form of a museum), followedby the gewerkenegg castle, where the best european museum of industrial and technicalheritage found its place, francisca's shaft with restored mining machines and equipment,the 'kamšt', smelting plant, 'klavže water barrier', mine´s warehouse and mine´s theatre,Idrija miner´s house, the old city centre, etc. www.idrija-turizem.si

SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIANekaj osnovnih podatkovA few factspovršina (v km 2 ) 20 273gozdovi 11 854travniki 5 593polja in vrtovi 2 471sadovnjaki 402vinogradi 163dolžina meje (v km)s Hrvaško 546z Avstijo 324z Italijo 235z Madžarsko 102obala (v km) 46,6najvišja točkaTriglavgostota naseljenosti2864 m(prebivalcev/km) 98prebivalstvo2 milijonaglavno mesto: Ljubljanavečja mesta:Maribor, Celje, Kranj, Velenjepodnebje:alpsko, celinsko, sredozemskojezik: Uradni jezik jeslovenščina, na območjihz mešanim prebivalstvompa tudi madžarščina initalijanščina.Pri stiku s tujci uporabljajoprebivalci Slovenije največkratangleščino, nemščino,italijanščino in francoščino.denarna valuta: Denarna valutaje evro (EUR). Tuje valute lahkozamenjate na mejnih prehodih,v bankah, menjalnicah inhotelih.territory area (in sq. km) 20273forests 11 854grassland 5 593fields and gardens 2 471orchards 402vineyards 163border length (in km)with Croatia 546with Austria 324with Italy 235with Hungary 102coastline (in km) 46.6highest pointTriglavpopulation density2864 m(inhabitants/km) 98population2 millioncapital:ljubljanamajor towns:Maribor, Celje, Kranj, Velenjeclimate: Alpine, Continental,Mediterraneanlanguage: The official languageis Slovene, as well as Hungarianand Italian in areas of mixedpopulation.People who live in Sloveniamost commonly use English tocommunicate with foreigners,then German, Italian andFrench.currency: The currency is theeuro (EUR). Foreign currencymay be exchanged at bordercrossings, in banks, exchangeoffices and hotels.prazniki1. in 2. januar novo leto8. februar prešernov dan, slovenski kulturni praznik8. april velika noč27. april dan upora proti okupatorju(druga svetovna vojna)1. in 2. maj praznik dela25. junij dan državnosti15. avgust Marijino vnebovzetje31. oktober dan reformacije1. november dan spomina na mrtve25. december božič26. december dan samostojnostiholidaysJanuary 1 & 2February 8April 8April 27May 1 & 2June 25August 15October 31November 1December 25December 26New Year’s HolidayPrešeren Day, Slovene Day of Cultureeaster Sunday and MondayDay of Uprising Against the Occupation(WW2)Labour Day, Pentecoststatehood DayAssumption DayReformation DayAll Saints’ DayChristmas DayIndependence Day

CopenhagenManchesterLondonAmsterdamBrusselsFrankfurtZurichMunichViennaVeronaLjubljanaBelgradeSarajevoBarcelonaDubrovnikPristinaIbizaMenorcaPalma de MallorcaPodgoricaTiranaSkopjeThessalonikiThassosIstanbulKerkira/CorfuLefkasSkiatosLesbosMaltaKefalonijaZakinthosChiosMykonosSantoriniSamosKosRhodosKarpatosHeraklionDjerba

Evropa / EuropeRedni poletiScheduled Flightszimski in poletni vozni redČarterski poletiCharter FlightsWinter and summer timetableMoscowIz/fromLjubljana/BrnikNm/kmČas poleta/Flight time(A320/CRJ)Iz/fromLjubljana/BrnikNm/kmČas poleta/Flight time(A320/CRJ)Amsterdam 606/1122 1.35 hAntalya 966/1789 2.35 hBarcelona 686/1270 1.46 hAqaba 1454/2692 3.18 hBelgrade 267/494 0.65 hCairo 1276/2363 3.25 hBrussels 559/1035 1.26 hChios 738/1367 2.10 hCopenhagen 641/1187 1.39 hDjerba 796/1474 2.20 hFrankfurt 420/778 1.07 hDubrovnik 292/541 1.05 hIstanbul 781/1446 1.53 hHeraklion 832/1540 2.15 hLondon 757/1402 1.56 hHurghada 1533/2839 3.45 hManchester 868/1608 2.11 hIbiza 799/1480 2.20 hMoscow (Sheremetyevo) 1120/2074 2.35 hKarpathos 996/1844 2.35 hMunich 224/415 0.41 hKefalonija 585/1083 1.45 hPristina 622/1150 1.50 hKerkira (Corfu) 523/968 1.35 hPodgorica 365/676 1.25 hKos 873/1616 2.20 hSarajevo 222/411 0.41 hLarnaca 1197/2216 3.00 hSkopje 413/765 1.07 hLefkas (Preveza) 567/1050 1.40 hTirana 474/878 1.14 hLesbos (Mitiline) 746/1381 2.10 hVienna 153/283 0.30 hMalta 670/1241 2.00 hZurich 334/619 0.56 hMenorca 646/1196 1.55 hVienna - FrankfurtMykonos 793/1468 1.56 hPalma de Mallorca 723/1339 2.10 hRhodos 947/1753 2.30 hSamos 823/1524 2.10 hAntalyaSantorini 836/1548 2.15 hSharm el Sheikh 1505/2787 3.45 hLarnacaIz/from PRIŠTINASkiatos 632/1170 1.50 hThassos (Kavala) 563/1043 1.45 hFrankfurt 930/1722 2.50 hTel Aviv 1286/2382 2.57 hCairoSharm el SheikhHurghadaTel AvivAqabaMunich 646/1196 2.00 hVerona 650/1204 2.00 hThessaloniki 571/1057 1.24 hZakinthos 632/1170 1.50h<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> has used the map or Europe exclusively as an illustration of its flight connections and without any political or other implications.

