Newsletter No. 12 - Blue Mountains Association of Cultural Heritage ...

Newsletter No. 12 - Blue Mountains Association of Cultural Heritage ...

Newsletter No. 12 - Blue Mountains Association of Cultural Heritage ...


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Doug Knowles elected to lead GlenbrookHistorical Society.........The new president <strong>of</strong> Glenbrookand District Historical Society Inc.,Doug Knowles can claim that hisassociation with Glenbrook could besaid to start back in 1924 more thana decade before he was born.His grandmother, Vera Dare cameto Glenbrook on a holiday in 1924and later purchased land and acottage in the town.However, Doug did not come toGlenbrook until 1946 when hisparents built a new house in themountains village.He started his schooling atGlenbrook Primary School and wenton to finish his secondary educationat Hurlstone Agricultural HighSchool, Glenfield before taking upan apprenticeship to Hazelwood’sNursery at Epping.Completing his apprenticeship hesoon found there was plenty <strong>of</strong> workin landscape construction andgreen keeping in the Lower <strong>Blue</strong><strong>Mountains</strong>. In his spare time he didgeneral cartage including bags <strong>of</strong>flour from the Glenbrook RailwayStation to McCall’s bakery.Doug recalls, “clearing and loppingtrees in the 1950s which providedlots <strong>of</strong> firewood which he sold for£3/10/- per ton for stove wood[people still cooked on fuel stovesin those days].”Doug also recalls that in 1957 treesto the north <strong>of</strong> the GlenbrookBowling Club (established a fewyears earlier) were casting shadowson the turf bowling greens.As a horticulturist, he wascontracted to lop the trees andsettled his account when insufficientfunds were available by acceptingdebentures in the club. He claims tobe possibly the only person to havedebentures in the club and not be amember.In 1976, needing more space for hisnursery at Glenbrook he purchaseda 5 acre block at Valley Heights,selling his Glenbrook propertyending 50 years association withthe village <strong>of</strong> GlenbrookAfter being involved in landscapeconstruction for about 30 years, hemade a career change accepting ajob with TAFE, teaching horticulturalskills including plant propagation,plant recognition and botany. Dougsays this was probably the mostrewarding and interesting 20 yearsleading up to his retirement.Doug says he has always beeninterested in local history and joinedthe Glenbrook and District HistoricalSociety about 8 years ago.“I especially enjoy the society’sregular ‘Walks & Talks’ to historicsites in Glenbrook and relating theplaces and events to the individualsinvolved; many <strong>of</strong> the people havingchildren, grandchildren or greatgrandchildren living in the area.“The society is currently negotiatingwith Caltex management to securecommunity use <strong>of</strong> the Pointsman’sCottage,” Mr Knowles said.The Pointsman’s Cottage -Photograph by John Leary, OAMMid <strong>Mountains</strong> Historical SocietyInc. has written to <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Mountains</strong>City Council expressing the strongopinion that the past history <strong>of</strong> theOld Community Hall at Lawsonmust not be ignored whendetermining its future.In her letter, society presidentNance Cooper stated it becomesevident that for the major part <strong>of</strong> itshistory since its opening in 1903, ithas been a centre for communityactivities.“There had been 98 years <strong>of</strong>vigorous community life before itsDoug Knowles“The property would be an idealvenue to stage exhibitions such asthe display <strong>of</strong> railway heritagephotographs. Many <strong>of</strong> the society’sphotographs are from the <strong>No</strong>lanfamily collection and were takenbefore 1920.“The society is also currentlypromoting Whitton Park as the‘village green’ and fighting <strong>of</strong>fattempts to have the land fenced forselective group use.”Doug Knowles takes over thepresidency <strong>of</strong> Glenbrook andDistrict Historical Society from TimMiers who has held the positionsince the society was formed duringthe Glenbrook Primary Schoolcentenary in 1992.Doug is also a managementcommittee member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Blue</strong><strong>Mountains</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cultural</strong><strong>Heritage</strong> Organisations Inc.HISTORY OF LAWSON HALLSHOULD NOT BE IGNOREDfunction was narrowed forapproximately 3 years to that <strong>of</strong> ayouth centre before its regrettableclosure in 2004.“The closure <strong>of</strong> the hall deprivedsocieties and community groupssuch as the Mid <strong>Mountains</strong>Historical Society <strong>of</strong> an importantconference venue.“It has been impossible, forexample, for this society to take apart in the annual History Weekconducted by the History Council<strong>of</strong> NSW,” said Nance Cooper.HERITAGE 16<strong>No</strong>vember - December 2010

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