Protected Areas

Protected Areas

Protected Areas

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Sources: Ecological Corridors Project /MMA; Amazônia Brasileira 2007 - ISA e Arpa/MMA; IDAF-ES;Semarh-BA; IBAMA; IEMA.Interstitial <strong>Areas</strong>This sub-component aims atstrengthening biodiversity conservation ininterstitial areas of the corridor (outsideprotected area sites and indigenouslands) and at fostering conservation andsustainable development of land use. It isespecially geared toward non-profit nongovernmentalinstitutions, communitygroups and local government.Interstitial areas are of special importanceas they occupy most parts of thecorridors. In the specific case of theCCMA, they correspond to 95% of theterritory and contain important remainsof natural ecosystems. As a result, theirconservation, enlargement and restorationwill greatly contribute to the CCMA’sconnectivity. Considering that a largepart of this corridor’s remains is locatedin private properties, the participation ofthese lands’ owners in in situ biodiversityconservation is very important, as itwill help fulfill the milestones of theConvention on Biological Diversity.In the case of the CCA, the interstitialarea corresponds to 54% of the corridorand measures for the conservation andpreservation of natural resources formaintaining connectivity are foreseen.Thus, calls for proposals for subprojectsin both corridors were launched. Thisstrategy will allow for an increase to thescale of measures to be carried out andwill thus be a response to the society thateffectively participated in planning for thecorridors.The sub-projects supported by thePCE will be able to provide support tosustainable management, includingthe recovery of degraded ecosystems,extractivist and agro-forestry production,sales of products obtained through thesustainable management of natural72

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