ADRIA AIRWAYSFlota - FleetIlustracije: Miha ŽnidarAirbus A319Število/Total 2Dolžina/Length33.84 mVišina/Height11.76 mRazpon kril/Wingspan34.10 mHitrost/Cruising speed900 km/hVišina poleta/Max. altitude11 700 mDolet/Range6 650 kmŠt. potnikov/Passenger capacity 135Airbus A320Število/Total 1Dolžina/Length37.57 mVišina/Height11.75 mRazpon kril/Wingspan31.10 mHitrost/Cruising speed900 km/hVišina poleta/Max. altitude11 700 mDolet/Range3 890 kmŠt. potnikov/Passenger capacity 180CMYCMMYCYCMYKBombardier CRJ-900Število/Total 4Dolžina/Length32.50 mVišina/Height7.57 mRazpon kril/Wingspan23.20 mHitrost/Cruising speed882 km/hVišina poleta/Max. altitude12 496 mDolet/Range3 600 kmŠt. potnikov/Passenger capacity 86Bombardier CRJ-200 LRŠtevilo/Total 6Dolžina/Length26.77 mVišina/Height6.22 mRazpon kril/Wingspan21.21 mHitrost/Cruising speed860 km/hVišina poleta/Max. altitude12 496 mDolet/Range3 285 kmŠt. potnikov/Passenger capacity 48/50124

ADRIA AIRWAYSDobrodošli v letalu Adrie <strong>Airways</strong>Spoštovani potniki, vaše zadovoljstvo je naš uspeh. Da bi bilo potovanje z nami čim bolj prijetno, nam dovolite, da vas opozorimona nekaj napotkov, ki so pomembni za vaše udobje in varnost pred poletom, med njim in po pristanku.Pred poletomEkonomski in poslovni razredNa večini Adrijinih prog izmenično letijo letala tipa Airbus A-319, A-320,Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-200LR in CRJ-900.Vozovnica za potovanje v poslovnem razredu je izdana po veljavni tarifi zaposlovni razred in velja eno leto z možnostjo rezervacije, plačila in prevzemakadarkoli, omogoča pa tudi druge ugodnosti, kot so: sprememba datumovpotovanja brez doplačila, večja količina brezplačne prtljage, uporabaposlovnih salonov na letališčih idr.V ekonomskem razredu potujejo potniki z vozovnicami po ekonomskihtarifah, ki so nižje in vsebujejo določene omejitve.Nakup vozovnice prek spletaLetalsko vozovnico lahko najceneje in hitro rezervirateter kupite na Adrijini spletni strani www.adria.si. To velja le za polete na Adrijinihletih. Nakup prek interneta je zaščiten zvarnostnim certifikatom. Elektronskevozovnice prejme potnik po elektronskipošti.V primeru, da potrebujete letalskovozovnico, kjer bodo vključeni tudidrugi prevozniki, vas prosimo, dapokličete naš Klicni center za rezervacijein prodajo letalskih vozovnic natelefonskih številkah 386 1 369 10 10 in080 13 00.Potujte z elektronsko vozovnicoNa vseh rednih poletih slovenskega letalskega prevoznika je možnoleteti z elektronsko vozovnico.Potnik dobi ob nakupu potniški kupon, ki velja kot račun, in načrt poti(itinerar) v ovitku Adrie <strong>Airways</strong>. Dokument lahko prejme tudi na svoj elektronskinaslov in ga natisne sam. To dokumentacijo mora imeti s seboj vesčas potovanja. Pri okencu za prijavo na let se identificira s potnim listom aliosebno izkaznico. Uslužbenec izda potniku vstopni kupon za let, s katerimta vstopi v letalo. Elektronski način dokumentiranja prodaje zagotavljasproten vpogled v dogajanje z vozovnico, hiter prenos podatkov inmanjše možnosti zlorab. Najpomembnejše pri tem pa je, da so potnikovikuponi za let shranjeni v elektronski obliki in tako varni pred izgubo.<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> tudi na mobilnih telefonihVsem uporabnikom pametnih telefonov sporočamo, dasi lahko na svojem mobilnem brskalniku nastavite našomobilno stran m.adria.si ali pa s skenerjem kod poskenirateQR kodo.Če skenerja nimate, si ga lahko naložite na povezavi »http://www.i-nigma.com/Download-nigmaReader.html”. Uporabniki iPhona pa to najdete v iStoru.Mobilna stran prinaša: spremljanje statusa letov, informacije o voznem redu,informacije o naših destinacijah in informacije o vremenu na destinacijah.Poleg tega pa lahko na tej strani najdete še: vodič za potnike, turističnivodnik, naše kontakte in različne povezave do sledenja prtljage, iskanjaposlovnih salonov po letališčih in preverjanje milj v klubu Miles&More.Seveda pa so tu še novice in najbolj vroče cenovne ponudbe vozovnic ter»checkmytrip«, kjer lahko preverite svoje potovanje.Web Check-inV Adrii <strong>Airways</strong> se zavedamo, da je pri potovanju pogosto dragocena vsakaminuta. Še posebej takrat, kadar nas na poti na letališče ovira gost promet.Web check-in je novost, s katero boste prihranili čas pri okencu za prijavona let, saj se nanj lahko prijavite že od doma, z delovnega mesta oziromapovsod, kjer je vzpostavljena internetna povezava. Svoj planirani let lahkoprijavite največ 24 ur in najmanj 60 minut pred poletom. Storitev web--check-in je trenutno možna le za določene lete Adrie <strong>Airways</strong>. V prihodnjihmesecih bomo obstoječim destinacijam postopoma dodajali še nove.Omejitve pri vnosu živil v EUPotnikom svetujemo, naj pred potovanjem preverijo seznam artiklov,ki jih je mogoče vnesti na območje Evropske skupnosti. Strog nadzornad uvozom mesa, mleka, rib, lupinarjev in drugih tovrstnih izdelkovje nujen za zaščito ljudi in živali pred boleznimi, ki se lahko prenašajos temi živili.V primeru, da carinska služba pri rutinskem pregledu osebne prtljageugotovi prisotnost nedovoljenih živil živalskega izvora, le-te zaseže. Informativniletak “Kaj prinesti domov?” vam je na voljo na naši spletni strani.Več informacij lahko dobite na Glavnem uradu VURS-a ali na njihovi spletnistrani www.vurs.gov.si v poglavju Javne objave/Uvoz živil za osebno rabo.Ročna prtljagaZaradi vaše varnosti in udobja vas vljudno prosimo, da upoštevate mednarodnapravila, ki potniku dovoljujejo imeti pri sebi en kos ročne prtljage vvelikosti 55 x 40 x 23 cm in z največjo težo osem kilogramov.Ročno prtljago namestite v za to namenjeni predal nad sedežem, težje kosepa, če je le mogoče, shranite pod sedež pred sabo. Priporočamo vam, dapredal s prtljago pazljivo odpirate, saj se lahko med poletom predmeti vnjem premaknejo.Na letalih CRJ oddajte večjo ročno prtljago pred letalom. Tam jo takoj poizstopu iz letala tudi prevzemite.Varnostna pravilaEvropska unija je v letu 2006 sprejela nova varnostna pravila. Ta omejujejokoličino tekočin, ki jo lahko vzamete s seboj na letalo.V svoji ročni prtljagi lahko prenašate samo majhne količine tekočin, ki morajobiti shranjene v posamičnih posodah z največjo prostornino 100 mililitrov.Te posode morate zapakirati v prozorno plastično vrečko, ki jo je mogočeznova ponovno zatesniti; prostornina vrečke posameznega potnika ne smebiti večja od enega litra. Med tekočine spadajo: voda in druge pijače, juhein sirupi; kreme, losjoni in olja; parfumi; razpršilci; geli, vključno z geli za lasein tuširanje; posode z vsebinami pod pritiskom, vključno s peno za britje ter126

