Site Allocations (Villages) - North Norfolk District Council

Site Allocations (Villages) - North Norfolk District Council

Site Allocations (Villages) - North Norfolk District Council


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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Allocations</strong><strong>Allocations</strong> in Service <strong>Villages</strong> 1213312.5 <strong>Allocations</strong> for Catfield12.5.1 Catfield is categorised as a 'Service Village' in the CoreStrategy. The Strategy indicates that small scale housingallocations for a total of approximately 26 dwellings shouldbe considered.12.5.2 The opportunities for allocations in Catfield are relativelylimited. Development beyond the existing village into thesurrounding countryside raises concerns in relation tolandscape impact, particularly to the south and west of thevillage where the flat landscape could result in highlyprominent development. Despite these concerns it isconsidered important to take the opportunity to allocate anew site, or sites, in order to increase the supply ofaffordable housing, which would otherwise be limited to ruralexception schemes.12.5.3 The Appropriate Assessment recommends a programmeof monitoring be initiated to assess impacts of development on the Broads SAC / BroadlandSPA and Ramsar site and Great Yarmouth <strong>North</strong> Denes SPA from visitor disturbance. TheAppropriate Assessment also recommends that further assessment of water quality issuesmay be required to ensure continued compliance with appropriate discharge standards. Amonitoring programme will need to be in place before any development can occur.Residential: Land off Lea Road (CAT01)Description12.5.4 This small field is enclosed on three sides by existing residential development and on thefourth by an existing hedgerow. It is proposed that the site be developed for approximately15 dwellings. Vehicular access would be via Lea Road. Further hedgerow planting wouldhave biodiveristy benefits and should be included in any proposal. An initial wildlife survey(41) has been carried out and a further survey may be required to assess the presence ofConstraintsparticular species.12.5.5 The site is beyond the flood risk area but is identified in the Strategic Flood Risk Assessmentas having potentially ‘poor’ drainage and therefore appropriate Sustainable DrainageSystems (SUDS) components will need to be used to ensure no increase in local surfacewater flooding.12.5.6 There are no surface water sewers in the vicinity of the site.Deliverability12.5.7 The site is suitable and available for development. It is in single ownership and the landownerhas indicated support for the allocation. There are no known reasons why development onthe site cannot be achieved within the plan period.41 <strong>Norfolk</strong> Wildlife Services, April 2009

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