Site Allocations (Villages) - North Norfolk District Council

Site Allocations (Villages) - North Norfolk District Council

Site Allocations (Villages) - North Norfolk District Council


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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Allocations</strong><strong>Allocations</strong> in Service <strong>Villages</strong> 1213512.6 <strong>Allocations</strong> for Corpusty12.6.1 Corpusty is categorised as a'Service Village' in the CoreStrategy. The Strategy indicatesthat small scale housing allocationsfor a total of approximately 26dwellings should be considered.12.6.2 The village is one of the smallerSelected Settlements but for its sizeit has a good range of facilitiesincluding a shop, primary school,public house and village hall. Aswith many of the small villages in<strong>North</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>, Corpusty derivesmuch of its character from thebeauty of the surroundinglandscape. The B1149 is a busythrough route and it is consideredthat new residential developmentshould have convenient pedestrianaccess to facilities without the needto cross this busy road. Suitablesites are difficult to identify as siteswhich would enjoy good access tovillage facilities tend to be inprominent locations on the edge ofthe settlement where development would result in unacceptable landscape impact.12.6.3 The Open Space study (42) found that particular attention should be paid to the potential forupgrading and improving the children's play area at Corpusty Green, and the Core Strategyprovides for off-site contributions to public open space to be made where appropriate.12.6.4 Anglian Water has indicated that there is no spare capacity in the sewage treatment worksserving Corpusty and therefore development may need to be delayed until improvementworks have been made.12.6.5 The Appropriate Assessment (43) recommends a programme of monitoring be initiated toassess impacts of development on the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> Coast SAC / SPA and Ramsar sitefrom visitor disturbance. This monitoring will need to be agreed prior to development takingplace.Residential: Land Between Norwich Road & Adams Lane (COR01)Description12.6.6 This site comprises a small paddock/orchard lying partly to the rear of dwellings which fronton to Norwich Road. It is in a central location close to the village shop, primary school and42 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> Open Space and Recreation Study, Atkins 200643 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Site</strong> Specific Proposals Appropriate Assessment, Royal Haskoning, April 2009 and February 2010

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