drugimi penami in dezodoranti; kreme, vključno z zobno kremo; mešanicetekočin in trdih snovi; črtalo za veke in tuš za trepalnice ter katerekoli drugesnovi s podobno vsebnostjo.Še vedno lahko tekočine prenašate v oddani prtljagi – nova pravila se nanašajosamo na ročno prtljago. V svoji ročni prtljagi lahko prenašate:• zdravila in nujno potrebna živila (vključno z otroško hrano), ki jih bosteuporabljali med potovanjem; morda boste morali dokazati, da jih nujnopotrebujete;• tekočine, kot so pijače in parfumi (kupite jih lahko bodisi v prodajalni naletališču v EU, ki je za točko, na kateri pokažete svoj vstopni karton, bodisina letalu, ki ga upravlja prevoznik EU).Če ste tekočine kupili zapakirane v posebni zatesnjeni vrečki, te vrečkepred varnostnim pregledom ne odpirajte, sicer lahko varnostno osebje nakontrolni točki njeno vsebino zaseže. Če na letališču presedate na drug let,vrečke ne odpirajte pred varnostnim pregledom na transfernem letališčuoziroma na zadnjem letališču, če presedate več kot enkrat.Če imate kakršne koli dvome ali vprašanja, se pred potovanjem obrnite nasvojega letalskega prevoznika ali potovalno agencijo.Med letomNapotki za varnostZ najpomembnejšimi varnostnimi napotki vas bo pred poletom seznanilonaše kabinsko osebje, poleg tega pa boste v žepu sedeža pred sabo našlinavodila za postopke v sili. Ker se glede na tip letala ta navodila razlikujejo,vas prosimo, da jih pred vsakim poletom pazljivo preučite.Med vzletanjem in pristajanjem si morate pripeti varnostni pas, zaradi varnostiin udobja pa vam priporočamo, da ostanete pripeti tudi med poletom.Po pristanku počakajte na svojem sedežu, dokler se letalo popolnoma ne ustavioziroma dokler ne ugasne znak za obvezno uporabo varnostnih pasov.Kapitan letala lahko podeli potniku, ki se v letalu neprimerno vede, takoimenovani RDEČI KARTON. Ta je namenjen vsem, ki s svojim vedenjemovirajo delo kabinskega osebja, ne spoštujejo varnostnih pravil ali paogrožajo varnost in udobje potnikov. Napad na varnost zračnega prometaje kaznivo dejanje po 330. členu Kazenskega zakonika RS (KZ-1), ki zatovrstna dejanja predpisuje zaporno kazen.Uporaba elektronskih napravV letalu ni dovoljeno uporabljati prenosnih telefonov (biti morajo popolnomaizključeni!), radijskih in televizijskih sprejemnikov, videoiger z daljinskimupravljanjem, računalniških tiskalnikov in drugih naprav, ki bi lahko z elektromagnetnimivalovi motile delovanje občutljivih letalskih instrumentov.Druge elektronske naprave, denimo prenosne računalnike, CD in DVD predvajalniketer žepne kalkulatorje, je dovoljeno uporabljati le med poletom (čene povzročajo motenj), med vzletanjem in pristajanjem pa ne. Prosimo vas,da se pred uporabo elektronskih naprav posvetujete s kabinskim osebjem indosledno upoštevate njihove napotke.Nevarni predmetiPo mednarodnih varnostnih predpisih potnikom v letalu ni dovoljenoimeti (ne pri sebi ne v prtljagi) orožja in drugih nevarnih predmetov, kot so:vnetljive tekočine, pločevinke s stisnjenim ali utekočinjenim plinom, lahkovnetljive snovi, vžigalice, ki niso označene kot varne, in podobno.Počutje in zdravjeVašemu dobremu počutju sta namenjena ventil za uravnavanje dotokazraka in lučka za branje, ki sta nameščena nad sedežem. Tam je tudipozivni gumb, s katerim lahko po potrebi pokličete članico oziroma članakabinskega osebja.V letalu je na voljo priročna lekarna, opremljena s sredstvi za nudenje prvepomoči. Med poletom lahko včasih v ušesih občutite neprijeten pritisk, dočesar prihaja zaradi sprememb višine in zračnega pritiska v letalu; težavo bostezlahka odpravili s poudarjenim požiranjem sline ali z nakazanim zehanjem.Da bi se izognili težavam z ožiljem, ko gre za dolg polet, vam svetujemo, dase večkrat sprehodite po potniški kabini, med sedenjem pa delate vaje zaraztezanje celega telesa.Postrežba med letomTudi na letalu bodo člani našega prijaznega osebja lepo poskrbeli za vas.Odvisno od trajanja leta, destinacije in razreda v letalu vam bodo na voljookusni obroki, postrežba pijače, časopisi in naš odlični In-Flight Magazine,na letih izven EU pa boste lahko nakupovali tudi v našem »zračnem« <strong>Adria</strong>Shopu. Hrana in pijača sta na rednih letih Adrie <strong>Airways</strong> že vključeni v voznino,na čarterskih poletih pa potnikom zaračunavamo alkoholne pijačepo naslednjem ceniku:• pivo 0,33 l 2,50 €• vino 0,2 l 3,00 €• penina 0,25 l 3,50 €• Chivas Regal 0,05 l 2,10 €• ostale miniature 1,80 €V kolikor pa bi imeli zaradi zdravstvenih, verskih ali ideoloških pogledovkakršnekoli zadržke do določene hrane, vam v Adrii <strong>Airways</strong> ponujamopester izbor tako imenovanih posebnih obrokov. Izbor si lahko ogledate nanaši spletni strani v rubriki Vodič za potnike; pomembno pa je, da svoje željezaupate svetovalcu že ob rezervaciji oziroma nakupu vozovnice.Alkohol v letaluV letalu ni dovoljeno uživanje alkoholnih pijač, ki jih prinesete s sabo. Kabinskoosebje ne sme streči alkoholnih pijač osebam, ki kažejo znake vinjenosti,in osebam, mlajšim od 18 let. Dobronamerno vas opozarjamo, da alkoholzaradi nekoliko nižjega zračnega pritiska med poletom deluje na telo hitrejein bolj intenzivno kot na tleh.po pristankuZamujena, izgubljena ali poškodovana prtljagaČe bi med vašim potovanjem prišlo do nepravilnegaravnanja z vašo registrirano prtljago(velja tudi za prtljago, oddano pred letalom),zadevo takoj po prihodu prijavite na letališčupri ustrezni službi (Izgubljeno/Najdeno,Lost&Found, Arrival Service). Telefonskaštevilka pa je + 386 (0) 25 94 339.Center za stike s potnikiV Adrijinem Centru za stike s potniki lahko dobitevse informacije o naši ponudbi in novostih pa tudi pomoč ali nasvet.Sem lahko potniki posredujete pritožbo ali odškodninski zahtevek, veselipa bomo tudi pohvale. Na naš center se lahko obrnete osebno, pisno, poelektronski pošti prc@adria.si ali po telefonu na brezplačno številko 080 1303 za klice znotraj Slovenije oziroma kot doslej na telefonsko številko +386(0)1 369 11 33.Najem avtomobila in hoteliNa Adrijini spletni strani smo pred kratkim dodali zavihek Rent-a-car inHoteli, ki vam omogočata najugodnejši najem vozila in rezervacijo hotelskihnamestitev. Zelo enostavno: obiščite www.adria.si in poiščite željeni zavihek.Na voljo je nekaj deset tisoč hotelskih objektov na vseh celinah, od tistih zeno zvezdico do prestižnih mednarodnih verig. Pri Budgetu lahko najametevozilo na več kot 3.400 lokacijah v 128 državah po vsem svetu.127

