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PREFACEThe polLtion 06 SaJta..6o:m County c.ovVted by ;thi/, JtepoJt:t (6eep£.a:te 1) .u 6ubjed ;to 6loocUng 6/tOm Sou.:th CJteek, NoJt:th CJteek, Cat6.u hCJteek, ClowVt CJteek, E~gJtaw Bayou, and Matheny CJteek. The lowVtpolLtiOYl6 06 ;th06e 6:tJteam6 Me mo 6ubjed ;to udal 6loocUng 6JtOm ;theGui6 06 Mex-tc.o. See ;the FPI RepoJt:t 60Jt SaJta..6o:m CouYl:ty COM:tal AJteMdated May 1973 60Jt udal 6lood elevatioYl6 -tn ;the loweJt polLtiOYl6 06 ;the6:tJteam6 6:tu.cUed -tn ;thi/, JtepoJt:t. The pJtopVtUu along ;theu 6:tJteam6Me p~y Jtu-tde~, aglt-t~al, and c.oYmlVtUal and have beenmodVta:tely damaged by;the 6lood6 06 1960, 1962, 1971, and 1972. Theopen 6pac.u -tn ;the 6lood p~ wh-tc.h may c.ome undeJt pJtu6Me 60Jt6u.:tu.Jte development Me ex;teYl6-tve. AUhough £.aAge Mood6 have oc.c.u.Med-tn ;the pM;t, 6;tud-tu -tnd-tc.ate ;that: even wgeJt 6lood6 Me pOM-tble.Thi/, JtepoJt:t hM been pJtepMed bec.aMe a knowledge 06 6loodpo;te~ and 6lood haZMd6 .u -i-mpoJt:tant -tn land Me plann-tng and 60Jtmanagement dew-toYl6 c.onc.eJtn-tng 6lood plUn u.:t-tUzation. It: -tnc.fudua hi/,;tOlty 06 MoocUng -tn ;the Mea and -tdentin-tu ;th06e MeM ;that Me6ubjed ;to pOM-tble 6u.:tMe Mood6. Speual emphM.u .u g-tven ;to ;thue6lood6 ;thJtough map6, pho;togJtapM, p/t06ilu, and c.JtOM UC.UOYl6. TheJtepoJt:t dou no;t p/tOv-tde 6O~0Yl6 ;to Mood pJtoblem6; howeveJt, d dou6Mwh a 6u.dable bM.u 601t ;the adopuon 06 land Me c.oYl:t!tol6 ;to gu.-tde6lood plUn development and ;thelteby pIleveYl:t -tnteYl6-t6-tc.ation 06 ;the l066pIlob.iem6. It: will mo affi -tn -tdeYltin-tc.aUon 06 o:thelt 6lood damage Jteduc.tion;tec.hn-tquu wh-tc.h m-tght: be emboued -tn an oveJtall Flood PlunManagement (FPM) PJtOgJtam. O:thelt FPM pJtogJtam 6;tud-tu--;th06e 06 env-tltonmental~bu.:tu and ;the c.u.Ment and 6u.:tu.Jte land Me Jtole 06 ;the MoodplUn M pM;(: 06 d6 6u.MouncUng6--wouid mo pJt06d 6Jtom ;thi/, -tn60Jtma­Uon.At: ;the Jtequu;t 06 ;the SaJta..6o:m County BOMd 06 COYml-U6-toneJt6and ;the endoMement 06 ;the Flolt-tda VepM:tment 06 Na:tu.Jtal RUOMC.U, ;thi/,JtepoJt:t WM pIlepMed by Gee & JeYl6on, COYl6u.U-tng Eng-tneeJt6, Inc.., 06 Wu;tPalm Beac.h, Flolt-tda, 601t ;the Jac.k6onville V.u:tJt-td COItp6 06 Eng-tneeJt6undelt eoYltinu.-tng au.:tholtdy pIlov-tded -tn Sec.tion 206 06 ;the 1960 FloodCoYl:t!tol Ad, M amended.A66.u:mnc.e and c.oopeJtation 06 ;the U.S. Geolog-tc.al SUJtvey, U.S.National Oc.ean-tc. and A-tm06pheJUc. Adm-tn.u:tJr.aUon, SMMO:m Soil COYl6eJtvationV.u:tJt-td, U.S. Soil COYl6eJtvation SeJtv-tc.e, SaJta..6o:m County Eng-tneVt,SaJta..6ota Cou.Ylt:y rlann-tng and Zon-i-ng 066-tee, Valt-tOu.6 Mehitee:t-eng-tneeJt6-tJtm6, SMMO:ta ChambVt 06 COYmlVtc.e, SMMo:ta Building and Zon-i-ng Ve/OMt:­meYlt:, SaJuL60ta H.i6,tolt-teal CoYml-UJ.Jion, SaJuL60ta HeJtald Tlt-tbu.ne and SalU1­6O:m JOMnal, ;the SeaboMd COM;t L-tne RailJtoad, S;ta;(:e 06 Flo«da VepMt:­men;(: 06 TJtaYl6poJt;(:aUon, and plt-tva:te UUzeYl6 -tn 6upply-tng Me6u.l da:ta andpno;togJUl.pM 60Jt ;the pJtepMation 06 ;thi/, JtepoJt:t Me appJteUated.Ad~onal c.op-tu 06 ;thi/, JtepoJt:t c.an be obtUned 6Jtom ;the SaJUl.­M:ta County BoMd 06 COYml-U6-toneJt6. The Jac.k6onville V.u:tJt-tc.:t COJtp6 06Eng-tneeJt6, upon Jtequu;t, will pJtov-tde ;teeWeal M6.u:mnc.e ;to plann-tngag enuu -tn ;the -tYl:teJtpJte.;(:a;Uon and u.6 e a6 ;the data pJtu eYl:ted M well Mplann-tng gu-tdanc.e and 6u.Jt:thu.Jt M6.u;tanee, -tnc.fuung ;the development 06adcUUonal ;tec.hn-tc.al -tn60Jtmation.

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