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cLAy<strong>TO</strong>N cOUNTy PUBLIc ScHOOLSBEHAVIOr cODE (cODE OF cONDUcT)INTrODUc<strong>TO</strong>ry INFOrmATIONThe disciplinary procedures outlined in this behavior code exist as required by law, state authority and board policy. It is the responsibility ofthe student to read the code, and of parents or guardians to discuss the behavior code with their students and to inform them of the consequencesand potential criminal penalties of violating this code. This includes underage sexual conduct and crimes for which a minor can be tried as anadult (O.C.G.A. § 20-2-735). As required by the General Assembly, the School District encourages parents to inform their students of theimplications of this conduct.DISrUPTIVE <strong>STUDENT</strong>SThe Superintendent of <strong>Clayton</strong> <strong>County</strong> Schools fully supports the authority of principals and teachers in <strong>Clayton</strong> <strong>County</strong> Schools under O.C.G.A.§ 20-2-738, including establishing and disseminating procedures. Teachers may remove students who repeatedly or substantially interfere withthe teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with the students in the class or with the ability of the student’s classmates to learn, where thestudent’s behavior is in violation of the student code of conduct, provided that the teacher has previously filed a report pursuant to O.C.G.A. §20-2-737, as described below, or determines that such behavior of the student poses an immediate threat to the safety of the student’sclassmates or the teacher.Any teacher, who has knowledge that a student has exhibited behavior that repeatedly or substantially interferes with the teacher’s ability tocommunicate effectively with the students in the classroom or with the students’ ability to learn, is required to file a report to the principal’soffice. The report shall be filed with the principal or his/her designee within one school day of the most recent occurrence of such behavior andshall not exceed one page and shall describe the behavior of the student. The principal or designee shall send a copy of the report to parentswithin one school day of receiving it and shall include information on how the parents may contact the principal or designee. The principal ordesignee shall also provide written notification of disciplinary action taken to both the parent and the teacher within one school day. (O.C.G.A.§ 20-2-737)ALTErNATIVE ScHOOLSThe <strong>Clayton</strong> <strong>County</strong> School District retains the authority to assign disruptive students or students who frequently or severely violate the studentdiscipline code to an alternative educational program (AEP). Students may be placed in the AEP by a Tribunal. The AEP is available for studentsin grades six through twelve.School principals or designees may recommend that a student be considered eligible to apply to attend the AEP during any long-termsuspension/expulsion. Upon this recommendation or a decision of the Tribunal, expelled/long-term suspended students may attend the AEP forall or any assigned portion of their expulsion/long-term suspension pursuant to a contract.If the student violates the terms of the contract, he/she may forfeit the opportunity to attend the AEP during the remainder of his/her expulsionor long-term suspension, pursuant to the order of the Tribunal and/or the terms of the contract. The student may appeal his/her dismissal fromthe AEP to the Area Superintendant, in consultation with Student Services, Office of Tribunals. The student may also receive further discipline,in addition to the reinstatement of his/her expulsion or long-term suspension.rEPOrTS <strong>TO</strong> LAW ENFOrcEmENTStudents who commit violations of criminal law may be subject to the consequences of this behavior code, and also may be referred to local lawenforcement authorities. The District will, to the extent permitted by law, cooperate with law enforcement and other investigating agencies inthe interest of the welfare of all citizens.INTErrOGATIONS AND SEArcHESThe principal or designee of each school in the District is authorized to conduct reasonable interviews of students in order to properly investigateand address student misconduct. Students who are suspected of misconduct or of violating the Student Code of Conduct may be questionedabout misconduct by school staff. Students who may have been witnesses to misconduct on the part of other students, faculty, and/or staffmay be asked to provide oral or written statements regarding what they know about the event being investigated. Principals or designees mayinterview students without prior notice or permission of parents/guardians.As permitted by applicable authority, the principal or designee of each school in the District may conduct reasonable inspection of students'school lockers, articles carried upon their persons, and vehicles in order to properly investigate and address student misconduct.Searches based on reasonable suspicion may proceed without hindrance or delay, and they should be conducted as directed by schooladministration. Searches will be based on a reasonable suspicion of the presence of harmful or prohibited items.Lockers, desks and school/classroom storage areas are the property of the District. Students shall not consider these areas to be private.cHrONIc DIScIPLINAry PrOBLEm <strong>STUDENT</strong>SChronic disciplinary problem student means a student who exhibits a pattern of behavioral characteristics which interfere with the learningprocess of students around him or her and which are likely to recur.After a student has been identified as a chronic disciplinary problem student, the principal will notify the student’s parent or guardian by telephonecall and by either certified mail or statutory overnight delivery with return receipt requested or first-class mail of the disciplinary problems andinvite such parent or guardian to observe the student in a classroom situation.At least one parent or guardian will be invited to attend a conference to devise a disciplinary and behavioral correction plan. The principal ordesignee and the parent or guardian is expected to be present at the conference. The principal may also invite other appropriate staff membersif he/she feels that it would be advisable to do so. If the parent or guardian fails to attend the conference, it will be the responsibility of the schoolpersonnel attending to devise a disciplinary and behavioral correction plan for the student and to provide copies of that plan to both the parentand the student.28

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