ADRIA AIRWAYS<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> Welcomes You AboardDear passengers, your satisfaction is our success. In order to ensure that your <strong>Adria</strong> flight is as pleasant as possible, allow usto draw your attention to certain points that are important for your comfort and safety before take-off, during the flightand after landinG.Before take-offEconomy and business classThe majority of <strong>Adria</strong> routes are served by the following aircraft: Airbus A319 andA320, Bombardier CRJ-200 LR and CRJ-900.A business-class ticket is issued according to the current business-class tariff andis valid for one year. The ticket can be booked, paid for and picked up at any timeand includes other advantages such as changing the date of travel without additionalcharge, a larger free baggage allowance, the use of business lounges atairports, etc. Economy class is for passengers with economy-class tickets, whichare cheaper and carry certain restrictions.Online ticketingThe cheapest and quickest way to book a flight and buy a ticket is to visit <strong>Adria</strong>’swebsite at www.adria.si. This only applies to flights operated by <strong>Adria</strong>. Onlinepurchases are protected by a security certificate. Passengers receive their electronictickets via e-mail.If you require a ticket that will also include other carriers, please contact our CallCentre for Reservations and Ticket Sales on: 386 1 369 10 10 or 080 13 00.Travel with an electronic ticketYou can travel with an electronic ticket on all <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>scheduled flights. On purchasing a ticket, passengers receive apassenger coupon and itinerary in an <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>cover. You can also receive the document via e-mailand print it yourself. You must keep this documentwith you throughout the journey. At the check-in,present your passport or identity card. The checkinpersonnel will issue you with your boardingpass. Electronic documentation of the ticket salemeans that the ticket status can be verified atany time. It also facilitates rapid transfer of dataand reduces the chance of abuse. Most importantly,there is no danger of losing the boardingpass, since it is stored in electronic form.Of course, you can also find news, the hottest ticket price bids and “checkmytrip”where you can check information on your trip.Web Check-inAt <strong>Adria</strong> we are aware that every minute is precious when you are travelling.Especially when heavy traffic holds you up on the way to the airport. The webcheck-in service is a new service that lets you save time at the check-in desk: becauseyou can check in from home or office – or anywhere with an Internet connection.You can check in as early as 24 hours and up to 60 minutes before yourscheduled departure time. Web check-in is currently only available on selected<strong>Adria</strong> flights. In the coming months new destinations will gradually be added.Restrictions on bringing food into the EUWe advise passengers to check the list of articles that may be brought into theEU before travelling. Strict controls of the import of meat, milk, fish, shellfishand products derived from them is necessary to protect people and animalsfrom the diseases that they can transmit.If customs officials discover prohibited foodstuffs of animal origin duringroutine luggage checks, they will be confiscated. The informative leaflet “Whatto bring home” is available on our website.More information is available from the Veterinary Administration of the Republicof Slovenia or on its website http://www.vurs.gov.si/ under the section PublicAnnouncements/Import of Foodstuffs for Personal Use.Carry-on baggageFor your safety and comfort, we ask you to observe international rules thatpermit passengers to have one piece of carry-on baggage of a maximum sizeof 55 x 40 x 23 cm and a maximum weight of 8 kg.Carry-on baggage should be placed in the overhead bins. Heavier items maybe stored under the seat in front of you if possible.We recommend that you take care when opening the overhead bins as itemsmay have moved during the flight and may fall out.If your flight is on a CRJ aircraft, larger items of carry-on baggage must be surrenderedon boarding. They will be returned to you when you leave the aircraft.<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> on mobile phonesTo all smartphone users – we would like to inform you thatyou can now set our mobile site, m.adria.si, on your mobilebrowser or scan your QR code with a barcode scanner.If you do not have a barcode scanner, you can downloadone by clicking the following link http://www.i-nigma.com/Downloadi-nigmaReader.html. iPhone users can find this in the iStore.The mobile site provides information on the following: flight status, timetables,destinations and weather conditions.In addition, you will also find the following: travellers guide, tourist guide, ourcontact details and various links to: baggage tracking, searches by airportbusiness lounge, and frequent flyer miles in the Miles & More Club.EU airport security rulesIn 2006 the European Union adopted new security rules that restrict theamount of liquids that passengers can take aboard aircraft.You are only allowed to take small quantities of liquids in your hand luggage.These liquids must be in individual containers with a maximum capacity of 100millilitres each. These containers must be packed in one transparent re-sealableplastic bag of not more than one litre capacity per passenger. Liquids include:water and other drinks, soups, syrups; creams, lotions and oils; perfumes; sprays;gels, including hair and shower gels; contents of pressurised containers, includingshaving foam, other foams and deodorants; pastes, including toothpaste; liquidsolidmixtures; mascara; any other item of similar consistency.You can still:• pack liquids in bags that you check in – the new rules only affect hand luggage;128

• carry in your hand luggage medicines and dietary requirements, including babyfoods, for use during the trip. You may be asked for proof that they are needed;• buy liquids such as drinks and perfumes in an EU airport shop when locatedbeyond the point where you show your boarding pass or on board an aircraftoperated by an EU airline. If they are sold in a special sealed bag, do not openit before you are screened – otherwise the contents may be confiscated at thecheckpoint. (If you transfer at an EU airport, do not open the bag before screeningat your airport of transfer, or at the last one if you transfer more than once).• If you have any doubts, please ask your airline or travel agent in advance of travel.During the flightSafety informationOur cabin crew will give you important safety information before take-off. Youwill find instructions for emergency procedures in the pocket of the seat in frontof you. Since these procedures differ depending on the type of aircraft, we askyou to read the instructions carefully before every flight.During take-off and landing you must fasten your seatbelt. For yourown safety and comfort we also recommend that youleave it fastened during the flight. After landing, wait inyour seat until the aircraft comes to a complete stop oruntil the seatbelt sign is switched off.The captain can issue a passenger who acts inappropriatelyon the aircraft with what is called a REDCARD. The red card is intended for anyone whosebehaviour obstructs the work of the cabin crew,who does not observ safety instructions or whothreatens the safety and comfort of passengers.Unacceptable behaviour on board an aircraft is aviolation of the law. Placing air traffic in jeopardy is acriminal offence in accordance with Article 330 of theCriminal Code of the Republic of Slovenia (KZ-1), carryingwith it the penalty of imprisonment.Use of electronic