Protected Areas

Protected Areas

Protected Areas

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strategy is to maintain a forest continuumby means of fiscalization measures,consolidation of existing protected areasites and through the implementationof procedures for the sustainable use ofnatural resources in interstitial areas.For the Atlantic Forest’s Central Corridor,the priority is to ensure protection tothe significant forest remains and togradually increase the connection amongprotected area sites, indigenous landsand landscape fragments by controlling,protecting and recovering forest coveragein connection with work geared towardsustainable development in priority areas,95% of which are located in privateproperties.In the Project’s structure, the corridorsare organized into four sub-componentsor lines of action: (i) fiscalization,surveillance and monitoring; (ii) planningand management of conservation areas;(iii) interstitial areas; and in the specificcase of the Amazon (iv) protection ofbiological diversity in indigenous lands.In this sense, the Project directly supportsthe commitments made by Brazil asregards implementing the nationalbiodiversity milestones for 2010.Law Enforcement, Surveillance andMonitoringThis sub-component focuses onthe development of the corridor’smanagement plan, the development andbeginning of the surveillance strategyand enforcement of legislation, thedevelopment of the monitoring strategy,environmental information system andleading local capacity building towardparticipatory management. Furthermore,this sub-component provides supportto the administrative structure soas to facilitate and coordinate theimplementation of corridors.In the Amazon’s Central Corridor tofoster sustainable use and consumption(Objective 2 of the CBD) an 85%decrease of non-authorized fishingboats was detected in the Unini River.This decrease resulted from the lawenforcement infrastructure work as forexample the Flutuantes. In addition,three fishing agreements were signed 1and contribute to the recovery of the mainfishery stocks.In the lower Rio Negro region, lawenforcement measures carried out bythe Ibama 2 within the PCE’s Action andSurveillance, increase the apprehensionof lumbered wood, turtles, fish fingerlingsin areas surrounding the protected areasites. These missions were supportedby Volunteer Environmental Agents whoreceived training in courses offered by thePCE and who reside in the communitiesand are accredited by the Ibama tocarry out fiscalization work on a solelyvolunteer basis. These persons workwith the community as environmentaleducators and are not authorized to issuefines. They are, however, authorized toconfiscate products and equipment frominvaders and/or persons infringing the lawwithin the reserve and its surroundingarea and to register such facts withIbama.Within the Central Atlantic ForestCorridor, effort is made to reduce1According to Normative Instruction 29/03 of Ibama, a Fishing Agreement is understood as “a set of specific measuresresulting from consensual treaties among different users and the body responsible for managing fishery resources in agiven area that is geographically defined.”2The Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources is a federal organization that isresponsible for executing national environmental guidelines.68

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