Neptune Wharf, Grinstead Road - Greater London Authority

Neptune Wharf, Grinstead Road - Greater London Authority

Neptune Wharf, Grinstead Road - Greater London Authority


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planning report PDU/2665/014 November 2010<strong>Neptune</strong> <strong>Wharf</strong>, <strong>Grinstead</strong> <strong>Road</strong>in the <strong>London</strong> Borough of Lewishamplanning application no. DC/10/75331/XStrategic planning application stage 1 referral (new powers)Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended); <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>London</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> Acts 1999 and2007; Town & Country Planning (Mayor of <strong>London</strong>) Order 2008The proposalThe applicant proposes the demolition of the existing buildings on site and the provision of 206new residential units; 1,874 sq.m. of flexible workspace; 99 sq.m. of cafe space; a new publicspace; an improved connection under the train line; 276 cycle spaces and 60 car parking spaces.The applicantThe applicant is Hatcham (<strong>Neptune</strong>) Ltd, and the architects are Duggan Morris ArchitectsStrategic issuesThe Mayor has agreed with Lewisham Council’s proposal to release this site from its currentdesignation as local employment land and strategic industrial land, through the LDF process. Inthis regard, the proposed mix of uses are acceptable at strategic planning policy level. However,the local planning authority should be convinced that the proposed level of employmentsatisfactorily meets its emerging planning policy for this site.There are however, a number of more detailed planning issues that need to be addressed in moredetail, including; the level of affordable housing, the tenure split, the housing mix, thehousing design standards, density the energy strategy, the transport strategy, noise anda number of detailed urban design and access concerns.RecommendationThat Lewisham Council be advised that whilst the application is generally acceptable in strategicplanning terms the application does not comply with the <strong>London</strong> Plan, for the reasons set out inparagraph 100 of this report; but that the possible remedies set out in paragraph 102 of thisreport could address these deficiencies.Context1 On 29 September 2010 the Mayor of <strong>London</strong> received documents from LewishamCouncil notifying him of a planning application of potential strategic importance to develop theabove site for the above uses. Under the provisions of The Town & Country Planning (Mayor of<strong>London</strong>) Order 2008 the Mayor has until 9 November 2010 to provide the Council with apage 7

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