devicesUse of the following devices is not permitted aboard the aircraft: mobilephones (they must be switched off!), radios and televisions, video games withremote control, computer printers and other devices emitting electromagneticwaves which could interfere with sensitive aircraft systems.Other electronic devices such as portable computers, CD and DVD players andpocket calculators may only be used during the flight (if they do not cause a disturbance).They may not be used during take-off and landing. Please check with thecabin crew before using electronic devices and be sure to follow their instructions.Hazardous itemsUnder international safety regulations air passengers may not transport, eitheron their person or in their luggage, weapons and other hazardous items suchas flammable liquids, compressed or liquefied gas cylinders, highly inflammablematerials, matches (except safety matches), and so on.Comfort and healthFor your comfort, an adjustable air vent and a reading light are located aboveyour seat. There is also a button which you can use to call a member of thecabin crew if necessary.The aircraft is equipped with a first aid kit. During the flight you may feel anuncomfortable pressure in your ears. This is caused by changes in altitudeandthe air pressure in the aircraft; swallowing or yawning will help relieve thediscomfort.In order to avoid vein problems associated with long flights, we advise you totake frequent walks up and down the cabin and to do stretching exercises forthe whole body while seated.Service during the flightOur friendly staff will also serve you while on board the aircraft. Dependingon the length of the flight, the destination and the class of travel, you will beoffered tasty meals, drink service, newspapers and our outstanding InFlightmagazine, and on longer flights you can also make purchases in our “airborne”<strong>Adria</strong> Shop. Meals and drinks are included in the ticket price on scheduledflights, while on charter flights passengers have to pay for alcoholic beverages:• Beer 0,33l2,50 eur• Wine 0,2l3,00 eur• Sparkling Wine 0,25l 3,50 eur• Chivas Regal 0,05l2,10 eur• Other miniature liquers 1,80 eurWith a thought of each passanger we carefully prepaired a huge sellection of theso-called special meals which you could order. Reason being either medicalor religious, a matter or your life style or personal belief – there issomething for each one of you. A variety of special meals is tobe found on our website, just follow the Passanger Guide tab.However, it is of significant importance to state you wish assoon as you book or purchase your ticket.After landingAlcohol on boardConsuming alcoholic beverages that you havebrought on board the aircraft yourself is not permitted.The cabin crew is not allowed to serve alcoholto passengers who show signs of intoxication or topassengers under 18 years old. Please bear in mind thatbecause of the lower air pressure during flight, alcoholhas a faster and stronger effect than on the ground.Delayed, lost and damaged baggageIf problems occur with your checked baggage during your journey (also appliesto luggage surrendered on boarding), contact the appropriate service assoon as you arrive at the airport (Lost & Found, Arrival Service, etc.)Passenger Relations Centre<strong>Adria</strong>’s Passenger Relations Centre provides you with news and informationabout our services and can also offer assistance and advice.Passengers can submit complaints or compensation claims, and praise isalways welcome. You can contact the centre in person, in writing, by e-mail toprc@adria.si, and by phoning the free telephone number 080 13 03 if callingfrom Slovenia, +386 1 369 11 33 if calling from outside Slovenia.Car hire and hotelsWe have recently added two tabs to <strong>Adria</strong>’s website that enables you to book ahire car or hotel accomodation throughout the world at favourable rates. Simplyvisit www.adria.si, and click on the desired tab. Choose from among tens ofthousands of hotels on every continent, ranging from one-star hotels to prestigiousinternational hotel chains. Budget offers <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> customers the bestcar hire deals in more than 3,400 destinations in 128 countries!129

ADRIA AIRWAYSOstale storitve Adrie <strong>Airways</strong> - Other servicesČarterski prevozi<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> ponuja potnikom, agencijam, podjetjem in drugim letalskimprevoznikom poleg svojih rednih linij tudi čarterske polete iz Ljubljane in vsehdrugih (predvsem evropskih) letališč. Z vstopom v Evropsko unijo ponujamoagencijam, podjetjem in drugim letalskim prevoznikom tudi polete z vseh drugihevropskih letališč. Odlikujejo nas zlasti prilagodljivost, ažurnost, visoka kakovostin točnost poletov. E-pošta: charter@adria.siChartersIn addition to its scheduled services, <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> offers charter flights fromLjubljana and other (mainly European) airports to passengers, agencies, companiesand other carriers. Now that Slovenia is part of the European Union, wecan also offer flights from all other European airports to agencies, companiesand other carriers. <strong>Adria</strong> charters offer flexibility, up-to-the-minute services,high quality and punctuality.E-mail: charter@adria.siPrevoz tovoraBlagovna služba Adrie <strong>Airways</strong> odpremi vse pošiljke hitro in kakovostnodo vseh letališč po svetu. V sodelovanju z drugimi prevozniki in s pomočjoračunalniško podprtega rezervacijskega sistema spremljamo vsako pošiljkood sprejema do predaje naslovniku.Naša blagovna služba in prodajna zastopništva v tujini vam bodo zveseljem pomagala odpremiti oz. dostaviti blago po najhitrejši in cenovnonajugodnejši poti.ADRIA CARGO, Letališče Ljubljana – Prevoz tovoraTelefon: + 386 (04) 259 43 40, Faks + 386 (04) 202 30 30E-pošta: cargo@adria.siCargoThe <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> cargo service provides fast, high-quality goods transport toevery airport in the world. In conjunction with other carriers, and with the help ofa computerised booking system, we monitor every item from reception to delivery.Our goods service and sales offices abroad will be happy to help you dispatch ordeliver goods by the fastest and most competitively priced route.ADRIA CARGO, Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport – Cargo Transport,Telephone: + 386 (04) 259 43 40, Fax: + 386 (04) 202 30 30,E-mail: jp.cargo@adria.siUradni prevoznik dogodkovKot sodobna družba razumemo potrebe poslovnega vsakdanjika, ki se vsepogosteje odvija v globalnem prostoru. Zato stopamo naproti tistim, kiorganizirajo konference, kongrese, sejme ali druge mednarodne dogodketako, da postanemo njihov uradni ekskluzivni prevoznik, udeležencemter organizatorju pa nudimo posebne ugodnosti. Preprosto, učinkovitoin prilagojeno potrebam svojih uporabnikov poskrbimo za to, da potekadogodek