Site Allocations (Villages) - North Norfolk District Council

Site Allocations (Villages) - North Norfolk District Council

Site Allocations (Villages) - North Norfolk District Council


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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Allocations</strong><strong>Allocations</strong> in Service <strong>Villages</strong> 12155walking and cycling to school but should facilitate the removal of parked cars within thecarriageway on Trunch Road. The developer should engage with the School Travel Planadvisors at the school to come up with the most appropriate solution for the area.12.11.17 Safe vehicle and pedestrian access should be provided onto Trunch Road as well asprovision of a satisfactory footway along the site frontage and a crossing point to the school.Provision of adequate visibility splays will require removal of some of the frontage hedgerowalthough most of this, and the mature trees, should be retained where possible.Constraints12.11.18 This site is a regionally important historic environment record site of unknown archaeologicalpotential and therefore archaeological work may be necessary prior to any developmenttaking place. A Public Right of Way runs through the site and should be retained or divertedand suitable landscaping provided along its boundary with the allocation site.12.11.19 The site is within a water Source Protection Zone 1 and only clean, uncontaminated surfacewater (such as roof-water) should be discharged to any soakaway or watercourse. Run-offfrom impermeable areas such as car parks and roads should drain into mains sewer ratherthan the ground.12.11.20 There are no surface water sewers in the vicinity of the site. There are water mains crossingthe site and diversion would be at the developers' expense.Deliverabilty12.11.21 The site is suitable and available for development. It is in single ownership and the landownerhas indicated support for the allocation. There are no known reasons why development onthe site cannot be achieved within the plan period.Policy MUN07Land South of Trunch RoadLand amounting to 0.68 hectares to be allocated for residential development of approximately10 dwellings. Development will be subject to compliance with adopted Core Strategy policiesincluding on-site provision of the required proportion of affordable housing (currently 50%) andcontributions towards infrastructure, services and other community needs as required and:a. A well designed development which has regard to the setting of the site in the <strong>Norfolk</strong> CoastAONB and the setting of Mundesley when viewed from the south;b. provision of safe vehicle and pedestrian access to Trunch Road;c. provision of pedestrian crossing facilities to the existing footway on the northern side ofTrunch Road;d. submission of an acceptable scheme to address on-street parking associated with schooltraffic;e. retention of mature trees and hedgerow to Trunch Road where possible;f. provision of landscaping along boundaries with adjoining field;g. measures to prevent the input of hazardous substances to groundwater;h. archaeological investigation if required; and,i. retention or diversion of the Public Right of Way which runs through the site and provisionof suitable landscaping along its boundary with the allocation site.

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