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Placement and AttendanceA. Course placement — When the student transfers before or during the school year, the receiving state school shall initially honor placementof the student in educational courses based on the student's enrollment in the sending state school or educational assessments conductedat the school in the sending state if the courses are offered. Course placement includes, but is not limited to, honors, internationalbaccalaureate, advanced placement, vocational, technical, and career pathways courses. Continuing the student's academic program fromthe previous school and promoting placement in academically and career challenging courses should be paramount when consideringplacement. This does not preclude the school in the receiving state from performing subsequent evaluations to ensure appropriateplacement and continued enrollment of the student in the course.B. Educational program placement — The receiving state school shall initially honor placement of the student in educational programs basedon current educational assessments conducted at the school in the sending state or participation or placement in like programs in thesending state. Such programs include, but are not limited to, gifted and talented programs and English as a second language. This does notpreclude the school in the receiving state from performing subsequent evaluations to ensure appropriate placement of the student.Eligibility for Enrollment(1) Special power of attorney, relative to the guardianship of a child of a military family and executed under applicable law, shall besufficient for the purposes of enrollment and all other actions requiring parental participation and consent.(2) The School District will not charge local tuition to a transitioning military child placed in the care of a noncustodial parent orother person standing in loco parentis who lives in a jurisdiction other than that of the custodial parent.(3) A transitioning military child placed in the care of a noncustodial parent or other person standing in loco parentis who lives in ajurisdiction other than that of the custodial parent may continue to attend the school in which he or she was enrolled while residing with thecustodial parent.B. Eligibility for extracurricular participation — The District will facilitate the opportunity for transitioning military children's inclusion inextracurricular activities, regardless of application deadlines, to the extent they are otherwise qualified (See Georgia High SchoolAssociation, or GHSA, rules for more information about qualifications).GraduationA. Waiver Requirements — The District shall waive specific courses required for graduation if similar course work has been satisfactorilycompleted in another local education agency or shall provide reasonable justification for denial. Should a waiver not be granted to a student whowould qualify to graduate from the sending school, the School District will provide an alternative means of acquiring required coursework so thatgraduation may occur on time.B. Exit Exams — The School District understands that the State shall accept exit or end-of-course exams required for graduation from thesending state, national norm-referenced achievement tests, or alternative testing in lieu of testing requirements for graduation in the receivingstate. In the event the above alternatives cannot be accommodated by the States for a student transferring in his or her senior year, then theprovisions of Section C, below, shall apply.C. Transfers during Senior Year — Should a military student transferring at the beginning or during his or her senior year be ineligible tograduate from the School District after all alternatives have been considered, the sending local education agency and the School District shallensure the receipt of a diploma from the sending local education agency if the student meets the graduation requirements of the sendinglocal education agency. In the event that the sending state in question is not a member of the interstate compact, the School District shalluse best efforts to facilitate the on-time graduation of the student in accordance with this policy.Other Documents required During the Enrollment ProcessThe parent or guardian must provide:a. A copy of the enrolling student’s social security number or sign a form stating the individual does not wish to provide the social securitynumber, pursuant to O.C.G.A. 20-2-150. No student shall be denied enrollment for failing to provide his/her Social Security numberor declining to apply for a Social Security number.b. A certificate in accordance with the provisions of O.C.G.A. 20-2-771, concerning the immunization of students, which includes anexception for religious grounds.c. A certificate in accordance with the provisions of O.C.G.A. 20-2-770, concerning nutritional screening and eye, ear, and dentalexamination of students.Proof of residence shall be required, unless the student is homeless and the McKinney-Vento Act applies. A homeless child shall be enrolled immediately even inthe absence of any appropriate documentation. Upon determining that a student is homeless, the child must be allowed to either remain in the district in whichhe or she was enrolled prior to becoming homeless or enroll in the district where he or she is now located.Proof of residence is not required at this time. Theemployee or other designated individual responsible for care of homeless students shall assist the homeless student in acquiring the necessary records forenrollment. Proof of residence for students who do not meet the McKinney Vento Act criteria, can be shown by providing two or more of the following items:i. Home ownership title in the name of the parent/guardian/enrolling person for the location of the legal residence;ii. Current lease or rental agreement, including the name, address, and/or telephone number of the lessor;iii. Current utility (gas, telephone, power, water, and sewer) monthly statement which evidences the location of the legal residence;iv. Current Georgia driver’s license or Georgia identification card which evidences the location of the legal residence;v. Current bank, credit union, or other financial institution documentation (loan documents, card statement, monthly activity statement) which evidencesthe location of the legal residence; (6) Mail delivered by the United States Postal Service other than general mail addressed to occupant or resident.vi. Employer documentation (application for employment, health insurance, previously issued W-2 or Form 1099) which evidences the location of thelegal residence;vii. Voter registration documentation from <strong>Clayton</strong> <strong>County</strong>;viii. A current motor vehicle registration (tag receipt);ix. Any other documentation(s) that will provide evidence of an intent to remain at the location of legal residence within the geographic boundaries of theschool system.In the event none of the above documentation or the documentation submitted is sufficient in the opinion of the school system to verify a legal residence withinthe attendance zone, the principal or designee may require the parent/guardian claiming residency to complete a sworn and notarized statement of legal residenceby the enrolling person and the residence owner/leasing agent. The school or designee may also take steps to verify the residence within the school system whichmay include, but are not limited to, investigation by the school social worker and confirmation with the leasing agent.Georgia High School Athletic Association Eligibility **NEW**Please view the Student and Eligibility information on the following website: http://www.ghsa.net/student-and-eligibility-information20

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