uspešno, udeleženci pa prispejo na cilj pravočasno,varno inzanesljivo. Kot članica združenja Star Alliance Iahko za večje mednarodnekongrese zagotovimo produkt “Conventions PlusTM”, v sklopu kateregapostane več članov združenja uradni prevoznik dogodka. Za vse nadaljnjeinformacije smo dosegljivi po elektronski pošti: events@adria.siOfficial events carrierAs a modern company we understand the needs of modern business, whichincreasingly takes place in the global arena. For this reason we are ideallypositioned to work with organisers of conferences, congresses, fairs and otherinternational events by becoming their official exclusive carrier and offeringdiscounted fares and other advantages to participants and organisers. With asimple, efficient approach adapted to the needs of our customers, we make surethat the event runs smoothly, with participants arriving at their destination ontime, safely and reliably. As a Star Alliance member we offer the ConventionsPlus service for major international conferences, which effectively makes all StarAlliance members the official carrier for the event. For more information write tous at: events@adria.si.Avio Taxi – panoramski izletiZ letalom Piper Turbo Arrow PA-28R-201T s tremi sedeži za potnike lahkopoletite do vseh večjih mest s špotnimi letališči v Sloveniji in do bližnjihletališč sosednjih držav. Za lete se lahko naročite po telefonu: 04 23 63 460(<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> Aviotaxi) ali 041 636 420 (tel. št. pilota).Aviotaxi – Panoramic flightsOur Piper Turbo Arrow PA-28R-201T, with its three passenger seats, can fly youto all major towns with sports airfields in Slovenia and to nearby airportsinneighbouring countries. To book flights, call us on: 04 23 63460 (<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>Aviotaxi) or 041 636 420 (pilot).130

Spoznajte letenje v virtualnem svetu z našimi odličnimi inštruktorji.Za rezervacijo termina in dodatne informacije o obisku simulatorja pošljitee-mail na naslov: letalska.sola@adria.si. Letenje je možno po predhodnirezervaciji termina. Več o ponudbi preberite na spletni strani www.adrialetalskasola.siin www.letileti.si.Learn to fly in a virtual world with our excellent instructors.To book a session and for more information about a visit to the simulator,e-mail us at the following address: letalska.sola@adria.si. Booking essential.For more information visit www.adrialetalskasola.si and www.letileti.si.Klubi zvestobe - Loyalty ClubsPartnerska karticaDiners Club-<strong>Adria</strong>Potniki s stalnim prebivališčem v Republiki Sloveniji se lahko odločiteza skupno plačilno kartico Diners Cluba in Adrie <strong>Airways</strong>. Z uporabopartnerske plačilne kartice Diners Club-<strong>Adria</strong> lahko zbirate milje in koristitenagradne vozovnice in druge ugodnosti v programu Miles & More. Vsakporabljen evro vam bo prinesel 1 miljo. Dogovor, sklenjen med Adrio inklubom Miles & More, prinaša imetnikom partnerske kartice pomembnododatno ugodnost: milje, zbrane z nakupi s plačilno kartico Diners Club--<strong>Adria</strong>, ne zapadejo, če ste vsaj tri mesece član. Kartica pa vam odpira vratain nudi brezplačne storitve tudi v več kot 130 letaliških salonih po vsemsvetu, kjer boste lahko v miru počakali na odhod svojega letala, brezplačnoprelistali časopis, se osvežili z napitki, telefonirali ali poslali faks.Informacije: telefon 080 13 45, www.dinersclub.si, info@dinersclub.siDiners Club<strong>Adria</strong> Partner CardPassengers with permanent residence in Slovenia can obtain the joint DinersClub and <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> charge card. By using the Diners Club – <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>charge card, you can collect miles and enjoy bonus tickets and other privilegesin the Miles & More programme. Every euro spent will give you one mile. Theagreement between <strong>Adria</strong> and Miles & More brings partner card holders animportant additional benefit: miles collected through purchases using the DinersClub- <strong>Adria</strong> payment card will not lapse if you have been a member for at leastthree months, you use the card for at least one purchase each month and yousettle your account balance on time. At the same time, the card opens the doorto free services in more than 130 airport lounges around the world, where youcan await your departure in tranquillity, browse through newspapers, enjoy arefreshing drink, make phone calls or send faxes.Information: Telephone: 080 13 45, www.dinersclub.si, info@dinersclub.si131

ADRIA AIRWAYSStar AllianceStar AlliancePARTNERSTVO<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> je letalski prevoznik z več kot 50-letnimi izkušnjami v čarterskemin rednem prometu. Uspešno sodeluje v evropskih integracijskih tokovihin se partnersko povezuje z drugimi letalskimi prevozniki. Decembra2004 se je <strong>Adria</strong> kot regionalna članica pridružila največjemu globalnemuzdruženju letalskih prevoznikov Star Allianceu, z januarjem 2010 pa jenapredovala v polnopravno članico združenja.Potnikom zagotavljamo vse prednosti, ki jih prinaša izboljšan dostop dosvetovnega omrežja prevoznikov, združenih v Star Allianceu. V povezavi spartnerji vam omogočamo dostop do svetovne mreže poletov 27 letalskihprevoznikov, ki z več kot 21.500 leti dnevno povezujejo 1.356 destinacij v193 državah.Poleg tega so vam na voljo ugodnosti, ki jih ponujajo prevozniki, člani StarAlliancea, kot so: prijava na let do končne destinacije, priznavanje statusa,vstop v letališke salone ter zbiranje in uveljavljanje točk ali milj v okviruprogramov za pogoste potnike. Za številne destinacije po svetu so vam navoljo potovanja po ugodnejših cenah in posebna ponudba Star AllianceaRound the World – potovanje okoli sveta. Za več informacij smo vam navoljo na naših prodajnih mestih.Star AlliancePartnership<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> has more than 50 years of experience in operating both charterand scheduled flights. We are successfully participating in the process ofEuropean integration and have established partnership arrangements withother air carriers. In December 2004 <strong>Adria</strong> joined Star Alliance, the world’slargest airline alliance, as a regional member and later became a full memberin January 2010.Our customers now benefit from improved access to the world-wide StarAlliance network. In connection with our partners, we offer access to a globalnetwork of flights on 27 airlines, which offer more than 21,500 flights dailyserving 1,356 destinations in 193 countries.Moreover, our passengers enjoy customer benefits offered by Star Alliancemember carriers, such as through check-in, status recognition, lounge access,frequent-flyer accrual and redemption. Reduced fares are available fornumerous destinations throughout the world, along with the Star AllianceRound-the-World special offer. We will be glad to provide details at any <strong>Adria</strong>sales outlet.Avianca-TACA Airlines in Copa Airlines sta se pridružilizdruženju Star AllianceZdaj boste še lažje izkoriščali številne nove poslovne priložnosti v JužniAmeriki in drugod: po pridružitvi dveh prestižnih južnoameriških letalskihprevoznikov Avianca -TACA Airlines in Copa Airlines združenje Star Alliancezagotavlja brezhibne povezave z več kot 1300 destinacijami po vsem svetu.Poleg tega lahko tako z eno samo kartico zbirate in unovčujete milje prikateri koli od 27 letalskih družb, ki so članice združenja Star Alliance.AVIANCA, TACA AIRLINES AND COPA AIRLINES HAVE JOINED THESTAR ALLIANCE NETWORKNow with an extended network, it’s even easier to take advantage of all thenew business opportunities in Latin America and beyond. With the additionof these three prestigious Latin American airlines, you can now seamlesslyconnect to over 1300 destinations worldwide. And earn and redeemmiles across any of the 27 member airlines of the Star Alliance network onjust one card.Doživite brezhibno potovanje z združenjem Star AllianceV Združenju Star Alliance se ves čas vašega potovanja trudimo, da bivam zagotovili prijetno, nemoteno in učinkovito potovalno izkušnjo kjerkoli na svetu.Predano strokovno usposobljeno osebje stalno spremlja vaše dohodne inodhodne lete ter skrbi za to, da so vaše povezave dovolj hitre, prilagodljivein zanesljive, tako da vam ni treba spreminjati potovalnih načrtov. Če jetreba, vas bo na izbranih letališčih ob prihodu počakal član osebja in vaspospremil skozi terminal, da boste zagotovo ujeli svojo povezavo.To si zaslužite.Za več informacij obiščite www.staralliance.com.Enjoy a seamless travel experience with the Star AlliancenetworkThroughout your journey, the Star Alliance network is dedicated to providinga convenient, smooth and efficient worldwide travel experience.Dedicated teams continually monitor your in-bound and out-bound flightsto ensure that your transfers are fast, flexible and reliable enough so thatyour travel plans remain in place. And, if needed, at selected airports, a staffmember will meet you at your gate to guide you through the terminal, ensuringyou make your transfer on time.You’ve earned it.Visit www.staralliance.com to find out more.132

MILES & MOREDobrodošli v Miles & MoreRazlog več, da poletitez Adrio <strong>Airways</strong><strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> nudi svojim pogostim potnikom program Miles & More in jims tem omogoča pestrost zbiranja in uporabljanja milj v celotni mreži poletovčlanic zveze Star Alliance. Sem spadajo tudi vse redne proge Adrie <strong>Airways</strong>.PrijavaPrijavite se lahko s prijavnico, ki jo dobite na vseh prodajnih mestih in vletalih Adrie <strong>Airways</strong>, ali pa to storite na naslovu www.adria.si na našihspletnih straneh.Zbiranje miljMilje lahko zbirate na celotni mreži poletov članic zveze Star Alliance. Dodatnemilje lahko zbirate z bivanjem v hotelih, najemom vozil, telefoniranjem,nakupi v določenih trgovinah in z uporabo kreditnih kartic.Podroben seznam vseh partnerjev, ki vas nagrajujejo v okviru Miles & Moreprograma najdete na www.miles-and-more.com v rubriki »Earn miles«.Zbrane milje so veljavne tri leta. Člani Miles & More v Sloveniji lahko pridobijonagradne milje tudi s partnersko plačilno kartico Diners Club-<strong>Adria</strong>. Vsaknakup v vrednosti 1 EUR vam prinese eno miljo. Čas veljavnosti zbranih miljje neomejen, če plačilno kartico uporabljate najmanj 3 mesece, opravite z njovsak mesec vsaj en nakup in račune poravnate v roku.Koriščenje miljZbrane milje lahko porabite za številne nagrade: nagradne vozovnice na progahčlanic Star Alliancea, potovanje v višjem razredu, počitniška potovanja,nakup različnih artiklov.Članske karticeZ včlanitvijo postanete član programa in imetnik osnovne kartice. Doseženoštevilo zahtevanih statusnih milj, zbranih v koledarskem letu, zagotavlja višjenivoje članstva, kot so: srebrni član ali Frequent Traveller, zlati član ali Senatorin HON Circle Member. Višji nivo članstva vam prinese posebne ugodnosti. Teso prednost na čakalnih listah, prevoz večje količine prtljage, vstop v oslovnesalone idr. Člansko kartico imejte vedno pri roki, potrebujete jo za beleženjemilj, uveljavljanje ugodnosti in naročanje nagrad. Splošna pravila in pogojiprograma Miles & More so objavljeni na www.miles-and-more.com.RegistrationYou can join the programme by filling in the registration form available at allsales offices and on board <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> aircraft, or by registering online at ourwebsite, www.adria.si.Earning milesYou can collect miles within the entire Star Alliance network. You can also collectadditional miles through hotel stays, car rental, telephone calls, purchases atselected shops and using your credit cards. The complete list of all Miles & Morepartners can be found on www.miles-and-more.com in »Earn miles« section.Miles & More members in Slovenia can also receive award miles with the partnerDiners Club-<strong>Adria</strong> credit card. Every euro charged earns you 1 mile. Miles collectedthrough purchases using the Diners Club-<strong>Adria</strong> payment card will notlapse if you have been a member for at least three months, you use the card forat least one purchase each month and you settle your account balance on time.Spending milesYou can use the miles you have accumulated for various benefits: award ticketson Star Alliance member routes, upgrades to business class, holiday travel andvarious purchases.Membership cardsYou become a member as soon as you join. Accumulating the required numberof status miles in a calendar year leads to higher levels of membership: silvermember or Frequent Traveller, gold member or Senator and HON Circle Member.A higher level of membership offers you special benefits, such as priority onwaiting lists, excess baggage allowance, airport lounge access and so on.Miles are valid for three years. Always have your membership card on hand,because you’ll need it to register miles, claim benefits and request awards.General Terms and Conditions of the Miles & More programme can be found onwww.miles-and-more.com.Welcome aboard <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>, a Star Alliance member!For information on miles, latest news about programme and to order awardtickets or other benefits, call the Miles & More call centre at +386 40 747 440.You’ll be asked for your membership number and PIN code. We’ll be happy totake your calls in Slovene from 8 am to 6 pm. Service is also available in Englishand German outside these hours.Dobrodošli na poletih Adrie <strong>Airways</strong>, članice združenja Star Alliance!V klicnem centru Miles & More na tel. št. (0)40 747 440 smo vam na voljoza posredovanje informacije o zbranih miljah, o novostih v klubu in zanaročila nagradnih vozovnic ter drugih nagrad. Navesti morate članskoštevilko in PIN kodo. V delovnem času od 8. do 18. ure vam bodo informacijena voljo v slovenskem jeziku, kasneje v angleškem ali nemškem.wELCOME TO Miles & MoreOne more reason forflying <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong><strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> offers its frequent flyers the chance to join the Miles & Moreprogramme, which makes available a variety of ways to collect and use miles onthe entire flight network of Star Alliance members. All <strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> scheduledservices are included in this network.133

