Protected Areas

Protected Areas

Protected Areas

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information about the protected areasand allows strategic decision-making onprotected areas management.Conservation and Investment StrategyThe investment priorities made onprotected areas were guided by theConservation and Investment Strategy(2006), developed by the ProgramCoordination Unit and supported bythe ARPA Scientific Counselling Panel,consultants, and also the Germantechnical cooperation. This strategy waselaborated on scientific criteria, focusingon biodiversity and its threats and thecontribution each protected area can giveto ARPA Program targets.Second Phase of the ARPAProgramARPA currently encompassesapproximately 30 million hectares ofprotected areas in the Amazon region.Based on the lessons learned, ARPAnegotiations have begun for the program’ssecond phase to be implementedbetween 2009 and 2012.New targets were established and thetotal size of areas to be protected by theprogram has increased from 50 to 60million hectares.Targets for the second phase:- Create 20 million hectares of additionalprotected areas (10 sites of strictprotection and 10 sites of sustainable useareas);- Implement the protected areas thatwere created in the Program’s first phase;- Foster the consolidation of protectedareas that were created in the Program’sfirst phase;¨ Consolidate another 5.5 millionhectares of existing protected areas(created before 2000);¨ Implement complementary financialmechanisms that were identified duringthe Program’s first phase.The Ecological Corridors Project(Projeto Corredores Ecológicos– PCE)Within the context of the projectcoordinated by the Ministry of theEnvironment and executed in partnershipwith the States of Espírito Santo, Bahiaand Amazonas, ecological corridorsare large areas located in the Amazonand Atlantic Forest biomes and includeprotected area sites under different typesof management, as well as indigenouslands, and interstitial areas submitted todifferent forms of land use.Priority was placed on two corridors asthe Project’s pilot so as to test differentmethodologies for implementingecological corridors -- the AtlanticForest’s Central Corridor (CorredorCentral da Mata Atlântica – CCMA) withits approximate 12.5 million hectares(almost the size of England), and theAmazon’s Central Corridor (CorredorCentral da Amazônia – CCA) and itsnearly 52 million hectares (equivalent toone and a half the size of Germany). Theprogram is part of the Pilot Project for theProtection of Tropical Forests in Brazil andcounts on resources from donations ofthe KfW Entwicklungsbank (The GermanDevelopment Bank), the Rain Forest TrustFund through the World Bank, from theEuropean Commission and from nationaland state counterparts.For the Amazon’s Central Corridor, the67

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