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Global Strategy forPlant ConservationCentre for the Conservation of theBrazilian FloraThe creation of the Centre for theConservation of Brazilian Flora in thescope of the National BiodiversityMainstreaming and InstitutionalConsolidation Project – PROBIO II willallow the Research Institute of theBotanic Garden of Rio de Janeiro, whichis an associated agency of Ministry ofthe Environment, to work on the prioritytopics that internationally emanatedfrom the CBD - the Global TaxonomyInitiative, the Global Strategy for theConservation of Plants and the Strategyfor Conservation in Botanic Gardens.The main objectives of the Center forthe Conservation of Brazilian Floraare to: a) generate knowledge onthe diversity of Brazilian flora andfacilitate the conservation measures forvegetation; b) bring together an amplevariety of capabilities, specialties andresources so as to provide the basisfor the conservation, management andsustainable use of Brazilian flora; c)enrich botanic collections of the Brazilianflora in the herbarium of the Rio deJaneiro’s Botanic Gardens; d) allowaccess to information on the Brazilianvegetation and on vegetation resources forresearch, management and public use;e) work on priority areas of the Brazilianbiomes to ensure the conservation ofbiodiversity and endangered species.Botanic Gardens NetworkThe Brazilian Network of BotanicalGardens (Rede Brasileira de JardinsBotânicos – RBJB) was founded onJanuary 23, 1991, when representativesfrom eight Brazilian botanic gardenscame together during the 42 nd NationalBotanical Congress in Goias State. Therepresentatives were from the botanicalgardens of Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, PortoAlegre, São Paulo, Caxias do Sul, StateUniversity of Campinas – Unicamp,Emílio Goeldi Museum of Pará, the HortoBotânico from de Federal University ofRio de Janeiro that met to found a nonprofitcivil society with the objective ofunifying and promoting the interests ofbotanical gardens in Brazil. The resultof this work is reflected in numbers, asat the time the RBJB was created, nomore than three hundred persons worked53

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