ADRIA AIRWAYSProdaja vozovnic in rezervacije - Ticket offices and booking<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>Zgornji Brnik 130h4210 Brnik - AerodromKlicni center / call centre:tel: +386 (0)1 36 91 010, 080 13 00, FAX: +386 (0)4 25 94 573E-mail: booking@adria.siPoslovalnice / Sales offices:Letališče Jožeta PučnikaLJUBLJANALJUBLJANA Jože PučnikAirport<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> Sales OfficeTel.: +386 (0)4 25 94 245Fax: +386 (0)4 23 63 461E-mail: adr.prodaja@adria.siAMSTERDAM<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>Tel.: +31 20 625 11 22Fax: +32 2 753 23 37Airport Ticketing DeskAmsterdam Schiphol AirportAviapartnerTerminal 2Tel.: +31 20 79 52 600Fax: +31 20 79 52 601E-mail: adr.amsairport@adria.siBARCELONA<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>, General Sales AgentKompas SpainC/ Paris, 162-164 Entlo 2a08036 BarcelonaTel.: + 34 93 246 67 77Fax: +34 93 245 41 88E-mail: adr.barcelona@adria.siBELGRADE<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>, General Sales AgentOKI AIR INTERNATIONALAirport “Nikola Tesla”11180 Belgrade 59Tel/Fax: +381 11 2286457,2286458, 2097457E-mail: okiairbeg@oki.me,adr.belgrade@adria.siBRUSSELS<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>Brussels Airport – Box 41930 ZaventemTel.: +32 (0)2 75 32 336Fax: +32 (0)2 75 32 337E-mail: adr.brussels@adria.si<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> Ticket DeskFlightcare row 5Airport Zaventem / BrusselsTel.: +32 (0)2 75 32 335COPENHAGEN<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>, General Sales AgentA CVITAN ABTings Gatan 2256 56 Helsingborg, SWEDENTel.: +46 (0)42 28 47 78Fax: +46 (0)42 14 47 78Mobil: +46 708 28 47 78E-mail: adr.copenhagen@adria.sia.cvitan@adria-airways.sevozovnice: info@adria-airways.dk<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> Airport Ticket DeskCopenhagen AirportTerminal 2, Floor 2, Office 2302770 Kastrup, DenmarkTel. & Fax: +45 (0)32 51 59 59Mobil: +46 708 28 47 78E-mail: adr.copenhagen@adria.siFRANKFURT<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>Frankfurt AirportTerminal 1, Building 201Room 201. 4043/4044P.O.Box 039, 60549 Frankfurt am MainTel.: +49 (0)69 269 56 720, 269 56 721Fax: +49 (0)69 269 56 730E-mail: adr.frankfurt@adria.si<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> Airport Ticket DeskFrankfurt Airport, Terminal 1, Hall BSales Desk 307P.O.Box 039, 60549 Frankfurt am MainTel. +49 (0)69 269 56 722ISTANBUL<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>AIRPORT OFFICEACMAtatürk International Airport,Departure Level, IDL 38129 Yesilkoy –Istanbul / TURKEYTel: +90 212 465 55 15Fax: +90 212 465 55 16Mob: +90 0530 938 43 20E-mail: adr.istanbul@adria.siLONDON LUTONServiceair Ticketing OfficeDeparture AreaTel.: + 44 (0)1582 753377 int.356Fax.: +44 (0)1582 773388MOSCOW<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>Derbenevskaja 4115 114 MoscowTel.: +7 495 727 08 85, 727 08 87Fax: +7 495 727 08 88E-mail: adr.moscow@adria.si<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>Sheremetyevo AirportTicket office Bohemia2nd floor of terminal FTicketing +7 903 5613645,e-mail: apt-svo@mail.ru,fax +7 495 578 8197Supervisor on duty +7 916 267 2395,e-mail: svokkjp@adria.siMUNICHProsimo, obrnite se na predstavništvov Frankfurtu.Please contact our office in Frankfurt.PODGORICA<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>, General Sales AgentOki Air MontenegroIvana Vujoševića 4681000 PodgoricaTel. & Fax: +382 20 201 201, 201 202,241 154Mobil: +382 67 24 11 54E-mail: adr.podgorica@adria.si,okiair@oki.me<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> Ticket OfficePodgorica AirportOKI AIR MontenegroTel. & Fax: +382 20 653074Mobil: +382 67 24 11 54E-mail: adr.podgorica@adria.siPRISTINA<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>Pal Palucij 3, 38000 PristinaTel.: +381 (0)38 54 34 11Tel. & Fax: +381 (0)38 54 32 85E-mail: adr.pristina@adria.siTicket issue at the airportTel.: +381 (0) 38 548 437Fax: +381 (0) 38 548 437Mobile: +377 44 501 241SARAJEVO<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>,General Sales AgentFerhadija 2371000 SarajevoTel.: +387 (0)33 23 21 25, 23 21 26Fax: +387 (0)33 23 36 92E-mail: adr.sarajevo@adria.si<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> Airport Ticket DeskSarajevo International AirportTel. & Fax: +387 33 464 331SKOPJE<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>, General Sales AgentAAM dooelUlica Dame Gruev, Gradski Zid, blok 4/81000 SkopjeTel.: +389 (0)2 31 17 009, 32 29 975Fax: +389 (0)2 31 65 531E-mail: adr.skopje@adria.si<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> Airport Ticket OfficeSkopje AirportTel. +389 (0)2 25 50 133TEL AVIV<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>, General Sales AgentMIRUS SERVICES LtdEL AL BUILDING32 Ben Yehuda Street8th Floor, Room 822Tel Aviv 63432Tel.: +972 (0)3 52 23 161Fax: +972 (0)3 52 40 895<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> Ticket DeskBen Gurion AirportLaufer Aviation Ltd.Tel.: +972 (0)3 97 74 300Fax: +972 (0)3 97 12 022TIRANA<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>, General Sales AgentEuropian Trade CenterStreet Bajram Curi 19Town OfficeTel.: +355 4 227 4666Tel. & Fax: +355 4 227 2666Mobil Off.: +355 6 94076614AirportTel. & Fax: +355 4 238 1911Mobil in Rinas Apt.: +355 6 94076611E-mail: adr.tirana@adria.siVERONA<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>, Ticketing OfficeAIRPORT VALERIO CATULLO VERONADeparture AreaTel.: +390 45 8619 006Fax.: +390 45 8095 711e-mail: ticket@aeroportoverona.itVIENNA<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>, General Sales AgentFligt Directors LufttransportvermittlungGes.m.b.HA-1300 Vienna AirportTel.: +43 (1) 879 8705Fax: +43 (1) 876 045311E-mail: pia.karlovic@adria.sip.karlovic@flightdirectors.atZAGREB<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>Praška 910000 ZagrebTel.: +385 (0)1 48 10 011, 48 10 016Fax: +385 (0)1 48 10 008E-mail: adr.zagreb@adria.siZÜRICH<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>Loewenstrasse 54/II.8001 ZürichTel.: +41 (0)44 212 63 93Fax: +41 (0)44 212 52 66E-mail: adr.zurich@adria.si<strong>Adria</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> Airport Ticket OfficeZürich AirportTerminal B-2-521Tel.: +41 (0)43 81 64 437134

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